예제 #1
파일: marian.py 프로젝트: PawelA/Marian
def imageify(args, name, destination):
   # Check against a clock so that marian doesn't get spammed. (Once every minute?)
      if len(args) >= 2:
         imageURL = args[1]
         xtrans = 0
         ytrans = 0
         scale = 1
         sens = 550
         if len(args) > 2:
            for arg in args:
               opt = arg.split("=")
               if len(opt) != 2:
                  sendmsg(destination, "Invalid args! Possible args:")
                  sendmsg(destination, "xtrans, ytrans, scale")
               if opt[0] == "xtrans":
                  xtrans = int(opt[1])
                  if xtrans > 1100 or xtrans < -1100:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Your xtrans value must be within -1100 and 1100")
               if opt[0] == "ytrans":
                  ytrans = int(opt[1])
                  if ytrans > 1100 or ytrans < -1100:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Your ytrans value must be within -1100 and 1100")
               if opt[0] == "scale":
                  scale = float(opt[1])
                  if scale > 10 or scale < 0.1:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Your scale must be within 0.1 and 10")
               if opt[0] == "sensitivity":
                  sens = int(opt[1])
                  if sens <= 0:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Your sensitivity must be greater than 0")
         fcmlImage = FCMLImage(imageURL, xtrans, ytrans, scale, sens)
         fcml = fcmlImage.partition()
         # ---------------------------------
         # Do something clever with the fcml
         # ---------------------------------
         formattedfcml = FormattedFCML("newfile")
         sendmsg(destination, formattedfcml.filePath)

   except Exception as e:
      # sendmsg(destination, "Something went wrong with your input")
      sendmsg(destination, "This feature is not yet implemented. Hang tight.")
예제 #2
파일: marian.py 프로젝트: bwoodbury3/Marian
def plot(args, name, destination):
      if len(args) >= 2:
         equation = args[1]
         xtrans = 0
         ytrans = 0
         xscale = 1
         yscale = 1
         xleftbound = -1000
         xrightbound = 1000
         numrects = 100
         width = 10
         recttype = "StaticRect"
         if len(args) > 1:
            for arg in args[2:]:
               opt = arg.split("=")
               if len(opt) != 2:
                  sendmsg(destination, "Whoops! Your syntax is wrong..")
               if opt[0] == "xtrans":
                  xtrans = int(opt[1])
               if opt[0] == "ytrans":
                  ytrans = int(opt[1])
               if opt[0] == "xscale":
                  xscale = float(opt[1])
                  if xscale <= 0:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Invalid xscale (must be greater than 0)")
               if opt[0] == "yscale":
                  yscale = float(opt[1])
                  if yscale <= 0:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Invalid yscale (must be greater than 0)")
               if opt[0] == "xleftbound":
                  xleftbound = int(opt[1])
               if opt[0] == "xrightbound":
                  xrightbound = int(opt[1])
               if opt[0] == "numrects":
                  numrects = int(opt[1])
                  if numrects <=0:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Invalid numrects (must be greater than 0)")
               if opt[0] == "width":
                  width = int(opt[1])
                  if width < 0:
                     sendmsg(destination, "Invalid width (must be greater than 0)")
               if opt[0] == "type":
                  if "DYN" in opt[1].upper():
                     recttype = "DynamicRect"
                  elif "STAT" in opt[1].upper():
                     sendmsg(destination, "Couldn't decipher your rectangle type. Going to default to StaticRect.")
            sendmsg(destination, "Looks like you have incorrect syntax somewhere...")
         fcmlfunc = FCMLFunction(equation, translateX=xtrans, translateY=ytrans, xScale=xscale, yScale=yscale, xLeftBound=xleftbound, xRightBound=xrightbound, numRects=numrects, width=width, recttype=recttype)
         fcml = fcmlfunc.toFCML()
         formattedfcml = FormattedFCML("equation")
         sendmsg(destination, formattedfcml.filePath)
         sendmsg(destination, "Plot Usage: ")
         sendmsg(destination, "\t!plot [equation] [options]")
         sendmsg(destination, "----------------------------")
         sendmsg(destination, "Options: ")
         sendmsg(destination, "\txtrans/ytrans=X")
         sendmsg(destination, "\txscale/yscale=X")
         sendmsg(destination, "\txleftbound/yleftbound=X")
         sendmsg(destination, "\tnumrects=X")
         sendmsg(destination, "\twidth=X \\\\the width of the plotted line")
   except Exception as e:
      print e