예제 #1
def get_points_desc(fe, sp, device, img, thresh):
    Returns points in (x,y) format alongside with descriptors
    if fe is not None:
        pts_2, desc_2, heatmap_2 = fe.run(img.astype('float32').squeeze() / 255.)
        with torch.no_grad():
            pts_2, desc_2 = sp.to(device).points_desc(torch.from_numpy(img).to(device), threshold=thresh)
        pts_2 = pts_2.T
        desc_2 = desc_2[0].T.cpu().detach().numpy()
        pts_2 = numpy.concatenate([util.swap_rows(pts_2[:2]), pts_2[2, :][numpy.newaxis, :]])
    return pts_2, desc_2
예제 #2
def draw_m(img1, img2, matches, points, points2):
    from super_debug import draw_matches
    img_pair = numpy.hstack([img1, img2]).astype(numpy.uint8)
    img_pair = numpy.stack([img_pair, img_pair, img_pair], axis=2).squeeze()
    draw_matches(0, img_pair, matches, util.swap_rows(points.cpu().numpy().T),
예제 #3
def main(sp, thresh, nn_thresh=0.8, draw=True):

    matcher = PointTracker(max_length=2, nn_thresh=nn_thresh)
    fe = None
    dist_thresh = 0.8

    root_fire = '/mnt/fileserver/shared/datasets/fundus/FIRE/'
    gt_dir = os.path.join(root_fire, 'Ground Truth')
    images_dir = os.path.join(root_fire, 'Images')
    mask_dir = os.path.join(root_fire, 'Masks')

    gt_files = [os.path.join(gt_dir, x) for x in os.listdir(gt_dir)]
    nCasesTotal = 0
    mask = imageio.imread(os.path.join(mask_dir, 'mask.png'))
    mask = imageio.imread(os.path.join(mask_dir, 'feature_mask.png'))

    scale = 0.15
    mask = cv2.resize(mask, dsize=None, fx=scale, fy=scale)
    if draw:
        cv2.imshow('mask', mask)
    cov_all = []
    acc_all = []
    rep_all = []
    for gt_file in gt_files:
        name = gt_file.split('control_points_')[1].split('_')[0]
        img1_path = os.path.join(images_dir, name + '_1.jpg')
        img2_path = os.path.join(images_dir, name + '_2.jpg')
        img1 = imageio.imread(img1_path)
        img2 = imageio.imread(img2_path)
        img1 = cv2.resize(img1, dsize=None, fx=scale, fy=scale)
        img2 = cv2.resize(img2, dsize=None, fx=scale, fy=scale)

        img_h, img_w = img1.shape[:2]
        arr = numpy.loadtxt(gt_file)
        arr[:, (0, 2)] = arr[:, (0, 2)] * scale
        arr[:, (1, 3)] = arr[:, (1, 3)] * scale
        points1 = arr[:, :2]
        points2 = arr[:, 2:]
        H, H_inv = calculate_h(points1, points2)
        # (x, y) to (row, col)
        points1 = swap_rows(arr[:, :2].T).T
        points2 = swap_rows(arr[:, 2:].T).T
        #in_bounds, points1_projected = project_points2(torch.from_numpy(H), None, torch.from_numpy(points1), img_h, img_w)
        #drawing.show_points(img1 / 256, points1.astype(numpy.int16), 'points1_img1', 0.5)
        #drawing.show_points(img2 / 256, points2.astype(numpy.int16), 'points2_img2', 0.5)
        #drawing.show_points(img2 / 256, points1_projected.cpu().long(), 'points1_img2', 0.5)

        desc_1, pts_1, desc_2, pts_2 = extract(device, fe, img1, img2, mask, sp, thresh)
        ### debug
        #img11 = drawing.draw_points(pts_1, img1.copy(), False)
        #img12 = drawing.draw_points(pts_2, img2.copy(), False)
        #in_bounds, points1_projected = project_points2(torch.from_numpy(H),
        #                                               None,
        #                                               torch.from_numpy(pts_1[:2].T),
        #                                               img_h,
        #                                               img_w)
        #img22 = drawing.draw_points(points1_projected.numpy().T, img2.copy(), False)
        #cv2.imshow('points11_img1', img11)
        #cv2.imshow('points22_img2', img12)
        #cv2.imshow('points11_img2', img22)

        nCasesTotal += 1
        matches = matcher.nn_match_two_way(desc_1, desc_2, nn_thresh=dist_thresh)
        nMatches = matches.shape[1]

        pt1 = pts_1[:2, matches[0, :].astype('int32')]
        pt2 = pts_2[:2, matches[1, :].astype('int32')]

        in_bounds, pt2_p = project_points2(torch.from_numpy(H), None, torch.from_numpy(pt1.T),
                                           img_h, img_w)
        nGoodMatches = 0
        pt2_p = pt2_p.T
        dx = pt2_p[0, :] - pt2[0, :]
        dy = pt2_p[1, :] - pt2[1, :]
        err = numpy.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
        rep = 0
        for i in range(nMatches):
            if err[i] <= GOOD_MATCH_THRESHOLD:
                nGoodMatches += 1
                matches[2, i] = 0
                matches[2, i] = err[i]

        replication = replication_ratio(pt2_p.cpu().numpy(), pts_2, GOOD_MATCH_THRESHOLD)
        accuracy = float(nGoodMatches) / float(nMatches) if nMatches else 0.0
        print('accuracy:', accuracy)
        print('replication:', replication)
        if draw:
            img1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            from super_debug import draw_desc_interpolate
            draw_desc_interpolate(img1, img2, swap_rows(pts_1[:2]).T, swap_rows(pts_2[:2]).T, desc_1.T, desc_2.T, 0)

            img_output = draw_matches(matches, pts_1, pts_2, img1, img2)
            # img_output[:, img_output.shape[1] // 2:] = drawing.draw_points(pt2_p.numpy(),
            #                                                                img_output[:, img_output.shape[1] // 2:], iscolor=False)
            cv2.imshow('matches', img_output)
        coverage1, coverage_mask, intersect = coverage(img1[:,:,-1], mask, matches, pt1)
        if draw:
            cv2.imshow('coverage', coverage_mask)
        if draw:
            cv2.imshow('itersect', intersect)
        print('converage:', coverage1)
        if draw:
            key = cv2.waitKey(0)
            if key == ord('q'):
    acc = numpy.mean(acc_all)
    cov = numpy.mean(cov_all)
    rep = numpy.mean(rep_all)
    print('average accuracy:', acc)
    print('average coverage:', cov)
    print('average replication:', rep)
    print('harmonic mean:', harmonic(acc, cov, rep))
예제 #4
    def points_desc(self, x, threshold=0.5):
        Method computes points and descriptors from torch.Tensor of images
        :param x: torch.Tensor
        :param threshold: float
        prob, desc = self.forward_expand(x.float())
        if prob.shape[1] % 2 == 0:
            prob = prob[:, 1]
            prob = prob[:, 0]

        if self.nms:
            prob_n = prob
            if len(prob_n.shape) == 3:
                prob_n = prob.unsqueeze(0)
            if isinstance(self.nms, nonmaximum.HeatmapNMS):
                prob = self.nms(prob_n).squeeze(0)
        desc_result = []

        rows, cols = x.shape[-2], x.shape[-1]
        coords_result = None
        for i, heatmap in enumerate(prob):
            coords = (heatmap > threshold).nonzero()
            coords = coords.cpu()
            prob_i = prob[i].cpu()
            heat = prob[i][coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]]
            heat = heat.cpu()
            if isinstance(self.nms, nonmaximum.CoordsNMS):
                coords_swapped = util.swap_rows(coords.transpose(1, 0))
                coords_swapped = coords_swapped.cpu()

                xy_heat = numpy.vstack([coords_swapped, heat.detach()])
                coords_new = self.nms(rows, cols, xy_heat)
                if not isinstance(coords_new, torch.Tensor):
                    coords_new = torch.from_numpy(coords_new).long()
                coords = util.swap_rows(coords_new[0:2]).transpose(1, 0)
                with_idx = numpy.hstack([
                    coords, prob_i[coords[:, 0],
                                   coords[:, 1]].detach().unsqueeze(1)

                with_idx = numpy.hstack([
                    coords, prob_i[coords[:, 0],
                                   coords[:, 1]].detach().unsqueeze(1)
            if coords_result is None:
                coords_result = with_idx
                coords_result = numpy.vstack([coords_result,

        return coords_result, desc_result