예제 #1
    def test_equal(self):
        """Test equality comparison"""

        tensor1 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")
        tensor2 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        self.assertTrue(tensor1 == tensor2)
예제 #2
    def test_fromYAML(self):
        """Test construction from a YAML file"""

        tensor_ref = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        tensor = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        self.assertTrue(tensor == tensor_ref)
예제 #3
    def test_dump(self):
        """Test dumping a tensor"""

        tensor = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        tensor_tmp = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("/tmp/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        self.assertTrue(tensor == tensor_tmp)
    def test_floordiv(self):
        """ Test /, the __floordiv__ operator """
        a = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-b.yaml")
        a_verify = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-b-floordiv.yaml")

        a_out = a // 4

        self.assertEqual(a_out, a_verify)
        self.assertEqual(a_out.getRankIds(), ["M.1", "M.0", "N"])
        self.assertEqual(a_out.getShape(), [17, 20, 10])
    def test_swapRanks_1(self):
        """ Test swapRanks - depth=1 """

        a = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-a.yaml")
        a_verify = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-a-swapRanks_1.yaml")

        a_out = a.swapRanks(depth=1)

        self.assertEqual(a_out, a_verify)
        self.assertEqual(a_out.getRankIds(), ["M", "K", "N"])
        self.assertEqual(a_out.getShape(), [41, 10, 42])
    def test_splitUniform_2(self):
        """ Test splitUniform - depth=2 """

        a = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-a.yaml")
        a_verify = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-a-splitUniform_2.yaml")
        tests = { "by-depth": {"depth": 2},
                  "by-name":  {"rankid": "K"}}

        for test, kwargs in tests.items():
            with self.subTest(test=test):
                a_out = a.splitUniform(4, **kwargs)

                self.assertEqual(a_out, a_verify)
                self.assertEqual(a_out.getRankIds(), ["M", "N", "K.1", "K.0"])
                self.assertEqual(a_out.getShape(), [41, 42, 9, 10])
예제 #7
    def test_shape_fromFiber_authoritative(self):
        """Test shape of a tensor from a fiber with authoritative shape"""

        y1 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")
        f1 = y1.getRoot()
        t1 = Tensor.fromFiber(["M", "K"], f1, [100, 200])

        with self.subTest(test="All ranks"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getRankIds(), ["M", "K"])
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(), [100, 200])

        with self.subTest(test="All ranks specified"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["M", "K"]), [100, 200])

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'M'"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["M"]), [100])

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'K'"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["K"]), [200])

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'M'"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape("M"), 100)

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'K'"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape("K"), 200)

        with self.subTest(test="Check authoritative"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(authoritative=True), [100, 200])
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["M", "K"], authoritative=True),
                             [100, 200])
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["M"], authoritative=True), [100])
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["K"], authoritative=True), [200])
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape("M", authoritative=True), 100)
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape("K", authoritative=True), 200)
예제 #8
    def test_shape_fromFiber(self):
        """Test shape of a tensor from a fiber without authoritative shape"""

        y1 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")
        f1 = y1.getRoot()

        t1 = Tensor.fromFiber(["M", "K"], f1)

        with self.subTest(test="All ranks"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getRankIds(), ["M", "K"])
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(), [7, 4])

        with self.subTest(test="All ranks specified"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["M", "K"]), [7, 4])

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'M' as list"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["M"]), [7])

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'K' as list"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(["K"]), [4])

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'M'"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape("M"), 7)

        with self.subTest(test="Just rank 'K'"):
            self.assertEqual(t1.getShape("K"), 4)

        with self.subTest(test="Check authoritative"):
            self.assertIsNone(t1.getShape(["M", "K"], authoritative=True))
            self.assertIsNone(t1.getShape(["M"], authoritative=True))
            self.assertIsNone(t1.getShape(["K"], authoritative=True))
            self.assertIsNone(t1.getShape("M", authoritative=True))
            self.assertIsNone(t1.getShape("K", authoritative=True))
예제 #9
def get_A_HFA(a_file):
    # read in inputs
    # jhu_len = 5157
    shape = 500  # TODO: take this as input
    # generate input frontier and tile it
    A_data = [0] * shape

    # read in frontier
    count = 1
    A_HFA = None
    if not a_file.endswith('.yaml'):
        with open(a_file, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                elt = int(line)
                A_data[elt] = count
                count += 1
        A_untiled = Tensor.fromUncompressed(["S"], A_data, name="A")
        A_HFA = A_untiled.splitUniform(32, relativeCoords=True)  # split S
        print("A untiled shape {}, tiled shape {}".format(
            A_untiled.getShape(), A_HFA.getShape()))

    else:  # already in pretiled yaml
        A_HFA = Tensor.fromYAMLfile(a_file)
    return A_HFA
예제 #10
    def test_fromUncompressed_2D_wo_ids(self):
        """Test construction of a tensor from nested lists without ids"""

        tensor_in = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        root = tensor_in.getRoot()
        tensor_ref = Tensor.fromFiber(["R1", "R0"], root)

        # Manual copy of test_tensor-1.yaml

        #         0    1    2    3
        t = [
            [0, 0, 0, 0],  # 0
            [100, 101, 102, 0],  # 1
            [0, 201, 0, 203],  # 2
            [0, 0, 0, 0],  # 3
            [400, 0, 402, 0],  # 4
            [0, 0, 0, 0],  # 5
            [0, 601, 0, 603]
        ]  # 6

        tensor = Tensor.fromUncompressed(["R1", "R0"], t)

        self.assertEqual(tensor, tensor_ref)
    def test_splitNonUniform_1(self):
        """ Test splitNonUniform - depth=1 """

        a = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-a.yaml")
        a_verify = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-a-splitNonUniform_1.yaml")

        tests = { "by-depth": {"depth": 1},
                  "by-name":  {"rankid": "N"}}

        for test, kwargs in tests.items():
            with self.subTest(test=test):
                a_out = a.splitNonUniform([0, 15, 25], **kwargs)

                self.assertEqual(a_out, a_verify)
                self.assertEqual(a_out.getRankIds(), ["M", "N.1", "N.0", "K"])
                self.assertEqual(a_out.getShape(), [41, 26, 42, 10])
예제 #12
    def test_shape_new(self):
        """Test shape of a tensor from a file"""

        t1 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        self.assertEqual(t1.getRankIds(), ["M", "K"])
        self.assertEqual(t1.getShape(), [7, 4])
    def test_flattenRanks_f12(self):
        """ Test flattenRanks - f12 """

        t0 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_3d-0.yaml")

        f12 = t0.flattenRanks(depth=1, levels=1)
        u12 = f12.unflattenRanks(depth=1, levels=1)
        self.assertEqual(u12, t0)
예제 #14
def get_B_HFA(b_file):
    print("reading tiled mtx from yaml")
    t0 = time.time()
    B_HFA = Tensor.fromYAMLfile(b_file)
    t1 = time.time() - t0
    print("read B from yaml in {} s".format(t1))
    # B_HFA.print()
    return B_HFA
예제 #15
    def test_mutable_after_flatten(self):
        t = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")
        t2 = t.flattenRanks()

        t3 = Tensor(rank_ids=["X", "Y", "Z"])
        t4 = t3.flattenRanks()
예제 #16
    def test_values(self):
        """Test counting values in a tensor"""

        tensor = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        count = tensor.countValues()

        self.assertEqual(count, 9)
예제 #17
    def test_mutable_after_split(self):
        t = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")
        t2 = t.splitUniform(10)

        t3 = Tensor(rank_ids=["X", "Y", "Z"])
        t4 = t3.splitUniform(10)
    def test_flattenRanks_1(self):
        """ Test flattenRanks - depth=1 """

        a = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_transform-a.yaml")
        a_out = a.flattenRanks(depth=1)
        a_again = a_out.unflattenRanks(depth=1)

        self.assertEqual(a_again, a)
        self.assertEqual(a_out.getRankIds(), ["M", ["N", "K"]])
    def test_flattenRanks_f01(self):
        """ Test flattenRanks - f01 """

        t0 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_3d-0.yaml")

        f01 = t0.flattenRanks(depth=0, levels=1)
        u01 = f01.unflattenRanks(depth=0, levels=1)

        self.assertEqual(u01, t0)
예제 #20
    def test_dot(self):
        "Test dot product"

        a = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_sum_a.yaml")
        b = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_sum_b.yaml")
        z = Tensor(rank_ids=["M"])

        a_m = a.getRoot()
        b_m = b.getRoot()
        z_m = z.getRoot()

        for m_coord, (z_ref, (a_k, b_k)) in z_m << (a_m & b_m):
            for k_coord, (a_val, b_val) in a_k & b_k:
                z_ref += a_val * b_val

        z_correct = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_dot_z.yaml")

        self.assertEqual(z, z_correct)
예제 #21
    def test_fromYAMLfile_0D(self):
        """Test construction of 0-D tensor from a YAML file"""

        tensor_ref = Tensor(rank_ids=[])
        root = tensor_ref.getRoot()
        root += 2

        tensor = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_0d.yaml")

        self.assertTrue(tensor == tensor_ref)
예제 #22
    def test_new(self):
        """Test construction of a tensor from a file"""

        t = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        # Filename no longer becomes tensor name
        # self.assertEqual(t.getName(), "test_tensor-1")

        self.assertEqual(t.getRankIds(), ["M", "K"])
        self.assertEqual(t.getShape(), [7, 4])
    def test_flattenRanks_f02(self):
        """ Test flattenRanks - f02 """

        t0 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_3d-0.yaml")
        t1 = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_3d-1.yaml")

        t2 = Tensor.fromFiber(["A", "B", "C", "D"],
                              Fiber([1, 4], [t0.getRoot(), t1.getRoot()]),

        f13 = t2.flattenRanks(depth=1, levels=2)
        u13 = f13.unflattenRanks(depth=1, levels=2)

        self.assertEqual(u13, t2)

        f04 = t2.flattenRanks(depth=0, levels=3)
        u04 = f04.unflattenRanks(depth=0, levels=3)

        self.assertEqual(u04, t2)
예제 #24
    def test_fromFiber(self):
        """Test construction of a tensor from a fiber"""

        tensor_ref = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        root = tensor_ref.getRoot()

        tensor = Tensor.fromFiber(["M", "K"], root)

        self.assertEqual(tensor, tensor_ref)
예제 #25
    def test_setRoot(self):
        """Test adding a new root"""

        tensor_ref = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        root = tensor_ref.getRoot()

        tensor = Tensor(rank_ids=["M", "K"])

        self.assertEqual(tensor, tensor_ref)
예제 #26
    def test_fromFiber_wo_ids(self):
        """Test construction of a tensor from a fiber without rank ids"""

        tensor_in = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        root = tensor_in.getRoot()
        tensor_ref = Tensor.fromFiber(["R1", "R0"], root)

        tensor = Tensor.fromFiber(fiber=root)

        self.assertEqual(tensor, tensor_ref)
예제 #27
    def test_fomYAMLfile_3D(self):
        """Test construction of 0-D tensor from a YAML file"""

        t = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/tensor_3d-0.yaml")

        # TBD: Check that data is good

        rankids_ref = ["M", "N", "K"]
        shape_ref = [21, 51, 11]

        self.assertEqual(t.getRankIds(), rankids_ref)
        self.assertEqual(t.getShape(), shape_ref)
예제 #28
    def test_getPayloadRef_2d(self):
        """Test getPayloadRef of a 2-D tensor"""

        t = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/test_tensor-1.yaml")

        with self.subTest(test="Existing element"):
            p23_ref = 203
            p23 = t.getPayloadRef(2, 3)

            self.assertEqual(p23_ref, p23)

            # Make sure change is seen
            p23_new_ref = 310
            p23 <<= p23_new_ref

            p23_new = t.getPayload(2, 3)

            self.assertEqual(p23_new_ref, p23_new)

        with self.subTest(test="Non-existing element"):
            p31_ref = 0
            p31 = t.getPayloadRef(3, 1)

            self.assertEqual(p31_ref, p31)

            # Make sure change is seen
            p31_new_ref = 100

            p31 <<= p31_new_ref
            p31_new = t.getPayload(3, 1)

            self.assertEqual(p31_new_ref, p31_new)

        with self.subTest(test="Element of non-existing fiber"):
            p51_ref = 0
            p51 = t.getPayloadRef(5, 1)

            self.assertEqual(p51_ref, p51)

            # Make sure change is NOT seen
            p51_new_ref = 100

            p51 <<= p51_new_ref
            p51_new = t.getPayload(5, 1)

            self.assertEqual(p51_new_ref, p51_new)

        with self.subTest(test="Existing fiber"):
            p4_ref = Fiber([0, 2], [400, 402])
            p4 = t.getPayloadRef(4)

            self.assertEqual(p4_ref, p4)
예제 #29
    def test_0D(self):
        "Test sum to rank 0 tensor"

        a = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/conv-activations-a.yaml")
        z = Tensor(rank_ids=[])

        a_m = a.getRoot()
        z_ref = z.getRoot()

        for m_coord, (a_val) in a_m:
            z_ref += a_val

        self.assertEqual(z_ref, 12)
예제 #30
    def test_conv1d_ws(self):
        """Convolution 1d ws"""

        w = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/conv-weights-a.yaml")
        i = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/conv-activations-a.yaml")
        o = Tensor(rank_ids=["Q"])

        w_r = w.getRoot()
        i_h = i.getRoot()
        o_q = o.getRoot()

        W = w_r.maxCoord() + 1
        I = i_h.maxCoord() + 1
        Q = I - W + 1

        for r, (w_val) in w_r:
            for q, (o_q_ref,
                    i_val) in o_q << i_h.project(lambda h: h - r, (0, Q)):
                o_q_ref += w_val * i_val

        o_ref = Tensor.fromYAMLfile("./data/conv-output-a.yaml")

        self.assertEqual(o, o_ref)