예제 #1
def find_interface_residues_from_pymol_objects() :
    loaded_objs = cmd.get_names('objects')
    pdb_structures = init_pdb_structures()
    #print "read in", len(pdb_structures), "pdb structures"
    for i in xrange(len(pdb_structures)):
        obj = loaded_objs[i]
        pdb = pdb_structures[i]
        intres = find_interface_pointing_residue( pdb )
        #print "interface res dictionary size", len(intres.keys() )
        select_string = ""
        for c in intres.keys() :
            #print "chain", c, "size", len(intres[c])
            for r in intres[c] :
                select_string += "("+obj+" and chain " + c + " and res " + r + " ) or "
        select_string = select_string[:-4]
        #print select_string
        selecting.select( obj + "intres", select_string )
def create_interface_selections():
    loaded_objs = cmd.get_names("objects")
    pdb_structures = init_pdb_structs()
    print "read in", len(pdb_structures), "pdb structures"
    for i in xrange(len(pdb_structures)):
        obj = loaded_objs[i]
        pdb = pdb_structures[i]
        for j in xrange(len(pdb.chains)):
            print "Found chain", pdb.chains[j].chain_name
        print "Found", len(pdb.chains), "chains"
        intres = find_interface_pointing_residue(pdb)
        print "interface res dictionary size", len(intres.keys())
        select_string = ""
        for c in intres.keys():
            print "chain", c, "size", len(intres[c])
            for r in intres[c]:
                select_string += "(" + obj + " and chain " + c + " and res " + r + " ) or "
        select_string = select_string[:-4]
        # print select_string
        selecting.select(obj + "intres", select_string)