예제 #1
 def create_tables(self):
     @summary - creates tables for the wificounter database.
     @description - creates tables for the wificounter database, 
                     will get commands from the create_tables.txt files
                     that holds the SQL commands to create 
                     the desired database.
     @author - mah60
     @param - None
     @return - None
     # get command
     cmd = fr.read_txt_file("create_tables.txt", False).split(':')
     for c in cmd:  # exectute all commands to create tables
         self.db_execute(c, False)
    def import_txt_to_db(self, txt_file, index, bytes_send=250000):
        @summary - imports the text file data to the given database.
        @description - will import the data inside the text file to the 
                            database given in initilisation. 
                        You may be asked during the function to given start
                        datetime or the filter (mac address and start/end time)
                        if they have been recorded.
        @author - mah60
        @param - txt_file - string - file location/path to the recordings text
        @param - index - int - config list index, for the text file
        @return - None
        if (self.db.is_tables()):  # check if required tables exist
            # read data from txt file
            data = fr.read_txt_file(txt_file, True)
            seconds = [0.00, 0.00,
                       0.00]  # total secounds , current value, reset value
            # string for cmds
            cmd = [
                "INSERT INTO devices ( macAddress ) VALUES ",
                "INSERT INTO counters  ( macAddress)  VALUES ",
                "INSERT INTO recordings ( recordingDateTime, rssi, counterId ) VALUES ",
                "INSERT INTO devicerecords (deviceId, recordId) Values "

            # list for stored values
            mac_list = []
            id_counts = [
            is_counter_added = False
            counter_mac = ""
            datetime_set = False
            datetime_value = ""  # make the start date time value constant
            # tell if variables have been reset
            self.var_reset = True
            for record in data:
                if (record != ''):
                    r_parts = record.split(',')
                    if (not is_counter_added):
                        cmd[1] += "('" + r_parts[1] + "'), "
                        counter_mac = r_parts[1]
                        id_counts[1] = id_counts[1] + 1
                        is_counter_added = True
                    if ('' not in r_parts):
                        if (not datetime_set
                            ):  # check if start datetime value has been set
                            # done to ensure the device is constant
                            # check if connected to wifi
                            if ('1970' in r_parts[2]):
                                # if not ask for start datetime
                                #print("Device did not connect to Wifi - what was the start date - time?")
                                #output = self.ask_datetime()
                                datetime_value = cf.start_date_time[index]
                                datetime_set = True
                                datetime_value = r_parts[2]
                                datetime_set = True
                        cmd[0], id_counts[
                            0], mac_list, match = self.is_mac_exists(
                                "devices", cmd[0], id_counts[0], r_parts[0],
                        # make datetime variable for recording time
                        # if counter crashes timer will restart, then millis given will reset to
                        seconds[1] = float(r_parts[3])  # set current seconds
                        if (seconds[2] > seconds[1]):
                            seconds[0] += seconds[1]
                            seconds[2] = seconds[1]
                            # if not add additional second time to total
                            t = seconds[1] - seconds[2]
                            seconds[0] += t
                            seconds[2] = seconds[1]

                        recordDateTime = datetime.strptime(
                            datetime_value, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
                        recordDateTime = recordDateTime + timedelta(
                        cmd[2] += "('" + recordDateTime.strftime(
                            '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.%f') + "', "
                        cmd[2] += r_parts[4] + ", " + str(id_counts[1]) + "), "
                        id_counts[2] = id_counts[2] + 1
                        cmd[3] += "( " + str(match[0]) + ", " + str(
                            id_counts[2]) + "), "
                        # send data in insert many once string exceeds x bytes
                        if (
                                len(cmd[2].encode('utf-8')) > bytes_send
                        ):  # max bytes that can be sent at a time is 4194304
                            self.var_reset = True
                            # reset variables
                            mac_list = []
                            # string for cmds
                            cmd = [
                                "INSERT INTO devices ( macAddress ) VALUES ",
                                "INSERT INTO counters ( macAddress ) VALUES ",
                                "INSERT INTO recordings ( recordingDateTime, rssi, counterId ) VALUES ",
                                "INSERT INTO devicerecords (deviceId, recordId) Values "
            # send final set or records
            # ask if there is a filter
            rssi_limit = self.get_filter(index)
            print("the rssi limit is : " + str(rssi_limit))
            if (rssi_limit != -100):
                datetime_value = datetime.strptime(datetime_value,
                print("Start time : " +
                      datetime_value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
                self.set_filter(rssi_limit, counter_mac, id_counts[1])