예제 #1
    def VTKFaceDataSet(self):
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the face centers of this mesh
            from tvtk.api import tvtk
        except ImportError as e:
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk

        points = self.faceCenters
        points = self._toVTK3D(numerix.array(points))
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)

        num = len(points)
        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.concatenate((counts, cells), axis=1)
        cell_types = numerix.array([tvtk.Vertex().cell_type]*num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)
        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts+1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug
예제 #2
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: regmi/fipy
    def getVTKCellDataSet(self):
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the cells of this mesh
        cvi = self._getOrderedCellVertexIDs().swapaxes(0,1)
        from fipy.tools import numerix
        if type(cvi) is numerix.ma.masked_array:
            counts = cvi.count(axis=1)[:,None]
            cells = numerix.ma.concatenate((counts,cvi),axis=1).compressed()
            counts = numerix.array([cvi.shape[1]]*cvi.shape[0])[:,None]
            cells = numerix.concatenate((counts,cvi),axis=1).flatten()
        from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
        num = counts.shape[0]

        cps_type = self._getVTKCellType()
        cell_types = numerix.array([cps_type]*num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        points = self.getVertexCoords()
        points = self._toVTK3D(points)
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts[:,0]+1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug
예제 #3
    def VTKCellDataSet(self):
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the cells of this mesh
        cvi = self._orderedCellVertexIDs.swapaxes(0, 1)
        from fipy.tools import numerix
        if isinstance(cvi, numerix.ma.masked_array):
            counts = cvi.count(axis=1)[:, None]
            cells = numerix.ma.concatenate((counts, cvi), axis=1).compressed()
            counts = numerix.array([cvi.shape[1]]*cvi.shape[0])[:, None]
            cells = numerix.concatenate((counts, cvi), axis=1).flatten()

            from tvtk.api import tvtk
        except ImportError as e:
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
        num = counts.shape[0]

        cps_type = self._VTKCellType
        cell_types = numerix.array([cps_type]*num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        points = self.vertexCoords
        points = self._toVTK3D(points)
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)

        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts[:, 0]+1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug
예제 #4
파일: petscMatrix.py 프로젝트: ztrautt/fipy
    def _scipy_csr(self):
        """Return the PETSc-ordered CSR matrix
        from scipy import sparse
        mpi4pycomm = self.matrix.comm.tompi4py()


        indptr, indices, data = self.matrix.getValuesCSR()

        # getValuesCSR() returns entries local to node
        # with node-relative indptr.
        # sparse.csr_matrix() requires all elements for construction
        # and global indptr

        offset = numerix.cumsum([0] + mpi4pycomm.allgather(len(data)))
        offset = mpi4pycomm.scatter(offset[:-1])

        indices = numerix.concatenate(mpi4pycomm.allgather(indices))
        data = numerix.concatenate(mpi4pycomm.allgather(data))

        # strip local end markers and append global end marker
        indptr = mpi4pycomm.allgather(indptr[:-1] + offset) + [[len(data)]]
        indptr = numerix.concatenate(indptr)

        (rows, globalRows), (cols, globalCols) = self.matrix.getSizes()

        return sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr),
                                 shape=(globalRows, globalCols))
예제 #5
    def VTKFaceDataSet(self):
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the face centers of this mesh
            from tvtk.api import tvtk
        except ImportError as e:
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk

        points = self.faceCenters
        points = self._toVTK3D(numerix.array(points))
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)

        num = len(points)
        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.arange(self.numberOfFaces)[..., numerix.newaxis]
        cells = numerix.concatenate((counts, cells), axis=1)
        cell_types = numerix.array([tvtk.Vertex().cell_type]*num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        counts = numerix.array([1] * num)
        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts+1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug
예제 #6
    def CSR(self):
        """The Compact Sparse Row description of the local matrix

        ptrs : array_like of int
            Locations in `cols` and `data` vectors that start a row,
            terminated with len(data) + 1
        cols : array_like of int
            Sequence of non-sparse column indices.
        data : array_like of float
            Sequence of non-sparse values.


        >>> L = _PysparseMatrixFromShape(rows=3, cols=3, bandwidth=3)
        >>> L.put([3.,10.,numerix.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0])
        >>> L.addAt([1.73,2.2,8.4,3.9,1.23], [1,2,0,0,1], [2,2,0,0,2])
        >>> ptrs, cols, data = L.CSR
        >>> print(numerix.asarray(ptrs))
        [0 3 5 7]
        >>> print(numerix.asarray(cols))
        [0 1 2 1 2 0 2]
        >>> print(numerix.asarray(data))
        [ 12.3         10.           3.           3.14159265   2.96
           2.5          2.2       ]
        rows, lildata = self.LIL

        ptrs = [0] + [len(row) for row in rows if row]
        ptrs = list(numerix.cumsum(ptrs))
        cols = [col for row in rows for col in row]
        data = [datum for row in lildata for datum in row]

        return ptrs, cols, data
예제 #7
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: calbaker/FiPy-2.1.3
            from tvtk.api import tvtk 
        except ImportError, e: 
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
        num = counts.shape[0]

        cps_type = self._getVTKCellType()
        cell_types = numerix.array([cps_type]*num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        points = self.getVertexCoords()
        points = self._toVTK3D(points)
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)
        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts[:,0]+1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug

    def getVTKFaceDataSet(self):
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the face centers of this mesh
            from tvtk.api import tvtk 
        except ImportError, e: 
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
        points = self.getFaceCenters()
예제 #8
            from tvtk.api import tvtk
        except ImportError, e:
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk
        num = counts.shape[0]

        cps_type = self._VTKCellType
        cell_types = numerix.array([cps_type] * num)
        cell_array = tvtk.CellArray()
        cell_array.set_cells(num, cells)

        points = self.vertexCoords
        points = self._toVTK3D(points)
        ug = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points=points)

        offset = numerix.cumsum(counts[:, 0] + 1)
        if len(offset) > 0:
            offset -= offset[0]
        ug.set_cells(cell_types, offset, cell_array)

        return ug

    def VTKFaceDataSet(self):
        """Returns a TVTK `DataSet` representing the face centers of this mesh
            from tvtk.api import tvtk
        except ImportError, e:
            from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk