StringField( 'AccreditationReference', schemata='Accreditation', #write_permission = ManageBika, widget=StringWidget( label=_("Accreditation Reference"), description=_( "The reference code issued to the lab by the accreditation body" ), ), ), # ~~~~~~~ To be implemented ~~~~~~~ FileField( 'AccreditationBodyLogo', help="Please upload the logo you are authorised to use on your " + "website and results reports by your accreditation body. " + "Maximum size is 175 x 175 pixels.", widget=FileWidget(label=_("Accreditation Logo"), ), ), fields.Text( 'AccreditationPageHeader', size=10, help="Enter the details of your lab`s service accreditations " + "here. The following fields are available: lab_is_accredited, " + "lab_name, lab_country, confidence, accreditation_body_name, " + "accreditation_standard, accreditation_reference<br/>"), ) class Laboratory(models.Model, BaseOLiMSModel): _name = 'olims.laboratory'
# widget = SelectionWidget( # label = _("Import Option"), # format='select', # ), # vocabulary = ARIMPORT_OPTIONS, # ), StringField('FileName', searchable = True, widget = StringWidget( label = _("Filename"), ), ), FileField('OriginalFile', searchable = True, widget = FileWidget( label = _("Original File"), visible={'edit': 'invisible', 'view': 'visible', 'add': 'invisible'}, ), ), StringField('ClientTitle', searchable = True, widget = StringWidget( label = _("Client Name"), ), ), StringField('ClientPhone', widget = StringWidget( label = _("Client Phone"), ), ), StringField('ClientFax',
label=_("Asset Number"), description=_("The instrument's ID in the lab's asset register"), ) ), StringField('Location', schemata = 'Additional info.', widget = StringWidget( label=_("Location"), description=_("The room and location where the instrument is installed"), ) ), FileField('Photo', help='Photo of the instrument', widget = FileWidget( label = _("Photo image file"), ), ), DateTimeField('InstallationDate', schemata = 'Additional info.', widget = DateTimeWidget( label=_("InstallationDate"), description=_("The date the instrument was installed"), ) ), FileField('InstallationCertificate', schemata = 'Additional info.', widget = FileWidget( label=_("Installation Certificate"),
from fields.date_time_field import DateTimeField from fields.file_field import FileField from fields.widget.widget import DateTimeWidget, FileWidget, StringWidget from base_olims_model import BaseOLiMSModel from lims import bikaMessageFactory as _ schema = ( # ~~~~~~~ To be implemented ~~~~~~~ # ComputedField('RequestID', # expression = 'here.getRequestID()', # widget = ComputedWidget( # visible = True, # ), # ), FileField( 'AttachmentFile', widget=FileWidget(label=_("Attachment"), ), ), fields.Many2one(string='AttachmentType', comodel_name='olims.attachment_type', required=False, help='Attachment Type'), StringField( 'AttachmentKeys', searchable=True, widget=StringWidget(label=_("Attachment Keys"), ), ), DateTimeField( 'DateLoaded', required=1, default_method='current_date', widget=DateTimeWidget(label=_("Date Loaded"), ),
from fields.string_field import StringField from fields.file_field import FileField from fields.widget.widget import StringWidget from openerp import fields, models from base_olims_model import BaseOLiMSModel schema = ( StringField('DocumentID', required=1, validators=('uniquefieldvalidator',), widget = StringWidget( label=_("Document ID"), ) ), FileField('File', required=1, ), StringField('DocumentVersion', widget = StringWidget( label=_("Document Version"), ) ), StringField('DocumentLocation', widget = StringWidget( label=_("Document Location"), description=_("Location where the document set is shelved"), ) ),
IntegerField('sortKey', widget=IntegerWidget( label = _("Sort Key"), description = _("Numeric value indicating the sort order of objects that are prioritised"), ), ), IntegerField('pricePremium', widget=IntegerWidget( label = _("Price Premium Percentage"), description = _("The percentage used to calculate the price for analyses done at this priority"), ), ), FileField('smallIcon', help='6x16 pixel icon used for the this priority in listings.', widget = FileWidget( label = _("Small Icon"), ), ), FileField('bigIcon', help='32x32 pixel icon used for the this priority in object views.', widget = FileWidget( label = _("Big Icon"), ), ), BooleanField('isDefault', widget=BooleanWidget( label = _("Default Priority?"), description = _("Check this box if this is the default priority"), ),
from lims import bikaMessageFactory as _ from fields.string_field import StringField from fields.file_field import FileField from fields.widget.widget import StringWidget, FileWidget from openerp import fields, models from models.base_olims_model import BaseOLiMSModel #schema = BikaSchema.copy() + Schema(( schema = ( FileField('ReportFile', widget = FileWidget( label=_("Report"), ), ), StringField('ReportType', widget = StringWidget( label=_("Report Type"), description=_("Report type"), ), ), fields.Many2one(string='Client', comodel_name='olims.client', # allowed_types = ('Client',), # relationship = 'ReportClient', # widget = ReferenceWidget( # label=_("Client"),
), TextField( 'Instructions', default_content_type='text/plain', allowed_content_types=('text/plain', ), default_output_type="text/plain", widget=TextAreaWidget( label=_("Method Instructions", "Instructions"), description=_( "Technical description and instructions intended for analysts" ), ), ), FileField( 'MethodDocument', # XXX Multiple Method documents please widget=FileWidget( label=_("Method Document"), description=_("Load documents describing the method here"), )), # The instruments linked to this method. Don't use this # method, use getInstrumentUIDs() or getInstruments() instead # ~~~~~~~ To be implemented ~~~~~~~ # LinesField('_Instruments', # vocabulary='getInstrumentsDisplayList', # widget=MultiSelectionWidget( # modes = ('edit'), # label=_("Instruments"), # description =_( # "The selected instruments have support for this method. " # "Use the Instrument edit view to assign " # "the method to a specific instrument"),
fields.Many2one(string='Preparator', comodel_name='olims.lab_contact', help="The person at the supplier who prepared the certificate", ), fields.Many2one(string='Validator', comodel_name='olims.lab_contact', help="The person at the supplier who approved the certificate" ), FileField('Document', widget = FileWidget( label=_("Report upload"), description=_("Load the certificate document here"), ) ), TextField('Remarks', searchable=True, default_content_type='text/x-web-intelligent', allowable_content_types = ('text/plain', ), default_output_type="text/plain", mode="rw", widget=TextAreaWidget( macro="bika_widgets/remarks", label=_("Remarks"), append_only=True, ), ),
string='postal_district', domain="[('State', '=', postal_state)]"), fields.Char(string='postal_city'), fields.Char(string='postal_postalcode'), fields.Char(string='postal_address'), fields.Selection([('physical', 'Physical Address')], string='postal_copy_from'), fields.Selection( string='PublicationPreference', selection=PUBLICATION_PREFS, default='email', ), FileField( 'Signature', help= "Upload a scanned signature to be used on printed analysis results reports." + "Ideal size is 250 pixels wide by 150 high", widget=FileWidget(label=_("Signature"), ), ), fields.Many2one( string='Department', comodel_name='olims.department', ), fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.users', string='user', domain="[('id', '=', '-1')]"), ) class LabContact(models.Model, BaseOLiMSModel): #Person _name = 'olims.lab_contact'