예제 #1
def test_FinBondPortfolio():

    import pandas as pd
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './data/giltBondPrices.txt')
    bondDataFrame = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t')
    bondDataFrame['mid'] = 0.5*(bondDataFrame['bid'] + bondDataFrame['ask'])

    freqType = FinFrequencyTypes.SEMI_ANNUAL
    accrualType = FinDayCountTypes.ACT_ACT_ICMA

    settlement = FinDate(2012, 9, 19)

    testCases.header("DCTYPE", "MATDATE", "CPN", "PRICE", "ACCD", "YTM")

    for accrualType in FinDayCountTypes:

        for _, bond in bondDataFrame.iterrows():

            dateString = bond['maturity']
            matDatetime = dt.datetime.strptime(dateString, '%d-%b-%y')
            maturityDt = fromDatetime(matDatetime)
            issueDt = FinDate(maturityDt._d, maturityDt._m, 2000)
            coupon = bond['coupon']/100.0
            cleanPrice = bond['mid']
            bond = FinBond(issueDt, maturityDt, 
                           coupon, freqType, accrualType)

            ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlement, cleanPrice)
            accd = bond._accruedInterest

            testCases.print(accrualType, maturityDt, coupon*100.0,
                            cleanPrice, accd, ytm*100.0)
예제 #2
def test_FinBondZeroCurve():

    import pandas as pd
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './data/giltBondPrices.txt')
    bondDataFrame = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t')
    bondDataFrame['mid'] = 0.5 * (bondDataFrame['bid'] + bondDataFrame['ask'])

    freqType = FinFrequencyTypes.SEMI_ANNUAL
    accrualType = FinDayCountTypes.ACT_ACT_ICMA
    settlement = FinDate(19, 9, 2012)

    bonds = []
    cleanPrices = []

    for _, bondRow in bondDataFrame.iterrows():
        dateString = bondRow['maturity']
        matDatetime = dt.datetime.strptime(dateString, '%d-%b-%y')
        maturityDt = fromDatetime(matDatetime)
        issueDt = FinDate(maturityDt._d, maturityDt._m, 2000)
        coupon = bondRow['coupon'] / 100.0
        cleanPrice = bondRow['mid']
        bond = FinBond(issueDt, maturityDt, coupon, freqType, accrualType)


    bondCurve = FinBondZeroCurve(settlement, bonds, cleanPrices)

    testCases.header("DATE", "ZERO RATE")

    for _, bond in bondDataFrame.iterrows():

        dateString = bond['maturity']
        matDatetime = dt.datetime.strptime(dateString, '%d-%b-%y')
        maturityDt = fromDatetime(matDatetime)
        zeroRate = bondCurve.zeroRate(maturityDt)
        testCases.print(maturityDt, zeroRate)

    if plotGraphs:
        bondCurve.plot("BOND CURVE")
예제 #3
def test_FinBondYieldCurve():


    import pandas as pd
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './data/giltBondPrices.txt')
    bondDataFrame = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t')
    bondDataFrame['mid'] = 0.5 * (bondDataFrame['bid'] + bondDataFrame['ask'])

    freqType = FinFrequencyTypes.SEMI_ANNUAL
    accrualType = FinDayCountTypes.ACT_ACT_ICMA
    settlement = FinDate(19, 9, 2012)

    bonds = []
    ylds = []

    for _, bond in bondDataFrame.iterrows():

        dateString = bond['maturity']
        matDatetime = dt.datetime.strptime(dateString, '%d-%b-%y')
        maturityDt = fromDatetime(matDatetime)
        issueDt = FinDate(maturityDt._d, maturityDt._m, 2000)
        coupon = bond['coupon'] / 100.0
        cleanPrice = bond['mid']
        bond = FinBond(issueDt, maturityDt, coupon, freqType, accrualType)
        yld = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlement, cleanPrice)


    curveFitMethod = FinCurveFitPolynomial()
    fittedCurve1 = FinBondYieldCurve(settlement, bonds, ylds, curveFitMethod)
    #    fittedCurve1.display("GBP Yield Curve")

    curveFitMethod = FinCurveFitPolynomial(5)
    fittedCurve2 = FinBondYieldCurve(settlement, bonds, ylds, curveFitMethod)
    #    fittedCurve2.display("GBP Yield Curve")

    curveFitMethod = FinCurveFitNelsonSiegel()
    fittedCurve3 = FinBondYieldCurve(settlement, bonds, ylds, curveFitMethod)
    #    fittedCurve3.display("GBP Yield Curve")

    curveFitMethod = FinCurveFitNelsonSiegelSvensson()
    fittedCurve4 = FinBondYieldCurve(settlement, bonds, ylds, curveFitMethod)
    #    fittedCurve4.display("GBP Yield Curve")

    curveFitMethod = FinCurveFitBSpline()
    fittedCurve5 = FinBondYieldCurve(settlement, bonds, ylds, curveFitMethod)
    #    fittedCurve5.display("GBP Yield Curve")


    testCases.header("PARAMETER", "VALUE")
    testCases.print("beta1", fittedCurve3._curveFit._beta1)
    testCases.print("beta2", fittedCurve3._curveFit._beta2)
    testCases.print("beta3", fittedCurve3._curveFit._beta3)
    testCases.print("tau", fittedCurve3._curveFit._tau)

    testCases.header("PARAMETER", "VALUE")
    testCases.print("beta1", fittedCurve4._curveFit._beta1)
    testCases.print("beta2", fittedCurve4._curveFit._beta2)
    testCases.print("beta3", fittedCurve4._curveFit._beta3)
    testCases.print("beta4", fittedCurve4._curveFit._beta4)
    testCases.print("tau1", fittedCurve4._curveFit._tau1)
    testCases.print("tau2", fittedCurve4._curveFit._tau2)


    maturityDate = FinDate(19, 9, 2030)
    interpolatedYield = fittedCurve5.interpolatedYield(maturityDate)
    testCases.print(maturityDate, interpolatedYield)
예제 #4
def test_FinBond():

    import pandas as pd
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './data/giltBondPrices.txt')
    bondDataFrame = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t')
    bondDataFrame['mid'] = 0.5 * (bondDataFrame['bid'] + bondDataFrame['ask'])

    freqType = FinFrequencyTypes.SEMI_ANNUAL
    settlementDate = FinDate(19, 9, 2012)
    face = ONE_MILLION

    for accrualType in FinDayCountTypes:

        testCases.header("MATURITY", "COUPON", "CLEAN_PRICE", "ACCD_DAYS",
                         "ACCRUED", "YTM")

        for _, bond in bondDataFrame.iterrows():

            dateString = bond['maturity']
            matDatetime = dt.datetime.strptime(dateString, '%d-%b-%y')
            maturityDt = fromDatetime(matDatetime)
            issueDt = FinDate(maturityDt._d, maturityDt._m, 2000)

            coupon = bond['coupon'] / 100.0
            cleanPrice = bond['mid']
            bond = FinBond(issueDt, maturityDt, coupon, freqType, accrualType,

            ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice)
            accd = bond._accruedInterest
            accd_days = bond._accruedDays

            testCases.print("%18s" % maturityDt, "%8.4f" % coupon,
                            "%10.4f" % cleanPrice, "%6.0f" % accd_days,
                            "%10.4f" % accd, "%8.4f" % ytm)

    #  EXAMPLE FROM http://bondtutor.com/btchp4/topic6/topic6.htm

    accrualConvention = FinDayCountTypes.ACT_ACT_ICMA
    y = 0.062267
    settlementDate = FinDate(19, 4, 1994)
    issueDate = FinDate(15, 7, 1990)
    maturityDate = FinDate(15, 7, 1997)
    coupon = 0.085
    face = ONE_MILLION
    freqType = FinFrequencyTypes.SEMI_ANNUAL
    bond = FinBond(issueDate, maturityDate, coupon, freqType,
                   accrualConvention, face)

    testCases.header("FIELD", "VALUE")
    fullPrice = bond.fullPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, y)
    testCases.print("Full Price = ", fullPrice)
    cleanPrice = bond.cleanPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, y)
    testCases.print("Clean Price = ", cleanPrice)
    accd = bond._accruedInterest
    testCases.print("Accrued = ", accd)
    ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice)
    testCases.print("Yield to Maturity = ", ytm)

    bump = 1e-4
    priceBumpedUp = bond.fullPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, y + bump)
    testCases.print("Price Bumped Up:", priceBumpedUp)

    priceBumpedDn = bond.fullPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, y - bump)
    testCases.print("Price Bumped Dn:", priceBumpedDn)

    durationByBump = -(priceBumpedUp - fullPrice) / bump
    testCases.print("Duration by Bump = ", durationByBump)

    duration = bond.dollarDuration(settlementDate, y)
    testCases.print("Dollar Duration = ", duration)
    testCases.print("Duration Difference:", duration - durationByBump)

    modifiedDuration = bond.modifiedDuration(settlementDate, y)
    testCases.print("Modified Duration = ", modifiedDuration)

    macauleyDuration = bond.macauleyDuration(settlementDate, y)
    testCases.print("Macauley Duration = ", macauleyDuration)

    conv = bond.convexityFromYTM(settlementDate, y)
    testCases.print("Convexity = ", conv)


    # When the libor curve is the flat bond curve then the ASW is zero by
    # definition
    flatCurve = FinDiscountCurveFlat(settlementDate, ytm,

    testCases.header("FIELD", "VALUE")

    cleanPrice = bond.cleanPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, ytm)
    asw = bond.assetSwapSpread(settlementDate, cleanPrice, flatCurve)
    testCases.print("Discounted on Bond Curve ASW:", asw * 10000)

    # When the libor curve is the Libor curve then the ASW is positive
    liborCurve = buildIborCurve(settlementDate)
    asw = bond.assetSwapSpread(settlementDate, cleanPrice, liborCurve)
    oas = bond.optionAdjustedSpread(settlementDate, cleanPrice, liborCurve)
    testCases.print("Discounted on LIBOR Curve ASW:", asw * 10000)
    testCases.print("Discounted on LIBOR Curve OAS:", oas * 10000)

    p = 90.0
    asw = bond.assetSwapSpread(settlementDate, p, liborCurve)
    oas = bond.optionAdjustedSpread(settlementDate, p, liborCurve)
    testCases.print("Deep discount bond at 90 ASW:", asw * 10000)
    testCases.print("Deep discount bond at 90 OAS:", oas * 10000)

    p = 100.0
    asw = bond.assetSwapSpread(settlementDate, p, liborCurve)
    oas = bond.optionAdjustedSpread(settlementDate, p, liborCurve)
    testCases.print("Par bond at 100 ASW:", asw * 10000)
    testCases.print("Par bond at 100 OAS:", oas * 10000)

    p = 120.0
    asw = bond.assetSwapSpread(settlementDate, p, liborCurve)
    oas = bond.optionAdjustedSpread(settlementDate, p, liborCurve)
    testCases.print("Above par bond at 120 ASW:", asw * 10000)
    testCases.print("Above par bond at 120 OAS:", oas * 10000)

    # https://data.bloomberglp.com/bat/sites/3/2017/07/SF-2017_Paul-Fjeldsted.pdf

    settlementDate = FinDate(21, 7, 2017)
    issueDate = FinDate(15, 5, 2010)
    maturityDate = FinDate(15, 5, 2027)
    coupon = 0.02375
    freqType = FinFrequencyTypes.SEMI_ANNUAL
    accrualType = FinDayCountTypes.ACT_ACT_ICMA
    face = 100.0

    bond = FinBond(issueDate, maturityDate, coupon, freqType, accrualType,

    testCases.header("FIELD", "VALUE")
    cleanPrice = 99.7808417

    yld = bond.currentYield(cleanPrice)
    testCases.print("Current Yield = ", yld)

    ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice,
    testCases.print("UK DMO Yield To Maturity = ", ytm)

    ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice,
    testCases.print("US STREET Yield To Maturity = ", ytm)

    ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice,
    testCases.print("US TREASURY Yield To Maturity = ", ytm)

    fullPrice = bond.fullPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Full Price = ", fullPrice)

    cleanPrice = bond.cleanPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Clean Price = ", cleanPrice)

    accd = bond._accruedInterest
    testCases.print("Accrued = ", accd)

    accddays = bond._accruedDays
    testCases.print("Accrued Days = ", accddays)

    duration = bond.dollarDuration(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Dollar Duration = ", duration)

    modifiedDuration = bond.modifiedDuration(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Modified Duration = ", modifiedDuration)

    macauleyDuration = bond.macauleyDuration(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Macauley Duration = ", macauleyDuration)

    conv = bond.convexityFromYTM(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Convexity = ", conv)


    settlementDate = FinDate(21, 7, 2017)
    issueDate = FinDate(13, 5, 2012)
    maturityDate = FinDate(13, 5, 2022)
    coupon = 0.027
    freqType = FinFrequencyTypes.SEMI_ANNUAL
    accrualType = FinDayCountTypes.THIRTY_E_360_ISDA
    face = 100.0

    bond = FinBond(issueDate, maturityDate, coupon, freqType, accrualType,

    testCases.header("FIELD", "VALUE")
    cleanPrice = 101.581564

    yld = bond.currentYield(cleanPrice)
    testCases.print("Current Yield", yld)

    ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice,
    testCases.print("UK DMO Yield To Maturity", ytm)

    ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice,
    testCases.print("US STREET Yield To Maturity", ytm)

    ytm = bond.yieldToMaturity(settlementDate, cleanPrice,
    testCases.print("US TREASURY Yield To Maturity", ytm)

    fullPrice = bond.fullPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Full Price", fullPrice)

    cleanPrice = bond.cleanPriceFromYTM(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Clean Price", cleanPrice)

    accddays = bond._accruedDays
    testCases.print("Accrued Days", accddays)

    accd = bond._accruedInterest
    testCases.print("Accrued", accd)

    duration = bond.dollarDuration(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Dollar Duration", duration)

    modifiedDuration = bond.modifiedDuration(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Modified Duration", modifiedDuration)

    macauleyDuration = bond.macauleyDuration(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Macauley Duration", macauleyDuration)

    conv = bond.convexityFromYTM(settlementDate, ytm)
    testCases.print("Convexity", conv)