def testGetNPreviousDate(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() today = date(2011,6,17) tomorow = calendar_util.get_n_previous_business_date(today, 2) self.assertEqual(, 15, 'push two days') tomorow = calendar_util.get_n_previous_business_date(today, 5) self.assertEqual(, 10, 'push two days')
def testIsEndOfQuarter(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() day = date(2011,6,30) response = calendar_util.is_end_of_quarter(day) self.assertEqual(response, True, 'is end of quarter') day = date(2011,7,29) response = calendar_util.is_end_of_quarter(day) self.assertEqual(response, False, 'not end of quarter')
def testIsEndOfMonth(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() day = date(2011,6,30) response = calendar_util.is_end_of_month(day) self.assertEqual(response, True, 'is end of month') day = date(2011,7,29) response = calendar_util.is_end_of_month(day) self.assertEqual(response, True, 'is end of month only business')
def testGetNNextBusinessDate(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() today = date(2011,6,22) tomorow = calendar_util.get_n_next_business_date(today, 2) self.assertEqual(, 24, 'push two days') today = date(2011,6,17) tomorow = calendar_util.get_n_next_business_date(today, 5) self.assertEqual(, 24, 'push 5 days')
def testGetPreviousDate(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() today = date(2011,6,17) tomorow = calendar_util.get_previous_business_date(today) self.assertEqual(, 16, 'push one day') today = date(2011,6,20) tomorow = calendar_util.get_previous_business_date(today) self.assertEqual(, 17, 'push monday to driday')
def testGetNextBusinessDate(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() today = date(2011,6,23) tomorow = calendar_util.get_next_business_date(today) self.assertEqual(, 24, 'push one day') today = date(2011,6,17) tomorow = calendar_util.get_next_business_date(today) self.assertEqual(, 20, 'push friday to monday')
def __init__(self, name): = name # strategy data self.first_date = None self.last_date = None self.portfolio = None # map ticker and instrument self.instruments = {} # map ID and indicator self.indicators = {} # map ID and quantity computer self.quantity_computers = {} # map instrument and list of trading blocks self.trading_blocks = {} # map blocks and last state self.trading_blocks_state = {} # map currency and financial instrument (interest rate) self.interest_rates = {} self.rolling = None # track record map date and portfolio value self.track_record = {} # other objects self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher() self.calendar_util = CalendarUtil() # setup the event dispatcher self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.TRADING_TIME_EVENT, TradingTimeListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.ROLLING_EVENT, RollingListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.TRADE_EVENT, TradingListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.SIGNALS_EVENT, SignalsListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.VALORIZATION_EVENT, ValorizationListener(self))
class Strategy(object): logger = logging.getLogger('Strategy') def __init__(self, name): = name # strategy data self.first_date = None self.last_date = None self.portfolio = None # map ticker and instrument self.instruments = {} # map ID and indicator self.indicators = {} # map ID and quantity computer self.quantity_computers = {} # map instrument and list of trading blocks self.trading_blocks = {} # map blocks and last state self.trading_blocks_state = {} # map currency and financial instrument (interest rate) self.interest_rates = {} self.rolling = None # track record map date and portfolio value self.track_record = {} # other objects self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher() self.calendar_util = CalendarUtil() # setup the event dispatcher self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.TRADING_TIME_EVENT, TradingTimeListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.ROLLING_EVENT, RollingListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.TRADE_EVENT, TradingListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.SIGNALS_EVENT, SignalsListener(self)) self.event_dispatcher.add_event_listener(Event.VALORIZATION_EVENT, ValorizationListener(self)) def add_instrument(self, instrument): ''' Add instrument to stategy instrument map @param instrument: the financial instrument ''' if instrument.get_ticker() not in self.instruments: self.instruments[instrument.get_ticker()] = instrument def add_indicator(self, indicator): ''' Add indicator to strategy indicator map @param indicator: the indicator ''' if not in self.indicators: self.indicators[] = indicator def add_quantity_computer(self, quantity_computer): ''' Add a quantity computer to strategy quantity computer map @param quantity_computer: the quantity computer ''' if not in self.quantity_computers: self.quantity_computers[] = quantity_computer def add_trading_block(self, trading_block): ''' Add trading block to strategy trading block map and by default set last state to false @param trading_block: the trading block ''' # add calendar util to trading block trading_block.calendar_util = self.calendar_util # map instrument's block and block if trading_block.instrument in self.trading_blocks: self.trading_blocks[trading_block.instrument].append(trading_block) else: self.trading_blocks[trading_block.instrument] = [trading_block] if trading_block not in self.trading_blocks_state: self.trading_blocks_state[trading_block] = False def add_condition_bundle_to_trading_block(self, trading_block, regime, indicator): ''' Add a condition bundle to a trading block @param trading_block_id: the trading block @param regime: the regime @param indicator_id: the indicator ''' if trading_block in self.trading_blocks_state: if in self.indicators: condition_bundle = ConditionBundle() condition_bundle.regime = regime condition_bundle.indicator = indicator trading_block.conditions.append(condition_bundle) def add_quantity_computer_to_trading_block(self, trading_block, computer, raw_quantity): ''' Add a quantity computer to a trading block @param trading_block_id: the trading block @param computer_id: the computer @param raw_quantity: the raw quantity ''' if trading_block in self.trading_blocks_state: if in self.quantity_computers: trading_block.quantity_computer = computer trading_block.raw_quantity = raw_quantity def add_interest_rate(self, currency, financial_instrument): ''' Add an interest rate to strategy for a given currency @param currency: the currency @param financial_instrument: the financial_instrument @raise CoreError: if financial instrument quotes in a different currency ''' if currency == financial_instrument.get_currency(): self.interest_rates[currency] = financial_instrument else: raise CoreError('financial instrument currency quotes in %s for currency %s'%(financial_instrument.get_currency(),currency)) def compute(self): ''' compute the strategy @raise CoreError: ''' compute_date = self.first_date while compute_date <= self.last_date: # check if it is instrument trading day for instrument in self.instruments.values(): value = instrument.get_close_value(compute_date) # if there is a value then send trading time event if value: trading_time_event = Event(Event.TRADING_TIME_EVENT) trading_time_event.datas['date'] = compute_date trading_time_event.datas['instrument'] = instrument if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug('%s: send event %s'%(compute_date,trading_time_event.type)) self.event_dispatcher.dispatch_event(trading_time_event) # build valorization event and send it valo_event = Event(Event.VALORIZATION_EVENT) valo_event.datas['date'] = compute_date self.event_dispatcher.dispatch_event(valo_event) compute_date = self.calendar_util.get_next_business_date(compute_date) def __str__(self): return
def testIsEndOfWeek(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() day = date(2011,6,17) response = calendar_util.is_end_of_week(day) self.assertEqual(response, True, 'is friday')
def testGetPreviousQuoteDate(self): calendar_util = CalendarUtil() today = date(2011,8,10) last_date = calendar_util.get_previous_quote_date(today, MockInstrument()) self.assertEqual(last_date, date(2011,7,29), 'good last quote date')