def write_archive(self,fitsname=None,overwrite=no,quiet=yes): """ Saves a copy of the WCS keywords from the image header as new keywords with the user-supplied 'prepend' character(s) prepended to the old keyword names. If the file is a GEIS image and 'fitsname' != None, create a FITS copy and update that version; otherwise, raise an Exception and do not update anything. """ _fitsname = fitsname # Open image in update mode # Copying of GEIS images handled by 'openImage'. fimg = fileutil.openImage(self.rootname,mode='update',fitsname=_fitsname) if self.rootname.find('.fits') < 0 and _fitsname != None: # A non-FITS image was provided, and openImage made a copy # Update attributes to point to new copy instead self.geisname = self.rootname self.rootname = _fitsname # extract the extension ID being updated _root,_iextn = fileutil.parseFilename(self.rootname) _extn = fileutil.getExtn(fimg,_iextn) if not quiet: print 'Updating archive WCS keywords for ',_fitsname # Write out values to header... for key in self.orig_wcs.keys(): _comment = None _dkey = self.revert[key] # Verify that archive keywords will not be overwritten, # unless overwrite=yes. _old_key = key in _extn.header if _old_key == True and overwrite == no: if not quiet: print 'WCS keyword',key,' already exists! Not overwriting.' continue # No archive keywords exist yet in file, or overwrite=yes... # Extract the value for the original keyword if _dkey in _extn.header: # Extract any comment string for the keyword as well _indx_key = _extn.header.indexf(_dkey) _full_key =[_indx_key] if not quiet: print 'updating ',key,' with value of: ',self.orig_wcs[key] _extn.header[key] = (self.orig_wcs[key], _full_key.comment) key = 'WCSCDATE' if key not in _extn.header: # Print out history keywords to record when these keywords # were backed up. _extn.header[key] = (self.orig_wcs[key], "Time WCS keywords were copied.") # Close the now updated image fimg.close() del fimg
def write(self,fitsname=None,wcs=None,archive=True,overwrite=False,quiet=True): """ Write out the values of the WCS keywords to the specified image. If it is a GEIS image and 'fitsname' has been provided, it will automatically make a multi-extension FITS copy of the GEIS and update that file. Otherwise, it throw an Exception if the user attempts to directly update a GEIS image header. If archive=True, also write out archived WCS keyword values to file. If overwrite=True, replace archived WCS values in file with new values. If a WCSObject is passed through the 'wcs' keyword, then the WCS keywords of this object are copied to the header of the image to be updated. A use case fo rthis is updating the WCS of a WFPC2 data quality (_c1h.fits) file in order to be in sync with the science (_c0h.fits) file. """ ## Start by making sure all derived values are in sync with CD matrix self.update() image = self.rootname _fitsname = fitsname if image.find('.fits') < 0 and _fitsname != None: # A non-FITS image was provided, and openImage made a copy # Update attributes to point to new copy instead self.geisname = image image = self.rootname = _fitsname # Open image as writable FITS object fimg = fileutil.openImage(image, mode='update', fitsname=_fitsname) _root,_iextn = fileutil.parseFilename(image) _extn = fileutil.getExtn(fimg,_iextn) # Write out values to header... if wcs: _wcsobj = wcs else: _wcsobj = self for key in _wcsobj.wcstrans.keys(): _dkey = _wcsobj.wcstrans[key] if _dkey != 'pscale': _extn.header[key] = _wcsobj.__dict__[_dkey] # Close the file fimg.close() del fimg if archive: self.write_archive(fitsname=fitsname,overwrite=overwrite,quiet=quiet)
def restoreWCS(self,prepend=None): """ Resets the WCS values to the original values stored in the backup keywords recorded in self.backup. """ # Open header for image image = self.rootname if prepend: _prepend = prepend elif self.prepend: _prepend = self.prepend else: _prepend = None # Open image as writable FITS object fimg = fileutil.openImage(image, mode='update') # extract the extension ID being updated _root,_iextn = fileutil.parseFilename(self.rootname) _extn = fileutil.getExtn(fimg,_iextn) if len(self.backup) > 0: # If it knows about the backup keywords already, # use this to restore the original values to the original keywords for newkey in self.revert.keys(): if newkey != 'opscale': _orig_key = self.revert[newkey] _extn.header[_orig_key] = _extn.header[newkey] elif _prepend: for key in self.wcstrans.keys(): # Get new keyword name based on old keyname # and prepend string if key != 'pixel scale': _okey = self._buildNewKeyname(key,_prepend) if _okey in _extn.header: _extn.header[key] = _extn.header[_okey] else: print 'No original WCS values found. Exiting...' break else: print 'No original WCS values found. Exiting...' fimg.close() del fimg