def sign_apk_v1(apkfile, keystore, password, alias, aliaspwd, sigalg): aapt = file_utils.getFullToolPath("aapt") if not os.path.exists(keystore): log_utils.error("the keystore file is not exists. %s", keystore) return False listcmd = '%s list %s' % (aapt, apkfile) output = os.popen(listcmd).read() for filename in output.split('\n'): if filename.find('META_INF') == 0: rmcmd = '"%s" remove "%s" "%s"' % (aapt, apkfile, filename) file_utils.exec_cmd(rmcmd) if sigalg is None: sigalg = "SHA1withRSA" signcmd = '"%sjarsigner" -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg %s -keystore "%s" -storepass "%s" -keypass "%s" "%s" "%s" ' % ( file_utils.getJavaBinDir(), sigalg, keystore, password, aliaspwd, apkfile, alias) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(signcmd) return ret
def generate_rindex_v2(workDir, genPath, resPath, manifestPath): """ generate with appt2 """ androidPath = file_utils.getFullToolPath("android.jar") if platform.system() == 'Windows': aapt2Path = file_utils.getFullToolPath("aapt2.exe") else: aapt2Path = file_utils.getFullToolPath("aapt2") if not os.path.exists(aapt2Path): log_utils.error("aapt2 is not exists in tool") return False #compile res first... resFlatPath = workDir + "/" cmd = '"%s" compile -o "%s" --dir "%s" -v' % (aapt2Path, resFlatPath, resPath) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd) if not ret: return False #link res to generate resTempPath = workDir + "/res.apk" cmd = '"%s" link -o "%s" --manifest "%s" -I "%s" --java "%s" "%s" -v' % ( aapt2Path, resTempPath, manifestPath, androidPath, genPath, resFlatPath) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd) return ret
def generate_keystore(workDir, game, channel): """ auto generate keystore file if user want to use auto generated keystore file, you can use this method """ keytoolPath = file_utils.getJavaBinDir() + "keytool" keystorePath = os.path.join(workDir, 'temp_keystore') if not os.path.exists(keystorePath): os.makedirs(keystorePath) keystore = dict() keystore['keystore'] = os.path.join(keystorePath, "temp.keystore") keystore['password'] = channel['name'] + game['appName'] keystore['aliaskey'] = game["appName"] + channel["name"] + time.strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') keystore['aliaspwd'] = channel['name'] + game['appName'] keystore['sigalg'] = "SHA1withRSA" dname = ", OU=ID, O=IBM, L=Hursley, S=Hants, C=GB" cmd = '"%s" -genkeypair -dname "%s" -alias "%s" -keyalg "RSA" -sigalg "%s" -validity 20000 -keystore "%s" -storepass "%s" -keypass "%s" ' % ( keytoolPath, dname, keystore['aliaskey'], keystore['sigalg'], keystore['keystore'], keystore['password'], keystore['aliaspwd']) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd) if ret: return None return keystore
def jar2dex(srcDir, dstDir, dextool="dx.jar"): """ compile jar files to dex. """ dexToolPath = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar") heapSize = config_utils.get_jvm_heap_size() cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD() + ' -jar -Xms%sm -Xmx%sm "%s" --dex --multi-dex --output="%s" ' % ( heapSize, heapSize, dexToolPath, dstDir) num = 0 for f in os.listdir(srcDir): if f.endswith(".jar"): num = num + 1 cmd = cmd + " " + os.path.join(srcDir, f) libsPath = os.path.join(srcDir, "libs") if os.path.exists(libsPath): for f in os.listdir(libsPath): if (not f.startswith(".")) and f.endswith(".jar"): num = num + 1 cmd = cmd + " " + os.path.join(srcDir, "libs", f) if num == 0: # no jar log_utils.warning("no need to do jar2dex. there is no jars in " + srcDir) return True return file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd)
def align_apk(apkfile, targetapkfile): """ zip align the apk file """ align = file_utils.getFullToolPath('zipalign') aligncmd = '"%s" -f 4 "%s" "%s"' % (align, apkfile, targetapkfile) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(aligncmd) return ret
def generate_rindex_v1(genPath, resPath, manifestPath): """ generate with aapt """ androidPath = file_utils.getFullToolPath("android.jar") aaptPath = file_utils.getFullToolPath("aapt") cmd = '"%s" p -f -m -J "%s" -S "%s" -I "%s" -M "%s"' % ( aaptPath, genPath, resPath, androidPath, manifestPath) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd) return ret
def exec_gradle_task(tempProjDir): lastExecDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tempProjDir) cmd = "./gradlew copyDeps" if platform.system() == 'Windows': cmd = "gradlew copyDeps" ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd) os.chdir(lastExecDir) return ret
def sign_apk_v2(apkfile, targetapkfile, keystore, password, alias, aliaspwd): aapt = file_utils.getFullToolPath("aapt") apksigner = file_utils.getFullToolPath("apksigner.jar") if not os.path.exists(keystore): log_utils.error("the keystore file is not exists. %s", keystore) return False listcmd = '%s list %s' % (aapt, apkfile) output = os.popen(listcmd).read() for filename in output.split('\n'): if filename.find('META_INF') == 0: rmcmd = '"%s" remove "%s" "%s"' % (aapt, apkfile, filename) file_utils.exec_cmd(rmcmd) signcmd = '"%s" -jar "%s" sign -v --ks "%s" --ks-key-alias "%s" --ks-pass pass:"******" --key-pass pass:"******" --out "%s" "%s" ' % ( file_utils.getJavaCMD(), apksigner, keystore, alias, password, aliaspwd, targetapkfile, apkfile) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(signcmd) return ret
def decompile(source, targetdir): """ decompile apk to targetdir """ apkfile = source apktool = file_utils.getFullToolPath('apktool2.jar') if os.path.exists(targetdir): file_utils.del_file_folder(targetdir) if not os.path.exists(targetdir): os.makedirs(targetdir) heapSize = config_utils.get_jvm_heap_size() cmd = '"%s" -jar -Xms%sm -Xmx%sm "%s" -v d -b --only-main-classes -f "%s" -o "%s"' % ( file_utils.getJavaCMD(), heapSize, heapSize, apktool, apkfile, targetdir) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd) return ret
def recompile(sourcefolder, apkfile): """ recompile apk """ apktool = file_utils.getFullToolPath('apktool2.jar') ret = False if os.path.exists(sourcefolder): heapSize = config_utils.get_jvm_heap_size() cmd = '"%s" -jar -Xms%sm -Xmx%sm "%s" -v b -f "%s" -o "%s"' % ( file_utils.getJavaCMD(), heapSize, heapSize, apktool, sourcefolder, apkfile) ret = file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd) else: log_utils.error("recompile failed. apk source folder not exists.") return ret