예제 #1
 def sim_input_filename(self, part):
 #write the pdb for the part that is in the NE-1 window now and set the 
 #filename to that pdb
     pdbId, chunk = self.getPDBIDFromChunk(part)
     if pdbId is None:
         return None
     fileName = pdbId + '.pdb'
     dir = os.path.dirname(self.tmp_file_prefix)
     fileLocation = os.path.join(dir, fileName)
     writepdb(part, str(fileLocation)) 
     return fileName
예제 #2
    def sim_input_filename(self, args):
        write the pdb for the part that is in the NE-1 window now and set the
        filename to that pdb

        @param part: NE-1 part
        @type part: L{Part}

        @param args: name of the protein for which simulation should be run
        @type args: str

        @return: name of the pdb file which is going to be the starting structure
                 for the current rosetta simulation
        # if we run rosetta from within build protein mode, then we can run
        # rosetta for the current protein which is args
        #if we are outside this mode, we can run rosetta for a selected protein
        #chunk, if there's one
        if args != "":
            pdbId = args
            for mol in self.win.assy.molecules:
                if mol.name == args:
                    chunk = mol
            #run it for the first available protein in chunklist
            pdbId, chunk = self.getPDBIDFromChunk()
            if pdbId is None:
                return None
        #input filename
        fileName = pdbId + '.pdb'
        dir = os.path.dirname(self.tmp_file_prefix)
        fileLocation = os.path.join(dir, fileName)
        #since the starting structure could be in arbitrary location in users
        #hard disk, we write a pdb file for the imported/inserted/fetched protein
        #chunk in RosettaDesignFiles directory under Nanorex
        writepdb(self.part, str(fileLocation), singleChunk = chunk)
        return fileName
예제 #3
def write_qutemol_pdb_file(part, filename, excludeFlags):
    Writes an NE1-QuteMolX PDB file of I{part} to I{filename}. 
    @param part: the NE1 part.
    @type  part: L{assembly}
    @param filename: the PDB filename to write
    @type  filename: string
    @param excludeFlags: used to exclude certain atoms from being written 
        to the QuteMolX PDB file.
    @type  excludeFlags: int
    @see L{writepdb()} for more information about I{excludeFlags}.
    f = open(filename, "w")
    skyBlue = env.prefs[ backgroundGradient_prefs_key ]
    bgcolor = env.prefs[ backgroundColor_prefs_key ]
    r = int (bgcolor[0] * 255 + 0.5)
    g = int (bgcolor[1] * 255 + 0.5)
    b = int (bgcolor[2] * 255 + 0.5)
    TubBond1Radius = TubeRadius
    BASBond1Radius = \
                   diBALL_SigmaBondRadius * \
    writePDB_Header(f) # Writes our generic PDB header
    # Write the QuteMolX REMARKS "header".
    # See the following wiki page for more information about
    # the format of all NE1-QuteMolX REMARK records:
    # http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=NE1_PDB_REMARK_Records_Display_Data_Format
REMARK   6 - The ";" character is used to denote non-data (explanatory) records
REMARK   6   in the REMARK 7 and REMARK 8 blocks.
REMARK   7 ;Display Data (format version 0.1.0) nanoengineer-1.com/PDB_REMARK_7
REMARK   7\n""")
    f.write("REMARK   7 ORIENTATION: %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f\n" 
            % (part.o.quat.w, part.o.quat.x, part.o.quat.y, part.o.quat.z))
    f.write("REMARK   7 SCALE: %4.6f\n" 
            % part.o.scale)
    f.write("REMARK   7 POINT_OF_VIEW: %6.6f %6.6f %6.6f\n" 
            % (part.o.pov[0], part.o.pov[1], part.o.pov[2]))
    f.write("REMARK   7 ZOOM=%6.6f\n" 
            % part.o.zoomFactor)
    if skyBlue:
        f.write("REMARK   7 BACKGROUND_COLOR: SkyBlue\n")
        f.write("REMARK   7 BACKGROUND_COLOR: %3d %3d %3d\n" 
            % (r, g, b))
    f.write("REMARK   7 DISPLAY_STYLE: %s\n" 
            % properDisplayNames[part.o.displayMode])
    f.write("REMARK   7 TUBES_BOND_RADIUS: %1.3f\n" 
            % TubBond1Radius)
    f.write("REMARK   7 BALL_AND_STICK_BOND_RADIUS: %1.3f\n"
            % BASBond1Radius)

    # Now write the REMARK records for each chunk (chain) in the part.
    molNum = 1
    for mol in part.molecules:
        if mol.hidden:
            # Skip hidden chunks. See docstring in writepdb() for details.
            # Mark 2008-02-13.
        f.write("REMARK   7 CHAIN: %s " % (molNum))
        f.write("  DISPLAY_STYLE: %s " % properDisplayNames[mol.display])
        if mol.color:
            r = int (mol.color[0] * 255 + 0.5)
            g = int (mol.color[1] * 255 + 0.5)
            b = int (mol.color[2] * 255 + 0.5)
            f.write("  COLOR: %3d %3d %3d " % (r, g, b))
        f.write("  NAME: \"%s\"\n" % mol.name)
    f.write("REMARK   7\n")
    # Write the "body" of PDB file (appending it to what we just wrote).
    writepdb(part, filename, mode = 'a', excludeFlags = excludeFlags)
예제 #4
def write_qutemol_pdb_file(part, filename, excludeFlags):
    Writes an NE1-QuteMolX PDB file of I{part} to I{filename}. 
    @param part: the NE1 part.
    @type  part: L{assembly}
    @param filename: the PDB filename to write
    @type  filename: string
    @param excludeFlags: used to exclude certain atoms from being written 
        to the QuteMolX PDB file.
    @type  excludeFlags: int
    @see L{writepdb()} for more information about I{excludeFlags}.

    f = open(filename, "w")

    skyBlue = env.prefs[backgroundGradient_prefs_key]

    bgcolor = env.prefs[backgroundColor_prefs_key]
    r = int(bgcolor[0] * 255 + 0.5)
    g = int(bgcolor[1] * 255 + 0.5)
    b = int(bgcolor[2] * 255 + 0.5)

    TubBond1Radius = TubeRadius
    BASBond1Radius = \
                   diBALL_SigmaBondRadius * \

    writePDB_Header(f)  # Writes our generic PDB header

    # Write the QuteMolX REMARKS "header".
    # See the following wiki page for more information about
    # the format of all NE1-QuteMolX REMARK records:
    # http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=NE1_PDB_REMARK_Records_Display_Data_Format
REMARK   6 - The ";" character is used to denote non-data (explanatory) records
REMARK   6   in the REMARK 7 and REMARK 8 blocks.
REMARK   7 ;Display Data (format version 0.1.0) nanoengineer-1.com/PDB_REMARK_7
REMARK   7\n""")

    f.write("REMARK   7 ORIENTATION: %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f\n" %
            (part.o.quat.w, part.o.quat.x, part.o.quat.y, part.o.quat.z))
    f.write("REMARK   7 SCALE: %4.6f\n" % part.o.scale)
    f.write("REMARK   7 POINT_OF_VIEW: %6.6f %6.6f %6.6f\n" %
            (part.o.pov[0], part.o.pov[1], part.o.pov[2]))
    f.write("REMARK   7 ZOOM=%6.6f\n" % part.o.zoomFactor)
    if skyBlue:
        f.write("REMARK   7 BACKGROUND_COLOR: SkyBlue\n")
        f.write("REMARK   7 BACKGROUND_COLOR: %3d %3d %3d\n" % (r, g, b))
    f.write("REMARK   7 DISPLAY_STYLE: %s\n" %
    f.write("REMARK   7 TUBES_BOND_RADIUS: %1.3f\n" % TubBond1Radius)
    f.write("REMARK   7 BALL_AND_STICK_BOND_RADIUS: %1.3f\n" % BASBond1Radius)

    # Now write the REMARK records for each chunk (chain) in the part.
    molNum = 1
    for mol in part.molecules:
        if mol.hidden:
            # Skip hidden chunks. See docstring in writepdb() for details.
            # Mark 2008-02-13.
        f.write("REMARK   7 CHAIN: %s " % (molNum))
        f.write("  DISPLAY_STYLE: %s " % properDisplayNames[mol.display])
        if mol.color:
            r = int(mol.color[0] * 255 + 0.5)
            g = int(mol.color[1] * 255 + 0.5)
            b = int(mol.color[2] * 255 + 0.5)
            f.write("  COLOR: %3d %3d %3d " % (r, g, b))
        f.write("  NAME: \"%s\"\n" % mol.name)

        molNum += 1

    f.write("REMARK   7\n")



    # Write the "body" of PDB file (appending it to what we just wrote).
    writepdb(part, filename, mode='a', excludeFlags=excludeFlags)