예제 #1
    def bottom_wall_shear_integrand(self):

        nhat = fenics.FacetNormal(self.mesh)

        p, u, T, C = fenics.split(self.solution)

        bottom_wall_id = 2

        mesh_function = fenics.MeshFunction("size_t", self.mesh,
                                            self.mesh.topology().dim() - 1)

        self.bottom_wall.mark(mesh_function, bottom_wall_id)

        dot, grad = fenics.dot, fenics.grad

        ds = fenics.ds(domain=self.mesh,

        return dot(grad(u[0]), nhat) * ds
def solve_wave_equation(u0, u1, u_boundary, f, domain, mesh, degree):
    """Solving the wave equation using CG-CG method.

        u0: Initial data.
        u1: Initial velocity.
        u_boundary: Dirichlet boundary condition.
        f: Right-hand side.
        domain: Space-time domain.
        mesh: Computational mesh.
        degree: CG(degree) will be used as the finite element.
        uh: Numerical solution.
    # Element
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", degree)
    # Measures on the initial and terminal slice
    mask = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1, 0)
    domain.get_initial_slice().mark(mask, 1)
    ends = ds(subdomain_data=mask)
    # Form
    g = Constant(((-1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0)))
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = dot(grad(v), dot(g, grad(u))) * dx
    L = f * v * dx + u1 * v * ends(1)
    # Assembled matrices
    A = assemble(a, keep_diagonal=True)
    b = assemble(L, keep_diagonal=True)
    # Spatial boundary condition
    bc = DirichletBC(V, u_boundary, domain.get_spatial_boundary())
    bc.apply(A, b)
    # Temporal boundary conditions (by hand)
    (A, b) = apply_time_boundary_conditions(domain, V, u0, A, b)
    # Solve
    solver = LUSolver()
    uh = Function(V)
    solver.solve(uh.vector(), b)
    return uh
예제 #3
    def runModel(self):

        ################           FILES         #################

        #FIXME Probably dont have to save then open mesh
        self.mesh = Mesh()
        self.in_file  = HDF5File(self.mesh.mpi_comm(), self.hdf_name, "r")  #mesh.mpi_comm() is ussed to read in parallel?

        # out_file = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(),"./output_data/peterman.h5","w")
        # cell_indices: self-explanatory
        # coordinates:  self-explanatory
        # topology:     Shows which nodes are linked together

        ################           GUI           #################

        ################           MESH          #################
        self.in_file.read(self.mesh,"/mesh", False)

        # H5FILE Data:
        # bed and surface are datasets shape (378,)
        # mesh is a group with datasets
        # cell_indices  Shape (377,)    Type i8     Array [0 1 2 ... n-1 n]              incremented by 1
        # coordinates   Shape (378,1)   Type f8     Array [[0.] [1000.] ... [ 377000.]]  incremented by 1,000
        # topology      Shape (377,2)   Type i8     Array [[0 1] [1 2] ... [n-1 n]]      incremented by 1, shows which points are attched to each other

        #################  FUNCTION SPACES  #####################
        self.E_Q = FiniteElement("CG",self.mesh.ufl_cell(),1)
        self.Q   = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.E_Q) # E_Q defined over the mesh
        self.E_V = MixedElement(self.E_Q, self.E_Q, self.E_Q)
        self.V   = FunctionSpace(self.mesh ,self.E_V)

        # For moving data between vector functions and scalar functions
        self.assigner_inv = FunctionAssigner([self.Q,self.Q,self.Q],self.V)
        self.assigner     = FunctionAssigner(self.V, [self.Q, self.Q, self.Q])

        # For solution
        self.U   = Function(self.V)
        self.dU  = TrialFunction(self.V)
        self.Phi = TestFunction(self.V)
        self.u,     self.u2, self.H   = split(self.U) # H will be the thickness at current time
        self.phi, self.phi1, self.xsi = split(self.Phi) # Individual test functions needed for forms

        # Placeholders needed for assignment
        self.un  = Function(self.Q)
        self.u2n = Function(self.Q)

        # Zeros, an initial guess for velocity for when solver fails
        self.zero_sol   = Function(self.Q)

        #############      FIELD INITIALIZATION   ###############
        self.S0 = Function(self.Q) # Initial surface elevation
        self.B  = Function(self.Q) # Bed elevation
        self.H0 = Function(self.Q) # Thickness at previous time step
        self.A  = Function(self.Q) # SMB data

        # in_file.read(H0.vector(), "/thickness", True) #NEW
        self.in_file.read(self.S0.vector(), "/surface",   True)
        self.in_file.read(self.B.vector(),  "/bed",       True)
        self.in_file.read(self.A.vector(),  "/smb",       True)
        self.H0.assign(self.S0-self.B)   # Initial thickness  #OLD

        # A generalization of the Crank-Nicolson method, which is theta = .5
        self.Hmid = theta*self.H + (1-theta)*self.H0

        # Define surface elevation
        self.S = self.B + self.Hmid  #OLD
        # S = Max(Hmid+B, rho/rho_w * Hmid)
        # Expressions for now, later move to data from files
        # adot = interpolate(Adot(degree=1),Q)
        # dolfin.fem.interpolation.interpolate: adot is an expression, Q is a functionspace
            # returns an interpolation of a given function into a given finite element space
            # i think this is a vector
        # print 'adot: ', adot.vector()[:][0]
        # Q is a functionspace
        # print 'adot: ', adot  #printed 'f_51
        self.width = interpolate(Width(degree=2), self.Q)

        #######################  MOMENTUM CONSERVATION  #############################
        # This object stores the stresses
        self.strs = Stresses(self.U, self.Hmid, self.H0, self.H, self.width, self.B, self.S, self.Phi)
        # Conservation of momentum form:
        self.R = -(self.strs.tau_xx + self.strs.tau_xz + self.strs.tau_b + self.strs.tau_d + self.strs.tau_xy)*dx

        ########################  MASS CONSERVATION  ################################
        self.h = CellSize(self.mesh)
        self.D = self.h*abs(self.U[0])/2.
        self.area = self.Hmid*self.width

        self.mesh_min = self.mesh.coordinates().min()
        self.mesh_max = self.mesh.coordinates().max()

        # Define boundaries
        self.ocean = FacetFunctionSizet(self.mesh,0)
        self.ds = fc.ds(subdomain_data=self.ocean) #THIS DS IS FROM FENICS! border integral

        for f in facets(self.mesh):
            if near(f.midpoint().x(),self.mesh_max):
               self.ocean[f] = 1
            if near(f.midpoint().x(),self.mesh_min):
               self.ocean[f] = 2

        # Directly write the form, with SPUG and area correction,
        self.R += ((self.H-self.H0)/dt*self.xsi - self.xsi.dx(0)*self.U[0]*self.Hmid + self.D*self.xsi.dx(0)*self.Hmid.dx(0) - (self.A - self.U[0]*self.H/self.width*self.width.dx(0))*self.xsi)*dx\
               + self.U[0]*self.area*self.xsi*self.ds(1) - self.U[0]*self.area*self.xsi*self.ds(0)

        #########################  SOLVER SETUP   ###########################

        # Bounds
        self.l_thick_bound = project(Constant(thklim),self.Q)
        self.u_thick_bound = project(Constant(1e4),self.Q)

        self.l_v_bound = project(-10000.0,self.Q)
        self.u_v_bound = project(10000.0,self.Q)

        self.l_bound = Function(self.V)
        self.u_bound = Function(self.V)


        # This should set the velocity at the divide (left) to zero
        self.dbc0 = DirichletBC(self.V.sub(0),0,lambda x,o:near(x[0],self.mesh_min) and o)
        # Set the velocity on the right terminus to zero
        self.dbc1 = DirichletBC(self.V.sub(0),0,lambda x,o:near(x[0],self.mesh_max) and o)
        # overkill?
        self.dbc2 = DirichletBC(self.V.sub(1),0,lambda x,o:near(x[0],self.mesh_max) and o)
        # set the thickness on the right edge to thklim
        self.dbc3 = DirichletBC(self.V.sub(2),thklim,lambda x,o:near(x[0],self.mesh_max) and o)

        #Define variational solver for the mass-momentum coupled problem
        self.J = derivative(self.R,self.U,self.dU)

        self.coupled_problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.R,self.U,bcs=[self.dbc0,self.dbc1,self.dbc3],J=self.J)

        self.coupled_problem.set_bounds(self.l_bound, self.u_bound)

        self.coupled_solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(self.coupled_problem)

        # Accquire the optimizations in fenics_optimizations

        #######################   TIME LOOP   ################################

        # Time interval
        self.t = 0
        # t_end = 20000.
        self.t_end = float(self.tEndLineEdit.text())
        self.dt_float = float(self.tStepLineEdit.text())
        self.pPlt = pyqtplotter(self.strs, self.mesh, self.plt1, self.plt2, self.plt3, self.t, self.dt_float, str(self.saveFileLineEdit.text()))
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, fileName, timeEnd, timeStep, average=False):


        self.times = []
        self.BB = []
        self.HH = []
        self.TD = []
        self.TB = []
        self.TX = []
        self.TY = []
        self.TZ = []
        self.us = []
        self.ub = []

        ################           MESH          #################
        # TODO: Probably do not have to save then open mesh
        self.mesh = df.Mesh()
        self.inFile = fc.HDF5File(self.mesh.mpi_comm(), fileName, "r")
        self.inFile.read(self.mesh, "/mesh", False)

        #################  FUNCTION SPACES  #####################
        self.E_Q = df.FiniteElement("CG", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
        self.Q = df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.E_Q)
        self.E_V = df.MixedElement(self.E_Q, self.E_Q, self.E_Q)
        self.V = df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.E_V)

        self.assigner_inv = fc.FunctionAssigner([self.Q, self.Q, self.Q], self.V)
        self.assigner = fc.FunctionAssigner(self.V, [self.Q, self.Q, self.Q])

        self.U = df.Function(self.V)
        self.dU = df.TrialFunction(self.V)
        self.Phi = df.TestFunction(self.V)
        self.u, self.u2, self.H = df.split(self.U)
        self.phi, self.phi1, self.xsi = df.split(self.Phi)

        self.un = df.Function(self.Q)
        self.u2n = df.Function(self.Q)

        self.zero_sol = df.Function(self.Q)

        self.Bhat = df.Function(self.Q)
        self.H0 = df.Function(self.Q)
        self.A = df.Function(self.Q)

        if average:
            self.inFile.read(self.Bhat.vector(), "/bedAvg", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.A.vector(), "/smbAvg", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.H0.vector(), "/thicknessAvg", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.Bhat.vector(), "/bed", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.A.vector(), "/smb", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.H0.vector(), "/thickness", True)

        self.Hmid = theta * self.H + (1 - theta) * self.H0

        self.B = softplus(self.Bhat, -rho / rho_w * self.Hmid, alpha=0.2)  # Is not the bed, it is the lower surface

        self.S = self.B + self.Hmid

        self.width = df.interpolate(Width(degree=2), self.Q)

        self.strs = Stresses(self.U, self.Hmid, self.H0, self.H, self.width, self.B, self.S, self.Phi)

        self.R = -(self.strs.tau_xx + self.strs.tau_xz + self.strs.tau_b + self.strs.tau_d + self.strs.tau_xy) * df.dx

        ########################  MASS CONSERVATION  ################################
        self.h = df.CellSize(self.mesh)
        self.D = self.h * abs(self.U[0]) / 2.
        self.area = self.Hmid * self.width

        self.mesh_min = self.mesh.coordinates().min()
        self.mesh_max = self.mesh.coordinates().max()

        # Define boundaries
        self.ocean = df.FacetFunctionSizet(self.mesh, 0)
        self.ds = fc.ds(subdomain_data=self.ocean)  # THIS DS IS FROM FENICS! border integral

        for f in df.facets(self.mesh):
            if df.near(f.midpoint().x(), self.mesh_max):
                self.ocean[f] = 1
            if df.near(f.midpoint().x(), self.mesh_min):
                self.ocean[f] = 2

        self.R += ((self.H - self.H0) / dt * self.xsi \
                   - self.xsi.dx(0) * self.U[0] * self.Hmid \
                   + self.D * self.xsi.dx(0) * self.Hmid.dx(0) \
                   - (self.A - self.U[0] * self.H / self.width * self.width.dx(0)) \
                   * self.xsi) * df.dx + self.U[0] * self.area * self.xsi * self.ds(1) \
                  - self.U[0] * self.area * self.xsi * self.ds(0)

        #########################  SOLVER SETUP   ###########################

        # Bounds
        self.l_thick_bound = df.project(Constant(thklim), self.Q)
        self.u_thick_bound = df.project(Constant(1e4), self.Q)

        self.l_v_bound = df.project(-10000.0, self.Q)
        self.u_v_bound = df.project(10000.0, self.Q)

        self.l_bound = df.Function(self.V)
        self.u_bound = df.Function(self.V)

        self.assigner.assign(self.l_bound, [self.l_v_bound] * 2 + [self.l_thick_bound])
        self.assigner.assign(self.u_bound, [self.u_v_bound] * 2 + [self.u_thick_bound])

        # This should set the velocity at the divide (left) to zero
        self.dbc0 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(0), 0, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_min) and o)
        # Set the velocity on the right terminus to zero
        self.dbc1 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(0), 0, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_max) and o)
        # overkill?
        self.dbc2 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(1), 0, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_max) and o)
        # set the thickness on the right edge to thklim
        self.dbc3 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(2), thklim, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_max) and o)

        # Define variational solver for the mass-momentum coupled problem
        self.J = df.derivative(self.R, self.U, self.dU)

        self.coupled_problem = df.NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.R, self.U, bcs=[self.dbc0, self.dbc1, self.dbc3], \

        self.coupled_problem.set_bounds(self.l_bound, self.u_bound)

        self.coupled_solver = df.NonlinearVariationalSolver(self.coupled_problem)

        # Acquire the optimizations in fenics_optimizations

        self.t = 0
        self.timeEnd = float(timeEnd)
        self.dtFloat = float(timeStep)

예제 #5
bcU = fn.DirichletBC(Hh.sub(0), u_g, bdry, 31)
bcP = fn.DirichletBC(Hh.sub(2), p_g, bdry, 32)
bcs = [bcU, bcP]

# weak forms
PLeft = 2*mu*fn.inner(strain(u), strain(v)) * fn.dx \
        - fn.div(v) * phi * fn.dx \
        + (c_0/alpha + 1.0/lmbda) * p * q * fn.dx \
        + kappa/(alpha*nu) * fn.dot(fn.grad(p), fn.grad(q)) * fn.dx \
        - 1.0/lmbda * phi * q * fn.dx \
        - fn.div(u) * psi * fn.dx \
        + 1.0/lmbda * psi * p * fn.dx \
        - 1.0/lmbda * phi * psi * fn.dx

PRight = fn.dot(f, v) * fn.dx + fn.dot(h_g, v)*fn.ds(32)

Sol = fn.Function(Hh)

# solve!
fn.solve(PLeft == PRight, Sol, bcs)

u, phi, p = Sol.split()

# save
u.rename("u", "u")
fileU << u

p.rename("p", "p")
fileP << p
예제 #6
def runModel(hdf_name):

    ################           FILES         #################

    mesh = Mesh()
    in_file = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), hdf_name,
                       "r")  #mesh.mpi_comm() is ussed to read in parallel?
    # outF = h5py.File('./data/modelOut')

    # out_file = HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(),"./output_data/peterman.h5","w")

    # cell_indices: self-explanatory
    # coordinates:  self-explanatory
    # topology:     Shows which nodes are linked together

    ################           GUI           #################

    ################           MESH          #################
    in_file.read(mesh, "/mesh", False)

    # H5FILE Data:
    # bed and surface are datasets shape (378,)
    # mesh is a group with datasets
    # cell_indices  Shape (377,)    Type i8     Array [0 1 2 ... n-1 n]              incremented by 1
    # coordinates   Shape (378,1)   Type f8     Array [[0.] [1000.] ... [ 377000.]]  incremented by 1,000
    # topology      Shape (377,2)   Type i8     Array [[0 1] [1 2] ... [n-1 n]]      incremented by 1, shows which points are attched to each other

    #################  FUNCTION SPACES  #####################
    E_Q = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, E_Q)  # E_Q defined over the mesh
    E_V = MixedElement(E_Q, E_Q, E_Q)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, E_V)

    # For moving data between vector functions and scalar functions
    assigner_inv = FunctionAssigner([Q, Q, Q], V)
    assigner = FunctionAssigner(V, [Q, Q, Q])

    # For solution
    U = Function(V)
    dU = TrialFunction(V)
    Phi = TestFunction(V)
    u, u2, H = split(U)  # H will be the thickness at current time
    phi, phi1, xsi = split(Phi)  # Individual test functions needed for forms

    # Placeholders needed for assignment
    un = Function(Q)
    u2n = Function(Q)

    # Zeros, an initial guess for velocity for when solver fails
    zero_sol = Function(Q)

    #############      FIELD INITIALIZATION   ###############
    S0 = Function(Q)  # Initial surface elevation
    B = Function(Q)  # Bed elevation
    H0 = Function(Q)  # Thickness at previous time step
    A = Function(Q)  # SMB data

    # in_file.read(H0.vector(), "/thickness", True) #NEW
    in_file.read(S0.vector(), "/surface", True)
    in_file.read(B.vector(), "/bed", True)
    in_file.read(A.vector(), "/smb", True)
    H0.assign(S0 - B)  # Initial thickness  #OLD

    # A generalization of the Crank-Nicolson method, which is theta = .5
    Hmid = theta * H + (1 - theta) * H0

    # Define surface elevation
    S = B + Hmid  #OLD
    # S = Max(Hmid+B, rho/rho_w * Hmid)
    # Expressions for now, later move to data from files
    # adot = interpolate(Adot(degree=1),Q)
    # dolfin.fem.interpolation.interpolate: adot is an expression, Q is a functionspace
    # returns an interpolation of a given function into a given finite element space
    # i think this is a vector
    # print 'adot: ', adot.vector()[:][0]
    # Q is a functionspace
    # print 'adot: ', adot  #printed 'f_51
    width = interpolate(Width(degree=2), Q)

    #######################  MOMENTUM CONSERVATION  #############################
    # This object stores the stresses
    strs = Stresses(U, Hmid, H0, H, width, B, S, Phi)
    # Conservation of momentum form:
    R = -(strs.tau_xx + strs.tau_xz + strs.tau_b + strs.tau_d +
          strs.tau_xy) * dx

    ########################  MASS CONSERVATION  ################################
    h = CellSize(mesh)
    D = h * abs(U[0]) / 2.
    area = Hmid * width

    mesh_min = mesh.coordinates().min()
    mesh_max = mesh.coordinates().max()

    # Define boundaries
    ocean = FacetFunctionSizet(mesh, 0)
    ds = fc.ds(subdomain_data=ocean)  #THIS DS IS FROM FENICS! border integral

    for f in facets(mesh):
        if near(f.midpoint().x(), mesh_max):
            ocean[f] = 1
        if near(f.midpoint().x(), mesh_min):
            ocean[f] = 2

    # Directly write the form, with SPUG and area correction,
    R += ((H-H0)/dt*xsi - xsi.dx(0)*U[0]*Hmid + D*xsi.dx(0)*Hmid.dx(0) - (A - U[0]*H/width*width.dx(0))*xsi)*dx\
           + U[0]*area*xsi*ds(1) - U[0]*area*xsi*ds(0)

    #########################  SOLVER SETUP   ###########################

    # Bounds
    l_thick_bound = project(Constant(thklim), Q)
    u_thick_bound = project(Constant(1e4), Q)

    l_v_bound = project(-10000.0, Q)
    u_v_bound = project(10000.0, Q)

    l_bound = Function(V)
    u_bound = Function(V)

    assigner.assign(l_bound, [l_v_bound] * 2 + [l_thick_bound])
    assigner.assign(u_bound, [u_v_bound] * 2 + [u_thick_bound])

    # This should set the velocity at the divide (left) to zero
    dbc0 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), 0, lambda x, o: near(x[0], mesh_min) and o)
    # Set the velocity on the right terminus to zero
    dbc1 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), 0, lambda x, o: near(x[0], mesh_max) and o)
    # overkill?
    dbc2 = DirichletBC(V.sub(1), 0, lambda x, o: near(x[0], mesh_max) and o)
    # set the thickness on the right edge to thklim
    dbc3 = DirichletBC(V.sub(2), thklim,
                       lambda x, o: near(x[0], mesh_max) and o)

    #Define variational solver for the mass-momentum coupled problem
    J = derivative(R, U, dU)

    coupled_problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(R,
                                                  bcs=[dbc0, dbc1, dbc3],

    coupled_problem.set_bounds(l_bound, u_bound)

    coupled_solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(coupled_problem)

    # Accquire the optimizations in fenics_optimizations

    #######################   TIME LOOP   ################################

    # Time interval
    t = 0
    # t_end = 20000.
    t_end = float(t_end_lineEdit.text())
    dt_float = float(t_step_lineEdit.text())

    # PyQt gui items
    mw2 = QtGui.QMainWindow(mw)
    mw2.setWindowTitle('PyQt PLOTTER')  # MAIN WINDOW
    cw2 = QtGui.QWidget(
    )  # GENERIC WIDGET AS CENTRAL WIDGET (inside main window)
    l = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(
    )  # CENTRAL WIDGET LAYOUT (layout of the central widget)
    plt1 = pg.PlotWidget()
    plt2 = pg.PlotWidget()
    plt3 = pg.PlotWidget()

    pPlt = pyqtplotter(strs, mesh, plt1, plt2, plt3, t, dt_float)
    mw2.closeEvent = pPlt.closed
    print 'mw2..isActive', mw2.isActiveWindow()
    print 'mw2..isActive', mw2.isActiveWindow()

    while t < t_end and pPlt.run:
        # time0 = time.time()
        print("Solving for time: ", t)
        t_current.setText("Current year: " + str(t))
        coupled_problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(R,
                                                      bcs=[dbc0, dbc1, dbc3],
        coupled_problem.set_bounds(l_bound, u_bound)
        coupled_solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(coupled_problem)

        # Accquire the optimizations in fenics_optimizations

            print("Exception Triggered!")
                'error_on_nonconvergence'] = False
            assigner.assign(U, [zero_sol, zero_sol, H0])
                'error_on_nonconvergence'] = True

        assigner_inv.assign([un, u2n, H0], U)
        t += dt_float
예제 #7
V = fnc.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
# Acá es distinto, definimos un tensor!
Vsig = fnc.TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)

# Funciones Test y trial
du = fnc.TrialFunction(V)
w = fnc.TestFunction(V)
# Desplazamiento actual Desconocido!
u = fnc.Function(V, name="Desplazamiento")
#Campos del paso anterior (Desplazamiento, velocidad, aceleración)
u_old = fnc.Function(V)
v_old = fnc.Function(V)
a_old = fnc.Function(V)

#Define la medida de la integral de borde (contorno)
dss = fnc.ds(subdomain_data=bordes)

fnc.dx = fnc.dx(metadata={'quadrature_degree': 3})

#Condición de borde del costado izquierdo
zero = fnc.Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
bc = fnc.DirichletBC(V, zero, bordes, 1)
#bc2 = fnc.DirichletBC(V, zero, bordes, 2)
#bc3 = fnc.DirichletBC(V, zero, bordes, 10)
#bc  = [bc1, bc2]

def eps(v):
    return fnc.sym(fnc.grad(v))