예제 #1
    def test_stair_freeyaw(self):
        fname = '/home/dave/Repositories/public/0_davidovitch/'
        fname += 'freeyaw-ojf-wt-tests/data/calibrated/DataFrame/'
        fname += '0212_run_064_9.0ms_dc1_freeyawplaying_stiffblades'
        fname += '_coning_pwm1000_highrpm.h5'
        res = pd.read_hdf(fname, 'table')
        time = res.time.values
        sps = 1.0 / np.diff(time).mean()

        ff = Filters()

        cutoff_hz = 1.0
        order = 2
        Wn = cutoff_hz*2.0/sps
        B, A = sp.signal.butter(order, Wn, output='ba')
        yawf = sp.signal.filtfilt(B, A, res.yaw_angle.values)

        # YAW
        plt.plot(res.time, res.yaw_angle, 'r-')
        plt.plot(res.time, yawf, 'b-')

        B, A = sp.signal.butter(order, 1.0*2.0/sps, output='ba')
        yawf2 = sp.signal.filtfilt(B, A, res.yaw_angle.values)
        plt.plot(res.time, yawf2, 'k--')

        # RPM
        data = res.rpm.values
        data_f = ff.butter_lowpass(sps, data, order=2, cutoff_hz=1.0)

        plt.plot(res.time, data, 'r-')
        plt.plot(res.time, data_f, 'b-')

#        filtered_x, N, delay = ff.fir(time, res.rpm, cutoff_hz=1.0,
#                                      freq_trans_width=1.0, ripple_db=50.0)
#        plt.plot(res.time, filtered_x, 'k--')

        smooth_window = 2.0
        ws = int(smooth_window*sps)
        data_s = ff.smooth(res.rpm, window_len=ws, window='hanning')
        NN = len(data_s) - len(time)
        data_s = data_s[NN:]
#        time_s = time[NN:]
        plt.plot(time+(smooth_window/2.0), data_s, 'k--')

        # and up again in order not to brake the plotting further down
        time_down = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], 0.1)
        data_f_down = sp.interpolate.griddata(time, data_f, time_down)

        plt.plot(time_down, data_f_down, 'm-', alpha=0.7)

#        # and upsampling again
#        data = sp.interpolate.griddata(time_down, data_down, time)

        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err \
            = sp.stats.linregress(data_f_down, y=time_down)
예제 #2
    def test_linregress(self):
        fname = '/home/dave/Repositories/public/0_davidovitch/'
        fname += 'freeyaw-ojf-wt-tests/data/calibrated/DataFrame/'
        fname += '0212_run_064_9.0ms_dc1_freeyawplaying_stiffblades'
        fname += '_coning_pwm1000_highrpm.h5'
        res = pd.read_hdf(fname, 'table')
        time = res.time.values
        sps = 1.0 / np.diff(time).mean()

        freq_down = 0.1
        window = 4.0

        ff = Filters()

        data = res.rpm.values
        data_f = ff.butter_lowpass(sps, data, order=2, cutoff_hz=1.0)
        time_down = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], freq_down)
        data_f_down = sp.interpolate.griddata(time, data_f, time_down)
        regress = ff.linregress(time_down, data_f_down, int(window/freq_down))
        diff = np.diff(data_f_down) / freq_down

        plt.plot(time, data, 'r-')
        plt.plot(time_down, data_f_down, 'k--')
        plt.plot(time_down[:-int(window/freq_down)], np.abs(regress[:,0]), 'b--')
        plt.plot(time_down[:-1], np.abs(diff), 'g--')
        plt.ylim([0, 5])

        data = res.yaw_angle.values
        data_f = ff.butter_lowpass(sps, data, order=2, cutoff_hz=1.0)
        data_f_down = sp.interpolate.griddata(time, data_f, time_down)
        regress = ff.linregress(time_down, data_f_down, int(window/freq_down))
        diff = np.diff(data_f_down) / freq_down

        plt.plot(time, data, 'r-')
        plt.plot(time_down, data_f_down, 'k--')
        plt.plot(time_down[:-int(window/freq_down)], np.abs(regress[:,0]), 'b--')
        plt.plot(time_down[:-1], np.abs(diff), 'g--')
        plt.ylim([0, 5])