예제 #1
    def export_folder(self, folder, directory_settings=None, filter=None):
        # get the directory content
        # relative_path = os.path.join(
        #     self._request.registry.settings['root_dir'],
        #     self._request.matchdict['dir'])
        self._folder = folder
        relative_path = folder
        listing = os.listdir(relative_path)
        relative_path = str(os.path.abspath(relative_path)).encode('string-escape')
        relative_path = relative_path.decode('string-escape')

        # filter the folder content
        itemgrouper = ItemGrouper()
        visible_items_by_extension, visibleitems, invisibleitems = itemgrouper.group_folder(listing, directory_settings)

        # filter the specific file extension
        if filter is not None:
            if filter in visible_items_by_extension:
                visible_items_by_extension = visible_items_by_extension[filter]

        output = ''
        if os.path.exists(relative_path + '/.intro.md'):
            with open(relative_path + '/.intro.md') as file:
                output += file.read()
        # iterate through the file
        output += self._iterate_folder('#', visible_items_by_extension)
        if os.path.exists(relative_path + '/.outro.md'):
            with open(relative_path + '/.outro.md') as file:
                output += file.read()
        return output
예제 #2
    def handle_request(request, relative_path, directory_settings):
        depth = 0
        listing = os.listdir(relative_path)
        relative_path = str(os.path.abspath(relative_path)).encode('string-escape')
        relative_path = relative_path.decode('string-escape')

        returnfilename = os.path.basename(relative_path)

        # filter the folder content
        itemgrouper = ItemGrouper()
        items_dict, visibleitems, invisibleitems = itemgrouper.group_folder(listing, directory_settings)

        if 'specific' in dict(request.params):
            specific_filetype = request.params['specific']
            if specific_filetype in items_dict:
                items_dict = items_dict[specific_filetype]
                returnfilename += '_' + specific_filetype
                depth = 1

        # TODO: Sometimes zip file creation doesnt halt. It seems to be dependent on the fact whether another request.zip file already exists
        nosubfolderallowed = 'key_not_as_folder_separator' in dict(request.params)
        tuples = DirectoryZipHandler._file_tuples(depth, '', items_dict)
        tempdirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        zippath = tempdirpath + '/request.zip'
        with ZipFile(zippath, 'w') as zip:
            for tuple in tuples:
                localfilepath = relative_path + '/' + tuple[0]
                if tuple[0].startswith('.'):
                if os.path.isdir(localfilepath):
                if nosubfolderallowed:
                    zip.write(localfilepath, tuple[0])
                    zip.write(localfilepath, tuple[1])
        with open(zippath, 'rb') as zip:
            return Response(body=zip.read(),
                            content_disposition='attachment; filename="{0}.zip"'.format(returnfilename))
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: meyerjo/ACcloud
    def directory(self):
        # TODO: load the description files
        relative_path = DirectoryRequestHandler.requestfolderpath(self.request)
        listing = os.listdir(relative_path)
        relative_path = str(os.path.abspath(relative_path)).encode('string-escape')
        relative_path = relative_path.decode('string-escape')

        # load settings, and reload if necessary
        directory_settings = self.request.registry.settings['directory_settings']
        directory_settings = DirectoryLoadSettings.handle_request(self.request, relative_path, directory_settings)

        # load custom description
        description = self._get_custom_directory_description()

        # TODO: Check whether there is a more 'clean' way to handle these specific requests
        custom_response = self._custom_request_handler(relative_path, directory_settings)
        if custom_response is not None:
            return custom_response

        visible_items_by_extension, vi, invitems = ItemGrouper().group_folder(listing, directory_settings)

        # get the folders and files
        folders = visible_items_by_extension[''] if '' in visible_items_by_extension else []
        files = dict(visible_items_by_extension)
        if '' in files:
            del files['']

        # get labels
        element_labels = self._retrieve_labels(self.request.matchdict['dir'], vi)

        # get all folde descriptions
        folder_descriptions = dict()
        for f in folders:
            folder_descriptions[f] = self._get_custom_directory_description(f)

        if 'specific_filetemplates' in directory_settings:
            for (key, value) in visible_items_by_extension.items():
                if key not in directory_settings['specific_filetemplates']:
                # could crash in one level cases
                visible_items_by_extension[key] = ItemGrouper().convert_leafs_to_dicts(visible_items_by_extension[key], filespecific_updates=element_labels)

                # apply specific to the items
                # TODO: if there is a specific key template, iterate till 'filename' is found then apply specific template
                # for the whole tree apply then the specific key template
                key_path = [key]
                visible_items_by_extension[key] = TemplateHandler().\
                                    directory_settings, folder_descriptions,
                                    overwrite_key=key, keypath=key_path)

        custom_directory_template_path = TemplateHandler.loadCustomTemplate(self.request, directory_settings,
        # send it to the general directory view
        directory_entry = render(custom_directory_template_path, dict(dir=self.request.matchdict['dir'],

        custom_index_path = TemplateHandler.loadCustomTemplate(self.request, directory_settings, 'custom_index_path',
        localsettingsfileexists = '.settings.json' in invitems
        index_parameter = dict(request=self.request, html=directory_entry, folders=folders, files=files,
        return Response(render(custom_index_path, index_parameter))