예제 #1
def test_infer_shapes():
    # load the onnx model
    raw_m = get_data("finn.data", "onnx/mnist-conv/model.onnx")
    model = ModelWrapper(raw_m)
    graph = model.graph

    # multi-thresholding node to be inserted between the first Relu and MaxPool node

    # get Relu node to use data
    Relu_node = graph.node[3]
    assert Relu_node.op_type == "Relu", "The wrong model was chosen for the check"

    # create thresholds tensor as constant
    mt_thresh0 = helper.make_tensor_value_info("mt_thresh0", TensorProto.FLOAT,
                                               [8, 7])

    # random numbers for the thresholds
    # thresholds for one channel have to be sorted to guarantee the correct behavior
    mt_thresh0_values = np.empty([8, 7], dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(len(mt_thresh0_values)):
        mt_thresh0_values[i] = np.sort(np.random.random_sample(7) * 10)

    model.set_initializer(mt_thresh0.name, mt_thresh0_values)

    # add multi-thresholding node and change Relu node
    mt_node = helper.make_node(
        ["mt_v0", "mt_thresh0"],
    Relu_node.output[0] = "mt_v0"

    # explicitly remove any present shape from ReLU and MultiThreshold outputs
    util.remove_by_name(model.graph.value_info, Relu_node.output[0])
    util.remove_by_name(model.graph.value_info, mt_node.output[0])
    graph.node.insert(4, mt_node)

    # first check routine
    # check if at least one shape is not specified
    assert not (
    ), "All tensors are already specified before the shape inference execution"

    # perform shape inference on mixed model
    model = model.transform(InferShapes())

    # second check routine
    # now all shapes should be specified and mt_node output shape is (1,8,28,28)
    assert (model.check_all_tensor_shapes_specified()
            ), "There are still tensors that are not specified"
    assert (model.get_tensor_shape(mt_node.output[0])) == ([
        1, 8, 28, 28
    ]), "output of multi-thresholding node has wrong shape"
예제 #2
def test_modelwrapper():
    lfc = get_test_model_trained("LFC", 1, 1)
    bo.export_finn_onnx(lfc, (1, 1, 28, 28), export_onnx_path)
    model = ModelWrapper(export_onnx_path)
    assert model.check_all_tensor_shapes_specified() is False
    inp_name = model.graph.input[0].name
    inp_shape = model.get_tensor_shape(inp_name)
    assert inp_shape == [1, 1, 28, 28]
    # find first matmul node
    l0_mat_tensor_name = ""
    l0_inp_tensor_name = ""
    for node in model.graph.node:
        if node.op_type == "MatMul":
            l0_inp_tensor_name = node.input[0]
            l0_mat_tensor_name = node.input[1]
    assert l0_mat_tensor_name != ""
    l0_weights = model.get_initializer(l0_mat_tensor_name)
    assert l0_weights.shape == (784, 1024)
    l0_weights_hist = Counter(l0_weights.flatten())
    assert (l0_weights_hist[1.0] + l0_weights_hist[-1.0]) == 784 * 1024
    l0_weights_rand = np.random.randn(784, 1024)
    model.set_initializer(l0_mat_tensor_name, l0_weights_rand)
    assert (model.get_initializer(l0_mat_tensor_name) == l0_weights_rand).all()
    assert l0_inp_tensor_name != ""
    inp_cons = model.find_consumer(l0_inp_tensor_name)
    assert inp_cons.op_type == "MatMul"
    out_prod = model.find_producer(l0_inp_tensor_name)
    assert out_prod.op_type == "Sign"
예제 #3
def test_modelwrapper():
    lfc = get_test_model_trained("LFC", 1, 1)
    bo.export_finn_onnx(lfc, (1, 1, 28, 28), export_onnx_path)
    model = ModelWrapper(export_onnx_path)
    assert model.check_all_tensor_shapes_specified() is False
    inp_shape = model.get_tensor_shape("0")
    assert inp_shape == [1, 1, 28, 28]
    l0_mat_tensor_name = "33"
    l0_weights = model.get_initializer(l0_mat_tensor_name)
    assert l0_weights.shape == (784, 1024)
    l0_weights_hist = Counter(l0_weights.flatten())
    assert l0_weights_hist[1.0] == 401311 and l0_weights_hist[-1.0] == 401505
    l0_weights_rand = np.random.randn(784, 1024)
    model.set_initializer(l0_mat_tensor_name, l0_weights_rand)
    assert (model.get_initializer(l0_mat_tensor_name) == l0_weights_rand).all()
    l0_inp_tensor_name = "32"
    inp_cons = model.find_consumer(l0_inp_tensor_name)
    assert inp_cons.op_type == "MatMul"
    out_prod = model.find_producer(l0_inp_tensor_name)
    assert out_prod.op_type == "Sign"
예제 #4
def test_modelwrapper():
    raw_m = get_data("finn.data", "onnx/mnist-conv/model.onnx")
    model = ModelWrapper(raw_m)
    assert model.check_all_tensor_shapes_specified() is True
    inp_name = model.graph.input[0].name
    inp_shape = model.get_tensor_shape(inp_name)
    assert inp_shape == [1, 1, 28, 28]
    conv_nodes = model.get_nodes_by_op_type("Conv")
    matmul_nodes = model.get_nodes_by_op_type("MatMul")
    assert len(conv_nodes) == 2
    assert len(matmul_nodes) == 1
    first_conv = conv_nodes[0]
    first_conv_iname = first_conv.input[0]
    first_conv_wname = first_conv.input[1]
    first_conv_oname = first_conv.output[0]
    assert first_conv_iname != "" and (first_conv_iname is not None)
    assert first_conv_wname != "" and (first_conv_wname is not None)
    assert first_conv_oname != "" and (first_conv_oname is not None)
    first_conv_weights = model.get_initializer(first_conv_wname)
    assert first_conv_weights.shape == (8, 1, 5, 5)
    first_conv_weights_rand = np.random.randn(8, 1, 5, 5)
    model.set_initializer(first_conv_wname, first_conv_weights_rand)
    assert (model.get_initializer(first_conv_wname) == first_conv_weights_rand
    inp_cons = model.find_consumer(first_conv_iname)
    assert inp_cons == first_conv
    out_prod = model.find_producer(first_conv_oname)
    assert out_prod == first_conv
    inp_layout = model.get_tensor_layout(first_conv_iname)
    assert inp_layout is None
    inp_layout = DataLayout.NCHW
    model.set_tensor_layout(first_conv_iname, inp_layout)
    assert model.get_tensor_layout(first_conv_iname) == inp_layout
    inp_sparsity = model.get_tensor_sparsity(first_conv_iname)
    assert inp_sparsity is None
    inp_sparsity = {"dw": {"kernel_shape": [3, 3]}}
    model.set_tensor_sparsity(first_conv_iname, inp_sparsity)
    assert model.get_tensor_sparsity(first_conv_iname) == inp_sparsity