예제 #1
def hunt_pans(gauge_update_function=None):

    global search_dir, excluded_directories, search_extensions, enable_pdf

    # find all files to check
    all_files = filehunt.find_all_files_in_directory(PANFile, search_dir,

    # check each file
    total_docs, doc_pans_found = filehunt.find_all_regexs_in_files([
        afile for afile in all_files
        if not afile.errors and afile.type in ('TEXT', 'ZIP', 'SPECIAL')
    ], pan_regexs, search_extensions, enable_pdf, 'PAN', gauge_update_function)
    # check each pst message and attachment
    total_psts, pst_pans_found = filehunt.find_all_regexs_in_psts([
        for afile in all_files if not afile.errors and afile.type == 'MAIL'
    ], pan_regexs, search_extensions, enable_pdf, 'PAN', gauge_update_function)

    total_files_searched = total_docs + total_psts
    pans_found = doc_pans_found + pst_pans_found

    return total_files_searched, pans_found, all_files
예제 #2
def hunt_pans(gauge_update_function=None):

    global search_dir, excluded_directories, search_extensions, enable_pdf

    # find all files to check
    all_files = filehunt.find_all_files_in_directory(PANFile, search_dir, excluded_directories, search_extensions, enable_pdf, gauge_update_function)

    # check each file
    total_docs, doc_pans_found = filehunt.find_all_regexs_in_files([afile for afile in all_files if not afile.errors and afile.type in ('TEXT','ZIP','SPECIAL')], pan_regexs, search_extensions, enable_pdf, 'PAN', gauge_update_function)
    # check each pst message and attachment
    total_psts, pst_pans_found = filehunt.find_all_regexs_in_psts([afile for afile in all_files if not afile.errors and afile.type == 'MAIL'], pan_regexs, search_extensions, enable_pdf, 'PAN', gauge_update_function)

    total_files_searched = total_docs + total_psts
    pans_found = doc_pans_found + pst_pans_found

    return total_files_searched, pans_found, all_files
예제 #3
    text_extensions_string = unicode(args.textfiles)    
    zip_extensions_string = unicode(args.zipfiles)
    special_extensions_string = unicode(args.specialfiles)
    mail_extensions_string = unicode(args.mailfiles)
    other_extensions_string = unicode(args.otherfiles)

    excluded_directories = [exc_dir.lower() for exc_dir in excluded_directories_string.split(',')]

    search_extensions = {}
    search_extensions['TEXT'] = text_extensions_string.split(',')
    search_extensions['ZIP'] = zip_extensions_string.split(',')
    search_extensions['SPECIAL'] = special_extensions_string.split(',')
    search_extensions['MAIL'] = mail_extensions_string.split(',')
    search_extensions['OTHER'] = other_extensions_string.split(',')
    # TO DO: how about network drives, other databases?

    pass_regexs = {'password': re.compile(regex_string, re.IGNORECASE)}

    # find all files to check
    all_files = filehunt.find_all_files_in_directory(PWDFile, search_dir, excluded_directories, search_extensions)
    # TODO: search for filenames containing 'password', and encrypted zip/documents
    # check each file
    total_docs, doc_pans_found = filehunt.find_all_regexs_in_files([afile for afile in all_files if not afile.errors and afile.type in ('TEXT','ZIP','SPECIAL')], pass_regexs, search_extensions, 'Pwd')
    # check each pst message and attachment
    total_psts, pst_pans_found = filehunt.find_all_regexs_in_psts([afile for afile in all_files if not afile.errors and afile.type == 'MAIL'], pass_regexs, search_extensions, 'Pwd')

    pans_found = doc_pans_found + pst_pans_found

    # report findings
    output_report(search_dir, excluded_directories_string, all_files, total_docs, pans_found, output_file)