예제 #1
def do_volume_mrk02(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
	from EMAN2          import Util
	from mpi            import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
	from filter         import filt_table
	from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities      import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
	from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
	import types

	# Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
	data     = ref_data[0]
	Tracker  = ref_data[1]
	iter     = ref_data[2]
	mpi_comm = ref_data[3]
	# # For DEBUG
	# print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
	# print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
	# print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
	# print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))
	if(mpi_comm == None):  mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
	myid  = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
	nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)
	try:     local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
	except:  local_filter = False
	# volume reconstruction
	if( type(data) == types.ListType ):
		if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
			vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
		vol = data

	if myid == 0:
		from morphology import threshold
		from filter     import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
		from utilities  import model_circle, get_im
		import types
		nx = vol.get_xsize()
		if(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
			mask3D = model_circle(int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"]*float(nx)/float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"])+0.5), nx, nx, nx)
		elif(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
			from utilities import adaptive_mask
			mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
			if( type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType ):  mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
			else:  mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
			nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
			if( nx != nxm):
				from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
				mask3D = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask3D,scale=float(nx)/float(nxm)),nx,nx,nx)
				nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
				assert(nx == nxm)

		stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
		vol -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
		vol = threshold(vol)
		Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
		if( Tracker["PWadjustment"] ):
			from utilities    import read_text_file, write_text_file
			rt = read_text_file( Tracker["PWadjustment"] )
			ro = rops_table(vol)
			#  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
			for i in xrange(1,len(ro)):  ro[i] = (rt[i]/ro[i])**Tracker["upscale"]
			#write_text_file(rops_table(filt_table( vol, ro),1),"foo.txt")
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
				ny = vol.get_ysize()
				y = float(ny)
				from math import exp
				for i in xrange(len(ro)):  ro[i] *= \

			if local_filter:
				# skip low-pass filtration
				vol = fft( filt_table( vol, ro) )
				if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
					vol = fft( filt_table( filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"]), ro) )
					vol = fft( filt_table( filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"]), ro) )
			del ro
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
				ny = vol.get_ysize()
				y = float(ny)
				ro = [0.0]*(ny//2+2)
				from math import exp
				for i in xrange(len(ro)):  ro[i] = \
				filt_table(vol, ro)
				del ro
			if not local_filter:
				if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
					vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
					vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"])
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]: vol = fft(vol)

	if local_filter:
		from morphology import binarize
		if(myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
		else:  nx = 0
		nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node = 0)
		#  only main processor needs the two input volumes
		if(myid == 0):
			mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
			locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
			lx = locres.get_xsize()
			if(lx != nx):
				if(lx < nx):
					from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
					mask = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask,scale=float(lx)/float(nx)),lx,lx,lx)
					vol = fdecimate(vol, lx,lx,lx)
				else:  ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume","user function",1)
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			lx = 0
			locres = model_blank(1,1,1)
			vol = model_blank(1,1,1)
		lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node = 0)
		if( myid != 0 ):  mask = model_blank(lx,lx,lx)
		bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
		from filter import filterlocal
		vol = filterlocal( locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0, nproc)

		if myid == 0:
			if(lx < nx):
				from fundamentals import fpol
				vol = fpol(vol, nx,nx,nx)
			vol = threshold(vol)
			vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)#  This will have to be corrected.
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
			vol = model_blank(nx,nx,nx)
		if myid == 0:
			#from utilities import write_text_file
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			vol = threshold(vol)
			vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)#  This will have to be corrected.
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
	# broadcast volume
	bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
	return vol
예제 #2
def do_volume_mrk03(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
	from EMAN2          import Util
	from mpi            import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
	from filter         import filt_table
	from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nnw_MPI  #  recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities      import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
	from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
	import types

	# Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
	data     = ref_data[0]
	Tracker  = ref_data[1]
	iter     = ref_data[2]
	mpi_comm = ref_data[3]
	# # For DEBUG
	# print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
	# print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
	# print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
	# print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))
	if(mpi_comm == None):  mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
	myid  = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
	nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)
	try:     local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
	except:  local_filter = False
	# volume reconstruction
	if( type(data) == types.ListType ):
		if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
			#vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
			#		symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nnw_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["bckgnoise"], Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
				symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
		vol = data

	if myid == 0:
		from morphology import threshold
		from filter     import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
		from utilities  import model_circle, get_im
		import types
		nx = vol.get_xsize()
		if(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
			mask3D = model_circle(int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"]*float(nx)/float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"])+0.5), nx, nx, nx)
		elif(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
			from utilities import adaptive_mask
			mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
			if( type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType ):  mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
			else:  mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
			nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
			if( nx != nxm):
				from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
				mask3D = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask3D,scale=float(nx)/float(nxm)),nx,nx,nx)
				nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
				assert(nx == nxm)

		stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
		vol -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
		vol = threshold(vol)
		Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
		if not local_filter:
			if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
				vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
				vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"])

	if local_filter:
		from morphology import binarize
		if(myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
		else:  nx = 0
		nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node = 0)
		#  only main processor needs the two input volumes
		if(myid == 0):
			mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
			locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
			lx = locres.get_xsize()
			if(lx != nx):
				if(lx < nx):
					from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
					mask = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask,scale=float(lx)/float(nx)),lx,lx,lx)
					vol = fdecimate(vol, lx,lx,lx)
				else:  ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume","user function",1)
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			lx = 0
			locres = model_blank(1,1,1)
			vol = model_blank(1,1,1)
		lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node = 0)
		if( myid != 0 ):  mask = model_blank(lx,lx,lx)
		bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
		from filter import filterlocal
		vol = filterlocal( locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0, nproc)

		if myid == 0:
			if(lx < nx):
				from fundamentals import fpol
				vol = fpol(vol, nx,nx,nx)
			vol = threshold(vol)
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
			vol = model_blank(nx,nx,nx)
		if myid == 0:
			#from utilities import write_text_file
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			vol = threshold(vol)
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
	# broadcast volume
	bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
	return vol
예제 #3
def do_volume_mrk02(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
    from EMAN2 import Util
    from mpi import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
    from filter import filt_table
    from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
    from utilities import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
    from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
    import types

    # Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
    data = ref_data[0]
    Tracker = ref_data[1]
    iter = ref_data[2]
    mpi_comm = ref_data[3]

    # # For DEBUG
    # print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
    # print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
    # print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
    # print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))

    if (mpi_comm == None): mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
    myid = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
    nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)

        local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
        local_filter = False
    # volume reconstruction
    if (type(data) == types.ListType):
        if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
            vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
              symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
            vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
              symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
        vol = data

    if myid == 0:
        from morphology import threshold
        from filter import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
        from utilities import model_circle, get_im
        import types
        nx = vol.get_xsize()
        if (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
            mask3D = model_circle(
                int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"] * float(nx) /
                    float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"]) + 0.5), nx, nx, nx)
        elif (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
            from utilities import adaptive_mask
            mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
            if (type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType):
                mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
                mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
            nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
            if (nx != nxm):
                from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
                mask3D = Util.window(
                    rot_shift3D(mask3D, scale=float(nx) / float(nxm)), nx, nx,
                nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
                assert (nx == nxm)

        stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
        vol -= stat[0]
        Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
        vol = threshold(vol)
        Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
        if (Tracker["PWadjustment"]):
            from utilities import read_text_file, write_text_file
            rt = read_text_file(Tracker["PWadjustment"])
            ro = rops_table(vol)
            #  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
            for i in xrange(1, len(ro)):
                ro[i] = (rt[i] / ro[i])**Tracker["upscale"]
            #write_text_file(rops_table(filt_table( vol, ro),1),"foo.txt")
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
                ny = vol.get_ysize()
                y = float(ny)
                from math import exp
                for i in xrange(len(ro)):                    ro[i] *= \

            if local_filter:
                # skip low-pass filtration
                vol = fft(filt_table(vol, ro))
                if (type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType):
                    vol = fft(
                        filt_table(filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"]), ro))
                    vol = fft(
                            filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"],
                                      Tracker["falloff"]), ro))
            del ro
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
                ny = vol.get_ysize()
                y = float(ny)
                ro = [0.0] * (ny // 2 + 2)
                from math import exp
                for i in xrange(len(ro)):                    ro[i] = \
                filt_table(vol, ro)
                del ro
            if not local_filter:
                if (type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType):
                    vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
                    vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"],
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]: vol = fft(vol)

    if local_filter:
        from morphology import binarize
        if (myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
        else: nx = 0
        nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node=0)
        #  only main processor needs the two input volumes
        if (myid == 0):
            mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
            locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
            lx = locres.get_xsize()
            if (lx != nx):
                if (lx < nx):
                    from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
                    mask = Util.window(
                        rot_shift3D(mask, scale=float(lx) / float(nx)), lx, lx,
                    vol = fdecimate(vol, lx, lx, lx)
                    ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume",
                          "user function", 1)
            stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
            vol -= stat[0]
            Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
            lx = 0
            locres = model_blank(1, 1, 1)
            vol = model_blank(1, 1, 1)
        lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node=0)
        if (myid != 0): mask = model_blank(lx, lx, lx)
        bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
        from filter import filterlocal
        vol = filterlocal(locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0,

        if myid == 0:
            if (lx < nx):
                from fundamentals import fpol
                vol = fpol(vol, nx, nx, nx)
            vol = threshold(vol)
            vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)  #  This will have to be corrected.
            Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
            del mask3D
            # vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
            vol = model_blank(nx, nx, nx)
        if myid == 0:
            #from utilities import write_text_file
            stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
            vol -= stat[0]
            Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
            vol = threshold(vol)
            vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)  #  This will have to be corrected.
            Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
            del mask3D
            # vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
    # broadcast volume
    bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
    return vol
예제 #4
def main():
    import os
    import sys
    from optparse import OptionParser
    arglist = []
    for arg in sys.argv:
    progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
    usage = progname + """ inputvolume  locresvolume maskfile outputfile   --radius --falloff  --MPI

	    Locally filer a volume based on local resolution volume (sxlocres.py) within area outlined by the maskfile
    parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)

        "if there is no maskfile, sphere with r=radius will be used, by default the radius is nx/2-1"
                      help="falloff of tanl filter (default 0.1)")
                      help="use MPI version")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])

    if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4:
        print("See usage " + usage)

    if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
        from utilities import disable_bdb_cache

    if options.MPI:
        from mpi import mpi_init, mpi_comm_size, mpi_comm_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD
        from mpi import mpi_reduce, mpi_bcast, mpi_barrier, mpi_gatherv, mpi_send, mpi_recv
        from mpi import MPI_SUM, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_INT
        sys.argv = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)

        number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        main_node = 0

        if (myid == main_node):
            #print sys.argv
            vi = get_im(sys.argv[1])
            ui = get_im(sys.argv[2])
            #print   Util.infomask(ui, None, True)
            radius = options.radius
            nx = vi.get_xsize()
            ny = vi.get_ysize()
            nz = vi.get_zsize()
            dis = [nx, ny, nz]
            falloff = 0.0
            radius = 0
            dis = [0, 0, 0]
            vi = None
            ui = None
        dis = bcast_list_to_all(dis, myid, source_node=main_node)

        if (myid != main_node):
            nx = int(dis[0])
            ny = int(dis[1])
            nz = int(dis[2])
        radius = bcast_number_to_all(radius, main_node)
        if len(args) == 3:
            if (radius == -1): radius = min(nx, ny, nz) // 2 - 1
            m = model_circle(radius, nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            if (myid == main_node): m = binarize(get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
            else: m = model_blank(nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[3]
            bcast_EMData_to_all(m, myid, main_node)

        from filter import filterlocal
        filteredvol = filterlocal(ui, vi, m, options.falloff, myid, main_node,

        if (myid == 0): filteredvol.write_image(outvol)

        from mpi import mpi_finalize

        vi = get_im(args[0])
        ui = get_im(
        )  # resolution volume, values are assumed to be from 0 to 0.5

        nn = vi.get_xsize()

        falloff = options.falloff

        if len(args) == 3:
            radius = options.radius
            if (radius == -1): radius = nn // 2 - 1
            m = model_circle(radius, nn, nn, nn)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            m = binarize(get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
            outvol = args[3]

        fftip(vi)  # this is the volume to be filtered

        #  Round all resolution numbers to two digits
        for x in range(nn):
            for y in range(nn):
                for z in range(nn):
                    ui.set_value_at_fast(x, y, z,
                                         round(ui.get_value_at(x, y, z), 2))
        st = Util.infomask(ui, m, True)

        filteredvol = model_blank(nn, nn, nn)
        cutoff = max(st[2] - 0.01, 0.0)
        while (cutoff < st[3]):
            cutoff = round(cutoff + 0.01, 2)
            pt = Util.infomask(
                threshold_outside(ui, cutoff - 0.00501, cutoff + 0.005), m,
            if (pt[0] != 0.0):
                vovo = fft(filt_tanl(vi, cutoff, falloff))
                for x in range(nn):
                    for y in range(nn):
                        for z in range(nn):
                            if (m.get_value_at(x, y, z) > 0.5):
                                if (round(ui.get_value_at(x, y, z),
                                          2) == cutoff):
                                        x, y, z, vovo.get_value_at(x, y, z))

예제 #5
def main():
    import os
    import sys
    from optparse import OptionParser

    arglist = []
    for arg in sys.argv:
    progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
    usage = (
        + """ inputvolume  locresvolume maskfile outputfile   --radius --falloff  --MPI

	    Locally filer a volume based on local resolution volume (sxlocres.py) within area outlined by the maskfile
    parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)

        help="if there is no maskfile, sphere with r=radius will be used, by default the radius is nx/2-1",
    parser.add_option("--falloff", type="float", default=0.1, help="falloff of tanl filter (default 0.1)")
    parser.add_option("--MPI", action="store_true", default=False, help="use MPI version")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])

    if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4:
        print "See usage " + usage

    if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
        from utilities import disable_bdb_cache


    if options.MPI:
        from mpi import mpi_init, mpi_comm_size, mpi_comm_rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD
        from mpi import mpi_reduce, mpi_bcast, mpi_barrier, mpi_gatherv, mpi_send, mpi_recv
        from mpi import MPI_SUM, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_INT

        sys.argv = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)

        number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        main_node = 0

        if myid == main_node:
            # print sys.argv
            vi = get_im(sys.argv[1])
            ui = get_im(sys.argv[2])
            # print   Util.infomask(ui, None, True)
            radius = options.radius
            nx = vi.get_xsize()
            ny = vi.get_ysize()
            nz = vi.get_zsize()
            dis = [nx, ny, nz]
            falloff = 0.0
            radius = 0
            dis = [0, 0, 0]
            vi = None
            ui = None
        dis = bcast_list_to_all(dis, myid, source_node=main_node)

        if myid != main_node:
            nx = int(dis[0])
            ny = int(dis[1])
            nz = int(dis[2])
        radius = bcast_number_to_all(radius, main_node)
        if len(args) == 3:
            if radius == -1:
                radius = min(nx, ny, nz) // 2 - 1
            m = model_circle(radius, nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            if myid == main_node:
                m = binarize(get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
                m = model_blank(nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[3]
            bcast_EMData_to_all(m, myid, main_node)

        from filter import filterlocal

        filteredvol = filterlocal(ui, vi, m, options.falloff, myid, main_node, number_of_proc)

        if myid == 0:

        from mpi import mpi_finalize


        vi = get_im(args[0])
        ui = get_im(args[1])  # resolution volume, values are assumed to be from 0 to 0.5

        nn = vi.get_xsize()

        falloff = options.falloff

        if len(args) == 3:
            radius = options.radius
            if radius == -1:
                radius = nn // 2 - 1
            m = model_circle(radius, nn, nn, nn)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            m = binarize(get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
            outvol = args[3]

        fftip(vi)  # this is the volume to be filtered

        #  Round all resolution numbers to two digits
        for x in xrange(nn):
            for y in xrange(nn):
                for z in xrange(nn):
                    ui.set_value_at_fast(x, y, z, round(ui.get_value_at(x, y, z), 2))
        st = Util.infomask(ui, m, True)

        filteredvol = model_blank(nn, nn, nn)
        cutoff = max(st[2] - 0.01, 0.0)
        while cutoff < st[3]:
            cutoff = round(cutoff + 0.01, 2)
            pt = Util.infomask(threshold_outside(ui, cutoff - 0.00501, cutoff + 0.005), m, True)
            if pt[0] != 0.0:
                vovo = fft(filt_tanl(vi, cutoff, falloff))
                for x in xrange(nn):
                    for y in xrange(nn):
                        for z in xrange(nn):
                            if m.get_value_at(x, y, z) > 0.5:
                                if round(ui.get_value_at(x, y, z), 2) == cutoff:
                                    filteredvol.set_value_at_fast(x, y, z, vovo.get_value_at(x, y, z))
