def createReproFile(fuzzerJS, extraPrefs, lines, logPrefix): contentTypes = linesStartingWith(lines, "FRCX Content type: ") contentType = afterColon( contentTypes[0]) if len(contentTypes) > 0 else "text/html" extDict = { 'text/html': 'html', 'application/xhtml+xml': 'xhtml', 'image/svg+xml': 'svg', 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml': 'xul', # 'text/xml' is tricky. We'd want to know the xmlns of the root, and steal its contents but use .xml. # But treating it as xhtml is better than doing nothing, for now. 'text/xml': 'xhtml' } if contentType in extDict: extension = extDict[contentType] else: print "loopdomfuzz is not sure what to do with content type " + repr( contentType) + " :(" extension = "xhtml" [wbefore, wafter] = fuzzDice(os.path.join(emptiesDir, "a." + extension)) possibleDoctype = [] if contentType == "text/html": docTypes = linesStartingWith(lines, "FRCX Doctype: ") if len(docTypes) > 0: possibleDoctype = [afterColon(docTypes[0]) + "\n"] [jbefore, jafter] = fuzzSplice(fuzzerJS) fuzzlines = [ line[12:] for line in linesStartingWith(lines, " /*FRCA1*/ ") ] if len(fuzzlines) < 3: fuzzlines = [ "// Startup crash?\n", "var fuzzSettings = [42,0,42,42,3000,0];\n", "var fuzzCommands = [];\n", "// DDBEGIN\n" ] quittage = [ extraPrefs, "// DDEND\n", 'fuzzCommands.push({ note: "done", rest: true, timeout: 3000});\n', 'fuzzCommands.push({ note: "quit", fun: function() { fuzzPriv.quitApplication(); } });\n', "\n", "function user_pref() { /* Allow to parse user_pref lines from this file */ }\n", ] linesToWrite = possibleDoctype + wbefore + jbefore + fuzzlines + quittage + jafter + wafter oFN = logPrefix + "-splice-orig." + extension rFN = logPrefix + "-splice-reduced." + extension writeLinesToFile(linesToWrite, oFN) writeLinesToFile(linesToWrite, rFN)["gzip", oFN]) return rFN
def createReproFile(fuzzerJS, extraPrefs, lines, logPrefix): contentTypes = linesStartingWith(lines, "FRCX Content type: ") contentType = afterColon(contentTypes[0]) if len(contentTypes) > 0 else "text/html" extDict = { "text/html": "html", "application/xhtml+xml": "xhtml", "image/svg+xml": "svg", "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml": "xul", # 'text/xml' is tricky. We'd want to know the xmlns of the root, and steal its contents but use .xml. # But treating it as xhtml is better than doing nothing, for now. "text/xml": "xhtml", } if contentType in extDict: extension = extDict[contentType] else: print "loopdomfuzz is not sure what to do with content type " + repr(contentType) + " :(" extension = "xhtml" [wbefore, wafter] = fuzzDice(os.path.join(emptiesDir, "a." + extension)) possibleDoctype = [] if contentType == "text/html": docTypes = linesStartingWith(lines, "FRCX Doctype: ") if len(docTypes) > 0: possibleDoctype = [afterColon(docTypes[0]) + "\n"] [jbefore, jafter] = fuzzSplice(fuzzerJS) fuzzlines = [line[12:] for line in linesStartingWith(lines, " /*FRCA1*/ ")] if len(fuzzlines) < 3: fuzzlines = [ "// Startup crash?\n", "var fuzzSettings = [42,0,42,42,3000,0];\n", "var fuzzCommands = [];\n", "// DDBEGIN\n", ] quittage = [ extraPrefs, "// DDEND\n", 'fuzzCommands.push({ note: "done", rest: true, timeout: 3000});\n', 'fuzzCommands.push({ note: "quit", fun: function() { fuzzPriv.quitApplication(); } });\n', "\n", "function user_pref() { /* Allow to parse user_pref lines from this file */ }\n", ] linesToWrite = possibleDoctype + wbefore + jbefore + fuzzlines + quittage + jafter + wafter oFN = logPrefix + "-splice-orig." + extension rFN = logPrefix + "-splice-reduced." + extension writeLinesToFile(linesToWrite, oFN) writeLinesToFile(linesToWrite, rFN)["gzip", oFN]) return rFN
def many_timed_runs(targetTime, wtmpDir, args, collector): options = parseOpts(args) engineFlags = options.engineFlags # engineFlags is overwritten later if --random-flags is set. startTime = time.time() if os.path.isdir(sps.normExpUserPath(options.repo)): regressionTestListFile = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "regression-tests.list")) with open(regressionTestListFile, "wb") as f: for fn in inTreeRegressionTests(options.repo): f.write(fn + "\n") regressionTestPrologue = makeRegressionTestPrologue(options.repo, regressionTestListFile) else: regressionTestPrologue = "" fuzzjs = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "jsfunfuzz.js")) linkFuzzer(fuzzjs, options.repo, regressionTestPrologue) iteration = 0 while True: if targetTime and time.time() > startTime + targetTime: print "Out of time!" os.remove(fuzzjs) if len(os.listdir(wtmpDir)) == 0: os.rmdir(wtmpDir) break # Construct command needed to loop jsfunfuzz fuzzing. jsInterestingArgs = [] jsInterestingArgs.append('--timeout=' + str(options.timeout)) if options.valgrind: jsInterestingArgs.append('--valgrind') jsInterestingArgs.append(options.knownPath) jsInterestingArgs.append(options.jsEngine) if options.randomFlags: engineFlags = shellFlags.randomFlagSet(options.jsEngine) jsInterestingArgs.extend(engineFlags) jsInterestingArgs.extend(['-e', 'maxRunTime=' + str(options.timeout*(1000/2))]) jsInterestingArgs.extend(['-f', fuzzjs]) jsInterestingOptions = jsInteresting.parseOptions(jsInterestingArgs) iteration += 1 logPrefix = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "w" + str(iteration))) res = jsInteresting.ShellResult(jsInterestingOptions, jsInterestingOptions.jsengineWithArgs, logPrefix, False) if res.lev != jsInteresting.JS_FINE: showtail(logPrefix + "-out.txt") showtail(logPrefix + "-err.txt") # splice jsfunfuzz.js with `grep FRC wN-out` filenameToReduce = logPrefix + "-reduced.js" [before, after] = fileManipulation.fuzzSplice(fuzzjs) with open(logPrefix + '-out.txt', 'rb') as f: newfileLines = before + [l.replace('/*FRC*/', '') for l in fileManipulation.linesStartingWith(f, "/*FRC*/")] + after fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, logPrefix + "-orig.js") fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, filenameToReduce) # Run Lithium and autobisect (make a reduced testcase and find a regression window) itest = [interestingpy] if options.valgrind: itest.append("--valgrind") itest.append("--minlevel=" + str(res.lev)) itest.append("--timeout=" + str(options.timeout)) itest.append(options.knownPath) (lithResult, lithDetails, autoBisectLog) = pinpoint.pinpoint(itest, logPrefix, options.jsEngine, engineFlags, filenameToReduce, options.repo, options.buildOptionsStr, targetTime, res.lev) # Upload with final output if lithResult == lithOps.LITH_FINISHED: fargs = jsInterestingOptions.jsengineWithArgs[:-1] + [filenameToReduce] retestResult = jsInteresting.ShellResult(jsInterestingOptions, fargs, logPrefix + "-final", False) if retestResult.lev > jsInteresting.JS_FINE: res = retestResult quality = 0 else: quality = 6 else: quality = 10 # ddsize = lithOps.ddsize(filenameToReduce) print "Submitting " + filenameToReduce + " (quality=" + str(quality) + ") at " + sps.dateStr() metadata = {} if autoBisectLog: metadata = {"autoBisectLog": ''.join(autoBisectLog)} collector.submit(res.crashInfo, filenameToReduce, quality, metaData=metadata) print "Submitted " + filenameToReduce else: flagsAreDeterministic = "--dump-bytecode" not in engineFlags and '-D' not in engineFlags if options.useCompareJIT and res.lev == jsInteresting.JS_FINE and \ jsInterestingOptions.shellIsDeterministic and flagsAreDeterministic: linesToCompare = jitCompareLines(logPrefix + '-out.txt', "/*FCM*/") jitcomparefilename = logPrefix + "-cj-in.js" fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(linesToCompare, jitcomparefilename) anyBug = compareJIT.compareJIT(options.jsEngine, engineFlags, jitcomparefilename, logPrefix + "-cj", options.repo, options.buildOptionsStr, targetTime, jsInterestingOptions) if not anyBug: os.remove(jitcomparefilename) jsInteresting.deleteLogs(logPrefix)
def many_timed_runs(targetTime, wtmpDir, args): options = parseOpts(args) engineFlags = options.engineFlags # engineFlags is overwritten later if --random-flags is set. startTime = time.time() if os.path.isdir(sps.normExpUserPath(options.repo)): regressionTestListFile = sps.normExpUserPath( os.path.join(wtmpDir, "regression-tests.list")) with open(regressionTestListFile, "wb") as f: for fn in inTreeRegressionTests(options.repo): f.write(fn + "\n") regressionTestPrologue = makeRegressionTestPrologue( options.repo, regressionTestListFile) else: regressionTestPrologue = "" fuzzjs = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "jsfunfuzz.js")) linkFuzzer(fuzzjs, options.repo, regressionTestPrologue) iteration = 0 while True: if targetTime and time.time() > startTime + targetTime: print "Out of time!" os.remove(fuzzjs) if len(os.listdir(wtmpDir)) == 0: os.rmdir(wtmpDir) return (lithOps.HAPPY, None) # Construct command needed to loop jsfunfuzz fuzzing. jsInterestingArgs = [] jsInterestingArgs.append('--timeout=' + str(options.timeout)) if options.valgrind: jsInterestingArgs.append('--valgrind') jsInterestingArgs.append(options.knownPath) jsInterestingArgs.append(options.jsEngine) if options.randomFlags: engineFlags = shellFlags.randomFlagSet(options.jsEngine) jsInterestingArgs.extend(engineFlags) jsInterestingArgs.extend( ['-e', 'maxRunTime=' + str(options.timeout * (1000 / 2))]) jsInterestingArgs.extend(['-f', fuzzjs]) jsunhappyOptions = jsInteresting.parseOptions(jsInterestingArgs) iteration += 1 logPrefix = sps.normExpUserPath( os.path.join(wtmpDir, "w" + str(iteration))) level = jsInteresting.jsfunfuzzLevel(jsunhappyOptions, logPrefix) if level != jsInteresting.JS_FINE: showtail(logPrefix + "-out.txt") showtail(logPrefix + "-err.txt") # splice jsfunfuzz.js with `grep FRC wN-out` filenameToReduce = logPrefix + "-reduced.js" [before, after] = fileManipulation.fuzzSplice(fuzzjs) with open(logPrefix + '-out.txt', 'rb') as f: newfileLines = before + [ l.replace('/*FRC*/', '') for l in fileManipulation.linesStartingWith(f, "/*FRC*/") ] + after fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, logPrefix + "-orig.js") fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, filenameToReduce) # Run Lithium and autobisect (make a reduced testcase and find a regression window) itest = [interestingpy] if options.valgrind: itest.append("--valgrind") itest.append("--minlevel=" + str(level)) itest.append("--timeout=" + str(options.timeout)) itest.append(options.knownPath) (lithResult, lithDetails) = pinpoint.pinpoint( itest, logPrefix, options.jsEngine, engineFlags, filenameToReduce, options.repo, options.buildOptionsStr, targetTime, level) if targetTime: return (lithResult, lithDetails) else: shellIsDeterministic = inspectShell.queryBuildConfiguration( options.jsEngine, 'more-deterministic') flagsAreDeterministic = "--dump-bytecode" not in engineFlags and '-D' not in engineFlags if options.useCompareJIT and level == jsInteresting.JS_FINE and \ shellIsDeterministic and flagsAreDeterministic: linesToCompare = jitCompareLines(logPrefix + '-out.txt', "/*FCM*/") jitcomparefilename = logPrefix + "-cj-in.js" fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(linesToCompare, jitcomparefilename) (lithResult, lithDetails) = compareJIT.compareJIT( options.jsEngine, engineFlags, jitcomparefilename, logPrefix + "-cj", options.knownPath, options.repo, options.buildOptionsStr, options.timeout, targetTime) if lithResult == lithOps.HAPPY: os.remove(jitcomparefilename) if targetTime and lithResult != lithOps.HAPPY: jsInteresting.deleteLogs(logPrefix) return (lithResult, lithDetails) jsInteresting.deleteLogs(logPrefix)
def many_timed_runs(targetTime, wtmpDir, args): options = parseOpts(args) engineFlags = options.engineFlags # engineFlags is overwritten later if --random-flags is set. startTime = time.time() if os.path.isdir(sps.normExpUserPath(options.repo)): regressionTestListFile = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "regression-tests.list")) with open(regressionTestListFile, "wb") as f: for fn in inTreeRegressionTests(options.repo): f.write(fn + "\n") regressionTestPrologue = makeRegressionTestPrologue(options.repo, regressionTestListFile) else: regressionTestPrologue = "" fuzzjs = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "jsfunfuzz.js")) linkFuzzer(fuzzjs, options.repo, regressionTestPrologue) iteration = 0 while True: if targetTime and time.time() > startTime + targetTime: print "Out of time!" os.remove(fuzzjs) if len(os.listdir(wtmpDir)) == 0: os.rmdir(wtmpDir) return (lithOps.HAPPY, None) # Construct command needed to loop jsfunfuzz fuzzing. jsInterestingArgs = [] jsInterestingArgs.append('--timeout=' + str(options.timeout)) if options.valgrind: jsInterestingArgs.append('--valgrind') jsInterestingArgs.append(options.knownPath) jsInterestingArgs.append(options.jsEngine) if options.randomFlags: engineFlags = shellFlags.randomFlagSet(options.jsEngine) jsInterestingArgs.extend(engineFlags) jsInterestingArgs.extend(['-e', 'maxRunTime=' + str(options.timeout*(1000/2))]) jsInterestingArgs.extend(['-f', fuzzjs]) jsunhappyOptions = jsInteresting.parseOptions(jsInterestingArgs) iteration += 1 logPrefix = sps.normExpUserPath(os.path.join(wtmpDir, "w" + str(iteration))) level = jsInteresting.jsfunfuzzLevel(jsunhappyOptions, logPrefix) if level != jsInteresting.JS_FINE: showtail(logPrefix + "-out.txt") showtail(logPrefix + "-err.txt") # splice jsfunfuzz.js with `grep FRC wN-out` filenameToReduce = logPrefix + "-reduced.js" [before, after] = fileManipulation.fuzzSplice(fuzzjs) with open(logPrefix + '-out.txt', 'rb') as f: newfileLines = before + [l.replace('/*FRC*/', '') for l in fileManipulation.linesStartingWith(f, "/*FRC*/")] + after fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, logPrefix + "-orig.js") fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(newfileLines, filenameToReduce) # Run Lithium and autobisect (make a reduced testcase and find a regression window) itest = [interestingpy] if options.valgrind: itest.append("--valgrind") itest.append("--minlevel=" + str(level)) itest.append("--timeout=" + str(options.timeout)) itest.append(options.knownPath) (lithResult, lithDetails) = pinpoint.pinpoint(itest, logPrefix, options.jsEngine, engineFlags, filenameToReduce, options.repo, options.buildOptionsStr, targetTime, level) if targetTime: return (lithResult, lithDetails) else: shellIsDeterministic = inspectShell.queryBuildConfiguration(options.jsEngine, 'more-deterministic') flagsAreDeterministic = "--dump-bytecode" not in engineFlags and '-D' not in engineFlags if options.useCompareJIT and level == jsInteresting.JS_FINE and \ shellIsDeterministic and flagsAreDeterministic: linesToCompare = jitCompareLines(logPrefix + '-out.txt', "/*FCM*/") jitcomparefilename = logPrefix + "-cj-in.js" fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(linesToCompare, jitcomparefilename) (lithResult, lithDetails) = compareJIT.compareJIT(options.jsEngine, engineFlags, jitcomparefilename, logPrefix + "-cj", options.knownPath, options.repo, options.buildOptionsStr, options.timeout, targetTime) if lithResult == lithOps.HAPPY: os.remove(jitcomparefilename) if targetTime and lithResult != lithOps.HAPPY: jsInteresting.deleteLogs(logPrefix) return (lithResult, lithDetails) jsInteresting.deleteLogs(logPrefix)