def __init__(self, listCategories): """ listCategories: initial list of categories to fill the fields """ GenericDialogPlus.__init__(self, "Category names") self.addPanel( Panel(GridLayout(0,1)) ) self.panel = self.getComponent(0) for category in listCategories: self.panel.add( TextField(category) ) # Add string input to GUI self.addButton(CategoryDialog.ADD_CATEGORY, self)
def DialogAnalyze(): dpi = 300 defaultAspectRatio = 1.41 gd = GenericDialogPlus("Cover Maker") gd.addMessage("Prepare Image database") gd.addDirectoryField("Select base directory containing images", "", 20) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): print "User canceled dialog!" return imageBaseDir = gd.getNextString() return imageBaseDir
def actionPerformed(self, event): source = event.getSource() # test here if it is a button if isinstance(source, Button): # if type is a button get label, and check command, otherwise pass to GenericDialogPlus.actionPeformed sourceLabel = source.getLabel() if sourceLabel == CategoryDialog.ADD_CATEGORY: newCategory = IJ.getString("Enter new category name", "new category") if not newCategory: return # if Cancelled (ie newCat=="") or empty field just dont go further self.panel.add(TextField(newCategory)) # Add new text field with the new category self.pack() # recompute the layout and update the display # Anyway do the mother class usual action handling GenericDialogPlus.actionPerformed(self, event)
def getPaths(): """Dialog box for user to select illumination intensity and dark image files. Illumination intensity file should be a .nd file pointing to the timelapse tifs, and dark image file should be a single tif""" gd = GenericDialogPlus('File selection') gd.addFileField('Illumination stability timelapse (.nd file): ', None) gd.addFileField('Dark image (TIF): ', None) gd.showDialog() stackpath = gd.getNextString() darkpath = gd.getNextString() return stackpath, darkpath
def actionPerformed(self, event): ''' Handle buttons clicks, delegates to custom methods OK: save parameters in memory Add new category: delegate to addCategoryComponent() (should be overwritten in daughter) Add: delegate to addAction() NB: NEVER use getNext methods here, since we call them several time ''' source = event.getSource() # test here if it is a button if isinstance( source, Button ): # if type is a button get label, and check command, otherwise pass to GenericDialogPlus.actionPeformed sourceLabel = source.getLabel() if sourceLabel == CustomDialog.LABEL_OK: # Check options and save them in persistence checkboxes = self.getCheckboxes() doNext = checkboxes[-1].getState() Prefs.set("annot.doNext", doNext) # Save selected dimension if mode stack if self.browseMode == "stack": Prefs.set("annot.dimension", self.getSelectedDimension()) elif sourceLabel == "Add new category": self.addCategoryComponent() elif sourceLabel == self.LABEL_ADD: self.addAction() else: pass # Anyway do the mother class usual action handling GenericDialogPlus.actionPerformed(self, event)
def SaveDialog(imp): dpi = 300 # a4 width in inches defaultWidth = 11.69 defaultHeight = defaultWidth/ratio defaultAspectRatio = 1.41 if imp: gd = GenericDialogPlus("Cover Maker") gd.addMessage("Saving options") gd.addNumericField("resolution (dpi)", dpi, 0) gd.addNumericField("width (pixels)", defaultWidth*dpi, 0) gd.addNumericField("height (pixels)", defaultHeight*dpi, 0) gd.addNumericField("width (inches)", defaultWidth, 2) gd.addNumericField("height (inches)", defaultHeight, 2) gd.addFileField("Select Originals database", "", 20) fields = gd.getNumericFields() resField = fields.get(0) widthPixels = fields.get(1) heightPixels = fields.get(2) widthInches = fields.get(3) heightInches = fields.get(4) # resolution and size listener textListener = ResolutionListener(resField, widthPixels, heightPixels, widthInches, heightInches) resField.addTextListener(textListener) widthInches.addTextListener(textListener) heightInches.addTextListener(textListener) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): print "User canceled dialog!" return newres = gd.getNextNumber() newwidth = gd.getNextNumber() newheight = gd.getNextNumber() originalspath = gd.getNextString() return int(newwidth), int(newheight), newres, originalspath else: IJ.showMessage( "You should have at least one image open." )
def get_parameters(p): gd = GenericDialogPlus("Please enter parameters") for k in p['expose_to_gui']['value']: if p[k]['type'] == 'boolean': gd.addCheckbox(k, p[k]['value']) elif p[k]['type'] == 'folder': gd.addDirectoryField(k, p[k]['value'], 100) elif p[k]['type'] == 'file': gd.addFileField(k, p[k]['value'], 100) elif p[k]['type'] == 'string': if p[k]['choices']: gd.addChoice(k, p[k]['choices'], p[k]['value']) else: gd.addStringField(k, p[k]['value']) elif p[k]['type'] == 'int': if p[k]['choices']: gd.addChoice(k, p[k]['choices'], p[k]['value']) else: gd.addNumericField(k, p[k]['value'], 0) elif p[k]['type'] == 'float': gd.addNumericField(k, p[k]['value'], 2) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): return for k in p['expose_to_gui']['value']: if p[k]['type'] == 'boolean': p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextBoolean() elif p[k]['type'] == 'folder' or p[k]['type'] == 'file': p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextString() elif p[k]['type'] == 'string': if p[k]['choices']: p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextChoice() else: p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextString() elif p[k]['type'] == 'int': if p[k]['choices']: p[k]['value'] = int(gd.getNextChoice()) else: p[k]['value'] = int(gd.getNextNumber()) elif p[k]['type'] == 'float': p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextNumber() return p
def make_dialog(): parameters = {} gd = GenericDialogPlus("Grid Stitch SDC Data") gd.addMessage( "Warning!\n"\ "In order to display a fused image upon completion of stitching\n"\ "please disable Fiji's ImageJ2 options. When enabled an ImageJ\n"\ "exception will be displayed upon completion. This exception can\n" "be safely ignored.") gd.addMessage( "Information\n"\ "This plugin is a wrapper around the Fiji 'Grid Stitching' plugin.\n"\ "It allows tiles generated in SlideBook to be directly stitched by\n"\ "by first writing out the individual tiles, executing the 'Grid Stitching'\n"\ "plugin and writing the fused image to disk.") gd.addMessage("") gd.addNumericField("grid_size_x", 3, 0) gd.addNumericField("grid_size_y", 3, 0) gd.addCheckbox("Select channel",False) gd.addNumericField("", 0, 0) gd.addCheckbox("Are the Z slices separate files?",False) gd.addDirectoryField("directory", "", 50) gd.showDialog() if (gd.wasCanceled()): return parameters['gridX'] = int(math.ceil(gd.getNextNumber())) parameters['gridY'] = int(math.ceil(gd.getNextNumber())) parameters['select_channel'] = gd.getNextBoolean() parameters['channel'] = None if parameters['select_channel']: parameters['channel'] = int(gd.getNextNumber()) parameters['separate_z'] = gd.getNextBoolean() directory = str(gd.getNextString()) if directory is None: # User canceled the dialog return None else: directory = os.path.abspath(directory) parameters['directory'] = directory + os.path.sep return parameters
from ij.gui import GenericDialog from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus import os, shutil gdp = GenericDialogPlus("File Mover") file_type = gdp.getNextString() gdp.addStringField("File Extension ", '.tif', 5) x = gdp.addDirectoryField("Source: ", " ") gdp.addDirectoryField("Destination: ", " ") gdp.showDialog() if gdp.wasOKed(): file_type = gdp.getNextString().strip() source_path = gdp.getNextString() dest_path = gdp.getNextString() print(file_type) print("source " + source_path) print("dest " + dest_path) else: exit() moved = 'Moved Images' path = os.path.join(dest_path, moved) try: dest = os.mkdir(path) except OSError as error: print("Error: Moved Images is already present") exit() def move(): for root, dirs, files in os.walk((os.path.normpath(source_path)),
def dialog(imp1, labelColorBarImp): gd = GenericDialogPlus("ROI labeller") categories = 11 #placeholder slider variables so the class can be initiated slider1 = 0 slider2 = 0 test = previewLabelerAndListeners(imp1, slider1, slider2, gd) for i in range(1, categories): gd.addButton("label " + str(i), test) gd.addImage(labelColorBarImp) #imp7.close() - causes an error as image needed for the dialog gd.addButton("Set top", test) gd.addButton("Whole stack", test) gd.addButton("Set bottom", test) gd.addSlider("Top", 1, imp1.getStackSize(), 1) gd.addSlider("Bottom", 1, imp1.getStackSize(), imp1.getStackSize()) slider1 = gd.getSliders().get(0) slider2 = gd.getSliders().get(1) test.slider1 = slider1 test.slider2 = slider2 slider1.addAdjustmentListener(test) slider2.addAdjustmentListener(test) gd.addChoice("Apply labeling to:", ["(Sub)stack", "Slice"], "(Sub)stack") gd.setLayout(GridLayout(0, 2)) gd.setModal(False) buttons = gd.getButtons() gd.showDialog() while ((not gd.wasCanceled()) and not (gd.wasOKed())): Thread.sleep(50) return test, "Morphological Filters (3D)", "operation=Closing element=Ball x-radius=2 y-radius=2 z-radius=0") delIp = cmIp delIp.changes = False delIp.close() cmIp = WindowManager.getImage("CmStain-Closing"),"Fill Holes", "stack")"Set Measurements...", "stack redirect=None decimal=3"), "Analyze Particles...", "size={}-Infinity show=[Masks] exclude in_situ stack".format(cmMinSize)) cmMaskIp = cmIp.duplicate(), "Analyze Particles...", "size={}-Infinity show=[Count Masks] exclude in_situ stack".format(cmMinSize)), return cmIp, cmMaskIp import re preGd = GenericDialog("Output Folder") preGd.addDirectoryField("Output folder", "") preGd.showDialog() outputFolder = preGd.getNextString() os.chdir(outputFolder) folderPath, formatString, groupBy, nucChannel, cmChannel, stitched, analyzeNucStack, brightfield, nucMethod, cmMethod, analyzeCmStack, rowNo, colNo, nucMinSize, cmMinSize =\ "", "", "", "DAPI", "GFP", False, True, False, "Otsu", "Triangle", True, 8, 7, 50, 500 __dict__ = globals() try: with open("savedSettings.json") as f: thing = json.load(f) for k, v in thing.iteritems(): __dict__[k] = v print(thing) except Exception as e: print(e) gd = GenericDialog("Analysis parameters")
Minima/maxima in the correlation maps are detected, followed by Non-Maxima Supression when several object are explected in the target image - matchTemplate Method limited to normalised method to have correlation map in range 0-1 : easier to apply a treshold. The search region can be limited to a rectangular ROI, that is drawn on the image/stack before execution of the plugin. Requirements: - IJ-OpenCV update site ''' #import time #@PrefService prefs from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus # rest of imports below on purpose (otherwise searchRoi lost) ## Create GUI Win = GenericDialogPlus("Multiple Template Matching") Win.addImageChoice("Template", prefs.get("Template", "Choice")) Win.addImageChoice("Image", prefs.get("Image", "Choice")) Win.addCheckbox("Flip_template_vertically", prefs.getInt("FlipV", False)) Win.addCheckbox("Flip_template_horizontally", prefs.getInt("FlipH", False)) Win.addStringField("Rotate template by ..(comma-separated)", prefs.get("Angles", "")) Win.addChoice("Matching_method", [ "Normalised Square Difference", "Normalised cross-correlation", "Normalised 0-mean cross-correlation" ], prefs.get("Method", "Normalised 0-mean cross-correlation")) Win.addNumericField("Number_of_objects expected", prefs.getInt("N_hit", 1), 0) Win.addMessage("If more than 1 object expected :") Win.addSlider("Score_Threshold", 0, 1, prefs.getFloat("Score_Threshold", 0.5), 0.1) #Win.addNumericField("Min_peak_height relative to neighborhood ([0-1], decrease to get more hits)", prefs.getFloat("Tolerance",0.1), 2)
def getOptions(): gui = GenericDialogPlus("Options for Moving TIFF files") gui.addMessage("Select the number of imput files to be used per stitched image") gui.addSlider("", 2, 10, 2) gui.addFileField("Select csv file", "") gui.addMessage("Add key values and corresponding genotype, when finished, leave fields empty") gui.addStringField("Key :", prefs.get(None, "key1", "p")) gui.addToSameRow() gui.addStringField("Genotype :", prefs.get(None, "genotype1", "PROM-1_HA")) gui.addStringField("Key :", prefs.get(None, "key2", "p")) gui.addToSameRow() gui.addStringField("Genotype :", prefs.get(None, "genotype2", "PROM-1_HA")) gui.addStringField("Key :", prefs.get(None, "key3", "p")) gui.addToSameRow() gui.addStringField("Genotype :", prefs.get(None, "genotype3", "PROM-1_HA")) gui.addStringField("Key :", prefs.get(None, "key4", "p")) gui.addToSameRow() gui.addStringField("Genotype :", prefs.get(None, "genotype4", "PROM-1_HA")) gui.addStringField("Key :", prefs.get(None, "key5", "p")) gui.addToSameRow() gui.addStringField("Genotype :", prefs.get(None, "genotype5", "PROM-1_HA")) gui.showDialog() if gui.wasOKed(): tiffs_per_image = int(gui.getNextNumber()) csv_file = str(gui.getNextString()) genotypes = {} for i in range(5): key = str(gui.getNextString()) value = str(gui.getNextString()) if key != "": genotypes[key] = value else: return if len(genotypes) > 0: a = list(genotypes.items())[0] prefs.put(None, "key1", a[0]) prefs.put(None, "genotype1", a[1]) if len(genotypes) > 1: a = list(genotypes.items())[1] prefs.put(None, "key2", a[0]) prefs.put(None, "genotype2", a[1]) if len(genotypes) > 2: a = list(genotypes.items())[2] prefs.put(None, "key3", a[0]) prefs.put(None, "genotype3", a[1]) if len(genotypes) > 3: a = list(genotypes.items())[3] prefs.put(None, "key4", a[0]) prefs.put(None, "genotype4", a[1]) if len(genotypes) > 4: a = list(genotypes.items())[4] prefs.put(None, "key5", a[0]) prefs.put(None, "genotype5", a[1]) return tiffs_per_image, csv_file, genotypes
def openMainDialogBox(): #od = OpenDialog("Selectionner un fichier") #folder = od.getDirectory() #IJ.log(folder); #filename = od.getFileName() #intérêt de récupérer le nom du fichier -> récupérer l'extension #extension = od.getFileName().split('.').pop() #Array.pop(). Pratique pour faire une fonction getExtension() #IJ.log(folder+filename) # Create an instance of GenericDialogPlus mainDialogBox = GenericDialogPlus("Restack Tiff deconvolved images from Huygens") mainDialogBox.addMessage("Ne fonctionnera correctement que si les noms des fichiers images de sortie de Huygens ont ete laisses intacts. Ne pas les modifier.") #mainDialogBox.addButton("Ouvrir image", imageSelectionListener()) mainDialogBox.addMessage("------------------------------------------") mainDialogBox.addDirectoryField("Choisir un repertoire-cible", "None") mainDialogBox.addMessage("------------------------------------------") mainDialogBox.addDirectoryField("Choisir un repertoire pour deposer les piles d'images", "None") mainDialogBox.addMessage("------------------------------------------") #Select File Type choixType = ["1 fichier par canal (NOM_FICHIER_chXX.tif)", "1 fichier par canal + temps (NOM_FICHIER_tXX_chXX.tif)", "1 fichier par canal et par profondeur (NOM_FICHIER_zXX_chXX.tif)", "1 fichier par canal et par profondeur + temps (NOM_FICHIER_tXX_zXX_chXX.tif)"] selectionType = choixType[0] mainDialogBox.addChoice("Selectionner type de fichiers",choixType,selectionType) mainDialogBox.addMessage("------------------------------------------") choixDisplayMode = ["Color", "Greyscale", "Composite"] selectionDisplayModeDefaut = choixDisplayMode[0] mainDialogBox.addChoice("Color Display Mode",choixDisplayMode,selectionDisplayModeDefaut) mainDialogBox.addMessage("------------------------------------------") #Affichage de la boîte de dialogue mainDialogBox.showDialog(); #Récupération choix folder = mainDialogBox.getNextString() save_folder = mainDialogBox.getNextString() vecteurChoix=mainDialogBox.getChoices() selectionTypeFichier = vecteurChoix[0] valeurSelectionTypeFichier = str(selectionTypeFichier.getSelectedItem()) selectionDisplayMode = vecteurChoix[1] valeurSelectionDisplayMode = str(selectionDisplayMode.getSelectedItem()) if mainDialogBox.wasCanceled() == True: print("Canceled, Values set to None") folder = None save_folder = None valeurSelectionTypeFichier = None valeurSelectionDisplayMode = None return folder, save_folder, valeurSelectionTypeFichier, valeurSelectionDisplayMode
def SaveDialog(imp): dpi = 300 # a4 width in inches defaultWidth = 11.69 defaultHeight = defaultWidth / ratio defaultAspectRatio = 1.41 if imp: gd = GenericDialogPlus("Cover Maker") gd.addMessage("Saving options") gd.addNumericField("resolution (dpi)", dpi, 0) gd.addNumericField("width (pixels)", defaultWidth * dpi, 0) gd.addNumericField("height (pixels)", defaultHeight * dpi, 0) gd.addNumericField("width (inches)", defaultWidth, 2) gd.addNumericField("height (inches)", defaultHeight, 2) gd.addFileField("Select Originals database", "", 20) fields = gd.getNumericFields() resField = fields.get(0) widthPixels = fields.get(1) heightPixels = fields.get(2) widthInches = fields.get(3) heightInches = fields.get(4) # resolution and size listener textListener = ResolutionListener(resField, widthPixels, heightPixels, widthInches, heightInches) resField.addTextListener(textListener) widthInches.addTextListener(textListener) heightInches.addTextListener(textListener) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): print "User canceled dialog!" return newres = gd.getNextNumber() newwidth = gd.getNextNumber() newheight = gd.getNextNumber() originalspath = gd.getNextString() return int(newwidth), int(newheight), newres, originalspath else: IJ.showMessage("You should have at least one image open.")
def Dialog(imp): dpi = 300 # a4 width in inches defaultWidth = 11.69 defaultHeight = defaultWidth / ratio defaultAspectRatio = 1.41 if imp: gd = GenericDialogPlus("Cover Maker") gd.addMessage("Input Options") gd.addFileField("Select image database", "", 20) gd.addMessage("Cover Maker Options") gd.addNumericField("tile width", 12, 0) gd.addNumericField("tile height", 9, 0) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): print "User canceled dialog!" return databasepath = gd.getNextString() tilewidth = gd.getNextNumber() tileheight = gd.getNextNumber() return databasepath, imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), int( tilewidth), int(tileheight) else: IJ.showMessage("You should have at least one image open.")
def DialogGenerate(imageBaseDir, summary): dpi = 300 defaultAspectRatio = 1.33 defaultTileWidth = 15 defaultOriginalWidth = 150 defaultOriginalHeight = 113 defaultTileHeight = round(defaultTileWidth / defaultAspectRatio) gd = GenericDialogPlus("Cover Maker") gd.addMessage("Prepare Image database") gd.addDirectoryField("Select base directory containing images", imageBaseDir, 20) gd.addMessage(summary) gd.addNumericField("Aspect ratio", defaultAspectRatio, 2) gd.addNumericField("Original width", defaultOriginalWidth, 0) gd.addNumericField("Original height", defaultOriginalHeight, 0) gd.addNumericField("minimal tile width", defaultTileWidth, 0) gd.addNumericField("maximal tile width", defaultTileWidth, 0) gd.addNumericField("minimal tile height", defaultTileHeight, 0) gd.addNumericField("maximal tile height", defaultTileHeight, 0) fields = gd.getNumericFields() aspRatio = fields.get(0) minw = fields.get(3) maxw = fields.get(4) minh = fields.get(5) maxh = fields.get(6) # resolution and size listener textListener = RatioToDim(aspRatio, minw, maxw, minh, maxh) aspRatio.addTextListener(textListener) minw.addTextListener(textListener) maxw.addTextListener(textListener) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): print "User canceled dialog!" return imageBaseDir = gd.getNextString() aspectRatio = gd.getNextNumber() majorWidth = gd.getNextNumber() majorHeight = gd.getNextNumber() mintilewidth = gd.getNextNumber() maxtilewidth = gd.getNextNumber() return int(mintilewidth), int(maxtilewidth), imageBaseDir, float( aspectRatio), int(majorWidth), int(majorHeight)
def optionsDialog(): dialog = GenericDialogPlus("Fluorescent Cell Counting") dialog.addDirectoryField("Image Directory", "") dialog.addFileField("Training Model", "") dialog.addStringField("Output Subdirectory", "output", 20) dialog.addStringField("Probability Threshold", "0.67", 20) dialog.addStringField("Minimum Pixel Size", "2", 20) dialog.showDialog() # Check if canceled if dialog.wasCanceled(): return None textVals = [x.text for x in dialog.getStringFields()] return textVals
def optionsDialog(): dialog = GenericDialogPlus("Automated Weka Percentages") dialog.addDirectoryField("Image Directory", "") dialog.addFileField("Training Model", "") dialog.addStringField("Output Subdirectory", "output", 20) dialog.addStringField("Probability Threshold", "0.75", 20) dialog.showDialog() # Check if canceled if dialog.wasCanceled(): return None textVals = [x.text for x in dialog.getStringFields()] #boolVals = [x.getState() for x in dialog.getCheckboxes()] return textVals
def get_parameters(p): gd = GenericDialogPlus("Please enter parameters") for k in p['expose_to_gui']['value']: if p[k]['type'] == 'folder': gd.addDirectoryField(k, p[k]['value'], 100) if p[k]['type'] == 'file': gd.addFileField(k, p[k]['value'], 100) elif p[k]['type'] == 'string': if p[k]['choices']: gd.addChoice(k, p[k]['choices'], p[k]['value']) else: gd.addStringField(k, p[k]['value'], 50) elif p[k]['type'] == 'int': if p[k]['choices']: gd.addChoice(k, p[k]['choices'], p[k]['value']) else: gd.addNumericField(k, p[k]['value'], 0) elif p[k]['type'] == 'float': gd.addNumericField(k, p[k]['value'], 2) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): return(0) for k in p['expose_to_gui']['value']: if p[k]['type'] == 'folder' or p[k]['type'] == 'file': p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextString() elif p[k]['type'] == 'string': if p[k]['choices']: p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextChoice() else: p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextString() elif p[k]['type'] == 'int': if p[k]['choices']: p[k]['value'] = int(gd.getNextChoice()) else: p[k]['value'] = int(gd.getNextNumber()) elif p[k]['type'] == 'float': p[k]['value'] = gd.getNextNumber() return(p)
#This creates a sparse approximation w of a signal X provided a dictionary D. #||X-Dw|| #Requires mpv2 package: #Improvements to come in the next version from ij import IJ, ImagePlus from ij.plugin import ImageCalculator from ij.process import ImageProcessor from ij.process import FloatProcessor from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus from mpv2 import MatchingPursuit as MP, JamaMatrix as Matrix, SymmetricMatrix as SM #Input parameters gd = GenericDialogPlus("Sparse Approximation, Input Parameters") gd.addDirectoryOrFileField("Select dictionary", "") gd.addChoice("Greedy algorithm type", ["MP", "OMP", "ORMP"], "OMP") gd.addNumericField("Number of non-zero elements", 3, 0) # show 3 decimals gd.showDialog() directory_w = gd.getNextString() t_w = int(gd.getNextNumber()) Rt = gd.getNextChoice() imp2 = IJ.getImage()"32-bit") imp2 = IJ.getImage() #path to lighting directions"Text Image... ", "open=" + str(directory_w)) imp = IJ.getImage() imp.setTitle("Dictionary Atoms")
def optionsDialog(): dialog = GenericDialogPlus("Automated Size Analysis") dialog.addDirectoryField("Image Directory", "") dialog.addStringField("Output Subdirectory", "output", 20) dialog.addStringField("Minimum Pixel Size", "50000", 20) dialog.addStringField("Minimum Roundness", "0.4", 20) dialog.addStringField("Gaussian Blur", "6", 20) dialog.addStringField("Rotation Steps", "3", 20) dialog.addStringField("Thresholds", ",".join(THRESHOLDS), 20) dialog.addCheckbox("Rotate Images", True) dialog.addCheckbox("Multiple Thresholds", True) dialog.showDialog() # Check if canceled if dialog.wasCanceled(): return None textVals = [x.text for x in dialog.getStringFields()] boolVals = [x.getState() for x in dialog.getCheckboxes()] return textVals + boolVals
from ij import IJ, ImagePlus from ij.plugin import ImageCalculator from ij.process import ImageProcessor from ij.process import FloatProcessor from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus #Input parameters gd = GenericDialogPlus("Input Parameters") gd.addDirectoryOrFileField("Select composite color image, 32-bit", "") gd.addNumericField("Pixel size", 4, 0) # show 3 decimals gd.addNumericField("Background color", 150, 0) # show 3 decimals gd.showDialog() directory_w = gd.getNextString() px = int(gd.getNextNumber()) bc = int(gd.getNextNumber()) #path to RGB image imp = IJ.getImage()"8-bit")"32-bit") n_slicesa = imp.getStack().getSize() L = [] for i in range(1, n_slicesa + 1): imp.setSlice(i) n = imp.getProcessor().getPixels() n2 = [int(val) for val in n] L.append(n2) imp.changes = False
def run(): gd = GenericDialogPlus("ND2 Conversion Tool") gd.addMessage("This plugin uses BioFormats to convert ND2 images to JPEG for further processing in ImageJ.") gd.addDirectoryOrFileField("Input: ", "G:\\Subdir testing\\") #srcDir gd.addDirectoryOrFileField("Output: ", "G:\\Subdir testing\\") #dstDir gd.addStringField("File name contains: ", "") #nameContains gd.addCheckbox("Preserve directory structure?", True) #keepDirs gd.addCheckbox("Run in headless mode?", True) #anneBoleyn gd.addCheckbox("Overwrite existing output files?", True) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): return srcDir = gd.getNextString() dstDir = gd.getNextString() nameContains = gd.getNextString() keepDirectories = gd.getNextBoolean() anneBoleyn = gd.getNextBoolean() overOut = gd.getNextBoolean()"Input/Output...", "jpeg=100") for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(srcDir): for filename in filenames: # Check for file extension if not filename.endswith(".nd2"): continue # Check for file name pattern if nameContains not in filename: continue process(srcDir, dstDir, nameContains, root, filename, keepDirectories, anneBoleyn, overOut)
def selectionDialog(categories, labelColorBarImp): gd = GenericDialogPlus("ROI labeller -image picking") imps = WM.getImageTitles() nonimages = WM.getNonImageTitles() gd.addChoice("Image to quantify", imps, imps[0]) try: gd.addChoice("FRETENTATOR results table", nonimages, nonimages[0]) fail = 0 except: gd.addMessage("No results table open") fail = 1 gd.addImage(labelColorBarImp) for i in range(categories): gd.addStringField("Label " + str(i) + " name:", "Label " + str(i)) gd.addChoice("Quantify an open image or add labels to open results table?", ["Image", "Results table"], "Results table") #quantImp= IJ.getImage(gd.getNextChoice()) gd.setModal(False) gd.showDialog() while ((not gd.wasCanceled()) and not (gd.wasOKed())): Thread.sleep(50) names = dict() for i in range(categories): names[i] = str(gd.getNextString()) imageName = gd.getNextChoice() if fail == 0: resultsName = gd.getNextChoice() imageOrTable = gd.getNextChoice() else: imageOrTable = "Image" resultsName = 0 return names, imageName, resultsName, imageOrTable
if os.path.exists(target_dir): shutil.rmtree(target_dir) shutil.move(os.path.join(td,subdir),target_dir) try: download_url='' # check date installed_version='NA' local_version_info=cmtkgui.gui_local_versioninfo() if local_version_info.has_key('date'): installed_version=local_version_info['date'] github_version_info=cmtkgui.gui_github_versioninfo() update_available=cmtkgui.gui_update_available(github_version_info) gd = GenericDialogPlus('Update CMTK GUI') if update_available: gd.addMessage('CMTK GUI update available') gd.setOKLabel("Download") else: gd.addMessage('CMTK GUI is up to date') gd.addMessage('Currently installed CMTK GUI version: '+installed_version) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasOKed() and update_available: # nb url has a suffix to indicate that user agreed to license from ij import IJ IJ.showStatus('Downloading CMTK GUI') cmtkgui.download_and_untar_url(download_url,cmtkgui.gui_install_dir(),untar_github_archive) cmtkgui.gui_write_local_versioninfo(github_version_info)
def DialogGenerate(imageBaseDir, summary): dpi = 300 defaultAspectRatio = 1.33 defaultTileWidth = 15 defaultOriginalWidth = 150 defaultOriginalHeight = 113 defaultTileHeight = round(defaultTileWidth/defaultAspectRatio) gd = GenericDialogPlus("Cover Maker") gd.addMessage("Prepare Image database") gd.addDirectoryField("Select base directory containing images", imageBaseDir, 20) gd.addMessage(summary) gd.addNumericField("Aspect ratio", defaultAspectRatio, 2) gd.addNumericField("Original width", defaultOriginalWidth, 0) gd.addNumericField("Original height", defaultOriginalHeight, 0) gd.addNumericField("minimal tile width", defaultTileWidth, 0) gd.addNumericField("maximal tile width", defaultTileWidth, 0) gd.addNumericField("minimal tile height", defaultTileHeight, 0) gd.addNumericField("maximal tile height", defaultTileHeight, 0) fields = gd.getNumericFields() aspRatio = fields.get(0) minw = fields.get(3) maxw = fields.get(4) minh = fields.get(5) maxh = fields.get(6) # resolution and size listener textListener = RatioToDim(aspRatio, minw, maxw, minh, maxh) aspRatio.addTextListener(textListener) minw.addTextListener(textListener) maxw.addTextListener(textListener) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): print "User canceled dialog!" return imageBaseDir = gd.getNextString() aspectRatio = gd.getNextNumber() majorWidth = gd.getNextNumber() majorHeight = gd.getNextNumber() mintilewidth = gd.getNextNumber() maxtilewidth = gd.getNextNumber() return int(mintilewidth), int(maxtilewidth), imageBaseDir, float(aspectRatio), int(majorWidth), int(majorHeight)
cmtkgui.log('installing from = '+frompath+' to = '+ target_dir) cmtkgui.movefile(frompath,target_dir) print("Cleaning up!") try: shutil.rmtree(td) except OSError: print("Failed to remove temporary directory: "+td+"\n") pass download_urls=cmtkgui.downloads() # download_urls=['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] download_files=map(os.path.basename,download_urls) download_dict=dict(zip(download_files,download_urls)) print cmtkgui.install_dir() gd = GenericDialogPlus('Install CMTK') gd.addMessage('Currently installed CMTK version: '+cmtkgui.installed_version()) recommended_file=cmtkgui.recommended_file(download_files) if recommended_file is None: recommended_file = download_files[0] gd.addChoice("Download file",download_files,recommended_file) gd.addMessage('By downloading this file you agree to the following (if you '+ 'do not agree to this, please press "Cancel" below):') gd.addMessage('Core CMTK code is licensed under the GPLv3.\nBundled software'+ ' may be licensed under different terms - see licences/ directory for details') gd.showDialog() if gd.wasOKed(): download_file=gd.getNextChoice() # nb url has a suffix to indicate that user agreed to license download_url=download_dict[download_file]+'/?i_agree=1&download_now=1' print "Downloading "+download_file+' from url '+download_url+' to '+cmtkgui.install_dir()
# define some variables # EM = electron microscopic image # rLM = real light microscopic image (ground truth) with chromatin channel # pLM = predictet light microscopic image # c1LM, c2LM, c3LM ... = channels of interest (COI) # define input ( to string) EMfilepath = EMfilepath.toString() rLMfilepath = rLMfilepath.toString() workdir = workdir.toString() # check if workdir is empty if len(os.listdir(workdir)) != 0: gd = GenericDialogPlus("Options") gd.addMessage("Working directory must be empty!") gd.addMessage( "Please delete all files in the working directory, or choose another working directory and restart the Deep CLEM Plugin." ) gd.showDialog() if len(os.listdir(workdir)) != 0: sys.exit() # create a couple of folder in workdir # for registration registration_inputdir = os.path.join(workdir, "registration_input") os.mkdir(registration_inputdir) registration_outputdir = os.path.join(workdir, "registration_output")
# configure initial scaling step calib = imp.getCalibration(); scaleX = calib.pixelWidth / calib.pixelDepth * zoom; scaleY = calib.pixelHeight / calib.pixelDepth * zoom; scaleZ = 1.0 * zoom; # initialize state input = None; formerT = None; resultCylinderMaxProjection = None; resultMaxProjection = None; spots = None; circles = None; blobs = None; # build up user interface gdp = GenericDialogPlus("Spot detection workflow"); gdp.addMessage("Noise and background subtraction (DoG)"); gdp.addCheckbox("Do noise and background subtraction ", formerDoNoiseAndBackgroundRemoval); gdp.addSlider("Sigma 1 (in 0.1 pixel)", 0, 100, formerSigma1); gdp.addSlider("Sigma 2 (in 0.1 pixel)", 0, 100, formerSigma2); gdp.addMessage("Rigid transform"); gdp.addCheckbox("Do rigid transformation", formerDoRigidTransform); gdp.addSlider("Translation X (in pixel)", -100, 100, formerTranslationX); gdp.addSlider("Translation Y (in pixel)", -100, 100, formerTranslationY); gdp.addSlider("Translation Z (in pixel)", -100, 100, formerTranslationZ); gdp.addSlider("Rotation X (in degrees)", -180, 180, formerRotationX); gdp.addSlider("Rotation Y (in degrees)", -180, 180, formerRotationY); gdp.addSlider("Rotation Z (in degrees)", -180, 180, formerRotationZ); gdp.addMessage("Spot detection") gdp.addCheckbox("Do spot detection", formerDoSpotDetection);
#Take spectral image data and transform into XYZ tristumulus Space from ij import IJ, ImagePlus from ij.plugin import ImageCalculator from ij.process import ImageProcessor from ij.process import FloatProcessor from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus import ij.plugin.PlugIn import math #Input parameters gd = GenericDialogPlus("Input Parameters") gd.addNumericField("Wavlength Spacing (nm)", 5, 0) # show 3 decimals gd.addNumericField("Starting Wavelength (nm)", 430, 0) # show 3 decimals gd.addNumericField("Ending Wavelength (nm)", 750, 0) # show 3 decimals gd.showDialog() spacing = int(gd.getNextNumber()) start_wave = int(gd.getNextNumber()) end_wave = int(gd.getNextNumber()) lim = (end_wave - start_wave) / spacing #color matching functions def red(): a0 = 0.2817 a1 = -0.3183 b1 = -0.07613 a2 = 0.1517
def optionsDialog(): dialog = GenericDialogPlus("Cilia Sizes") dialog.addDirectoryField("Image Directory", DEFAULT_DIR) dialog.addFileField("Training Model", DEFAULT_TRAIN) dialog.addStringField("Output Subdirectory", "output", 20) dialog.addStringField("Confocal Channel", "1", 20) dialog.addStringField("Probability Threshold", "0.67", 20) dialog.addStringField("Minimum Pixel Size", "2", 20) dialog.showDialog() # Check if canceled if dialog.wasCanceled(): return None textVals = [x.text for x in dialog.getStringFields()] return textVals
def getSettings(self): gd = GenericDialogPlus("Settings") gd.addNumericField("Distance in pixel", 600, 0) gd.addNumericField("Distance in cm", 2.54, 2) gd.addNumericField("Min. size (cm^2)", 0.5, 2) gd.addDirectoryField("Directory", IJ.getDirectory("home")) gd.addStringField("File extension", "*.jpg", 8) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): sys.exit() else: distPixel = gd.getNextNumber() distCm = gd.getNextNumber() minSize = gd.getNextNumber() * (distPixel / distCm) ** 2 imageDir = gd.getNextString() ext = gd.getNextString() return (distPixel, distCm, minSize, imageDir, ext)
session = None channel = None DIALOG = True if (DIALOG): # ----------------- DIALOG TO FILL GLOBAL PARAMETERS ----- gui = GenericDialog("Parameters") gui.addStringField("NGROK Server address :", "") gui.addStringField("PORT :", "") gui.showDialog() HOST = gui.getNextString() PORT = int(gui.getNextString()) gui = GenericDialogPlus("Parameters") gui.addFileField("Select a model file in Keras format (*.h5) : ", "") gui.showDialog() if gui.wasOKed(): LOCAL_MODEL_FILENAME = gui.getNextString() gui = GenericDialogPlus("Parameters") gui.addFileField("Select a python script file to upload on the server (*.py) : ", "") gui.showDialog() if gui.wasOKed(): LOCAL_PREDICTION_SCRIPT = gui.getNextString() jsch=JSch() # SSH Connection to DeepLearning server
def getImgRoiDir(): gui = GenericDialogPlus( "Select directories to process images and ROI sets to apply") default_dir = OpenDialog.getDefaultDirectory() gui.addDirectoryField("Choose a iamge folder to be processed", default_dir) gui.addDirectoryField("Choose a ROI set folder to apply", default_dir) gui.showDialog() if gui.wasOKed(): img_dir = gui.getNextString() if not img_dir.endswith(os.sep): img_dir = img_dir + os.sep roi_dir = gui.getNextString() if not roi_dir.endswith(os.sep): roi_dir = roi_dir + os.sep return img_dir, roi_dir
def Dialog(imp): dpi = 300 # a4 width in inches defaultWidth = 11.69 defaultHeight = defaultWidth/ratio defaultAspectRatio = 1.41 if imp: gd = GenericDialogPlus("Cover Maker") gd.addMessage("Input Options") gd.addFileField("Select image database", "", 20) gd.addMessage("Cover Maker Options") gd.addNumericField("tile width", 12, 0) gd.addNumericField("tile height", 9, 0) gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): print "User canceled dialog!" return databasepath = gd.getNextString() tilewidth = gd.getNextNumber() tileheight = gd.getNextNumber() print 'path:', databasepath return databasepath, imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), int(tilewidth), int(tileheight) else: IJ.showMessage( "You should have at least one image open." )
import sys import os import csv from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus from loci.formats import ChannelSeparator from import Opener import json import time boldFont = Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 13) fret_fura = [] fret_fura.append("C1/C2 (FURA)") fret_fura.append("C2/C1 (FRET)") dest = IJ.getDirectory("image") bck_path = 'optional' gdp = GenericDialogPlus("FRET Assay, Version 3.4") gdp.addDirectoryField("Output Location:", dest, 40) gdp.addStringField("Processed Folder:", 'Processed_FRET', 40) gdp.addStringField("FRET Outfile:", 'FRET_Outfile.csv', 40) gdp.addStringField("Selection Radius:", '3', 10) gdp.addStringField("Image interval (sec):", '4', 10) gdp.addStringField("ZeroDivisionErorVal:", 'NA', 10) gdp.addRadioButtonGroup("", fret_fura, 1, 2, "C1/C2 (FURA)") #gdp.addCheckbox("Set Background to value:", False) gdp.addFileField("background file:", bck_path, 40) gdp.addToSameRow() gdp.addStringField("", '0', 5) gdp.addCheckbox("Apply Gaussian blur? Input sigma value:", False) gdp.addToSameRow() gdp.addStringField("", '4', 5)
def previewDialog(imp): gd = GenericDialogPlus("Nuclear segmentation and quantification v1.01") #create a list of the channels in the provided imagePlus types = [] for i in xrange(1, imp.getNChannels() + 1): types.append(str(i)) #user can pick which channel to base the segmentation on gd.addChoice("Channel number to use for segmentation", types, types[0]) gd.addChoice("Channel to quantify", types, types[0]) methods = [ "Otsu", "Default", "Huang", "Intermodes", "IsoData", "IJ_IsoData", "Li", "MaxEntropy", "Mean", "MinError", "Minimum", "Moments", "Percentile", "RenyiEntropy", "Shanbhag", "Triangle", "Yen" ] gd.addChoice("Autosegmentation method", methods, methods[0]) intensities = ["254", "4094", "65534"] gd.addChoice("Max Intensity", intensities, intensities[-1]) gd.addSlider("Small DoG sigma", 0.5, 10, 1, 0.1) gd.addSlider("Large DoG sigma", 0.5, 20, 5, 0.1) gd.addCheckbox("TopHat background subtraction? (Slower, but better) ", True) gd.addSlider("TopHat sigma", 5, 20, 8, 0.1) gd.setModal(False) gd.addCheckbox("Manually set threshold? ", False) gd.addSlider("Manual threshold", 10, 65534, 2000, 1) gd.hideCancelButton() gd.showDialog() cal = imp.getCalibration() pixelAspect = (cal.pixelDepth / cal.pixelWidth) originalTitle = imp1.getTitle() choices = gd.getChoices() print choices sliders = gd.getSliders() checkboxes = gd.getCheckboxes() segmentChannel = int(choices.get(0).getSelectedItem()) quantChannel = int(choices.get(1).getSelectedItem()) thresholdMethod = choices.get(2).getSelectedItem() maxIntensity = int(choices.get(3).getSelectedItem()) gaussianSigma = sliders.get(0).getValue() / 10.0 largeDoGSigma = gd.sliders.get(1).getValue() / 10.0 topHat = gd.checkboxes.get(0).getState() topHatSigma = gd.sliders.get(2).getValue() / 10.0 manualSegment = gd.checkboxes.get(1).getState() manualThreshold = gd.sliders.get(3).getValue() segmentChannelOld = segmentChannel thresholdMethodOld = thresholdMethod maxIntensityOld = maxIntensity gaussianSigmaOld = gaussianSigma largeDoGSigmaOld = largeDoGSigma topHatOld = topHat topHatSigmaOld = topHatSigma manualSegmentOld = manualSegment manualThresholdOld = manualThreshold clij2.clear() segmentImp = extractChannel(imp1, segmentChannel, 0) try: gfx1 = clij2.push(segmentImp) gfx2 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx3 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx4 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx5 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx7 = clij2.create([imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()]) except: try: Thread.sleep(500) IJ.log( "Succeeded to sending to graphics card on the second time...") gfx1 = clij2.push(segmentImp) gfx2 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx3 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx4 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx5 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx7 = clij2.create([imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()]) except: errorDialog( """Could not send image to graphics card, it may be too large! Easy solutions: Try processing as 8-bit, cropping or scaling the image, or select a different CLIJ2 GPU. This issue is often intermittent, so trying again may also work! See the "Big Images on x graphics cards' notes at: for more solutions """ + str(clij2.reportMemory())) gfx1, gfx2, gfx3, gfx4, gfx5 = segment(gfx1, gfx2, gfx3, gfx4, gfx5, gaussianSigma, thresholdMethod, maxIntensity, largeDoGSigma, pixelAspect, originalTitle, topHat, topHatSigma, manualSegment, manualThreshold) clij2.maximumZProjection(gfx5, gfx7) labelPrevImp = clij2.pull(gfx7) IJ.setMinAndMax(labelPrevImp, 0, clij2.getMaximumOfAllPixels(gfx7)) labelPrevImp.setTitle("Preview segmentation")"glasbey_inverted") while ((not gd.wasCanceled()) and not (gd.wasOKed())): segmentChannel = int(choices.get(0).getSelectedItem()) quantChannel = int(choices.get(1).getSelectedItem()) thresholdMethod = choices.get(2).getSelectedItem() maxIntensity = int(choices.get(3).getSelectedItem()) gaussianSigma = sliders.get(0).getValue() / 10.0 largeDoGSigma = gd.sliders.get(1).getValue() / 10.0 topHat = gd.checkboxes.get(0).getState() topHatSigma = gd.sliders.get(2).getValue() / 10.0 manualSegment = gd.checkboxes.get(1).getState() manualThreshold = gd.sliders.get(3).getValue() if (segmentChannelOld != segmentChannel or thresholdMethodOld != thresholdMethod or maxIntensityOld != maxIntensity or gaussianSigmaOld != gaussianSigma or largeDoGSigmaOld != largeDoGSigma or topHatOld != topHat or topHatSigmaOld != topHatSigma or manualSegmentOld != manualSegment or manualThresholdOld != manualThreshold): if segmentChannelOld != segmentChannel: clij2.clear() segmentImp = extractChannel(imp1, segmentChannel, 0) gfx1 = clij2.push(segmentImp) gfx2 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx3 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx4 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx5 = clij2.create(gfx1) gfx7 = clij2.create([imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()]) gfx1, gfx2, gfx3, gfx4, gfx5 = segment( gfx1, gfx2, gfx3, gfx4, gfx5, gaussianSigma, thresholdMethod, maxIntensity, largeDoGSigma, pixelAspect, originalTitle, topHat, topHatSigma, manualSegment, manualThreshold) clij2.maximumZProjection(gfx5, gfx7) labelPrevImp.close() labelPrevImp = clij2.pull(gfx7) IJ.setMinAndMax(labelPrevImp, 0, clij2.getMaximumOfAllPixels(gfx7)) labelPrevImp.setTitle("Preview segmentation")"glasbey_inverted") segmentChannelOld = segmentChannel thresholdMethodOld = thresholdMethod maxIntensityOld = maxIntensity gaussianSigmaOld = gaussianSigma largeDoGSigmaOld = largeDoGSigma topHatOld = topHat topHatSigmaOld = topHatSigma manualSegmentOld = manualSegment manualThresholdOld = manualThreshold Thread.sleep(200) labelPrevImp.close() return segmentChannel, quantChannel, thresholdMethod, maxIntensity, gaussianSigma, largeDoGSigma, topHat, topHatSigma, manualSegment, manualThreshold
print "Chosen reg params: "+regparamc def updateOuputFolders(): outsuffix=outsuffixf.getText() if outsuffix: reg="Registration."+outsuffix ref="reformatted."+outsuffix else: reg="Registration" ref="reformatted" outputf.setText("Output Folders: "+reg+", "+ref) return ## START! gd = GenericDialogPlus('CMTK Registration GUI') # 0.1) Identify path to CMTK binaries bindir=cmtkgui.install_dir() print 'bindir is ' + bindir # 0.1) Identify path to script #munger='/Users/jefferis/bin/' munger=cmtkgui.tool_path('munger') print 'munger is ' + munger gd.addHelp("") dirFieldWidth=50 gdMargin=130 gd.addDirectoryField("Registration Folder",None,dirFieldWidth) regrootf = gd.getStringFields().get(0) # reference brain
Then each template is searched in the target image. This yield as set of correlation maps Minima/maxima in the correlation maps are detected, followed by Non-Maxima Supression when several object are explected in the target image - matchTemplate Method limited to normalised method to have correlation map in range 0-1 : easier to apply a treshold. The search region can be limited to a rectangular ROI, that is drawn on the image/stack before execution of the plugin. Requirements: - IJ-OpenCV update site ''' #import time #@PrefService prefs from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus ## Create GUI Win = GenericDialogPlus("Multiple Template Matching") Win.addImageChoice("Template", prefs.get("Template", "Choice")) Win.addImageChoice("Image", prefs.get("Image", "Choice")) Win.addCheckbox("Flip_template_vertically", prefs.getInt("FlipV", False)) Win.addCheckbox("Flip_template_horizontally", prefs.getInt("FlipH", False)) Win.addStringField("Rotate template by ..(comma-separated)", prefs.get("Angles", "")) Win.addChoice("Matching_method", [ "Normalised Square Difference", "Normalised cross-correlation", "Normalised 0-mean cross-correlation" ], prefs.get("Method", "Normalised 0-mean cross-correlation")) Win.addNumericField("Number_of_templates expected", prefs.getInt("N_hit", 1), 0) Win.addMessage("If more than 1 template expected :") Win.addNumericField("Score_Threshold [0-1]", prefs.getFloat("Score_Threshold", 0.5), 2)
## Import modules #@PrefService prefs #@FormatService fs # to check that the file in the folder are indeed images from fiji.util.gui import GenericDialogPlus from ij import IJ from ij.gui import Roi from os import listdir from os.path import join, isfile, isdir #import time ## Home-Made module from Template_Matching.MatchTemplate_Module import getHit_Template, CornerToCenter from Template_Matching.NonMaximaSupression_Py2 import NMS ## Create GUI Win = GenericDialogPlus("Multiple Template Matching") Win.addDirectoryOrFileField("Template file or templates folder", prefs.get("TemplatePath", "template(s)")) Win.addDirectoryOrFileField("Image file or images folder", prefs.get("ImagePath", "image(s)")) Win.addFileField("Rectangular_search_ROI (optional)", prefs.get("RoiPath", "searchRoi")) # Template pre-processing Win.addCheckbox("Flip_template_vertically", prefs.getInt("FlipV", False)) Win.addCheckbox("Flip_template_horizontally", prefs.getInt("FlipH", False)) Win.addStringField("Rotate template by ..(comma-separated)", prefs.get("Angles", "")) # Template matchign parameters Win.addChoice("Matching_method", [