예제 #1
파일: grid2D.py 프로젝트: regmi/fipy
class Grid2D(Mesh2D):
    Creates a 2D grid mesh with horizontal faces numbered
    first and then vertical faces.
    def __init__(self, dx=1., dy=1., nx=None, ny=None, overlap=2, parallelModule=parallel):
        self.args = {
            'dx': dx, 
            'dy': dy, 
            'nx': nx, 
            'ny': ny, 
            'overlap': overlap,
            'parallelModule': parallelModule

        self.dx = PhysicalField(value = dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value=1, unit=self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale
        nx = self._calcNumPts(d=self.dx, n=nx, axis="x")
        self.dy = PhysicalField(value = dy)
        if self.dy.getUnit().isDimensionless():
            self.dy = dy
            self.dy /= scale
        ny = self._calcNumPts(d=self.dy, n=ny, axis="y")
         self.offset) = self._calcParallelGridInfo(nx, ny, overlap, parallelModule)

        if numerix.getShape(self.dx) is not ():
            Xoffset = numerix.sum(self.dx[0:self.offset[0]])
            self.dx = self.dx[self.offset[0]:self.offset[0] + self.nx]
            Xoffset = 0

        if numerix.getShape(self.dy) is not ():
            Yoffset =  numerix.sum(self.dy[0:self.offset[1]])
            self.dy = self.dy[self.offset[1]:self.offset[1] + self.ny]
            Yoffset = 0
        if self.nx == 0:
            self.ny = 0
        if self.ny == 0:
            self.nx = 0
        if self.nx == 0 or self.ny == 0:
            self.numberOfHorizontalRows = 0
            self.numberOfVerticalColumns = 0
            self.numberOfHorizontalRows = (self.ny + 1)
            self.numberOfVerticalColumns = (self.nx + 1)

        self.numberOfVertices = self.numberOfHorizontalRows * self.numberOfVerticalColumns

        vertices = self._createVertices() + ((Xoffset,), (Yoffset,))
        faces = self._createFaces()
        self.numberOfFaces = len(faces[0])
        cells = self._createCells()
        Mesh2D.__init__(self, vertices, faces, cells)
        self.setScale(value = scale)

    def _calcParallelGridInfo(self, nx, ny, overlap, parallelModule):
        procID = parallelModule.procID
        Nproc = parallelModule.Nproc

        overlap = min(overlap, ny)
        cellsPerNode = max(int(ny / Nproc), overlap)
        occupiedNodes = min(int(ny / (cellsPerNode or 1)), Nproc)
        overlap = {
            'left': 0,
            'right': 0,
            'bottom': overlap * (procID > 0) * (procID < occupiedNodes),
            'top': overlap * (procID < occupiedNodes - 1)
        offset = (0,
                  min(procID, occupiedNodes-1) * cellsPerNode - overlap['bottom'])
        local_nx = nx
        local_ny = cellsPerNode * (procID < occupiedNodes)
        if procID == occupiedNodes - 1:
            local_ny += (ny - cellsPerNode * occupiedNodes)
        local_ny = local_ny + overlap['bottom'] + overlap['top']
        self.globalNumberOfCells = nx * ny
        self.globalNumberOfFaces = nx * (ny + 1) + ny * (nx + 1)
        return local_nx, local_ny, overlap, offset

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(dx=%s, dy=%s, nx=%d, ny=%d)" \
            % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self.args["dx"]), str(self.args["dy"]), 
               self.args["nx"], self.args["ny"])
    def _createVertices(self):
        x = self._calcVertexCoordinates(self.dx, self.nx)
        x = numerix.resize(x, (self.numberOfVertices,))
        y = self._calcVertexCoordinates(self.dy, self.ny)
        y = numerix.repeat(y, self.numberOfVerticalColumns)
        return numerix.array((x, y))
    def _createFaces(self):
        v1, v2 refer to the vertices.
        Horizontal faces are first
        v1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfVertices)
        v2 = v1 + 1

        horizontalFaces = vector.prune(numerix.array((v1, v2)), self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.nx, axis=1)

        v1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfVertices - self.numberOfVerticalColumns)
        v2 = v1 + self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        verticalFaces =  numerix.array((v1, v2))

        ## The cell normals must point out of the cell.
        ## The left and bottom faces have only one neighboring cell,
        ## in the 2nd neighbor position (there is nothing in the 1st).
        ## reverse some of the face orientations to obtain the correct normals

        tmp = horizontalFaces.copy()
        horizontalFaces[0,:self.nx] = tmp[1,:self.nx]
        horizontalFaces[1,:self.nx] = tmp[0,:self.nx]

        self.numberOfHorizontalFaces = horizontalFaces.shape[-1]

        tmp = verticalFaces.copy()
        verticalFaces[0, :] = tmp[1, :]
        verticalFaces[1, :] = tmp[0, :]
        if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
            verticalFaces[0, ::self.numberOfVerticalColumns] = tmp[0, ::self.numberOfVerticalColumns]
            verticalFaces[1, ::self.numberOfVerticalColumns] = tmp[1,::self.numberOfVerticalColumns]

        return numerix.concatenate((horizontalFaces, verticalFaces), axis=1)

    def _createCells(self):
        cells = (f1, f2, f3, f4) going anticlock wise.
        f1 etc. refer to the faces
        return inline._optionalInline(self._createCellsIn, self._createCellsPy)

    def _createCellsPy(self):
        cellFaceIDs = numerix.zeros((4, self.nx * self.ny))
        faceIDs = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)
        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            cellFaceIDs[0,:] = faceIDs[:self.numberOfHorizontalFaces - self.nx]
            cellFaceIDs[2,:] = cellFaceIDs[0,:] + self.nx
            cellFaceIDs[1,:] = vector.prune(faceIDs[self.numberOfHorizontalFaces:], self.numberOfVerticalColumns)
            cellFaceIDs[3,:] = cellFaceIDs[1,:] - 1
        return cellFaceIDs

    def _createCellsIn(self):
        cellFaceIDs = numerix.zeros((4, self.nx * self.ny))
            int ID = j * ni + i;
            int NCELLS = ni * nj;
            cellFaceIDs[ID + 0 * NCELLS] = ID;
            cellFaceIDs[ID + 2 * NCELLS] = cellFaceIDs[ID + 0 * NCELLS] + ni;
            cellFaceIDs[ID + 3 * NCELLS] = horizontalFaces + ID + j;
            cellFaceIDs[ID + 1 * NCELLS] = cellFaceIDs[ID + 3 * NCELLS] + 1;

        return cellFaceIDs
    def getScale(self):
        return self.scale['length']
    def getPhysicalShape(self):
        """Return physical dimensions of Grid2D.
        return PhysicalField(value = (self.nx * self.dx * self.getScale(), self.ny * self.dy * self.getScale()))

    def _getMeshSpacing(self):
        return numerix.array((self.dx,self.dy))[...,numerix.newaxis]
    def getShape(self):
        return (self.nx, self.ny)

    def _isOrthogonal(self):
        return True
    def _getGlobalNonOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.

        E.g., would return [0, 1] for mesh A

        | 4 | 5 |     
        ---------  B
        | 2 | 3 |     
        | 0 | 1 |  A
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange((self.offset[1] + self.overlap['bottom']) * self.nx, 
                              (self.offset[1] + self.ny - self.overlap['top']) * self.nx)

    def _getGlobalOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2, 3] for mesh A

        | 4 | 5 |     
        ---------  B
        | 2 | 3 |     
        | 0 | 1 |  A
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.offset[1] * self.nx, (self.offset[1] + self.ny) * self.nx)

    def _getLocalNonOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1] for mesh A

        | 4 | 5 |     
        ---------  B
        | 2 | 3 |     
        | 0 | 1 |  A
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.overlap['bottom'] * self.nx, 
                              (self.ny - self.overlap['top']) * self.nx)

    def _getLocalOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2, 3] for mesh A

        |   |   |     
        ---------  B
        | 2 | 3 |     
        | 0 | 1 |  A
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(0, self.ny * self.nx)
## pickling

    def __getstate__(self):
        Used internally to collect the necessary information to ``pickle`` the 
        `Grid2D` to persistent storage.
        return self.args

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        Used internally to create a new `Grid2D` from ``pickled`` 
        persistent storage.

    def _test(self):
예제 #2
class Tri2D(Mesh2D):
    This class creates a mesh made out of triangles.  It does this by
    starting with a standard Cartesian mesh (`Grid2D`) and dividing each cell
    in that mesh (hereafter referred to as a 'box') into four equal
    parts with the dividing lines being the diagonals.
    def __init__(self, dx = 1., dy = 1., nx = 1, ny = 1):
        Creates a 2D triangular mesh with horizontal faces numbered first then
        vertical faces, then diagonal faces.  Vertices are numbered starting
        with the vertices at the corners of boxes and then the vertices at the
        centers of boxes.  Cells on the right of boxes are numbered first, then
        cells on the top of boxes, then cells on the left of boxes, then cells
        on the bottom of boxes.  Within each of the 'sub-categories' in the
        above, the vertices, cells and faces are numbered in the usual way.
          - `dx, dy`: The X and Y dimensions of each 'box'. 
            If `dx` <> `dy`, the line segments connecting the cell 
            centers will not be orthogonal to the faces.
          - `nx, ny`: The number of boxes in the X direction and the Y direction. 
            The total number of boxes will be equal to `nx * ny`, and the total 
            number of cells will be equal to `4 * nx * ny`.
        self.nx = nx
        self.ny = ny
        self.dx = PhysicalField(value = dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value = 1, unit = self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale
        self.dy = PhysicalField(value = dy)
        if self.dy.getUnit().isDimensionless():
            self.dy = dy
            self.dy /= scale
        self.numberOfCornerVertices = (self.nx + 1) * (self. ny + 1)
        self.numberOfCenterVertices = self.nx * self.ny
        self.numberOfTotalVertices = self.numberOfCornerVertices + self.numberOfCenterVertices
        vertices = self._createVertices()
        faces = self._createFaces()
        cells = self._createCells()
        cells = numerix.sort(cells, axis=0)
        Mesh2D.__init__(self, vertices, faces, cells)
        self.setScale(value = scale)
    def _createVertices(self):
        x = numerix.arange(self.nx + 1) * self.dx
        y = numerix.arange(self.ny + 1) * self.dy
        x = numerix.resize(x, (self.numberOfCornerVertices,))
        y = numerix.repeat(y, self.nx + 1)
        boxCorners = numerix.array((x, y))
        x = numerix.arange(0.5, self.nx + 0.5) * self.dx
        y = numerix.arange(0.5, self.ny + 0.5) * self.dy
        x = numerix.resize(x, (self.numberOfCenterVertices,))
        y = numerix.repeat(y, self.nx)
        boxCenters = numerix.array((x, y))
        return numerix.concatenate((boxCorners, boxCenters), axis=1)
    def _createFaces(self):
        v1, v2 refer to the cells.
        Horizontel faces are first
        v1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfCornerVertices)
        v2 = v1 + 1
        horizontalFaces = vector.prune(numerix.array((v1, v2)), self.nx + 1, self.nx, axis=1)
        v1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfCornerVertices - (self.nx + 1))
        v2 = v1 + self.nx + 1
        verticalFaces =  numerix.array((v1, v2))

        ## reverse some of the face orientations to obtain the correct normals

        tmp = horizontalFaces.copy()
        horizontalFaces[0, :self.nx] = tmp[1, :self.nx]
        horizontalFaces[1, :self.nx] = tmp[0, :self.nx]

        tmp = verticalFaces.copy()
        verticalFaces[0] = tmp[1]
        verticalFaces[1] = tmp[0]
        verticalFaces[0, ::(self.nx + 1)] = tmp[0, ::(self.nx + 1)]
        verticalFaces[1, ::(self.nx + 1)] = tmp[1, ::(self.nx + 1)]

        ## do the center ones now
        cellCenters = numerix.arange(self.numberOfCornerVertices, self.numberOfTotalVertices)
        lowerLefts = vector.prune(numerix.arange(self.numberOfCornerVertices - (self.nx + 1)), self.nx + 1, self.nx)
        lowerRights = lowerLefts + 1
        upperLefts = lowerLefts + self.nx + 1
        upperRights = lowerLefts + self.nx + 2
        lowerLeftFaces = numerix.array((cellCenters, lowerLefts))
        lowerRightFaces = numerix.array((lowerRights, cellCenters))
        upperLeftFaces = numerix.array((cellCenters, upperLefts))
        upperRightFaces = numerix.array((cellCenters, upperRights))
        return numerix.concatenate((horizontalFaces, verticalFaces, lowerLeftFaces, lowerRightFaces, upperLeftFaces, upperRightFaces), axis=1)

    def _createCells(self):
        cells = (f1, f2, f3, f4) going anticlockwise.
        f1 etc. refer to the faces
        self.numberOfHorizontalFaces = self.nx * (self.ny + 1)
        self.numberOfVerticalFaces =  self.ny * (self.nx + 1)
        self.numberOfEachDiagonalFaces = self.nx * self.ny
        bottomFaces = numerix.arange(0, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces - self.nx)
        topFaces = numerix.arange(self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces)
        leftFaces = vector.prune(numerix.arange(self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces + self.numberOfVerticalFaces), self.nx + 1, self.nx)
        rightFaces = vector.prune(numerix.arange(self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces + self.numberOfVerticalFaces), self.nx + 1, 0)
        lowerLeftDiagonalFaces = numerix.arange(self.numberOfHorizontalFaces + self.numberOfVerticalFaces, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces + self.numberOfVerticalFaces + self.numberOfEachDiagonalFaces)
        lowerRightDiagonalFaces = lowerLeftDiagonalFaces + self.numberOfEachDiagonalFaces
        upperLeftDiagonalFaces = lowerRightDiagonalFaces + self.numberOfEachDiagonalFaces
        upperRightDiagonalFaces = upperLeftDiagonalFaces + self.numberOfEachDiagonalFaces
        ##faces in arrays, now get the cells
        bottomOfBoxCells = numerix.array([bottomFaces, lowerRightDiagonalFaces, lowerLeftDiagonalFaces])
        rightOfBoxCells = numerix.array([rightFaces, upperRightDiagonalFaces, lowerRightDiagonalFaces])
        topOfBoxCells = numerix.array([topFaces, upperLeftDiagonalFaces, upperRightDiagonalFaces])
        leftOfBoxCells = numerix.array([leftFaces, lowerLeftDiagonalFaces, upperLeftDiagonalFaces])
        return numerix.concatenate((rightOfBoxCells, topOfBoxCells, leftOfBoxCells, bottomOfBoxCells), axis=1)
    def getScale(self):
        return self.scale['length']
    def getPhysicalShape(self):
        """Return physical dimensions of Grid2D.
        return PhysicalField(value = (self.nx * self.dx * self.getScale(), self.ny * self.dy * self.getScale()))

    def _getMeshSpacing(self):
        return numerix.array((self.dx,self.dy))[...,numerix.newaxis]
    def getShape(self):
        return (self.nx, self.ny)

    def _isOrthogonal(self):
        return True
## pickling

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {
            'dx' : self.dx * self.scale['length'],
            'dy' : self.dy * self.scale['length'],
            'nx' : self.nx,
            'ny' : self.ny

    def __setstate__(self, dict):

    def _test(self):
예제 #3
class Grid3D(Mesh):
    3D rectangular-prism Mesh

    X axis runs from left to right.
    Y axis runs from bottom to top.
    Z axis runs from front to back.

    Numbering System:

    Vertices: Numbered in the usual way. X coordinate changes most quickly, then Y, then Z.

    Cells: Same numbering system as vertices.

    Faces: XY faces numbered first, then XZ faces, then YZ faces. Within each subcategory, it is numbered in the usual way.
    def __init__(self, dx = 1., dy = 1., dz = 1., nx = None, ny = None, nz = None, overlap=2, communicator=parallel):
        self.args = {
            'dx': dx, 
            'dy': dy,
            'dz' :dz,
            'nx': nx, 
            'ny': ny,
            'nz': nz,
            'overlap': overlap,
            'communicator': communicator
        self.dx = PhysicalField(value = dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value = 1, unit = self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale
        nx = self._calcNumPts(d = self.dx, n = nx, axis = "x")
        self.dy = PhysicalField(value = dy)
        if self.dy.getUnit().isDimensionless():
            self.dy = dy
            self.dy /= scale

        ny = self._calcNumPts(d = self.dy, n = ny, axis = "y")
        self.dz = PhysicalField(value = dz)
        if self.dz.getUnit().isDimensionless():
            self.dz = dz
            self.dz /= scale
        nz = self._calcNumPts(d = self.dz, n = nz, axis = "z")

         self.offset) = self._calcParallelGridInfo(nx, ny, nz, overlap, communicator)

        if numerix.getShape(self.dx) is not ():
            Xoffset = numerix.sum(self.dx[0:self.offset[0]])
            self.dx = self.dx[self.offset[0]:self.offset[0] + self.nx]
            Xoffset = 0

        if numerix.getShape(self.dy) is not ():
            Yoffset =  numerix.sum(self.dy[0:self.offset[1]])
            self.dy = self.dy[self.offset[1]:self.offset[1] + self.ny]
            Yoffset = 0

        if numerix.getShape(self.dy) is not ():
            Zoffset =  numerix.sum(self.dz[0:self.offset[2]])
            self.dz = self.dz[self.offset[2]:self.offset[2] + self.nz]
            Zoffset = 0

        if self.nx == 0 or self.ny == 0 or self.nz == 0:
            self.nx = 0
            self.ny = 0
            self.nz = 0

        if self.nx == 0 or self.ny == 0 or self.nz == 0:
            self.numberOfHorizontalRows = 0
            self.numberOfVerticalColumns = 0
            self.numberOfLayersDeep = 0
            self.numberOfHorizontalRows = (self.ny + 1)
            self.numberOfVerticalColumns = (self.nx + 1)
            self.numberOfLayersDeep = (self.nz + 1)
        self.numberOfVertices = self.numberOfHorizontalRows * self.numberOfVerticalColumns * self.numberOfLayersDeep
        vertices = self._createVertices() + ((Xoffset,), (Yoffset,), (Zoffset,))
        faces = self._createFaces()
        cells = self._createCells()
        Mesh.__init__(self, vertices, faces, cells)
        self.setScale(value = scale)

    def _calcParallelGridInfo(self, nx, ny, nz, overlap, communicator):
        procID = communicator.procID
        Nproc = communicator.Nproc

        overlap = min(overlap, nz)
        cellsPerNode = max(int(nz / Nproc), overlap)
        occupiedNodes = min(int(nz / (cellsPerNode or 1)), Nproc)
        overlap = {
            'left': 0,
            'right': 0,
            'bottom' : 0,
            'top' : 0,
            'front': overlap * (procID > 0) * (procID < occupiedNodes),
            'back': overlap * (procID < occupiedNodes - 1)
        offset = (0,
                  min(procID, occupiedNodes-1) * cellsPerNode - overlap['front'])
        local_nx = nx
        local_ny = ny
        local_nz = cellsPerNode * (procID < occupiedNodes)
        if procID == occupiedNodes - 1:
            local_nz += (nz - cellsPerNode * occupiedNodes)
        local_nz = local_nz + overlap['front'] + overlap['back']
        self.globalNumberOfCells = nx * ny * nz
        self.globalNumberOfFaces = nx * nz * (ny + 1) + ny * nz * (nx + 1) + nx * ny * (nz + 1)
        return local_nx, local_ny, local_nz, overlap, offset

    def __repr__(self):
        dnstr = []
        for d, n in [("dx", "nx"), ("dy", "ny"), ("dz", "nz")]:
            dnstr.append(d + "=" + str(self.args[d]))
            if self.args[n] is not None:
                dnstr.append(n + "=" + str(self.args[n]))

        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(dnstr))

    def _createVertices(self):
        x = self._calcVertexCoordinates(self.dx, self.nx)
        x = numerix.resize(x, (self.numberOfVertices,))
        y = self._calcVertexCoordinates(self.dy, self.ny)
        y = numerix.repeat(y, self.numberOfVerticalColumns)
        y = numerix.resize(y, (self.numberOfVertices,))
        z = self._calcVertexCoordinates(self.dz, self.nz)
        z = numerix.repeat(z, self.numberOfHorizontalRows * self.numberOfVerticalColumns)
        z = numerix.resize(z, (self.numberOfVertices,))
        return numerix.array((x, y, z))
    def _createFaces(self):
        XY faces are first, then XZ faces, then YZ faces
        ## do the XY faces
        v1 = numerix.arange((self.nx + 1) * (self.ny))
        v1 = vector.prune(v1, self.nx + 1, self.nx)
        v1 = self._repeatWithOffset(v1, (self.nx + 1) * (self.ny + 1), self.nz + 1) 
        v2 = v1 + 1
        v3 = v1 + (self.nx + 2)
        v4 = v1 + (self.nx + 1)
        XYFaces = numerix.array((v1, v2, v3, v4))

        ## do the XZ faces
        v1 = numerix.arange((self.nx + 1) * (self.ny + 1))
        v1 = vector.prune(v1, self.nx + 1, self.nx)
        v1 = self._repeatWithOffset(v1, (self.nx + 1) * (self.ny + 1), self.nz)
        v2 = v1 + 1
        v3 = v1 + ((self.nx + 1)*(self.ny + 1)) + 1
        v4 = v1 + ((self.nx + 1)*(self.ny + 1))
        XZFaces = numerix.array((v1, v2, v3, v4))
        ## do the YZ faces
        v1 = numerix.arange((self.nx + 1) * self.ny)
        v1 = self._repeatWithOffset(v1, (self.nx + 1) * (self.ny + 1), self.nz)
        v2 = v1 + (self.nx + 1)
        v3 = v1 + ((self.nx + 1)*(self.ny + 1)) + (self.nx + 1)                                  
        v4 = v1 + ((self.nx + 1)*(self.ny + 1))
        YZFaces = numerix.array((v1, v2, v3, v4))

        ## reverse some of the face orientations to obtain the correct normals
        ##tmp = horizontalFaces.copy()
        ##horizontalFaces[:self.nx, 0] = tmp[:self.nx, 1]
        ##horizontalFaces[:self.nx, 1] = tmp[:self.nx, 0]
        ##tmp = verticalFaces.copy()
        ##verticalFaces[:, 0] = tmp[:, 1]
        ##verticalFaces[:, 1] = tmp[:, 0]
        ##verticalFaces[::(self.nx + 1), 0] = tmp[::(self.nx + 1), 0]
        ##verticalFaces[::(self.nx + 1), 1] = tmp[::(self.nx + 1), 1]

        self.numberOfXYFaces = (self.nx * self.ny * (self.nz + 1))
        self.numberOfXZFaces = (self.nx * (self.ny + 1) * self.nz)
        self.numberOfYZFaces = ((self.nx + 1) * self.ny * self.nz)
        self.numberOfFaces = self.numberOfXYFaces + self.numberOfXZFaces + self.numberOfYZFaces
        return numerix.concatenate((XYFaces, XZFaces, YZFaces), axis=1)
    def _createCells(self):
        cells = (front face, back face, left face, right face, bottom face, top face)
        front and back faces are YZ faces
        left and right faces are XZ faces
        top and bottom faces are XY faces
        self.numberOfCells = self.nx * self.ny * self.nz
        ## front and back faces
        frontFaces = numerix.arange(self.numberOfYZFaces)
        frontFaces = vector.prune(frontFaces, self.nx + 1, self.nx)
        frontFaces = frontFaces + self.numberOfXYFaces + self.numberOfXZFaces
        backFaces = frontFaces + 1

        ## left and right faces
        leftFaces = numerix.arange(self.nx * self.ny)
        leftFaces = self._repeatWithOffset(leftFaces, self.nx * (self.ny + 1), self.nz)
        leftFaces = numerix.ravel(leftFaces)
        leftFaces = leftFaces + self.numberOfXYFaces
        rightFaces = leftFaces + self.nx

        ## bottom and top faces
        bottomFaces = numerix.arange(self.nx * self.ny * self.nz)
        topFaces = bottomFaces + (self.nx * self.ny)

        return numerix.array((frontFaces, backFaces, leftFaces, rightFaces, bottomFaces, topFaces))
    def getScale(self):
        return self.scale['length']
    def getPhysicalShape(self):
        """Return physical dimensions of Grid3D.
        return PhysicalField(value = (self.nx * self.dx * self.getScale(), self.ny * self.dy * self.getScale(), self.nz * self.dz * self.getScale()))

    def _getMeshSpacing(self):
        return numerix.array((self.dx, self.dy, self.dz))[...,numerix.newaxis]
    def getShape(self):
        return (self.nx, self.ny, self.nz)

    def _repeatWithOffset(self, array, offset, reps):
        a = numerix.fromfunction(lambda rnum, x: array + (offset * rnum), (reps, numerix.size(array))).astype('l')
        return numerix.ravel(a)

## The following method is broken when dx, dy or dz are not scalar. Simpler to use the generic
## _calcFaceAreas rather than do the required type checking, resizing and outer product.
##     def _calcFaceAreas(self):
##         XYFaceAreas = numerix.ones(self.numberOfXYFaces)
##         XYFaceAreas = XYFaceAreas * self.dx * self.dy
##         XZFaceAreas = numerix.ones(self.numberOfXZFaces)
##         XZFaceAreas = XZFaceAreas * self.dx * self.dz        
##         YZFaceAreas = numerix.ones(self.numberOfYZFaces)
##         YZFaceAreas = YZFaceAreas * self.dy * self.dz
##         self.faceAreas =  numerix.concatenate((XYFaceAreas, XZFaceAreas, YZFaceAreas))

    def _calcFaceNormals(self):
        XYFaceNormals = numerix.zeros((3, self.numberOfXYFaces))
        XYFaceNormals[2, (self.nx * self.ny):] = 1
        XYFaceNormals[2, :(self.nx * self.ny)] = -1
        XZFaceNormals = numerix.zeros((3, self.numberOfXZFaces))
        xzd = numerix.arange(self.numberOfXZFaces)
        xzd = xzd % (self.nx * (self.ny + 1))
        xzd = (xzd < self.nx)
        xzd = 1 - (2 * xzd)
        XZFaceNormals[1, :] = xzd
        YZFaceNormals = numerix.zeros((3, self.numberOfYZFaces))
        YZFaceNormals[0, :] = 1
        YZFaceNormals[0, ::self.nx + 1] = -1
        self.faceNormals = numerix.concatenate((XYFaceNormals, 
    def _calcFaceTangents(self):
        ## need to see whether order matters.
        faceTangents1 = numerix.zeros((3, self.numberOfFaces), 'd')
        faceTangents2 = numerix.zeros((3, self.numberOfFaces), 'd')
        ## XY faces
        faceTangents1[0, :self.numberOfXYFaces] = 1.
        faceTangents2[1, :self.numberOfXYFaces] = 1.
        ## XZ faces
        faceTangents1[0, self.numberOfXYFaces:self.numberOfXYFaces + self.numberOfXZFaces] = 1.
        faceTangents2[2, self.numberOfXYFaces:self.numberOfXYFaces + self.numberOfXZFaces] = 1.
        ## YZ faces
        faceTangents1[1, self.numberOfXYFaces + self.numberOfXZFaces:] = 1.
        faceTangents2[2, self.numberOfXYFaces + self.numberOfXZFaces:] = 1.
        self.faceTangents1 = faceTangents1
        self.faceTangents2 = faceTangents2

    def _calcHigherOrderScalings(self):
        self.scale['area'] = self.scale['length']**2
        self.scale['volume'] = self.scale['length']**3

    def _isOrthogonal(self):
        return True

    def _getGlobalNonOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange((self.offset[2] + self.overlap['front']) * self.nx * self.ny, 
                              (self.offset[2] + self.nz - self.overlap['back']) * self.nx * self.ny)

    def _getGlobalOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.offset[2] * self.nx * self.ny, (self.offset[2] + self.nz) * self.nx * self.ny)

    def _getLocalNonOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.overlap['front'] * self.nx * self.ny, 
                              (self.nz - self.overlap['back']) * self.nx * self.ny)

    def _getLocalOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(0, self.ny * self.nx * self.nz)
## pickling

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self.args

    def __setstate__(self, dict):

    def _test(self):
예제 #4
class Grid2D(Mesh):
    """2D rectangular Mesh
    Numbering system


	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    * 10   * 11   * 12    * 13   * 14   *
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    * 5    * 6    * 7     * 8    * 9    *
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    * 0    * 1    * 2     * 3    * 4    *

	Faces (before reordering)::
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    32    33      34      35     36     37
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    26     27     28      29     30     31
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    20     21     22      23     24     25

	Faces (after reordering)::
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    34     18     19      20     21     37
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    33     14     15      16     17     36
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    32     10     11      12     13     35

	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
	    *      *      *       *      *      *
    def __init__(self, dx, dy, nx, ny):
	"""Grid2D is initialized by caller
	  - `dx`: dimension of each cell in **x** direction
	  - `dy`: dimension of each cell in **y** direction
	  - `nx`: number of cells in **x** direction
	  - `ny`: number of cells in **y** direction
        self.dx=PhysicalField(value = dx)
        self.dy=PhysicalField(value = dy)
	self.scale = PhysicalField(value = 1, unit = self.dx.getUnit())
	self.dx /= self.scale
	self.dy /= self.scale
	vertices = self._createVertices()
	rowFaces,colFaces = self._createFaces(vertices)
	cells = self._createCells(rowFaces,colFaces)
	faces,interiorFaces = self._reorderFaces(rowFaces,colFaces)
	Mesh.__init__(self, cells, faces, interiorFaces, vertices)
    def _createVertices(self):
	"""Return list of `Vertex` objects
	vertices = ()
	for j in range(ny+1):
	    for	i in range(nx+1):
		vertices += (Vertex(numerix.array([i * dx, j * dy],'d')),)
## 		vertices += (Vertex(PhysicalField(value = [i * dx, j * dy])),)
        return vertices	
    def _createFaces(self, vertices):
	"""Return 2-`tuple` of `Face` objects bounded by `vertices`. 
	First `tuple` are the `Face` objects that separate rows of `Cell` objects.  
	Second `tuple` are the `Face` objects that separate columns of `Cell 
	objects.  These initial lists are layed out for efficiency of composing 
	and indexing into the lists to compose `Cell` objects.  They will 
	subsequently be reordered for efficiency of computations.

	id = 0
	rowFaces = ()
	for j in range(ny+1):
	    oneRow = ()
	    for i in range(nx):
		oneRow += (Face2D((vertices[i + j * (nx + 1)],vertices[i + 1 + j * (nx + 1)]),id),)
		id += 1
	    rowFaces += (oneRow,)
	colFaces = []
	for j in range(ny):
	    oneCol = ()
	    for i in range(nx+1):
		oneCol += (Face2D((vertices[i + j * (nx + 1)],vertices[i + (j + 1) * (nx + 1)]),id),)
		id += 1
	    colFaces += (oneCol,)
	return (rowFaces,colFaces)
    def _reorderFaces(self,rowFaces,colFaces):
	"""Return a `tuple` of `Face` objects ordered for best efficiency.
	Composed from `rowFaces` and `colFaces` such that all interior faces
	are listed contiguously, rows then columns, followed by all boundary
	faces, rows then columns.
	interiorFaces = ()

	for rowFace in rowFaces[1:-1]:
	    interiorFaces += rowFace
	for colFace in colFaces:
	    interiorFaces += colFace[1:-1]
	faces = interiorFaces
	faces += rowFaces[0] + rowFaces[-1]
	for colFace in colFaces:
	    faces += (colFace[0],)
	for colFace in colFaces:
	    faces += (colFace[-1],)
	id = 0
	for face in faces:
	    id += 1

	return (faces, interiorFaces)
    def _createCells(self,rowFaces,colFaces):
	"""Return list of `Cell` objects.
	cells = ()
	for j in range(ny):
	    for i in range(nx):
                id = j * nx + i
		cells += (
			faces = (rowFaces[j][i],
			faceOrientations = (-1,1,1,-1),
			id = id
	return cells

    def _createInteriorFaces(self,faces):
	"""Return list of faces that are not on boundary of Grid2D.
        interiorFaces = ()
        for face in faces:
            if len(face.getCells()) == 2:
                interiorFaces += (face,)
        return interiorFaces

    def getFacesLeft(self):
        Return list of faces on left boundary of Grid2D with the
        x-axis running from left to right.
	start = len(self.interiorFaces) + 2 * nx
	return self.faces[start:start + ny]
    def getFacesRight(self):
        Return list of faces on right boundary of Grid2D with the
        x-axis running from left to right.
	start = len(self.interiorFaces) + 2 * nx + ny
	return self.faces[start:start + ny]
    def getFacesTop(self):
        Return list of faces on top boundary of Grid2D with the
        y-axis running from bottom to top.
	start = len(self.interiorFaces) + nx
	return self.faces[start:start + nx]
    def getFacesBottom(self):
        Return list of faces on bottom boundary of Grid2D with the
        y-axis running from bottom to top.
	start = len(self.interiorFaces)
	return self.faces[start:start + nx]
    def getShape(self):
	"""Return cell dimensions `Grid2D`.
        return (self.nx,self.ny)
    def getPhysicalShape(self):
	"""Return physical dimensions of Grid2D.
	return PhysicalField(value = (self.nx * self.dx * self.getScale(), self.ny * self.dy * self.getScale()))

    def _getMaxFacesPerCell(self):
        return 4

    def _getFaceAreas(self):
	return Mesh._getFaceAreas(self) * self.getScale()

    def getCellVolumes(self):
        if self.getScale() is 1:
            return Mesh.getCellVolumes(self)
            return Mesh.getCellVolumes(self) * self.getScale() * self.getScale()

    def getCellCenters(self):
        if self.getScale() is 1:
            return Mesh.getCellCenters(self)
            return Mesh.getCellCenters(self) * self.getScale()

    def _getCellDistances(self):
        if self.getScale() is 1:
            return Mesh._getCellDistances(self)
            return Mesh._getCellDistances(self) * self.getScale()
    def _getFaceToCellDistances(self):
        if self.getScale() is 1:
            return Mesh._getFaceToCellDistances(self)
            return Mesh._getFaceToCellDistances(self) * self.getScale()

    def _getMeshSpacing(self):
	return PhysicalField(value = ((self.dx * self.getScale(),),(self.dy * self.getScale(),)))
예제 #5
class Grid1D(Mesh1D):
    Creates a 1D grid mesh.
        >>> mesh = Grid1D(nx = 3)
        >>> print mesh.getCellCenters()
        [[ 0.5  1.5  2.5]]
        >>> mesh = Grid1D(dx = (1, 2, 3))
        >>> print mesh.getCellCenters()
        [[ 0.5  2.   4.5]]
        >>> mesh = Grid1D(nx = 2, dx = (1, 2, 3))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IndexError: nx != len(dx)

    def __init__(self, dx=1., nx=None, overlap=2, communicator=parallel):
        self.args = {
            'dx': dx, 
            'nx': nx, 
            'overlap': overlap

        from fipy.tools.dimensions.physicalField import PhysicalField
        self.dx = PhysicalField(value=dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value=1, unit=self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale
        nx = self._calcNumPts(d=self.dx, n=nx)

         self.offset) = self._calcParallelGridInfo(nx, overlap, communicator)

        if numerix.getShape(self.dx) is not ():
            Xoffset = numerix.sum(self.dx[0:self.offset])
            self.dx = self.dx[self.offset:self.offset + self.nx]
            Xoffset = self.dx * self.offset
        vertices = self._createVertices() + ((Xoffset,),)
        self.numberOfVertices = len(vertices[0])
        faces = self._createFaces()
        self.numberOfFaces = len(faces[0])
        cells = self._createCells()
        Mesh1D.__init__(self, vertices, faces, cells, communicator=communicator)
        self.setScale(value = scale)

    def _getOverlap(self, overlap, procID, occupiedNodes):
        return {'left': overlap * (procID > 0) * (procID < occupiedNodes),
                'right': overlap * (procID < occupiedNodes - 1)}
    def _calcParallelGridInfo(self, nx, overlap, communicator):

        procID = communicator.procID
        Nproc = communicator.Nproc
        overlap = min(overlap, nx)
        cellsPerNode = max(int(nx / Nproc), overlap)
        occupiedNodes = min(int(nx / (cellsPerNode or 1)), Nproc)
        overlap = self._getOverlap(overlap, procID, occupiedNodes)

        offset = min(procID, occupiedNodes-1) * cellsPerNode - overlap['left']
        local_nx = cellsPerNode * (procID < occupiedNodes)
        if procID == occupiedNodes - 1:
            local_nx += (nx - cellsPerNode * occupiedNodes)
        local_nx = local_nx + overlap['left'] + overlap['right']

        self.globalNumberOfCells = nx
        self.globalNumberOfFaces = nx + 1
        return local_nx, overlap, offset

    def __repr__(self):
        dnstr = []
        for d, n in [("dx", "nx")]:
            dnstr.append(d + "=" + str(self.args[d]))
            if self.args[n] is not None:
                dnstr.append(n + "=" + str(self.args[n]))

        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(dnstr))

    def _createVertices(self):
        x = self._calcVertexCoordinates(self.dx, self.nx)
        return x[numerix.newaxis,...]
    def _createFaces(self):
        if self.numberOfVertices == 1:
            return numerix.arange(0)[numerix.newaxis, ...]
            return numerix.arange(self.numberOfVertices)[numerix.newaxis, ...]

    def _createCells(self):
        cells = (f1, f2) going left to right.
        f1 etc. refer to the faces
        f1 = numerix.arange(self.nx)
        f2 = f1 + 1
        return numerix.array((f1, f2))

    def getDim(self):
        return 1
    def getScale(self):
        return self.scale['length']
    def getPhysicalShape(self):
        """Return physical dimensions of Grid1D.
        from fipy.tools.dimensions.physicalField import PhysicalField
        return PhysicalField(value = (self.nx * self.dx * self.getScale(),))

    def _getMeshSpacing(self):
        return numerix.array((self.dx,))[...,numerix.newaxis]
    def getShape(self):
        return (self.nx,)
    def _getGlobalNonOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.

        E.g., would return [0, 1] for mesh A

            A        B
        | 0 | 1 || 2 | 3 |
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes

        return numerix.arange(self.offset + self.overlap['left'], 
                              self.offset + self.nx - self.overlap['right'])

    def _getGlobalOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2] for mesh A

            A        B
        | 0 | 1 || 2 | 3 |
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.offset, self.offset + self.nx)

    def _getLocalNonOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1] for mesh A

            A        B
        | 0 | 1 || 1 | 2 |
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.overlap['left'], 
                              self.nx - self.overlap['right'])

    def _getLocalOverlappingCellIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2] for mesh A

            A        B
        | 0 | 1 || 2 |   |
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(0, self.nx)

    def _getGlobalNonOverlappingFaceIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.

        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2] for mesh A

            A    ||   B
        0   1    2   3   4
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.offset + self.overlap['left'], 
                              self.offset + self.numberOfFaces - self.overlap['right'])

    def _getGlobalOverlappingFaceIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in the context of the
        global parallel mesh. Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2, 3] for mesh A

            A    ||   B
        0   1    2   3   4
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.offset, self.offset + self.numberOfFaces)

    def _getLocalNonOverlappingFaceIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Does not include the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2] for mesh A

            A    ||   B
        0   1   2/1  2   3
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(self.overlap['left'], 
                              self.numberOfFaces - self.overlap['right'])

    def _getLocalOverlappingFaceIDs(self):
        Return the IDs of the local mesh in isolation. 
        Includes the IDs of boundary cells.
        E.g., would return [0, 1, 2, 3] for mesh A

            A   ||   B
        0   1   2   3    |
        .. note:: Trivial except for parallel meshes
        return numerix.arange(0, self.numberOfFaces)

## pickling

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self.args
    def __setstate__(self, dict):

    def _test(self):
예제 #6
class UniformGrid1D(Grid1D):
    Creates a 1D grid mesh.
        >>> mesh = UniformGrid1D(nx = 3)
        >>> print mesh.getCellCenters()
        [[ 0.5  1.5  2.5]]

    def __init__(self, dx=1.0, nx=1, origin=(0,), overlap=2, communicator=parallel):
        origin = numerix.array(origin)

        self.args = {"dx": dx, "nx": nx, "origin": origin, "overlap": overlap}

        self.dim = 1

        self.dx = PhysicalField(value=dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value=1, unit=self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale

        nx = int(nx)

        (self.nx, self.overlap, self.offset) = self._calcParallelGridInfo(nx, overlap, communicator)

        self.origin = PhysicalField(value=origin)
        self.origin /= scale
        self.origin += self.offset * self.dx

        self.numberOfVertices = self.nx + 1
        if self.nx == 0:
            self.numberOfFaces = 0
            self.numberOfFaces = self.nx + 1
        self.numberOfCells = self.nx

        self.exteriorFaces = self.getFacesLeft() | self.getFacesRight()

        self.scale = {"length": 1.0, "area": 1.0, "volume": 1.0}

        self.communicator = communicator

    def _translate(self, vector):
        return UniformGrid1D(
            origin=self.args["origin"] + numerix.array(vector),

    def __mul__(self, factor):
        return UniformGrid1D(
            dx=self.dx * factor, nx=self.args["nx"], origin=self.args["origin"] * factor, overlap=self.args["overlap"]

    def _getConcatenableMesh(self):
        from fipy.meshes.numMesh.mesh1D import Mesh1D

        return Mesh1D(
            vertexCoords=self.getVertexCoords(), faceVertexIDs=self._createFaces(), cellFaceIDs=self._createCells()

    ##     get topology methods

    ##         from common/mesh

    def _getCellFaceIDs(self):
        return MA.array(self._createCells())

    def getInteriorFaces(self):
        from fipy.variables.faceVariable import FaceVariable

        interiorFaces = FaceVariable(mesh=self, value=False)
        interiorFaces[numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces - 2) + 1] = True
        return interiorFaces

    def _getCellFaceOrientations(self):
        orientations = numerix.ones((2, self.numberOfCells))
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            orientations[0] *= -1
            orientations[0, 0] = 1
        return orientations

    def _getAdjacentCellIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)
        ids = numerix.array((c1 - 1, c1))
        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            ids[0, 0] = ids[1, 0]
            ids[1, -1] = ids[0, -1]
        return ids[0], ids[1]

    def _getCellToCellIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfCells)
        ids = MA.array((c1 - 1, c1 + 1))
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            ids[0, 0] = MA.masked
            ids[1, -1] = MA.masked
        return ids

    def _getCellToCellIDsFilled(self):
        ids = self._getCellToCellIDs().filled()
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            ids[0, 0] = 0
            ids[1, -1] = self.numberOfCells - 1
        return ids

    def _getMaxFacesPerCell(self):
        return 2

    ##         from numMesh/mesh

    def getVertexCoords(self):
        return self.getFaceCenters()

    def getFaceCellIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)
        ids = MA.array((c1 - 1, c1))
        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            ids[0, 0] = ids[1, 0]
            ids[1, 0] = MA.masked
            ids[1, -1] = MA.masked
        return ids

    ##     get geometry methods

    ##         from common/mesh

    def _getFaceAreas(self):
        return numerix.ones(self.numberOfFaces, "d")

    def _getFaceNormals(self):
        faceNormals = numerix.ones((1, self.numberOfFaces), "d")
        # The left-most face has neighboring cells None and the left-most cell.
        # We must reverse the normal to make fluxes work correctly.
        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            faceNormals[..., 0] *= -1
        return faceNormals

    def _getFaceCellToCellNormals(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()

    def getCellVolumes(self):
        return numerix.ones(self.numberOfCells, "d") * self.dx

    def _getCellCenters(self):
        return ((numerix.arange(self.numberOfCells)[numerix.NewAxis, ...] + 0.5) * self.dx + self.origin) * self.scale[

    def _getCellDistances(self):
        distances = numerix.ones(self.numberOfFaces, "d")
        distances *= self.dx
        if len(distances) > 0:
            distances[0] = self.dx / 2.0
            distances[-1] = self.dx / 2.0
        return distances

    def _getFaceToCellDistanceRatio(self):
        distances = numerix.ones(self.numberOfFaces, "d")
        distances *= 0.5
        if len(distances) > 0:
            distances[0] = 1
            distances[-1] = 1
        return distances

    def _getOrientedAreaProjections(self):
        return self._getAreaProjections()

    def _getAreaProjections(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()

    def _getOrientedFaceNormals(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()

    def _getFaceTangents1(self):
        return numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces, "d")[numerix.NewAxis, ...]

    def _getFaceTangents2(self):
        return numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces, "d")[numerix.NewAxis, ...]

    def _getFaceAspectRatios(self):
        return 1.0 / self._getCellDistances()

    def _getCellToCellDistances(self):
        distances = MA.zeros((2, self.numberOfCells), "d")
        distances[:] = self.dx
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            distances[0, 0] = self.dx / 2.0
            distances[1, -1] = self.dx / 2.0
        return distances

    def _getCellNormals(self):
        normals = numerix.ones((1, 2, self.numberOfCells), "d")
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            normals[:, 0] = -1
        return normals

    def _getCellAreas(self):
        return numerix.ones((2, self.numberOfCells), "d")

    def _getCellAreaProjections(self):
        return MA.array(self._getCellNormals())

    ##         from numMesh/mesh

    def getFaceCenters(self):
        return numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)[numerix.NewAxis, ...] * self.dx + self.origin

    def _getCellVertexIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfCells)
        return numerix.array((c1 + 1, c1))

    ##     scaling

    def _calcScaledGeometry(self):

    def _getNearestCellID(self, points):
        Test cases

           >>> from fipy import *
           >>> m = Grid1D(nx=3)
           >>> print m._getNearestCellID(([0., .9, 3.],))
           [0 0 2]
           >>> print m._getNearestCellID(([1.1],))
           >>> m0 = Grid1D(nx=2, dx=1.)
           >>> m1 = Grid1D(nx=4, dx=.5)
           >>> print m0._getNearestCellID(m1.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue())
           [0 0 1 1]
        nx = self.globalNumberOfCells

        if nx == 0:
            return numerix.arange(0)

        x0, = self.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue()[..., 0]
        xi, = points
        dx = self.dx

        i = numerix.array(numerix.rint(((xi - x0) / dx)), "l")
        i[i < 0] = 0
        i[i > nx - 1] = nx - 1

        return i

    def _test(self):
예제 #7
파일: uniformGrid1D.py 프로젝트: regmi/fipy
class UniformGrid1D(Grid1D):
    Creates a 1D grid mesh.
        >>> mesh = UniformGrid1D(nx = 3)
        >>> print mesh.getCellCenters()
        [[ 0.5  1.5  2.5]]
    def __init__(self, dx=1., nx=1, origin=(0,), overlap=2, parallelModule=parallel):
        origin = numerix.array(origin)
        self.args = {
            'dx': dx, 
            'nx': nx, 
            'origin': origin, 
            'overlap': overlap
        self.dim = 1
        self.dx = PhysicalField(value=dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value=1, unit=self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale
        nx = int(nx)
         self.offset) = self._calcParallelGridInfo(nx, overlap, parallelModule)
        self.origin = PhysicalField(value=origin)
        self.origin /= scale
        self.origin += self.offset * self.dx
        self.numberOfVertices = self.nx + 1
        if self.nx == 0:
            self.numberOfFaces = 0
            self.numberOfFaces = self.nx + 1
        self.numberOfCells = self.nx
        self.exteriorFaces = self.getFacesLeft() | self.getFacesRight()
        self.scale = {
            'length': 1.,
            'area': 1.,
            'volume': 1.
    def _translate(self, vector):
        return UniformGrid1D(dx=self.dx, 
                             origin=self.args['origin'] + numerix.array(vector),

    def __mul__(self, factor):
        return UniformGrid1D(dx=self.dx * factor,
                             origin=self.args['origin'] * factor,

    def _getConcatenableMesh(self):
        from fipy.meshes.numMesh.mesh1D import Mesh1D
        return Mesh1D(vertexCoords = self.getVertexCoords(), 
                      faceVertexIDs = self._createFaces(), 
                      cellFaceIDs = self._createCells())
    def _concatenate(self, other, smallNumber):
        Following test was added due to a bug in adding Meshes.

            >>> a = UniformGrid1D(nx=10) + (10,)
            >>> print a.getCellCenters()
            [[ 10.5  11.5  12.5  13.5  14.5  15.5  16.5  17.5  18.5  19.5]]
            >>> b = 10 + UniformGrid1D(nx=10)
            >>> print b.getCellCenters()
            [[ 10.5  11.5  12.5  13.5  14.5  15.5  16.5  17.5  18.5  19.5]]
            >>> from fipy.tools import parallel
            >>> if parallel.Nproc == 1:
            ...     c =  UniformGrid1D(nx=10) + (UniformGrid1D(nx=10) + 10)
            >>> print (parallel.Nproc > 1 
            ...        or numerix.allclose(c.getCellCenters()[0],
            ...                            [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5,
            ...                            12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5]))
        return self._getConcatenableMesh()._concatenate(other = other, smallNumber = smallNumber)
##     get topology methods

##         from common/mesh
    def _getCellFaceIDs(self):
        return MA.array(self._createCells())
    def getInteriorFaces(self):
        from fipy.variables.faceVariable import FaceVariable
        interiorFaces = FaceVariable(mesh=self, value=False)
        interiorFaces[numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces-2) + 1] = True
        return interiorFaces
    def _getCellFaceOrientations(self):
        orientations = numerix.ones((2, self.numberOfCells))
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            orientations[0] *= -1
            orientations[0,0] = 1
        return orientations

    def _getAdjacentCellIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)
        ids = numerix.array((c1 - 1, c1))
        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            ids[0,0] = ids[1,0]
            ids[1,-1] = ids[0,-1]
        return ids[0], ids[1]

    def _getCellToCellIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfCells)
        ids = MA.array((c1 - 1, c1 + 1))
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            ids[0,0] = MA.masked
            ids[1,-1] = MA.masked
        return ids
    def _getCellToCellIDsFilled(self):
        ids = self._getCellToCellIDs().filled()
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            ids[0,0] = 0
            ids[1,-1] = self.numberOfCells - 1
        return ids
    def _getMaxFacesPerCell(self):
        return 2
##         from numMesh/mesh

    def getVertexCoords(self):
        return self.getFaceCenters()

    def getFaceCellIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)
        ids = MA.array((c1 - 1, c1))
        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            ids[0,0] = ids[1,0]
            ids[1,0] = MA.masked
            ids[1,-1] = MA.masked
        return ids

##     get geometry methods
##         from common/mesh
    def _getFaceAreas(self):
        return numerix.ones(self.numberOfFaces,'d')

    def _getFaceNormals(self):
        faceNormals = numerix.ones((1, self.numberOfFaces), 'd')
        # The left-most face has neighboring cells None and the left-most cell.
        # We must reverse the normal to make fluxes work correctly.
        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            faceNormals[...,0] *= -1
        return faceNormals

    def _getFaceCellToCellNormals(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()
    def getCellVolumes(self):
        return numerix.ones(self.numberOfCells, 'd') * self.dx

    def _getCellCenters(self):
        return ((numerix.arange(self.numberOfCells)[numerix.NewAxis, ...] + 0.5) * self.dx + self.origin) * self.scale['length']

    def _getCellDistances(self):
        distances = numerix.ones(self.numberOfFaces, 'd')
        distances *= self.dx
        if len(distances) > 0:
            distances[0] = self.dx / 2.
            distances[-1] = self.dx / 2.
        return distances

    def _getFaceToCellDistanceRatio(self):
        distances = numerix.ones(self.numberOfFaces, 'd')
        distances *= 0.5
        if len(distances) > 0:
            distances[0] = 1
            distances[-1] = 1
        return distances
    def _getOrientedAreaProjections(self):
        return self._getAreaProjections()

    def _getAreaProjections(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()

    def _getOrientedFaceNormals(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()

    def _getFaceTangents1(self):
        return numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces, 'd')[numerix.NewAxis, ...]

    def _getFaceTangents2(self):
        return numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces, 'd')[numerix.NewAxis, ...]
    def _getFaceAspectRatios(self):
        return 1. / self._getCellDistances()
    def _getCellToCellDistances(self):
        distances = MA.zeros((2, self.numberOfCells), 'd')
        distances[:] = self.dx
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            distances[0,0] = self.dx / 2.
            distances[1,-1] = self.dx / 2.
        return distances

    def _getCellNormals(self):
        normals = numerix.ones((1, 2, self.numberOfCells), 'd')
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            normals[:,0] = -1
        return normals
    def _getCellAreas(self):
        return numerix.ones((2, self.numberOfCells), 'd')

    def _getCellAreaProjections(self):
        return MA.array(self._getCellNormals())

##         from numMesh/mesh

    def getFaceCenters(self):
        return numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)[numerix.NewAxis, ...] * self.dx + self.origin

    def _getCellVertexIDs(self):
        c1 = numerix.arange(self.numberOfCells)
        return numerix.array((c1 + 1, c1))

##     scaling
    def _calcScaledGeometry(self):

    def _getNearestCellID(self, points):
        Test cases

           >>> from fipy import *
           >>> m = Grid1D(nx=3)
           >>> print m._getNearestCellID(([0., .9, 3.],))
           [0 0 2]
           >>> print m._getNearestCellID(([1.1],))
           >>> m0 = Grid1D(nx=2, dx=1.)
           >>> m1 = Grid1D(nx=4, dx=.5)
           >>> print m0._getNearestCellID(m1.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue())
           [0 0 1 1]
        nx = self.globalNumberOfCells
        if nx == 0:
            return numerix.arange(0)
        x0, = self.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue()[...,0]        
        xi, = points
        dx = self.dx
        i = numerix.array(numerix.rint(((xi - x0) / dx)), 'l')
        i[i < 0] = 0
        i[i > nx - 1] = nx - 1

        return i

    def _test(self):
예제 #8
class UniformGrid2D(Grid2D):
    Creates a 2D grid mesh with horizontal faces numbered
    first and then vertical faces.
    def __init__(self, dx=1., dy=1., nx=1, ny=1, origin=((0,),(0,)), overlap=2, communicator=parallel):        
        self.args = {
            'dx': dx, 
            'dy': dy, 
            'nx': nx, 
            'ny': ny, 
            'origin': origin,
            'overlap': overlap,
            'communicator': communicator

        self.dim = 2
        self.dx = PhysicalField(value = dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value = 1, unit = self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale
        nx = int(nx)
        self.dy = PhysicalField(value = dy)
        if self.dy.getUnit().isDimensionless():
            self.dy = dy
            self.dy /= scale
        ny = int(ny)
         self.offset) = self._calcParallelGridInfo(nx, ny, overlap, communicator)
        self.origin = PhysicalField(value = origin)
        self.origin /= scale

        self.origin += ((self.offset[0] * float(self.dx),),
                        (self.offset[1] * float(self.dy),))

        if self.nx == 0:
            self.ny = 0
        if self.ny == 0:
            self.nx = 0
        if self.nx == 0 or self.ny == 0:
            self.numberOfHorizontalRows = 0
            self.numberOfVerticalColumns = 0
            self.numberOfHorizontalRows = (self.ny + 1)
            self.numberOfVerticalColumns = (self.nx + 1)
        self.numberOfVertices = self.numberOfHorizontalRows * self.numberOfVerticalColumns

        self.numberOfHorizontalFaces = self.nx * self.numberOfHorizontalRows
        self.numberOfVerticalFaces = self.numberOfVerticalColumns * self.ny
        self.numberOfFaces = self.numberOfHorizontalFaces + self.numberOfVerticalFaces
        self.numberOfCells = self.nx * self.ny
        self.scale = {
            'length': 1.,
            'area': 1.,
            'volume': 1.

        self.setScale(value = scale)
        self.communicator = communicator
    def _translate(self, vector):
        return self.__class__(dx = self.args['dx'], nx = self.args['nx'], 
                              dy = self.args['dy'], ny = self.args['ny'], 
                             origin = numerix.array(self.args['origin']) + vector, overlap=self.args['overlap'])

    def __mul__(self, factor):
        if numerix.shape(factor) is ():
            factor = numerix.resize(factor, (2,1))
        return UniformGrid2D(dx=self.args['dx'] * numerix.array(factor[0]), nx=self.args['nx'], 
                             dy=self.args['dy'] * numerix.array(factor[1]), ny=self.args['ny'], 
                             origin=numerix.array(self.args['origin']) * factor, overlap=self.args['overlap'])

    def _getConcatenableMesh(self):
        from fipy.meshes.numMesh.grid2D import Grid2D
        args = self.args.copy()
        origin = args['origin']
        from fipy.tools import serial
        args['communicator'] = serial
        del args['origin']
        return Grid2D(**args) + origin

##     get topology methods

##         from common/mesh
    def _getCellFaceIDs(self):
        return self._createCells()
    def getExteriorFaces(self):
        Return only the faces that have one neighboring cell.
        exteriorIDs = numerix.concatenate((numerix.arange(0, self.nx),
                                           numerix.arange(0, self.nx) + self.nx * self.ny,
                                           numerix.arange(0, self.ny) * self.numberOfVerticalColumns + self.numberOfHorizontalFaces,
                                           numerix.arange(0, self.ny) * self.numberOfVerticalColumns + self.numberOfHorizontalFaces + self.nx))
        from fipy.variables.faceVariable import FaceVariable
        exteriorFaces = FaceVariable(mesh=self, value=False)
        exteriorFaces[exteriorIDs] = True
        return exteriorFaces
    def getInteriorFaces(self):
        Return only the faces that have two neighboring cells.
        Hids = numerix.arange(0, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces)
        Hids = numerix.reshape(Hids, (self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx))
        Hids = Hids[1:-1,...]
        Vids = numerix.arange(self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, self.numberOfFaces)
        Vids = numerix.reshape(Vids, (self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns))
        Vids = Vids[...,1:-1]
        interiorIDs = numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(Hids, (self.nx * (self.ny - 1),)), 
                                           numerix.reshape(Vids, ((self.nx - 1) * self.ny,))))
        from fipy.variables.faceVariable import FaceVariable
        interiorFaces = FaceVariable(mesh=self, value=False)
        interiorFaces[interiorIDs] = True
        return interiorFaces

    def _getCellFaceOrientations(self):
        cellFaceOrientations = numerix.ones((4, self.numberOfCells))
        if self.numberOfCells > 0:
            cellFaceOrientations[0, self.nx:] = -1
            cellFaceOrientations[3, :] = -1
            cellFaceOrientations[3, ::self.nx] = 1
        return cellFaceOrientations

    def _getAdjacentCellIDs(self):
        return inline._optionalInline(self._getAdjacentCellIDsIn, self._getAdjacentCellIDsPy)
    def _getAdjacentCellIDsIn(self):
        faceCellIDs0 =  numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces)
        faceCellIDs1 =  numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces)

            int ID = j * ni + i;

            faceCellIDs0[ID] = ID - ni;
            faceCellIDs1[ID] = ID;

            faceCellIDs0[ID + Nhor + j] = ID - 1;
            faceCellIDs1[ID + Nhor + j] = ID;

            if (j == 0) {
                faceCellIDs0[ID] = ID;

            if (j == nj - 1) {
                faceCellIDs0[ID + ni] = ID;
                faceCellIDs1[ID + ni] = ID;

            if (i == 0) {
                faceCellIDs0[ID + Nhor + j] = ID;

            if ( i == ni - 1 ) {
                faceCellIDs0[ID + Nhor + j + 1] = ID;
                faceCellIDs1[ID + Nhor + j + 1] = ID;

        return (faceCellIDs0, faceCellIDs1)

    def _getAdjacentCellIDsPy(self):
        Hids = numerix.zeros((self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx, 2))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx))
        Hids[...,1] = indices[1] + indices[0] * self.nx
        Hids[...,0] = Hids[...,1] - self.nx
        if self.numberOfHorizontalRows > 0:
            Hids[0,...,0] = Hids[0,...,1]
            Hids[0,...,1] = Hids[0,...,0]
            Hids[-1,...,1] = Hids[-1,...,0]
        Vids = numerix.zeros((self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns, 2))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns))
        Vids[...,1] = indices[1] + indices[0] * self.nx
        Vids[...,0] = Vids[...,1] - 1
        if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
            Vids[...,0,0] = Vids[...,0,1]
            Vids[...,0,1] = Vids[...,0,0]
            Vids[...,-1,1] = Vids[...,-1,0]

        faceCellIDs =  numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(Hids, (self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, 2)), 
                                            numerix.reshape(Vids, (self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, 2))))

        return (faceCellIDs[:,0], faceCellIDs[:,1])

    def _getCellToCellIDs(self):
        ids = MA.zeros((4, self.nx, self.ny), 'l')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny))
        ids[0] = indices[0] + (indices[1] - 1) * self.nx
        ids[1] = (indices[0] + 1) + indices[1] * self.nx
        ids[2] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + 1) * self.nx
        ids[3] = (indices[0] - 1) + indices[1] * self.nx
        if self.ny > 0:
            ids[0,..., 0] = MA.masked
            ids[2,...,-1] = MA.masked
        if self.nx > 0:
            ids[1,-1,...] = MA.masked
            ids[3, 0,...] = MA.masked
        return MA.reshape(ids.swapaxes(1,2), (4, self.numberOfCells))
    def _getCellToCellIDsFilled(self):
        N = self.getNumberOfCells()
        M = self._getMaxFacesPerCell()
        cellIDs = numerix.repeat(numerix.arange(N)[numerix.newaxis, ...], M, axis=0)
        cellToCellIDs = self._getCellToCellIDs()
        return MA.where(MA.getmaskarray(cellToCellIDs), cellIDs, cellToCellIDs)
    def _getMaxFacesPerCell(self):
        return 4
##         from numMesh/mesh

    def getVertexCoords(self):
        return self._createVertices() + self.origin

    def getFaceCellIDs(self):
        return inline._optionalInline(self._getFaceCellIDsIn, self._getFaceCellIDsPy)

    def _getFaceCellIDsIn(self):
        faceCellIDs = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfFaces))
        mask = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfFaces))
            int ID = j * ni + i; 
            int rowlength = ni * nj + Nhor + nj;

            faceCellIDs[ID + 0 * rowlength] = ID - ni;
            faceCellIDs[ID + 1 * rowlength] = ID;

            faceCellIDs[ID + Nhor + j + 0 * rowlength] = ID - 1;
            faceCellIDs[ID + Nhor + j + 1 * rowlength] = ID;

            if (j == 0) {
                faceCellIDs[ID + 0 * rowlength] = ID;
                mask[ID + 1 * rowlength] = 1;

            if (j == nj - 1) {
                faceCellIDs[ID + ni + 0 * rowlength] = ID;
                mask[ID + ni + 1 * rowlength] = 1;

            if (i == 0) {
                faceCellIDs[ID + Nhor + j + 0 * rowlength] = ID;
                mask[ID + Nhor + j + 1 * rowlength] = 1;

            if ( i == ni - 1 ) {
                faceCellIDs[ID + Nhor + j + 1 + 0 * rowlength] = ID;
                mask[ID + Nhor + j + 1 + 1 * rowlength] = 1;

        return MA.masked_where(mask, faceCellIDs)

    def _getFaceCellIDsPy(self):

        Hids = numerix.zeros((2, self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows))
        Hids[1] = indices[0] + indices[1] * self.nx
        Hids[0] = Hids[1] - self.nx
        if self.numberOfHorizontalRows > 0:
            Hids[0,...,0] = Hids[1,...,0]
            Hids[1,...,0] = -1
            Hids[1,...,-1] = -1

        Vids = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny))
        Vids[1] = indices[0] + indices[1] * self.nx
        Vids[0] = Vids[1] - 1
        if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
            Vids[0,0] = Vids[1,0]
            Vids[1,0] = -1
            Vids[1,-1] = -1
        return MA.masked_values(numerix.concatenate((Hids.reshape((2, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces), order="FORTRAN"), 
                                                     Vids.reshape((2, self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces), order="FORTRAN")), axis=1), value = -1)
    def _getFaceAreas(self):
        faceAreas = numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces, 'd')
        faceAreas[:self.numberOfHorizontalFaces] = self.dx
        faceAreas[self.numberOfHorizontalFaces:] = self.dy
        return faceAreas

    def _getFaceNormals(self):
        normals = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfFaces), 'd')

        normals[1, :self.numberOfHorizontalFaces] = 1
        normals[1, :self.nx] = -1

        normals[0, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces:] = 1
        if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
            normals[0, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces::self.numberOfVerticalColumns] = -1

        return normals

    def _getFaceCellToCellNormals(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()
    def getCellVolumes(self):
        return numerix.ones(self.numberOfCells, 'd') * self.dx * self.dy

    def _getCellCenters(self):
        centers = numerix.zeros((2, self.nx, self.ny), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny))
        centers[0] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
        centers[1] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
        return centers.reshape((2, self.numberOfCells), order="FORTRAN") + self.origin

    def _getCellDistances(self):
        Hdis = numerix.repeat((self.dy,), self.numberOfHorizontalFaces)
        Hdis = numerix.reshape(Hdis, (self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows))
        if self.numberOfHorizontalRows > 0:
            Hdis[...,0] = self.dy / 2.
            Hdis[...,-1] = self.dy / 2.
        Vdis = numerix.repeat((self.dx,), self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces)
        Vdis = numerix.reshape(Vdis, (self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny))
        if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
            Vdis[0,...] = self.dx / 2.
            Vdis[-1,...] = self.dx / 2.

        return numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(numerix.swapaxes(Hdis,0,1), (self.numberOfHorizontalFaces,)), 
                                    numerix.reshape(numerix.swapaxes(Vdis,0,1), (self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces,))))

    def _getFaceToCellDistanceRatio(self):
        faceToCellDistanceRatios = numerix.zeros(self.numberOfFaces, 'd')
        faceToCellDistanceRatios[:] = 0.5
        faceToCellDistanceRatios[:self.nx] = 1.
        faceToCellDistanceRatios[self.numberOfHorizontalFaces - self.nx:self.numberOfHorizontalFaces] = 1.
        if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
            faceToCellDistanceRatios[self.numberOfHorizontalFaces::self.numberOfVerticalColumns] = 1.
            faceToCellDistanceRatios[(self.numberOfHorizontalFaces + self.nx)::self.numberOfVerticalColumns] = 1.
        return faceToCellDistanceRatios

    def _getFaceToCellDistances(self):
        faceToCellDistances = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfFaces), 'd')
        distances = self._getCellDistances()
        ratios = self._getFaceToCellDistanceRatio()
        faceToCellDistances[0] = distances * ratios
        faceToCellDistances[1] = distances * (1 - ratios)
        return faceToCellDistances

    def _getOrientedAreaProjections(self):
        return self._getAreaProjections()

    def _getAreaProjections(self):
        return inline._optionalInline(self._getAreaProjectionsIn, self._getAreaProjectionsPy)

    def _getAreaProjectionsPy(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals() * self._getFaceAreas()

    def _getAreaProjectionsIn(self):
        areaProjections = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfFaces), 'd')

            if (i < nx) {
                areaProjections[i + 1 * ni] = -dx;
            } else if (i < Nhor) {
                areaProjections[i + 1 * ni] = dx;
            } else if ( (i - Nhor) % (nx + 1) == 0 ) {
                areaProjections[i + 0 * ni] = -dy;
            } else {
                areaProjections[i + 0 * ni] = dy;
        dx = float(self.dx), # horrible hack to get around
        dy = float(self.dy), # http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/496
        nx = self.nx,
        Nhor = self.numberOfHorizontalFaces,
        areaProjections = areaProjections,
        ni = self.numberOfFaces)

        return areaProjections

    def _getOrientedFaceNormals(self):
        return self._getFaceNormals()

    def _getFaceTangents1(self):
        tangents = numerix.zeros((2,self.numberOfFaces), 'd')

        if self.numberOfFaces > 0:
            tangents[0, :self.numberOfHorizontalFaces] = -1
            tangents[0, :self.nx] = 1        
            tangents[1, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces:] = 1
            tangents[1, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces::self.numberOfVerticalColumns] = -1

        return tangents
    def _getFaceTangents2(self):
        return numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfFaces), 'd')
    def _getFaceAspectRatios(self):
        return self._getFaceAreas() / self._getCellDistances()
    def _getCellToCellDistances(self):
        distances = numerix.zeros((4, self.nx, self.ny), 'd')
        distances[0] = self.dy
        distances[1] = self.dx
        distances[2] = self.dy
        distances[3] = self.dx
        if self.ny > 0:
            distances[0,..., 0] = self.dy / 2.
            distances[2,...,-1] = self.dy / 2.
        if self.nx > 0:
            distances[3, 0,...] = self.dx / 2.
            distances[1,-1,...] = self.dx / 2.
        return distances.reshape((4, self.numberOfCells), order="FORTRAN")

    def _getCellNormals(self):
        normals = numerix.zeros((2, 4, self.numberOfCells), 'd')
        normals[:, 0] = [[ 0], [-1]]
        normals[:, 1] = [[ 1], [ 0]]
        normals[:, 2] = [[ 0], [ 1]]
        normals[:, 3] = [[-1], [ 0]]

        return normals
    def _getCellAreas(self):
        areas = numerix.ones((4, self.numberOfCells), 'd')
        areas[0] = self.dx
        areas[1] = self.dy
        areas[2] = self.dx
        areas[3] = self.dy
        return areas

    def _getCellAreaProjections(self):
        return self._getCellAreas() * self._getCellNormals()

##         from numMesh/mesh

    def getFaceCenters(self):
        Hcen = numerix.zeros((2, self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows))
        Hcen[0,...] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
        Hcen[1,...] = indices[1] * self.dy
        Vcen = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny))
        Vcen[0,...] = indices[0] * self.dx
        Vcen[1,...] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
        return numerix.concatenate((Hcen.reshape((2, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces), order="FORTRAN"),
                                    Vcen.reshape((2, self.numberOfVerticalFaces), order="FORTRAN")), axis=1) + self.origin
    def _getCellVertexIDs(self):
        ids = numerix.zeros((4, self.nx, self.ny))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny))
        ids[1] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + 1) * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        ids[0] = ids[1] + 1
        ids[3] = indices[0] + indices[1] * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        ids[2] = ids[3] + 1
        return numerix.reshape(ids, (4, self.numberOfCells))
    def _getFaceVertexIDs(self):
        Hids = numerix.zeros((2, self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows))
        Hids[0] = indices[0] + indices[1] * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        Hids[1] = Hids[0] + 1

        Vids = numerix.zeros((2, self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny))
        Vids[0] = indices[0] + indices[1] * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        Vids[1] = Vids[0] + self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        return numerix.concatenate((Hids.reshape((2, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces), order="FORTRAN"), 
                                    Vids.reshape((2, self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces), order="FORTRAN")),
    def _getOrderedCellVertexIDs(self):
        ids = numerix.zeros((4, self.nx, self.ny))
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny))
        ids[2] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + 1) * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        ids[1] = ids[2] + 1
        ids[3] = indices[0] + indices[1] * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
        ids[0] = ids[3] + 1
        return ids.reshape((4, self.numberOfCells), order="FORTRAN")
##     scaling
    def _calcScaledGeometry(self):

    def _getNearestCellID(self, points):
        Test cases

           >>> from fipy import *
           >>> m = Grid2D(nx=3, ny=2)
           >>> eps = numerix.array([[1e-5, 1e-5]])
           >>> print m._getNearestCellID(((0., .9, 3.), (0., 2., 2.)))
           [0 3 5]
           >>> print m._getNearestCellID(([1.1], [1.5]))
           >>> m0 = Grid2D(nx=2, ny=2, dx=1., dy=1.)
           >>> m1 = Grid2D(nx=4, ny=4, dx=.5, dy=.5)
           >>> print m0._getNearestCellID(m1.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue())
           [0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3]
        nx = self.args['nx']
        ny = self.args['ny']
        if nx == 0 or ny == 0:
            return numerix.arange(0)
        x0, y0 = self.getCellCenters().getGlobalValue()[...,0]        
        xi, yi = points
        dx, dy = self.dx, self.dy
        i = numerix.array(numerix.rint(((xi - x0) / dx)), 'l')
        i[i < 0] = 0
        i[i > nx - 1] = nx - 1

        j = numerix.array(numerix.rint(((yi - y0) / dy)), 'l')
        j[j < 0] = 0
        j[j > ny - 1]  = ny - 1

        return j * nx + i

    def _test(self):
예제 #9
class SkewedGrid2D(Mesh2D):
    Creates a 2D grid mesh with horizontal faces numbered first and then
    vertical faces.  The points are skewed by a random amount (between `rand`
    and `-rand`) in the X and Y directions.
    def __init__(self, dx = 1., dy = 1., nx = None, ny = 1, rand = 0):
        self.nx = nx
        self.ny = ny
        self.dx = PhysicalField(value = dx)
        scale = PhysicalField(value = 1, unit = self.dx.getUnit())
        self.dx /= scale
        self.dy = PhysicalField(value = dy)
        if self.dy.getUnit().isDimensionless():
            self.dy = dy
            self.dy /= scale

        from fipy import Grid2D
        self.grid = Grid2D(nx=nx, ny=ny, dx=dx, dy=dy)

        self.numberOfVertices = self.grid._getNumberOfVertices()
        vertices = self.grid.getVertexCoords()

        changedVertices = numerix.zeros(vertices.shape, 'd')

        for i in range(len(vertices[0])):
            if((i % (nx+1)) != 0 and (i % (nx+1)) != nx and (i / nx+1) != 0 and (i / nx+1) != ny):
                changedVertices[0, i] = vertices[0, i] + (rand * ((random.random() * 2) - 1))
                changedVertices[1, i] = vertices[1, i] + (rand * ((random.random() * 2) - 1))
                changedVertices[0, i] = vertices[0, i]
                changedVertices[1, i] = vertices[1, i]

        faces = self.grid._getFaceVertexIDs()
        cells = self.grid._getCellFaceIDs()

        Mesh2D.__init__(self, changedVertices, faces, cells)
        self.setScale(value = scale)
    def getScale(self):
        return self.scale['length']
    def getPhysicalShape(self):
        """Return physical dimensions of Grid2D.
        return PhysicalField(value = (self.nx * self.dx * self.getScale(), self.ny * self.dy * self.getScale()))

    def _getMeshSpacing(self):
        return numerix.array((self.dx,self.dy))[...,numerix.newaxis]
    def getShape(self):
        return (self.nx, self.ny)
## pickling

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {
            'dx' : self.dx * self.scale['length'],
            'dy' : self.dy * self.scale['length'],
            'nx' : self.nx,
            'ny' : self.ny

    def __setstate__(self, dict):