예제 #1
class FFPyPlayer(BaseMoviePlayer):
    """Interface class for the FFPyPlayer library for use with `MovieStim`.

    This class also serves as the reference implementation for classes which
    interface with movie codec libraries for use with `MovieStim`. Creating new
    player classes which closely replicate the behaviour of this one should
    allow them to smoothly plug into `MovieStim`.

    _movieLib = 'ffpyplayer'

    def __init__(self, parent):
        self._filename = u""

        self.parent = parent

        # handle to `ffpyplayer`
        self._handle = None

        # thread for reading frames asynchronously
        self._tStream = None

        # data from stream thread
        self._lastFrame = NULL_MOVIE_FRAME_INFO
        self._frameIndex = -1
        self._loopCount = 0
        self._metadata = None  # metadata from the stream

        self._lastPlayerOpts = DEFAULT_FF_OPTS.copy()

        # options from the parent
        if self.parent.loop:  # infinite loop
            self._lastPlayerOpts['loop'] = 0
            self._lastPlayerOpts['loop'] = 1  # play once

        if hasattr(self.parent, '_noAudio'):
            self._lastPlayerOpts['an'] = self.parent._noAudio

        # status flags
        self._status = NOT_STARTED

    def start(self, log=True):
        """Initialize and start the decoder. This method will return when a
        valid frame is made available.

        # clear queued data from previous streams
        self._lastFrame = None
        self._frameIndex = -1

        # open the media player
        self._handle = MediaPlayer(self._filename,

        # Pull the first frame to get metadata. NB - `_enqueueFrame` should be
        # able to do this but the logic in there depends on having access to
        # metadata first. That may be rewritten at some point to reduce all of
        # this to just a single `_enqeueFrame` call.
        self._status = NOT_STARTED

        # hand off the player interface to the thread
        self._tStream = MovieStreamThreadFFPyPlayer(self._handle)

        # make sure we have metadata

    def load(self, pathToMovie):
        """Load a movie file from disk.

        pathToMovie : str
            Path to movie file, stream (URI) or camera. Must be a format that
            FFMPEG supports.

        # set the file path
        self._filename = pathToString(pathToMovie)

        # Check if the player is already started. Close it and load a new
        # instance if so.
        if self._handle is not None:  # player already started
            # make sure it's the correct type
            if not isinstance(self._handle, MediaPlayer):
                raise TypeError(
                    'Incorrect type for `FFMovieStim._player`, expected '
                    '`ffpyplayer.player.MediaPlayer`. Got type `{}` '

            # close the player and reset

            # self._selectWindow(self.win)  # free buffers here !!!


        self._status = NOT_STARTED

    def unload(self):
        """Unload the video stream and reset.
        self._filename = u""
        self._frameIndex = -1
        self._handle = None  # reset

    def handle(self):
        """Handle to the `MediaPlayer` object exposed by FFPyPlayer. If `None`,
        no media player object has yet been initialized.
        return self._handle

    def isLoaded(self):
        return self._handle is not None

    def metadata(self):
        """Most recent metadata (`MovieMetadata`).
        return self.getMetadata()

    def getMetadata(self):
        """Get metadata from the movie stream.

            Movie metadata object. If no movie is loaded, `NULL_MOVIE_METADATA`
            is returned. At a minimum, fields `duration`, `size`, and
            `frameRate` are populated if a valid movie has been previously


        metadata = self._metadata

        # write metadata to the fields of a `MovieMetadata` object
        toReturn = MovieMetadata(mediaPath=self._filename,

        return toReturn

    def _assertMediaPlayer(self):
        """Ensure the media player instance is available. Raises a
        `RuntimeError` if no movie is loaded.
        if isinstance(self._handle, MediaPlayer):
            return  # nop if we're good

        raise RuntimeError(
            "Calling this class method requires a successful call to "
            "`load` first.")

    def status(self):
        """Player status flag (`int`).
        return self._status

    def isPlaying(self):
        """`True` if the video is presently playing (`bool`)."""
        # Status flags as properties are pretty useful for users since they are
        # self documenting and prevent the user from touching the status flag
        # attribute directly.
        return self.status == PLAYING

    def isNotStarted(self):
        """`True` if the video has not be started yet (`bool`). This status is
        given after a video is loaded and play has yet to be called.
        return self.status == NOT_STARTED

    def isStopped(self):
        """`True` if the movie has been stopped.
        return self.status == STOPPED

    def isPaused(self):
        """`True` if the movie has been paused.

        return self._handle.get_pause()

    def isFinished(self):
        """`True` if the video is finished (`bool`).
        # why is this the same as STOPPED?
        return self.status == FINISHED

    def play(self, log=False):
        """Start or continue a paused movie from current position.

        log : bool
            Log the play event.

        int or None
            Frame index playback started at. Should always be `0` if starting at
            the beginning of the video. Returns `None` if the player has not
            been initialized.



        self._status = PLAYING

    def stop(self, log=False):
        """Stop the current point in the movie (sound will stop, current frame
        will not advance). Once stopped the movie cannot be restarted - it must
        be loaded again.

        Use `pause()` instead if you may need to restart the movie.

        log : bool
            Log the stop event.

        if self._tStream is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot close stream, not opened yet.")

        # close the thread
        if not self._tStream.isDone():
        self._tStream.join()  # wait until thread exits
        self._tStream = None

        if self._handle is not None:
            self._handle = None  # reset

    def pause(self, log=False):
        """Pause the current point in the movie. The image of the last frame
        will persist on-screen until `play()` or `stop()` are called.

        log : bool
            Log this event.



        return False

    def seek(self, timestamp, log=False):
        """Seek to a particular timestamp in the movie.

        timestamp : float
            Time in seconds.
        log : bool
            Log the seek event.

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "This feature is not available for the current backend.")

    def rewind(self, seconds=5, log=False):
        """Rewind the video.

        seconds : float
            Time in seconds to rewind from the current position. Default is 5
        log : bool
            Log this event.

            Timestamp after rewinding the video.

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "This feature is not available for the current backend.")

    def fastForward(self, seconds=5, log=False):
        """Fast-forward the video.

        seconds : float
            Time in seconds to fast forward from the current position. Default
            is 5 seconds.
        log : bool
            Log this event.

            Timestamp at new position after fast forwarding the video.

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "This feature is not available for the current backend.")

    def replay(self, autoStart=True, log=False):
        """Replay the movie from the beginning.

        autoStart : bool
            Start playback immediately. If `False`, you must call `play()`
            afterwards to initiate playback.
        log : bool
            Log this event.

        * This tears down the current media player instance and creates a new
          one. Similar to calling `stop()` and `loadMovie()`. Use `seek(0.0)` if
          you would like to restart the movie without reloading.

        lastMovieFile = self._filename
        self.stop()  # stop the movie
        # self._autoStart = autoStart
        self.load(lastMovieFile)  # will play if auto start

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Audio stream control methods

    def muted(self):
        """`True` if the stream audio is muted (`bool`).
        return self._handle.get_mute()  # thread-safe?

    def muted(self, value):

    def volumeUp(self, amount):
        """Increase the volume by a fixed amount.

        amount : float or int
            Amount to increase the volume relative to the current volume.


        # get the current volume from the player
        self.volume = self.volume + amount

        return self.volume

    def volumeDown(self, amount):
        """Decrease the volume by a fixed amount.

        amount : float or int
            Amount to decrease the volume relative to the current volume.


        # get the current volume from the player
        self.volume = self.volume - amount

        return self.volume

    def volume(self):
        """Volume for the audio track for this movie (`int` or `float`).

        return self._handle.get_volume()  # thread-safe?

    def volume(self, value):
        self._tStream.setVolume(max(min(value, 1.0), 0.0))

    def loopCount(self):
        """Number of loops completed since playback started (`int`). This value
        is reset when either `stop` or `loadMovie` is called.
        return self._loopCount

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Timing related methods
    # The methods here are used to handle timing, such as converting between
    # movie and experiment timestamps.

    def pts(self):
        """Presentation timestamp for the current movie frame in seconds

        The value for this either comes from the decoder or some other time
        source. This should be synchronized to the start of the audio track. A
        value of `-1.0` is invalid.

        if self._handle is None:
            return -1.0

        return self._lastFrame.absTime

    def getStartAbsTime(self):
        """Get the absolute experiment time in seconds the movie starts at

        This value reflects the time which the movie would have started if
        played continuously from the start. Seeking and pausing the movie causes
        this value to change.

            Start time of the movie in absolute experiment time.


        return getTime() - self._lastFrame.absTime

    def movieToAbsTime(self, movieTime):
        """Convert a movie timestamp to absolute experiment timestamp.

        movieTime : float
            Movie timestamp to convert to absolute experiment time.

            Timestamp in experiment time which is coincident with the provided
            `movieTime` timestamp. The returned value should usually be precise
            down to about five decimal places.


        # type checks on parameters
        if not isinstance(movieTime, float):
            raise TypeError(
                "Value for parameter `movieTime` must have type `float` or "

        return self.getStartAbsTime() + movieTime

    def absToMovieTime(self, absTime):
        """Convert absolute experiment timestamp to a movie timestamp.

        absTime : float
            Absolute experiment time to convert to movie time.

            Movie time referenced to absolute experiment time. If the value is
            negative then provided `absTime` happens before the beginning of the
            movie from the current time stamp. The returned value should usually
            be precise down to about five decimal places.


        # type checks on parameters
        if not isinstance(absTime, float):
            raise TypeError(
                "Value for parameter `absTime` must have type `float` or "

        return absTime - self.getStartAbsTime()

    def movieTimeFromFrameIndex(self, frameIdx):
        """Get the movie time a specific a frame with a given index is
        scheduled to be presented.

        This is used to handle logic for seeking through a video feed (if
        permitted by the player).

        frameIdx : int
            Frame index. Negative values are accepted but they will return
            negative timestamps.


        return frameIdx * self._metadata.frameInterval

    def frameIndexFromMovieTime(self, movieTime):
        """Get the frame index of a given movie time.

        movieTime : float
            Timestamp in movie time to convert to a frame index.

            Frame index that should be presented at the specified movie time.


        return math.floor(movieTime / self._metadata.frameInterval)

    def isSeekable(self):
        """Is seeking allowed for the video stream (`bool`)? If `False` then
        `frameIndex` will increase monotonically.
        return False  # fixed for now

    def frameInterval(self):
        """Duration a single frame is to be presented in seconds (`float`). This
        is derived from the framerate information in the metadata. If not movie
        is loaded, the returned value will be invalid.
        return self.metadata.frameInterval

    def frameIndex(self):
        """Current frame index (`int`).

        Index of the current frame in the stream. If playing from a file or any
        other seekable source, this value may not increase monotonically with
        time. A value of `-1` is invalid, meaning either the video is not
        started or there is some issue with the stream.

        return self._lastFrame.frameIndex

    def getPercentageComplete(self):
        """Provides a value between 0.0 and 100.0, indicating the amount of the
        movie that has been already played (`float`).
        duration = self.metadata.duration

        return (self.pts / duration) * 100.0

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Methods for getting video frames from the encoder

    def _enqueueFrame(self):
        """Grab the latest frame from the stream.

            `True` if a frame has been enqueued. Returns `False` if the camera
            is not ready or if the stream was closed.


        # If the queue is empty, the decoder thread has not yielded a new frame
        # since the last call.
        enqueuedFrame = self._tStream.getRecentFrame()
        if enqueuedFrame is None:
            return False

        # Unpack the data we got back ...
        # Note - Bit messy here, we should just hold onto the `enqueuedFrame`
        # instance and reference its fields from properties. Keeping like this
        # for now.
        frameImage = enqueuedFrame.frameImage
        streamStatus = enqueuedFrame.streamStatus
        self._metadata = enqueuedFrame.metadata
        self.parent.status = self._status = streamStatus.status
        self._frameIndex = streamStatus.frameIndex
        self._loopCount = streamStatus.loopCount

        # status information
        self._streamTime = streamStatus.streamTime  # stream time for the camera

        # if we have a new frame, update the frame information
        videoBuffer = frameImage.to_bytearray()[0]
        videoFrameArray = np.frombuffer(videoBuffer, dtype=np.uint8)

        # provide the last frame
        self._lastFrame = MovieFrame(
            audioChannels=0,  # not populated yet ...

        return True

    def update(self):
        """Update this player.

        This get the latest data from the video stream and updates the player
        accordingly. This should be called at a higher frequency than the frame
        rate of the movie to avoid frame skips.


        # check if the stream reader thread is present and alive, if not the
        # movie is finished
        if not self._tStream.isDone():
            self.parent.status = self._status = FINISHED

    def getMovieFrame(self):
        """Get the movie frame scheduled to be displayed at the current time.

            Current movie frame.


        return self._lastFrame

    def __del__(self):
        """Cleanup when unloading.
        if hasattr(self, '_tStream'):
            if self._tStream is not None:
                if not self._tStream.isDone():

        if hasattr(self, '_handle'):
            if self._handle is not None: