def serialized_dict(datum): if type(datum) is dict: return fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=datum) elif type(datum) is bytes: return fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=datum) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported gaze datum type: {}.".format(type(datum)))
def _map_gaze( gazer_class_name, gazer_params, fake_gpool, pupil_pos_in_mapping_range, manual_correction_x, manual_correction_y, shared_memory, ): fake_gpool.import_runtime_plugins() gazers_by_name = registered_gazer_classes_by_class_name() gazer_cls = gazers_by_name[gazer_class_name] gazer = gazer_cls(fake_gpool, params=gazer_params) first_ts = pupil_pos_in_mapping_range[0]["timestamp"] last_ts = pupil_pos_in_mapping_range[-1]["timestamp"] ts_span = last_ts - first_ts for gaze_datum in gazer.map_pupil_to_gaze(pupil_pos_in_mapping_range): _apply_manual_correction(gaze_datum, manual_correction_x, manual_correction_y) curr_ts = gaze_datum["timestamp"] shared_memory.progress = (curr_ts - first_ts) / ts_span result = (curr_ts, fm.Serialized_Dict(gaze_datum)) yield [result]
def _map_gaze( gazer_class_name, gazer_params, fake_gpool, pupil_pos_in_mapping_range, manual_correction_x, manual_correction_y, shared_memory, ): fake_gpool.import_runtime_plugins() gazers_by_name = gazer_classes_by_class_name(registered_gazer_classes()) gazer_cls = gazers_by_name[gazer_class_name] gazer = gazer_cls(fake_gpool, params=gazer_params) first_ts = pupil_pos_in_mapping_range[0]["timestamp"] last_ts = pupil_pos_in_mapping_range[-1]["timestamp"] ts_span = last_ts - first_ts curr_ts = first_ts for gaze_datum in gazer.map_pupil_to_gaze(pupil_pos_in_mapping_range): _apply_manual_correction(gaze_datum, manual_correction_x, manual_correction_y) # gazer.map_pupil_to_gaze does not yield gaze with monotonic timestamps. # Binocular pupil matches are delayed internally. To avoid non-monotonic # progress updates, we use the largest timestamp that has been returned up to # the current point in time. curr_ts = max(curr_ts, gaze_datum["timestamp"]) shared_memory.progress = (curr_ts - first_ts) / ts_span result = (curr_ts, fm.Serialized_Dict(gaze_datum)) yield [result]
def recent_events(self, events): super().recent_events(events) while self.data_sub.new_data: topic = self.data_sub.recv_topic() remaining_frames = self.data_sub.recv_remaining_frames() if topic.startswith("pupil."): # pupil data only has one remaining frame payload_serialized = next(remaining_frames) pupil_datum = fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=payload_serialized) assert pm.PupilTopic.match(topic, eye_id=pupil_datum["id"]) timestamp = pupil_datum["timestamp"] self._pupil_data_store.append(topic, pupil_datum, timestamp) else: payload = self.data_sub.deserialize_payload(*remaining_frames) if payload["subject"] == "file_source.video_finished": for eye_id in (0, 1): if self.eye_video_loc[eye_id] == payload["source_path"]: logger.debug("eye {} process complete".format(eye_id)) self.eye_frame_idx[eye_id] = self.eye_frame_num[eye_id] self.detection_status[eye_id] = "complete" self.stop_eye_process(eye_id) break if self.eye_video_loc == [None, None]: data = self._pupil_data_store.as_pupil_data_bisector() self.publish_new(pupil_data_bisector=data) if payload["subject"] == "file_source.current_frame_index": for eye_id in (0, 1): if self.eye_video_loc[eye_id] == payload["source_path"]: self.eye_frame_idx[eye_id] = payload["index"] self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = self.detection_progress
def _map_gaze( calibration_result, fake_gpool, pupil_pos_in_mapping_range, manual_correction_x, manual_correction_y, shared_memory, ): gaze_mapping_plugins_by_name = { p.__name__: p for p in gaze_mapping_plugins } gaze_mapper_cls = gaze_mapping_plugins_by_name[ calibration_result.mapping_plugin_name] gaze_mapper = gaze_mapper_cls(fake_gpool, **calibration_result.mapper_args) for idx_incoming, pupil_pos in enumerate(pupil_pos_in_mapping_range): mapped_gaze = gaze_mapper.on_pupil_datum(pupil_pos) output_gaze = [] for gaze_datum in mapped_gaze: _apply_manual_correction(gaze_datum, manual_correction_x, manual_correction_y) output_gaze.append( (gaze_datum["timestamp"], fm.Serialized_Dict(gaze_datum))) shared_memory.progress = (idx_incoming + 1) / len(pupil_pos_in_mapping_range) if output_gaze: yield output_gaze
def recent_events(self, events): super().recent_events(events) while self.data_sub.new_data: topic = self.data_sub.recv_topic() remaining_frames = self.data_sub.recv_remaining_frames() if topic.startswith("pupil."): # pupil data only has one remaining frame payload_serialized = next(remaining_frames) pupil_datum = fm.Serialized_Dict( msgpack_bytes=payload_serialized) assert int(topic[-1]) == pupil_datum["id"] self.pupil_positions[pupil_datum["timestamp"]] = pupil_datum self.id_topics[pupil_datum["timestamp"]] = topic else: payload = self.data_sub.deserialize_payload(*remaining_frames) if payload["subject"] == "file_source.video_finished": for eyeid in (0, 1): if self.eye_video_loc[eyeid] == payload["source_path"]: logger.debug( "eye {} process complete".format(eyeid)) self.detection_status[eyeid] = "complete" self.stop_eye_process(eyeid) break if self.eye_video_loc == [None, None]: self.correlate_publish() total = sum(self.eye_frame_num) self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = (len(self.pupil_positions) / total if total else 0.0)
def blink_finished(idx): nonlocal blink # get tmp pupil idx start_idx = blink["__start_response_index__"] del blink["__start_response_index__"] blink["end_timestamp"] = self.timestamps[idx] blink["timestamp"] = (blink["end_timestamp"] + blink["start_timestamp"]) / 2 blink[ "duration"] = blink["end_timestamp"] - blink["start_timestamp"] blink["base_data"] = pupil_data[start_idx:idx].tolist() blink["filter_response"] = self.filter_response[ start_idx:idx].tolist() # blink confidence is the mean of the absolute filter response # during the blink event, clamped at 1. blink["confidence"] = min( float(np.abs(blink["filter_response"]).mean()), 1.0) # correlate world indices ts_start, ts_end = blink["start_timestamp"], blink["end_timestamp"] idx_start, idx_end = np.searchsorted(self.g_pool.timestamps, [ts_start, ts_end]) # fix `list index out of range` error idx_end = min(idx_end, len(self.g_pool.timestamps) - 1) blink["start_frame_index"] = int(idx_start) blink["end_frame_index"] = int(idx_end) blink["index"] = int((idx_start + idx_end) // 2) blink_data.append(fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=blink)) blink_start_ts.append(ts_start) blink_stop_ts.append(ts_end)
def recent_events(self, events): super().recent_events(events) if self.process_pipe and self.process_pipe.new_data: topic, msg = self.process_pipe.recv() if topic == 'progress': recent = msg.get('data', []) progress, data = zip(*recent) self.circle_marker_positions.extend([d for d in data if d]) self.detection_progress = progress[-1] elif topic == 'finished': self.detection_progress = 100. self.process_pipe = None for s in self.sections: self.calibrate_section(s) elif topic == 'exception': logger.warning('Calibration marker detection raised exception:\n{}'.format(msg['reason'])) self.process_pipe = None self.detection_progress = 0.'Marker detection was interrupted') logger.debug('Reason: {}'.format(msg.get('reason', 'n/a'))) self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = self.detection_progress / 100. for sec in self.sections: if 'bg_task' in sec: for progress, gaze_data in sec["bg_task"].fetch(): for timestamp, serialized in gaze_data: gaze_datum = fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized) sec['gaze'].append(gaze_datum) sec['gaze_ts'].append(timestamp) sec['status'] = progress if sec["bg_task"].completed: self.correlate_and_publish() del sec['bg_task']
def offline_detection( source_path, timestamps, frame_index_range, frame_index_to_num_markers, shared_memory, ): batch_size = 30 frame_start, frame_end = frame_index_range frame_indices = sorted( set(range(frame_start, frame_end + 1)) - set(frame_index_to_num_markers.keys())) if not frame_indices: return frame_count = frame_end - frame_start + 1 shared_memory.progress = (frame_indices[0] - frame_start + 1) / frame_count yield None src = video_capture.File_Source(SimpleNamespace(), source_path, timing=None) queue = [] for frame_index in frame_indices: shared_memory.progress = (frame_index - frame_start + 1) / frame_count timestamp = timestamps[frame_index] src.seek_to_frame(frame_index) frame = src.get_frame() detections = _detect(frame) if detections: serialized_dicts = [ fm.Serialized_Dict(detection) for detection in detections ] queue.append( (timestamp, serialized_dicts, frame_index, len(detections))) else: queue.append((timestamp, [fm.Serialized_Dict({})], frame_index, 0)) if len(queue) >= batch_size: data = queue[:batch_size] del queue[:batch_size] yield data yield queue
def fire_annotation(self, annotation_label): if self.last_frame_ts is None: return ts = self.last_frame_ts"{} annotation @ {}".format(annotation_label, ts)) new_annotation = create_annotation(annotation_label, ts) new_annotation["added_in_player"] = True self.annotations.insert(new_annotation["timestamp"], fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=new_annotation))
def offline_localization( timestamps, frame_index_range, markers_bisector, frame_index_to_num_markers, marker_id_to_extrinsics, camera_intrinsics, shared_memory, ): batch_size = 300 def find_markers_in_frame(index): window = pm.enclosing_window(timestamps, index) return markers_bisector.by_ts_window(window) camera_extrinsics_prv = None not_localized_count = 0 frame_start, frame_end = frame_index_range frame_count = frame_end - frame_start + 1 frame_indices = sorted( set(range(frame_start, frame_end + 1)) & set(frame_index_to_num_markers.keys())) queue = [] for frame_index in frame_indices: shared_memory.progress = (frame_index - frame_start + 1) / frame_count if frame_index_to_num_markers[frame_index]: markers_in_frame = find_markers_in_frame(frame_index) camera_extrinsics = solvepnp.calculate( camera_intrinsics, markers_in_frame, marker_id_to_extrinsics, camera_extrinsics_prv=camera_extrinsics_prv, min_n_markers_per_frame=1, ) if camera_extrinsics is not None: camera_extrinsics_prv = camera_extrinsics not_localized_count = 0 timestamp = timestamps[frame_index] pose_data = get_pose_data(camera_extrinsics, timestamp) serialized_dict = fm.Serialized_Dict(pose_data) queue.append((timestamp, serialized_dict)) if len(queue) >= batch_size: data = queue[:batch_size] del queue[:batch_size] yield data continue not_localized_count += 1 if not_localized_count >= 5: camera_extrinsics_prv = None yield queue
def from_tuple(segment_tuple: tuple) -> "Classified_Segment": k = Classified_Segment._private_schema_keys v = segment_tuple assert len(k) == len(v) segment_dict = dict(zip(k, v)) segment_dict["segment_data"] = [ fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=datum) for datum in segment_dict["segment_data"] ] return Classified_Segment.from_dict(segment_dict)
def fire_annotation(self, annotation_label): if self.last_frame_ts is None: return if self.last_frame_index < 0: return ts = self.last_frame_ts annotation_desc = self._annotation_description( label=annotation_label, world_index=self.last_frame_index) new_annotation = create_annotation(annotation_label, ts) new_annotation["added_in_player"] = True self.annotations.insert(new_annotation["timestamp"], fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=new_annotation))
def fire_annotation(self, annotation_label): t = self.last_frame_ts'"{}"@{}'.format(annotation_label, t)) # you may add more field to this dictionary if you want. annotation_new = { 'subject': 'annotation', 'topic': 'notify.annotation', 'label': annotation_label, 'timestamp': t, 'duration': 0.0, 'added_in_player': True } self.annotations.insert(annotation_new['timestamp'], fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=annotation_new))
def fire_annotation(self, annotation_label): t = self.last_frame_ts'"{}"@{}'.format(annotation_label, t)) # you may add more field to this dictionary if you want. annotation_new = { "subject": "annotation", "topic": "notify.annotation", "label": annotation_label, "timestamp": t, "duration": 0.0, "added_in_player": True, } self.annotations.insert(annotation_new["timestamp"], fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=annotation_new))
def offline_detection( source_path, all_timestamps, frame_index_range, calculated_frame_indices, shared_memory, ): batch_size = 30 frame_start, frame_end = frame_index_range frame_indices = sorted( set(range(frame_start, frame_end + 1)) - calculated_frame_indices) if not frame_indices: return frame_count = frame_end - frame_start + 1 shared_memory.progress = (frame_indices[0] - frame_start + 1) / frame_count yield None src = video_capture.File_Source(SimpleNamespace(), source_path, fill_gaps=False, timing=None) timestamps_no_gaps = src.timestamps uncalculated_timestamps = all_timestamps[frame_indices] seek_poses = np.searchsorted(timestamps_no_gaps, uncalculated_timestamps) queue = [] for frame_index, timestamp, target_frame_idx in zip( frame_indices, uncalculated_timestamps, seek_poses): detections = [] if timestamp in timestamps_no_gaps: if target_frame_idx != src.target_frame_idx: src.seek_to_frame( target_frame_idx) # only seek frame if necessary frame = src.get_frame() detections = _detect(frame) serialized_dicts = [fm.Serialized_Dict(d) for d in detections] queue.append((timestamp, serialized_dicts, frame_index)) if len(queue) >= batch_size: shared_memory.progress = (frame_index - frame_start + 1) / frame_count data = queue[:batch_size] del queue[:batch_size] yield data yield queue
def recent_events(self, events): super().recent_events(events) if self.process_pipe and self.process_pipe.new_data: topic, msg = self.process_pipe.recv() if topic == "progress": recent = msg.get("data", []) progress, data = zip(*recent) self.circle_marker_positions.extend([d for d in data if d]) self.detection_progress = progress[-1] elif topic == "finished": self.detection_progress = 100.0 self.process_pipe = None for s in self.sections: self.calibrate_section(s) elif topic == "exception": logger.warning( "Calibration marker detection raised exception:\n{}". format(msg["reason"])) self.process_pipe = None self.detection_progress = 0.0"Marker detection was interrupted") logger.debug("Reason: {}".format(msg.get("reason", "n/a"))) self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = self.detection_progress / 100.0 for sec in self.sections: if "bg_task" in sec: for progress, gaze_data in sec["bg_task"].fetch(): for timestamp, serialized in gaze_data: gaze_datum = fm.Serialized_Dict( msgpack_bytes=serialized) sec["gaze"].append(gaze_datum) sec["gaze_ts"].append(timestamp) sec["status"] = progress if sec["bg_task"].completed: self.correlate_and_publish() del sec["bg_task"]
def _export_world_video( rec_dir, user_dir, min_data_confidence, start_frame, end_frame, plugin_initializers, out_file_path, pre_computed_eye_data, ): """ Simulates the generation for the world video and saves a certain time range as a video. It simulates a whole g_pool such that all plugins run as normal. """ from glob import glob from time import time import file_methods as fm import player_methods as pm from av_writer import MPEG_Audio_Writer # We are not importing manual gaze correction. In Player corrections have already # been applied. from fixation_detector import Offline_Fixation_Detector # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from video_capture import EndofVideoError, File_Source from video_overlay.plugins import Video_Overlay, Eye_Overlay from vis_circle import Vis_Circle from vis_cross import Vis_Cross from vis_light_points import Vis_Light_Points from vis_polyline import Vis_Polyline from vis_watermark import Vis_Watermark PID = str(os.getpid()) logger = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__} with pid: {PID}") start_status = f"Starting video export with pid: {PID}" yield start_status, 0 try: vis_plugins = sorted( [ Vis_Circle, Vis_Cross, Vis_Polyline, Vis_Light_Points, Vis_Watermark, Eye_Overlay, Video_Overlay, ], key=lambda x: x.__name__, ) analysis_plugins = [Offline_Fixation_Detector] user_plugins = sorted( import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(user_dir, "plugins")), key=lambda x: x.__name__, ) available_plugins = vis_plugins + analysis_plugins + user_plugins name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in available_plugins] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, available_plugins)) recording = PupilRecording(rec_dir) meta_info = recording.meta_info g_pool = GlobalContainer() = "exporter" g_pool.process = "exporter" g_pool.min_data_confidence = min_data_confidence videos = recording.files().core().world().videos() if not videos: raise FileNotFoundError("No world video found") source_path = videos[0].resolve() cap = File_Source(g_pool, source_path=source_path, fill_gaps=True, timing=None) if not cap.initialised: warn = "Trying to export zero-duration world video." logger.warning(warn) yield warn, 0.0 return timestamps = cap.timestamps file_name = os.path.basename(out_file_path) dir_name = os.path.dirname(out_file_path) out_file_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)) if os.path.isfile(out_file_path): logger.warning("Video out file already exsists. I will overwrite!") os.remove(out_file_path) logger.debug("Saving Video to {}".format(out_file_path)) # Trim mark verification # make sure the trim marks (start frame, end frame) make sense: # We define them like python list slices, thus we can test them like such. trimmed_timestamps = timestamps[start_frame:end_frame] if len(trimmed_timestamps) == 0: warn = "Start and end frames are set such that no video will be exported." logger.warning(warn) yield warn, 0.0 return if start_frame is None: start_frame = 0 # these two vars are shared with the launching process and # give a job length and progress report. frames_to_export = len(trimmed_timestamps) current_frame = 0 logger.debug( f"Will export from frame {start_frame} to frame " f"{start_frame + frames_to_export}. This means I will export " f"{frames_to_export} frames.") cap.seek_to_frame(start_frame) start_time = time() g_pool.plugin_by_name = plugin_by_name g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.rec_dir = rec_dir g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.meta_info = meta_info g_pool.timestamps = timestamps g_pool.delayed_notifications = {} g_pool.notifications = [] for initializers in pre_computed_eye_data.values(): initializers["data"] = [ fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized) for serialized in initializers["data"] ] g_pool.pupil_positions = pm.PupilDataBisector.from_init_dict( pre_computed_eye_data["pupil"]) g_pool.gaze_positions = pm.Bisector(**pre_computed_eye_data["gaze"]) g_pool.fixations = pm.Affiliator(**pre_computed_eye_data["fixations"]) # add plugins g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugin_initializers) try: # setup of writer writer = MPEG_Audio_Writer( out_file_path, start_time_synced=trimmed_timestamps[0], audio_dir=rec_dir, ) while frames_to_export > current_frame: try: frame = cap.get_frame() except EndofVideoError: break events = {"frame": frame} # new positions and events frame_window = pm.enclosing_window(g_pool.timestamps, frame.index) events["gaze"] = g_pool.gaze_positions.by_ts_window( frame_window) events["pupil"] = g_pool.pupil_positions.by_ts_window( frame_window) # publish delayed notifications when their time has come. for n in list(g_pool.delayed_notifications.values()): if n["_notify_time_"] < time(): del n["_notify_time_"] del g_pool.delayed_notifications[n["subject"]] g_pool.notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: while g_pool.notifications: n = g_pool.notifications.pop(0) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) writer.write_video_frame(frame) current_frame += 1 yield "Exporting with pid {}".format(PID), current_frame except GeneratorExit: logger.warning(f"Video export with pid {PID} was canceled.") writer.close(timestamp_export_format=None, closed_suffix=".canceled") return writer.close(timestamp_export_format="all") duration = time() - start_time effective_fps = float(current_frame) / duration f"Export done: Exported {current_frame} frames to {out_file_path}. " f"This took {duration} seconds. " f"Exporter ran at {effective_fps} frames per second.") yield "Export done. This took {:.0f} seconds.".format( duration), current_frame except GeneratorExit: logger.warning(f"Video export with pid {PID} was canceled.")
def recent_events(self, events): if self.bg_task: for progress, fixation_result in self.bg_task.fetch(): self.status = progress if fixation_result: serialized, start_ts, stop_ts = fixation_result self.fixation_data.append( fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized)) self.fixation_start_ts.append(start_ts) self.fixation_stop_ts.append(stop_ts) if self.fixation_data: current_ts = self.fixation_stop_ts[-1] progress = (current_ts - self.g_pool.timestamps[0]) / ( self.g_pool.timestamps[-1] - self.g_pool.timestamps[0]) self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = progress if self.bg_task.completed: self.status = "{} fixations detected".format( len(self.fixation_data)) self.correlate_and_publish() self.bg_task = None self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = 0.0 frame = events.get("frame") if not frame: return self.last_frame_idx = frame.index frame_window = pm.enclosing_window(self.g_pool.timestamps, frame.index) fixations = self.g_pool.fixations.by_ts_window(frame_window) events["fixations"] = fixations if self.show_fixations: for f in fixations: x = int(f["norm_pos"][0] * frame.width) y = int((1.0 - f["norm_pos"][1]) * frame.height) pm.transparent_circle( frame.img, (x, y), radius=25.0, color=(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), thickness=3, ) cv2.putText( frame.img, "{}".format(f["id"]), (x + 30, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.8, (255, 150, 100), ) if self.current_fixation_details and self.prev_index != frame.index: info = "" for f in fixations: info += "Current fixation, {} of {}\n".format( f["id"], len(self.g_pool.fixations)) info += " Confidence: {:.2f}\n".format(f["confidence"]) info += " Duration: {:.2f} milliseconds\n".format( f["duration"]) info += " Dispersion: {:.3f} degrees\n".format( f["dispersion"]) info += " Frame range: {}-{}\n".format( f["start_frame_index"] + 1, f["end_frame_index"] + 1) info += " 2d gaze pos: x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}\n".format( *f["norm_pos"]) if "gaze_point_3d" in f: info += " 3d gaze pos: x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}, z={:.3f}\n".format( *f["gaze_point_3d"]) else: info += " 3d gaze pos: N/A\n" if f["id"] > 1: prev_f = self.g_pool.fixations[f["id"] - 2] time_lapsed = (f["timestamp"] - prev_f["timestamp"] + prev_f["duration"] / 1000) info += " Time since prev. fixation: {:.2f} seconds\n".format( time_lapsed) else: info += " Time since prev. fixation: N/A\n" if f["id"] < len(self.g_pool.fixations): next_f = self.g_pool.fixations[f["id"]] time_lapsed = (next_f["timestamp"] - f["timestamp"] + f["duration"] / 1000) info += " Time to next fixation: {:.2f} seconds\n".format( time_lapsed) else: info += " Time to next fixation: N/A\n" self.current_fixation_details.text = info self.prev_index = frame.index
def detect_fixations(capture, gaze_data, max_dispersion, min_duration, max_duration, min_data_confidence): yield "Detecting fixations...", () gaze_data = [ fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized) for serialized in gaze_data ] if not gaze_data: logger.warning("No data available to find fixations") return "Fixation detection complete", () use_pupil = "gaze_normal_3d" in gaze_data[ 0] or "gaze_normals_3d" in gaze_data[0]"Starting fixation detection using {} data...".format( "3d" if use_pupil else "2d")) fixation_result = Fixation_Result_Factory() Q = deque() enum = deque(gaze_data) while enum: # check if Q contains enough data if len(Q) < 2 or Q[-1]["timestamp"] - Q[0]["timestamp"] < min_duration: datum = enum.popleft() Q.append(datum) continue # min duration reached, check for fixation dispersion, origin, base_data = gaze_dispersion(capture, Q, use_pupil=use_pupil) if dispersion > max_dispersion: # not a fixation, move forward Q.popleft() continue left_idx = len(Q) # minimal fixation found. collect maximal data # to perform binary search for fixation end while enum: datum = enum[0] if datum["timestamp"] > Q[0]["timestamp"] + max_duration: break # maximum data found Q.append(enum.popleft()) # check for fixation with maximum duration dispersion, origin, base_data = gaze_dispersion(capture, Q, use_pupil=use_pupil) if dispersion <= max_dispersion: fixation = fixation_result.from_data(dispersion, origin, base_data, capture.timestamps) yield "Detecting fixations...", fixation Q.clear() # discard old Q continue slicable = list(Q) # deque does not support slicing right_idx = len(Q) # binary search while left_idx + 1 < right_idx: middle_idx = (left_idx + right_idx) // 2 + 1 dispersion, origin, base_data = gaze_dispersion( capture, slicable[:middle_idx], use_pupil=use_pupil) if dispersion <= max_dispersion: left_idx = middle_idx - 1 else: right_idx = middle_idx - 1 middle_idx = (left_idx + right_idx) // 2 dispersion_result = gaze_dispersion(capture, slicable[:middle_idx], use_pupil=use_pupil) fixation = fixation_result.from_data(*dispersion_result, capture.timestamps) yield "Detecting fixations...", fixation Q.clear() # clear queue enum.extendleft(slicable[middle_idx:]) yield "Fixation detection complete", ()
def export( rec_dir, user_dir, min_data_confidence, start_frame=None, end_frame=None, plugin_initializers=(), out_file_path=None, pre_computed={}, ): PID = str(os.getpid()) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + " with pid: " + PID) start_status = "Starting video export with pid: {}".format(PID) print(start_status) yield start_status, 0 try: pm.update_recording_to_recent(rec_dir) vis_plugins = sorted( [ Vis_Circle, Vis_Cross, Vis_Polyline, Vis_Light_Points, Vis_Watermark, Vis_Scan_Path, Vis_Eye_Video_Overlay, ], key=lambda x: x.__name__, ) analysis_plugins = [Offline_Fixation_Detector] user_plugins = sorted( import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(user_dir, "plugins")), key=lambda x: x.__name__, ) available_plugins = vis_plugins + analysis_plugins + user_plugins name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in available_plugins] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, available_plugins)) pm.update_recording_to_recent(rec_dir) audio_path = os.path.join(rec_dir, "audio.mp4") meta_info = pm.load_meta_info(rec_dir) g_pool = Global_Container() = "exporter" g_pool.min_data_confidence = min_data_confidence valid_ext = (".mp4", ".mkv", ".avi", ".h264", ".mjpeg", ".fake") video_path = [ f for f in glob(os.path.join(rec_dir, "world.*")) if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in valid_ext ][0] cap = init_playback_source(g_pool, source_path=video_path, timing=None) timestamps = cap.timestamps # Out file path verification, we do this before but if one uses a separate tool, this will kick in. if out_file_path is None: out_file_path = os.path.join(rec_dir, "world_viz.mp4") else: file_name = os.path.basename(out_file_path) dir_name = os.path.dirname(out_file_path) if not dir_name: dir_name = rec_dir if not file_name: file_name = "world_viz.mp4" out_file_path = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)) if os.path.isfile(out_file_path): logger.warning("Video out file already exsists. I will overwrite!") os.remove(out_file_path) logger.debug("Saving Video to {}".format(out_file_path)) # Trim mark verification # make sure the trim marks (start frame, endframe) make sense: # We define them like python list slices, thus we can test them like such. trimmed_timestamps = timestamps[start_frame:end_frame] if len(trimmed_timestamps) == 0: warn = "Start and end frames are set such that no video will be exported." logger.warning(warn) yield warn, 0.0 return if start_frame is None: start_frame = 0 # these two vars are shared with the lauching process and give a job length and progress report. frames_to_export = len(trimmed_timestamps) current_frame = 0 exp_info = ( "Will export from frame {} to frame {}. This means I will export {} frames." ) logger.debug( exp_info.format(start_frame, start_frame + frames_to_export, frames_to_export)) # setup of writer writer = AV_Writer(out_file_path, fps=cap.frame_rate, audio_loc=audio_path, use_timestamps=True) cap.seek_to_frame(start_frame) start_time = time() g_pool.plugin_by_name = plugin_by_name g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.rec_dir = rec_dir g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.meta_info = meta_info g_pool.timestamps = timestamps g_pool.delayed_notifications = {} g_pool.notifications = [] for initializers in pre_computed.values(): initializers["data"] = [ fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized) for serialized in initializers["data"] ] g_pool.pupil_positions = pm.Bisector(**pre_computed["pupil"]) g_pool.gaze_positions = pm.Bisector(**pre_computed["gaze"]) g_pool.fixations = pm.Affiliator(**pre_computed["fixations"]) # add plugins g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugin_initializers) while frames_to_export > current_frame: try: frame = cap.get_frame() except EndofVideoError: break events = {"frame": frame} # new positons and events frame_window = pm.enclosing_window(g_pool.timestamps, frame.index) events["gaze"] = g_pool.gaze_positions.by_ts_window(frame_window) events["pupil"] = g_pool.pupil_positions.by_ts_window(frame_window) # publish delayed notifiactions when their time has come. for n in list(g_pool.delayed_notifications.values()): if n["_notify_time_"] < time(): del n["_notify_time_"] del g_pool.delayed_notifications[n["subject"]] g_pool.notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifactions: while g_pool.notifications: n = g_pool.notifications.pop(0) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) writer.write_video_frame(frame) current_frame += 1 yield "Exporting with pid {}".format(PID), current_frame writer.close() writer = None duration = time() - start_time effective_fps = float(current_frame) / duration result = "Export done: Exported {} frames to {}. This took {} seconds. Exporter ran at {} frames per second." print( result.format(current_frame, out_file_path, duration, effective_fps)) yield "Export done. This took {:.0f} seconds.".format( duration), current_frame except GeneratorExit: print("Video export with pid {} was canceled.".format(os.getpid())) except Exception as e: from time import sleep import traceback trace = traceback.format_exc() print("Process Export (pid: {}) crashed with trace:\n{}".format( os.getpid(), trace)) yield e sleep(1.0)
def to_msgpack(self) -> utils.MsgPack_Serialized_Segment: serialized_dict = fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=self._python_dict) return serialized_dict.serialized
def to_serialized_dict(self) -> fm.Serialized_Dict: return fm.Serialized_Dict(python_dict=self._python_dict)
def _export_world_video( rec_dir, user_dir, min_data_confidence, start_frame, end_frame, plugin_initializers, out_file_path, pre_computed_eye_data, ): """ Simulates the generation for the world video and saves a certain time range as a video. It simulates a whole g_pool such that all plugins run as normal. """ from glob import glob from time import time import file_methods as fm import player_methods as pm from av_writer import AV_Writer # we are not importing manual gaze correction. In Player corrections have already been applied. # in batch exporter this plugin makes little sense. from fixation_detector import Offline_Fixation_Detector # Plug-ins from plugin import Plugin_List, import_runtime_plugins from video_capture import EndofVideoError, File_Source from vis_circle import Vis_Circle from vis_cross import Vis_Cross from vis_eye_video_overlay import Vis_Eye_Video_Overlay from vis_light_points import Vis_Light_Points from vis_polyline import Vis_Polyline from vis_scan_path import Vis_Scan_Path from vis_watermark import Vis_Watermark PID = str(os.getpid()) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + " with pid: " + PID) start_status = "Starting video export with pid: {}".format(PID) yield start_status, 0 try: vis_plugins = sorted( [ Vis_Circle, Vis_Cross, Vis_Polyline, Vis_Light_Points, Vis_Watermark, Vis_Scan_Path, Vis_Eye_Video_Overlay, ], key=lambda x: x.__name__, ) analysis_plugins = [Offline_Fixation_Detector] user_plugins = sorted( import_runtime_plugins(os.path.join(user_dir, "plugins")), key=lambda x: x.__name__, ) available_plugins = vis_plugins + analysis_plugins + user_plugins name_by_index = [p.__name__ for p in available_plugins] plugin_by_name = dict(zip(name_by_index, available_plugins)) meta_info = pm.load_meta_info(rec_dir) g_pool = GlobalContainer() = "exporter" g_pool.min_data_confidence = min_data_confidence valid_ext = (".mp4", ".mkv", ".avi", ".h264", ".mjpeg", ".fake") try: video_path = next(f for f in glob(os.path.join(rec_dir, "world.*")) if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in valid_ext) except StopIteration: raise FileNotFoundError("No Video world found") cap = File_Source(g_pool, source_path=video_path, fill_gaps=True, timing=None) timestamps = cap.timestamps file_name = os.path.basename(out_file_path) dir_name = os.path.dirname(out_file_path) out_file_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)) if os.path.isfile(out_file_path): logger.warning("Video out file already exsists. I will overwrite!") os.remove(out_file_path) logger.debug("Saving Video to {}".format(out_file_path)) # Trim mark verification # make sure the trim marks (start frame, end frame) make sense: # We define them like python list slices, thus we can test them like such. trimmed_timestamps = timestamps[start_frame:end_frame] if len(trimmed_timestamps) == 0: warn = "Start and end frames are set such that no video will be exported." logger.warning(warn) yield warn, 0.0 return if start_frame is None: start_frame = 0 # these two vars are shared with the launching process and give a job length and progress report. frames_to_export = len(trimmed_timestamps) current_frame = 0 exp_info = ( "Will export from frame {} to frame {}. This means I will export {} frames." ) logger.debug( exp_info.format(start_frame, start_frame + frames_to_export, frames_to_export)) # setup of writer writer = AV_Writer(out_file_path, fps=cap.frame_rate, audio_dir=rec_dir, use_timestamps=True) cap.seek_to_frame(start_frame) start_time = time() g_pool.plugin_by_name = plugin_by_name g_pool.capture = cap g_pool.rec_dir = rec_dir g_pool.user_dir = user_dir g_pool.meta_info = meta_info g_pool.timestamps = timestamps g_pool.delayed_notifications = {} g_pool.notifications = [] for initializers in pre_computed_eye_data.values(): initializers["data"] = [ fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized) for serialized in initializers["data"] ] g_pool.pupil_positions = pm.Bisector(**pre_computed_eye_data["pupil"]) g_pool.gaze_positions = pm.Bisector(**pre_computed_eye_data["gaze"]) g_pool.fixations = pm.Affiliator(**pre_computed_eye_data["fixations"]) # add plugins g_pool.plugins = Plugin_List(g_pool, plugin_initializers) while frames_to_export > current_frame: try: frame = cap.get_frame() except EndofVideoError: break events = {"frame": frame} # new positions and events frame_window = pm.enclosing_window(g_pool.timestamps, frame.index) events["gaze"] = g_pool.gaze_positions.by_ts_window(frame_window) events["pupil"] = g_pool.pupil_positions.by_ts_window(frame_window) # publish delayed notifications when their time has come. for n in list(g_pool.delayed_notifications.values()): if n["_notify_time_"] < time(): del n["_notify_time_"] del g_pool.delayed_notifications[n["subject"]] g_pool.notifications.append(n) # notify each plugin if there are new notifications: while g_pool.notifications: n = g_pool.notifications.pop(0) for p in g_pool.plugins: p.on_notify(n) # allow each Plugin to do its work. for p in g_pool.plugins: p.recent_events(events) writer.write_video_frame(frame) current_frame += 1 yield "Exporting with pid {}".format(PID), current_frame writer.close(timestamp_export_format="all") duration = time() - start_time effective_fps = float(current_frame) / duration result = "Export done: Exported {} frames to {}. This took {} seconds. Exporter ran at {} frames per second." result.format(current_frame, out_file_path, duration, effective_fps)) yield "Export done. This took {:.0f} seconds.".format( duration), current_frame except GeneratorExit: logger.warning("Video export with pid {} was canceled.".format( os.getpid()))
def __init__(self, msgpack_bytes: utils.MsgPack_Serialized_Segment): serialized_dict = fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=msgpack_bytes) super().__init__(serialized_dict=serialized_dict)
def recent_events(self, events): if self.bg_task: for progress, fixation_result in self.bg_task.fetch(): self.status = progress if fixation_result: serialized, start_ts, stop_ts = fixation_result self.fixation_data.append(fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized)) self.fixation_start_ts.append(start_ts) self.fixation_stop_ts.append(stop_ts) if self.fixation_data: current_ts = self.fixation_stop_ts[-1] progress = ((current_ts - self.g_pool.timestamps[0]) / (self.g_pool.timestamps[-1] - self.g_pool.timestamps[0])) self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = progress if self.bg_task.completed: self.status = "{} fixations detected".format(len(self.fixation_data)) self.correlate_and_publish() self.bg_task = None self.menu_icon.indicator_stop = 0. frame = events.get('frame') if not frame: return self.last_frame_idx = frame.index frame_window = pm.enclosing_window(self.g_pool.timestamps, frame.index) fixations = self.g_pool.fixations.by_ts_window(frame_window) events['fixations'] = fixations if self.show_fixations: for f in fixations: x = int(f['norm_pos'][0] * frame.width) y = int((1. - f['norm_pos'][1]) * frame.height) pm.transparent_circle(frame.img, (x, y), radius=25., color=(0., 1., 1., 1.), thickness=3) cv2.putText(frame.img, '{}'.format(f['id']), (x + 30, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.8, (255, 150, 100)) if self.current_fixation_details and self.prev_index != frame.index: info = '' for f in fixations: info += 'Current fixation, {} of {}\n'.format(f['id'], len(self.g_pool.fixations)) info += ' Confidence: {:.2f}\n'.format(f['confidence']) info += ' Duration: {:.2f} milliseconds\n'.format(f['duration']) info += ' Dispersion: {:.3f} degrees\n'.format(f['dispersion']) info += ' Frame range: {}-{}\n'.format(f['start_frame_index'] + 1, f['end_frame_index'] + 1) info += ' 2d gaze pos: x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}\n'.format(*f['norm_pos']) if 'gaze_point_3d' in f: info += ' 3d gaze pos: x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}, z={:.3f}\n'.format(*f['gaze_point_3d']) else: info += ' 3d gaze pos: N/A\n' if f['id'] > 1: prev_f = self.g_pool.fixations[f['id'] - 2] time_lapsed = f['timestamp'] - prev_f['timestamp'] + prev_f['duration'] / 1000 info += ' Time since prev. fixation: {:.2f} seconds\n'.format(time_lapsed) else: info += ' Time since prev. fixation: N/A\n' if f['id'] < len(self.g_pool.fixations): next_f = self.g_pool.fixations[f['id']] time_lapsed = next_f['timestamp'] - f['timestamp'] + f['duration'] / 1000 info += ' Time to next fixation: {:.2f} seconds\n'.format(time_lapsed) else: info += ' Time to next fixation: N/A\n' self.current_fixation_details.text = info self.prev_index = frame.index
def detect_fixations(capture, gaze_data, max_dispersion, min_duration, max_duration, min_data_confidence): yield "Detecting fixations...", () gaze_data = (fm.Serialized_Dict(msgpack_bytes=serialized) for serialized in gaze_data) gaze_data = [ datum for datum in gaze_data if datum["confidence"] > min_data_confidence ] if not gaze_data: logger.warning("No data available to find fixations") return "Fixation detection failed", () method = (FixationDetectionMethod.GAZE_3D if can_use_3d_gaze_mapping(gaze_data) else FixationDetectionMethod.GAZE_2D)"Starting fixation detection using {method.value} data...") fixation_result = Fixation_Result_Factory() working_queue = deque() remaining_gaze = deque(gaze_data) while remaining_gaze: # check if working_queue contains enough data if (len(working_queue) < 2 or (working_queue[-1]["timestamp"] - working_queue[0]["timestamp"]) < min_duration): datum = remaining_gaze.popleft() working_queue.append(datum) continue # min duration reached, check for fixation dispersion = gaze_dispersion(capture, working_queue, method) if dispersion > max_dispersion: # not a fixation, move forward working_queue.popleft() continue left_idx = len(working_queue) # minimal fixation found. collect maximal data # to perform binary search for fixation end while remaining_gaze: datum = remaining_gaze[0] if datum["timestamp"] > working_queue[0][ "timestamp"] + max_duration: break # maximum data found working_queue.append(remaining_gaze.popleft()) # check for fixation with maximum duration dispersion = gaze_dispersion(capture, working_queue, method) if dispersion <= max_dispersion: fixation = fixation_result.from_data(dispersion, method, working_queue, capture.timestamps) yield "Detecting fixations...", fixation working_queue.clear() # discard old Q continue slicable = list(working_queue) # deque does not support slicing right_idx = len(working_queue) # binary search while left_idx < right_idx - 1: middle_idx = (left_idx + right_idx) // 2 dispersion = gaze_dispersion( capture, slicable[:middle_idx + 1], method, ) if dispersion <= max_dispersion: left_idx = middle_idx else: right_idx = middle_idx # left_idx-1 is last valid base datum final_base_data = slicable[:left_idx] to_be_placed_back = slicable[left_idx:] dispersion_result = gaze_dispersion(capture, final_base_data, method) fixation = fixation_result.from_data(dispersion_result, method, final_base_data, capture.timestamps) yield "Detecting fixations...", fixation working_queue.clear() # clear queue remaining_gaze.extendleft(reversed(to_be_placed_back)) yield "Fixation detection complete", ()