def dynamicSpectrum(filfn, start_time, time_window, timeFactor=1, freqFactor=1, dm=0., applyGauss=False, fGauss=1., tGauss=1., rfi=[]): """Return a time-frequency cut-out from a filterbank file filfn: str, filterbank filename start_time: float, start time in seconds time_window: float, time window in seconds timeFactor: int, decimation factor freqFactor: int, decimation factor dm: float, dispersion measure applyGauss: bool, apply a Gaussian filter fGauss: float, Gaussian filte in frequency tGauss: float, Gaussian filte in time rfi: list of int pairs, start and stop index of freq channels to replace with noise returns: 2-D float array """ fil = filterbankio.Filterbank(filfn) tInt = fil.header['tsamp'] # get tInt freqsHz = fil.freqs * 1e6 # generate array of freqs in Hz waterfall = np.reshape(, ([0],[2])) # reshape to (n integrations, n freqs) ddwaterfall = dedispersion.incoherent( freqsHz, waterfall, tInt, dm, boundary='wrap') # apply dedispersion # Time Decimation # average down by N time samples if waterfall.shape[0] % timeFactor == 0: decwaterfall = waterfall.reshape(waterfall.shape[0] / timeFactor, timeFactor, waterfall.shape[1]).mean(axis=1) decddwaterfall = ddwaterfall.reshape(ddwaterfall.shape[0] / timeFactor, timeFactor, ddwaterfall.shape[1]).mean(axis=1) tInt *= timeFactor else: print 'WARNING: %i time samples is NOT divisible by %i, zero-padding spectrum to usable size' % ( waterfall.shape[0], timeFactor) zeros = np.zeros((timeFactor - (waterfall.shape[0] % timeFactor), waterfall.shape[1])) decwaterfall = np.concatenate((waterfall, zeros)) decddwaterfall = np.concatenate((ddwaterfall, zeros)) decwaterfall = decwaterfall.reshape(decwaterfall.shape[0] / timeFactor, timeFactor, decwaterfall.shape[1]).mean(axis=1) decddwaterfall = decddwaterfall.reshape( decddwaterfall.shape[0] / timeFactor, timeFactor, decddwaterfall.shape[1]).mean(axis=1) tInt *= timeFactor # Frequency Decimation if decwaterfall.shape[1] % freqFactor == 0: decwaterfall = decwaterfall.reshape(decwaterfall.shape[0], decwaterfall.shape[1] / freqFactor, freqFactor).mean(axis=2) decddwaterfall = decddwaterfall.reshape( decddwaterfall.shape[0], decddwaterfall.shape[1] / freqFactor, freqFactor).mean(axis=2) freqsHz = freqsHz[::freqFactor] else: print 'WARNING: %i frequency channels is NOT divisible by %i, ignoring option' % ( decwaterfall.shape[1], freqFactor) # cut out region if start_time is None: startIdx = 0 else: startIdx = int(start_time / tInt) if time_window is None: endIdx = decwaterfall.shape[0] else: endIdx = startIdx + int(time_window / tInt) if endIdx > decwaterfall.shape[0]: print 'Warning: time window (-w) in conjunction with start time (-s) results in a window extending beyond the filterbank file, clipping to maximum size' endIdx = decwaterfall.shape[0] # RFI replacement rfiMask = np.zeros_like(decddwaterfall) for freqPair in rfi: rfiMask[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]] = 1. dsMean =, mask=rfiMask).mean() dsStd =, mask=rfiMask).std() for freqPair in rfi: decddwaterfall[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]] = np.random.normal( dsMean, dsStd, size=decddwaterfall[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]].shape) decwaterfall[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]] = np.random.normal( dsMean, dsStd, size=decwaterfall[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]].shape) #decddwaterfall[:,freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]] = np.zeros(decddwaterfall[:,freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]].shape) #decwaterfall[:,freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]] = np.zeros(decwaterfall[:,freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]].shape) decwaterfall = decwaterfall[startIdx:endIdx, :] decddwaterfall = decddwaterfall[startIdx:endIdx, :] if applyGauss: gaussFilter = gaussianFilter(decddwaterfall.shape, tGauss, fGauss) decddwaterfall = convolveTaper(gaussFilter, decddwaterfall) decwaterfall = convolveTaper(gaussFilter, decwaterfall) return decwaterfall, decddwaterfall, tInt, freqsHz / 1e6
def dmSpace(filfn, start_time, time_window, minDM, maxDM, dmStep, timeFactor=1, rfi=[]): """Return a time-frequency cut-out from a filterbank file filfn: str, filterbank filename start_time: float, start time in seconds time_window: float, time window in seconds timeFactor: int, decimation factor minDM: int, minimum DM trial maxDM: int, maximum DM trial dmStep: int, trail step size rfi: list of int pairs, start and stop index of freq channels to replace with noise returns: 2-D float array """ fil = filterbankio.Filterbank(filfn) tInt = fil.header['tsamp'] # get tInt freqsHz = fil.freqs * 1e6 # generate array of freqs in Hz print 'Maximum delay (ms) based on maximum DM (%f):' % maxDM, deltat( maxDM, freqsHz[0] / 1e6, freqsHz[-1] / 1e6) testDMs = np.arange(minDM, maxDM, dmStep) waterfall = np.reshape(, ([0],[2])) # reshape to (n integrations, n freqs) # cut out region if start_time is None: startIdx = 0 else: startIdx = int(start_time / tInt) if time_window is None: endIdx = waterfall.shape[0] else: endIdx = startIdx + int(time_window / tInt) if endIdx > waterfall.shape[0]: print 'Warning: time window (-w) in conjunction with start time (-s) results in a window extending beyond the filterbank file, clipping to maximum size' endIdx = waterfall.shape[0] # RFI replacement rfiMask = np.zeros_like(waterfall) for freqPair in rfi: rfiMask[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]] = 1. dsMean =, mask=rfiMask).mean() dsStd =, mask=rfiMask).std() for freqPair in rfi: waterfall[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]] = np.random.normal( dsMean, dsStd, size=waterfall[:, freqPair[0]:freqPair[1]].shape) waterfall = waterfall[startIdx:endIdx, :] dmSpaceArr = np.zeros((testDMs.shape[0], waterfall.shape[0])) for dmid, dm in enumerate(testDMs): dmSpaceArr[dmid, :] = np.mean(dedispersion.incoherent(freqsHz, waterfall, tInt, dm, boundary='wrap'), axis=1) # Time Decimation # average down by N time samples if dmSpaceArr.shape[1] % timeFactor == 0: decdmSpaceArr = dmSpaceArr.reshape(dmSpaceArr.shape[0], dmSpaceArr.shape[1] / timeFactor, timeFactor).mean(axis=2) tInt *= timeFactor else: print 'WARNING: %i time samples is NOT divisible by %i, zero-padding spectrum to usable size' % ( dmSpaceArr.shape[1], timeFactor) zeros = np.zeros((dmSpaceArr.shape[0], timeFactor - (dmSpaceArr.shape[1] % timeFactor))) decdmSpaceArr = np.concatenate((dmSpaceArr, zeros), axis=1) decdmSpaceArr = decdmSpaceArr.reshape( decdmSpaceArr.shape[0], decdmSpaceArr.shape[1] / timeFactor, timeFactor).mean(axis=2) decdmSpaceArr = decdmSpaceArr[:, :-1] # drop last integration tInt *= timeFactor return decdmSpaceArr, tInt, freqsHz / 1e6
default=None, help= 'Average in time by N samples, similar to SIGPROC decimate -t option') o.add_option('-f', '--freq', dest='freqFactor', type='int', default=1, help='Average in freq by N samples') o.add_option('--dark', dest='dark', action='store_true', help='Plot with a dark background style') opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) fil = filterbankio.Filterbank(args[0]) tInt = fil.header['tsamp'] # get tInt freqsHz = fil.freqs * 1e6 # generate array of freqs in Hz waterfall = np.reshape(, ([0],[2])) # reshape to (n integrations, n freqs) if np.isnan(waterfall).any(): waterfall = np.nan_to_num(waterfall).astype('float64') if not opts.timeFactor is None: # average down by N time samples, waterfall.shape[0] must be divisible by N if waterfall.shape[0] % opts.timeFactor == 0: waterfall = waterfall.reshape(waterfall.shape[0] / opts.timeFactor, opts.timeFactor,
o = OptionParser() o.set_usage('%prog [options] FIL') #tells you the syntax for running the script o.set_description(__doc__) o.add_option('-d', '--dm', dest='dm', default=0., type='float', help='Despersion Measure to correct, default: 0.') o.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output') o.add_option('-t', '--time', dest='timeFactor', type='int', default=2, help='Average in time by N samples, similar to SIGPROC decimate -t option') o.add_option('-M', '--meta', dest='meta', default=None, help='Metadata pickle file used to print buffer stats, generated in') opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) #sys.argv[0] is the name of the program being executed dm = #set dm as input fil = filterbankio.Filterbank(args[0]) #args[] is list full of declared arguments tInt = fil.header['tsamp'] # get tInt freqsHz = fil.freqs * 1e6 # generate array of freqs in Hz waterfall = np.reshape(, ([0],[2])) # reshape to (n integrations, n freqs) #create max size array with values and zeros if waterfall.shape[0] != 32768: # expand array to be full size zeros = np.zeros((32768 - waterfall.shape[0], waterfall.shape[1])) waterfall = np.concatenate((waterfall, zeros)) if np.isnan(waterfall).any(): waterfall = np.nan_to_num(waterfall).astype('float64') #some sort of data cleaning thing if not opts.timeFactor is None: # average down by N time samples, waterfall.shape[0] must be divisible by N if waterfall.shape[0] % opts.timeFactor==0:
o.add_option( '--prefix', dest='prefix', default='bandpass', help='Prefix of files to write bandpass to, default: bandpass') o.add_option('--minmax', dest='minmax', action='store_true', help='Plot the min/max bounds') opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not opts.nodisplay or opts.savefig: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) # (width, height) for fbIdx, fbFn in enumerate(args): fil = filterbankio.Filterbank(fbFn) tInt = fil.header['tsamp'] # get tInt freqsHz = fil.freqs * 1e6 # generate array of freqs in Hz waterfall = np.reshape(, ([0],[2])) # reshape to (n integrations, n freqs) # Select time subsets to plot and save to file if opts.start_time is None: startIdx = 0 else: startIdx = int(opts.start_time / tInt) if startIdx > waterfall.shape[0]: