예제 #1
def get_upload_source_log(upload_id: int) -> Response:
    Get upload workspace log.

    This log contains details of all actions/requests/warnings/errors/etc related
    to specified upload workspace.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for upload workspace.

    Standard Response tuple containing content, HTTP status, and HTTP headers.
        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)
    except IOError:
            "%s: GetSourceLog: There was a problem connecting to database.",
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_CONNECT_ERROR)

    if upload_db_data is None:
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)

    upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)

    checksum = upload_workspace.source_log_checksum
    size = upload_workspace.source_log_size
    modified = upload_workspace.source_log_last_modified

    filepointer = upload_workspace.source_log_file_pointer()
    if filepointer:
        name = filepointer.name
        name = ""

    headers = {
        "Content-disposition": f"filename={name}",
        'ETag': checksum,
        'Content-Length': size,
        'Last-Modified': modified,
        'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id
    return filepointer, status.OK, headers
예제 #2
def check_upload_content_exists(upload_id: int) -> Response:
    Verify that the package content exists/is available.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for upload workspace.

    Standard Response tuple containing response content, HTTP status, and HTTP headers.

        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)
    except IOError:
            "%s: ContentExistsCheck: There was a problem connecting "
            "to database.", upload_id)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_CONNECT_ERROR)

    if upload_db_data is None:
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)

    logger.info("%s: Upload content summary request.", upload_id)
    upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)

    # This will potentially build content package if it does not exist
    checksum = upload_workspace.content_checksum()
    modified = ''
    size = 0

    # Double check package exists
    if upload_workspace.content_package_exists:
        modified = upload_workspace.content_package_modified
        size = upload_workspace.content_package_size
        return {}, status.OK, {
            'ETag': checksum,
            'Content-Length': size,
            'Last-Modified': modified
    headers = {'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id, 'ETag': checksum}
    return {}, status.OK, headers
예제 #3
def get_upload_content(upload_id: int) -> Response:
    Package up files for downloading as a compressed gzipped tar file.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for upload workspace.

    Standard Response tuple containing compressed content, HTTP status, and HTTP headers.

        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)
    except IOError:
            "%s: ContentDownload: There was a problem connecting "
            "to database.", upload_id)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_CONNECT_ERROR)

    if upload_db_data is None:
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)
    upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)
    checksum = upload_workspace.content_checksum()
        filepointer = upload_workspace.get_content()
    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        raise NotFound("No content in workspace") from e
    headers = {
        "Content-disposition": f"filename={filepointer.name}",
        'ETag': checksum,
        'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id
    return filepointer, status.OK, headers
예제 #4
def _status_data(upload_db_data: Upload,
                 upload_workspace: UploadWorkspace) -> dict:
    return {
        'upload_id': upload_db_data.upload_id,
        'upload_total_size': upload_workspace.total_upload_size,
        'upload_compressed_size': upload_workspace.content_package_size,
        'created_datetime': upload_db_data.created_datetime,
        'modified_datetime': upload_db_data.modified_datetime,
        'start_datetime': upload_db_data.lastupload_start_datetime,
        'completion_datetime': upload_db_data.lastupload_completion_datetime,
        'files': json.loads(upload_db_data.lastupload_file_summary),
        'errors': json.loads(upload_db_data.lastupload_logs),
        'upload_status': upload_db_data.lastupload_upload_status,
        'workspace_state': upload_db_data.state,
        'lock_state': upload_db_data.lock,
        'source_format': upload_workspace.source_format,
        'checksum': upload_workspace.content_checksum()
예제 #5
def upload_summary(upload_id: int) -> Response:
    Provide summary of important upload workspace details.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for upload workspace.

        Detailed information about the upload_db_data.

        logs - Errors and Warnings
        files - list of file details

        An HTTP status code.
        Some extra headers to add to the response.

        # Make sure we have an upload_db_data to work with
        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)

        if upload_db_data is None:
            status_code = status.NOT_FOUND
            response_data = UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND
            raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)

        logger.info("%s: Upload summary request.", upload_db_data.upload_id)

        # Create Upload object
        upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)
        file_list = upload_workspace.create_file_list()

        details_list = []
        for fileObj in file_list:
            file_details = {
                'name': fileObj.name,
                'public_filepath': fileObj.public_filepath,
                'size': fileObj.size,
                'type': fileObj.type_string,
                'modified_datetime': fileObj.modified_datetime
            if not fileObj.removed:

        status_code = status.OK
        response_data = _status_data(upload_db_data, upload_workspace)
        response_data.update({'files': details_list, 'errors': []})
        logger.info("%s: Upload summary request.", upload_db_data.upload_id)

    except IOError:
        # response_data = ERROR_RETRIEVING_UPLOAD
        # status_code = status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
        raise InternalServerError(ERROR_RETRIEVING_UPLOAD)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        logger.info("Error updating database.")
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_ERROR)
    except NotFound as nf:
        logger.info("%s: UploadSummary: '%s'", upload_id, nf)
    except Exception as ue:
            "Unknown error with existing workspace."
            " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    headers = {'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id}
    return response_data, status_code, headers
예제 #6
def upload(upload_id: Optional[int],
           file: FileStorage,
           archive: str,
           user: auth_domain.User,
           ancillary: bool = False) -> Response:
    Upload individual files or compressed archive into specified workspace.

    Unpack, sanitize, and add files to upload workspace.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for the upload_db_data in question.
    file : :class:`FileStorage`
        File archive to be processed.
    archive : str
        Archive submission is targeting. Oversize thresholds are curently
        specified at the archive level.
    ancillary : bool
        If ``True``, the file is to be treated as an ancillary file. This means
        (presently) that the file is stored in a special subdirectory within
        the source package.

        Complete summary of upload processing.
        An HTTP status code.
        Some extra headers to add to the response.
    # TODO: Hook up async processing (celery/redis) - doesn't work now
    # TODO: Will likely delete this code if processing time is reasonable
    # print(f'Controller: Schedule upload_db_data task for {upload_id}')
    # result = sanitize_upload.delay(upload_id, file)
    # headers = {'Location': url_for('upload_api.upload_status',
    #                              task_id=result.task_id)}
    # return ACCEPTED, status.ACCEPTED, headers
    # End delete

    # Check arguments for basic qualities like existing and such.

    # File argument is required to exist and have a name associated with it.
    # It is standard practice that if user fails to select file the filename is null.
    logger.debug('Handling upload request for %s', upload_id)
    if file is None:
        # Crash and burn...not quite...do we need info about client?
        logger.error('Upload request is missing file/archive payload.')
        raise BadRequest(UPLOAD_MISSING_FILE)

    if file.filename == '':
        # Client needs to select file, or provide name to upload payload
            'Upload file is missing filename. File to upload may not be selected.'
        raise BadRequest(UPLOAD_MISSING_FILENAME)

    # What about archive argument.
    if archive is None:
        # TODO: Discussion about how to treat omission of archive argument.
        # Is this an HTTP exception? Oversize limits are configured per archive.
        # Or is this a warning/error returned in upload summary?
        # Most submissions can get by with default size limitations so we'll add a warning
        # message for the upload (this will appear on upload page and get logged). This
        # warning will get generated in process/upload.py and not here.
        logger.error("Upload 'archive' not specified. Oversize calculation "
                     "will use default values.")

    # If this is a new upload then we need to create a workspace and add to database.
    if upload_id is None:
        logger.debug('This is a new upload workspace.')
                "Create new workspace: Upload request: "
                "file='%s' archive='%s'", file.filename, archive)
            user_id = str(user.user_id)

            if archive is None:
                arch = ''
                arch = archive

            current_time = datetime.now(UTC)
            new_upload = Upload(owner_user_id=user_id,
            # Store in DB

            upload_id = new_upload.upload_id

        except IOError as e:
            logger.info("Error creating new workspace: %s", e)
            raise InternalServerError(f'{UPLOAD_IO_ERROR}: {e}')
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as dbe:
            logger.info("Error adding new workspace to database: '%s'.", dbe)
            raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_ERROR)
        except Exception as ue:
                "Unknown error in upload for new workspace. "
                " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
            raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    # At this point we expect upload to exist in system

        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)

        if upload_db_data is None:
            # Invalid workspace identifier
            raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)
        if upload_db_data.state != Upload.ACTIVE:
            # Do we log anything for these requests
            logger.debug('Forbidden, workspace not active')
            raise Forbidden(UPLOAD_NOT_ACTIVE)
        if upload_db_data.lock == Upload.LOCKED:
            logger.debug('Forbidden, workspace locked')
            raise Forbidden(UPLOAD_WORKSPACE_LOCKED)

        # Now handle upload package - process file or gzipped tar archive

        # NOTE: This will need to be migrated to task.py using Celery at
        #       some point in future. Depends in time it takes to process
        #       uploads.retrieve
        logger.info("%s: Upload files to existing "
                    "workspace: file='%s'", upload_db_data.upload_id,

        # Keep track of how long processing upload_db_data takes
        start_datetime = datetime.now(UTC)

        # Create Upload object
        upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)

        # Process upload_db_data
        upload_workspace.process_upload(file, ancillary=ancillary)

        completion_datetime = datetime.now(UTC)

        # Keep track of files processed (this included deleted files)
        file_list = upload_workspace.create_file_upload_summary()

        # Determine readiness state of upload content
        upload_status = Upload.READY

        if upload_workspace.has_errors():
            upload_status = Upload.ERRORS
        elif upload_workspace.has_warnings():
            upload_status = Upload.READY_WITH_WARNINGS

        # Create combine list of errors and warnings
        # TODO: Should I do this in Upload package?? Likely...
        all_errors_and_warnings = []

        for warn in upload_workspace.get_warnings():
            public_filepath, warning_message = warn
                ['warn', public_filepath, warning_message])

        for error in upload_workspace.get_errors():
            public_filepath, warning_message = error
            # TODO: errors renamed fatal. Need to review 'errors' as to whether they are 'fatal'
                ['fatal', public_filepath, warning_message])

        # Prepare upload_db_data details (DB). I'm assuming that in memory Redis
        # is not sufficient for results that may be needed in the distant future.
        # errors_and_warnings = upload_workspace.get_errors() + upload_workspace.get_warnings()
        errors_and_warnings = all_errors_and_warnings
        upload_db_data.lastupload_logs = json.dumps(errors_and_warnings)
        upload_db_data.lastupload_start_datetime = start_datetime
        upload_db_data.lastupload_completion_datetime = completion_datetime
        upload_db_data.lastupload_file_summary = json.dumps(file_list)
        upload_db_data.lastupload_upload_status = upload_status
        upload_db_data.state = Upload.ACTIVE

        # Store in DB

            "%s: Processed upload. "
            "Saved to DB. Preparing upload summary.", upload_db_data.upload_id)

        # Do we want affirmative log messages after processing each request
        # or maybe just report errors like:
        #    logger.info(f"{upload_db_data.upload_id}: Finished processing ...")

        # Upload action itself has very simple response
        headers = {

        status_code = status.CREATED

        response_data = _status_data(upload_db_data, upload_workspace)
        logger.info("%s: Generating upload summary.", upload_db_data.upload_id)
        logger.debug('Response data: %s', response_data)
        headers.update({'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id})
        return response_data, status_code, headers

    except IOError as e:
        logger.error("%s: File upload_db_data request failed "
                     "for file='%s'", upload_id, file.filename)
        raise InternalServerError(f'{UPLOAD_IO_ERROR}: {e}') from e
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as dbe:
        logger.info("Error updating database: '%s'", dbe)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_ERROR)
    except BadRequest as breq:
        logger.info("%s: '%s'.", upload_id, breq)
    except NotFound as nfdb:
        logger.info("%s: Upload: '{nfdb}'.", upload_id)
        raise nfdb
    except Forbidden as forb:
        logger.info("%s: Upload failed: '{forb}'.", upload_id)
        raise forb
    except Exception as ue:
            "Unknown error with existing workspace."
            " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    return None
예제 #7
def client_delete_all_files(upload_id: int) -> Response:
    Delete all files uploaded by client from specified workspace.

    This request is being received from API so we need to be extra careful.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for the upload_db_data in question.
    public_file_path: str
        relative path of file to be deleted.

        Complete summary of upload processing.
        An HTTP status code.
        Some extra headers to add to the response.

    logger.info("%s: Deleting all uploaded files from this workspace.",

        # Make sure we have an upload_db_data to work with
        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)

        if upload_db_data is None:
            # Invalid workspace identifier
            raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)
        if upload_db_data.state != Upload.ACTIVE:
            # Do we log anything for these requests
            raise Forbidden(UPLOAD_NOT_ACTIVE)
        if upload_db_data.lock == Upload.LOCKED:
            raise Forbidden(UPLOAD_WORKSPACE_LOCKED)

        # Create Upload object
        upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)


    except IOError:
        logger.error("%s: Delete all files request failed ", upload_id)
        raise InternalServerError(CANT_DELETE_ALL_FILES)
    except NotFound as nf:
        logger.info("%s: DeleteAllFiles: '%s'", upload_id, nf)
    except Forbidden as forb:
        logger.info("%s: Upload failed: '%s'.", upload_id, forb)
        raise forb
    except Exception as ue:
            "Unknown error in delete all files. "
            " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    response_data = _status_data(upload_db_data, upload_workspace)
        'reason': UPLOAD_DELETED_ALL_FILES,
        'checksum': upload_workspace.content_checksum()
    })  # Get rid of pylint error
    headers = {'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id}
    return response_data, status.OK, headers
예제 #8
def client_delete_file(upload_id: int, public_file_path: str) -> Response:
    """Delete a single file.

    This request is being received from API so we need to be extra careful.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for the upload_db_data in question.
    public_file_path: str
        relative path of file to be deleted.

        Complete summary of upload processing.
        An HTTP status code.
        Some extra headers to add to the response.

    logger.info("%s: Delete file '%s'.", upload_id, public_file_path)

        # Make sure we have an upload_db_data to work with
        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)

        if upload_db_data is None:
            # Invalid workspace identifier
            raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)
        if upload_db_data.state != Upload.ACTIVE:
            # Do we log anything for these requests
            raise Forbidden(UPLOAD_NOT_ACTIVE)
        if upload_db_data.lock == Upload.LOCKED:
            raise Forbidden(UPLOAD_WORKSPACE_LOCKED)

        # Create Upload object
        upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)

        # Call routine that will do the actual work

    except IOError:
        logger.error("%s: Delete file request failed ", upload_id)
        raise InternalServerError(CANT_DELETE_FILE)
    except NotFound as nf:
        logger.info("%s: DeleteFile: %s", upload_id, nf)
        raise nf
    except SecurityError as secerr:
        logger.info("%s: %s", upload_id, secerr.description)
        # TODO: Should this be BadRequest or NotFound. I'm leaning towards
        # NotFound in order to provide as little feedback as posible to client.
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
    except Forbidden as forb:
        logger.info("%s: Delete file forbidden: %s.", upload_id, forb)
        raise forb
    except Exception as ue:
            "Unknown error in delete file. "
            " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    response_data = _status_data(upload_db_data, upload_workspace)
        'reason': UPLOAD_DELETED_FILE,
        'checksum': upload_workspace.content_checksum()
    })  # Get rid of pylint errorT
    headers = {'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id}
    return response_data, status.OK, headers
예제 #9
def delete_workspace(upload_id: int) -> Response:
    Delete workspace.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for the upload workspace.

        Complete summary of upload processing.
        An HTTP status code.
        Some extra headers to add to the response.

    logger.info('%s: Deleting upload workspace.', upload_id)

    # Need to add several checks here

    # At this point I believe we know that caller is authorized to delete the
    # workspace. This is checked at the routes level.

    # Does workspace exist? Has it already been deleted? Generate 400:NotFound error.
    # Do we care is workspace is ACTIVE state? And not released? NO. But log it...
    # Do we want to stash source.log somewhere?
    # Do we care if workspace was modified recently...NO. Log it

        # Make sure we have an existing upload workspace to work with
        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)

        if upload_db_data is None:
            # invalid workspace identifier
            # Note: DB entry will exist for workspace that has already been
            #       deleted
            raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)

        # Actually remove entire workspace directory structure. Log
        # everything to global log since source log is being removed!

        # Initiate workspace deletion

        # Update database (but keep around) for historical reference. Does not
        # consume very much space. What about source log?
        # Create Upload object
        if upload_db_data.state == Upload.DELETED:
                "%s: Workspace has already been deleted:"
                "current state is '%s'", upload_id, upload_db_data.state)
            raise NotFound(UPLOAD_WORKSPACE_NOT_FOUND)

        upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)

        # Call routine that will do the actual work

        # update database
        if upload_db_data.state != Upload.RELEASED:
            logger.info("%s: Workspace currently in '%s' state.", upload_id,

        upload_db_data.state = Upload.DELETED

        # Store in DB

    except IOError:
        logger.error("%s: Delete workspace request failed ", upload_id)
        raise InternalServerError(CANT_DELETE_FILE)
    except NotFound as nf:
        logger.info("%s: Delete Workspace: '%s'", upload_id, nf)
    except Exception as ue:
            "Unknown error in delete workspace. "
            " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    # API doesn't provide for returning errors resulting from delete.
    # 401-unautorized and 403-forbidden are handled at routes level.
    # Add 400 response to openapi.yaml

    response_data = {
    }  # Get rid of pylint error
    status_code = status.OK
    return response_data, status_code, {}
예제 #10
def get_upload_file_content(upload_id: int, public_file_path: str) -> Response:
    Get the source log associated with upload workspace.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for upload workspace.
    public_file_path: str
        relative path of file to be deleted.

        Complete summary of upload processing.
        An HTTP status code.
        Some extra headers to add to the response.

        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)
    except IOError:
            "%s: ContentFileDownload: There was a problem connecting to database.",
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_CONNECT_ERROR)

    if upload_db_data is None:
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)


        upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)

        # Returns path if file exists
        if upload_workspace.content_file_exists(public_file_path):
            size = upload_workspace.content_file_size(public_file_path)
            modified = upload_workspace.content_file_last_modified(
            checksum = upload_workspace.content_file_checksum(public_file_path)
            filepointer = upload_workspace.content_file_pointer(
            headers = {
                "Content-disposition": f"filename={filepointer.name}",
                'ETag': checksum,
                'Content-Length': size,
                'Last-Modified': modified
            raise NotFound(f"File '{public_file_path}' not found.")

    except IOError:
        logger.error("%s: Delete file request failed ",
        raise InternalServerError(CANT_DELETE_FILE)
    except NotFound as nf:
        logger.info("%s: DeleteFile: %s", upload_id, nf)
        raise nf
    except SecurityError as secerr:
        logger.info("%s: %s", upload_id, secerr.description)
        # TODO: Should this be BadRequest or NotFound. I'm leaning towards
        # NotFound in order to provide as little feedback as posible to client.
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
    except Forbidden as forb:
        logger.info("%s: Delete file forbidden: %s.", upload_id, forb)
        raise forb
    except Exception as ue:
            "Unknown error in delete file. "
            " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    headers.update({'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id})
    return filepointer, status.OK, headers
예제 #11
def check_upload_file_content_exists(upload_id: int,
                                     public_file_path: str) -> Response:
    Verify that the specified content file exists/is available.

    upload_id : int
        The unique identifier for upload workspace.
    public_file_path: str
        relative path of file to be checked.

    Standard Response tuple containing content, HTTP status, and HTTP headers.

        upload_db_data: Optional[Upload] = uploads.retrieve(upload_id)
    except IOError:
            "%s: ContentFileExistsCheck: There was a problem "
            "connecting to database.", upload_id)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_DB_CONNECT_ERROR)

    if upload_db_data is None:
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_NOT_FOUND)

    logger.info("%s: Upload content file exists request.", upload_id)


        upload_workspace = UploadWorkspace(upload_id)

        # file exists
        if upload_workspace.content_file_exists(public_file_path):
            size = upload_workspace.content_file_size(public_file_path)
            modified = upload_workspace.content_file_last_modified(
            checksum = upload_workspace.content_file_checksum(public_file_path)
            return {}, status.OK, {
                'ETag': checksum,
                'Content-Length': size,
                'Last-Modified': modified

        raise NotFound(f"File '{public_file_path}' not found.")

    except IOError:
        logger.error("%s: Content file exists request failed ",
        raise InternalServerError(CANT_DELETE_FILE)
    except NotFound as nf:
        logger.info("%s: File not found: %s", upload_id, nf)
        raise nf
    except SecurityError as secerr:
        logger.info("%s: %s", upload_id, secerr.description)
        # TODO: Should this be BadRequest or NotFound. I'm leaning towards
        # NotFound in order to provide as little feedback as posible to client.
        raise NotFound(UPLOAD_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
    except Forbidden as forb:
        logger.info("%s: Operation forbidden: %s.", upload_id, forb)
        raise forb
    except Exception as ue:
            "Unknown error in content file exists operation. "
            " Add except clauses for '%s'. DO IT NOW!", ue)
        raise InternalServerError(UPLOAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    headers = {'ARXIV-OWNER': upload_db_data.owner_user_id, 'ETag': checksum}
    return {}, status.OK, headers