예제 #1
        def _adjacentCellIDs(self):
            Hids = numerix.zeros((self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx, 2),
            indices = numerix.indices((self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx))

            Hids[..., 1] = indices[1] + indices[0] * self.nx
            Hids[..., 0] = Hids[..., 1] - self.nx

            if self.numberOfHorizontalRows > 0:
                Hids[0, ..., 0] = Hids[0, ..., 1]
                Hids[0, ..., 1] = Hids[0, ..., 0]
                Hids[-1, ..., 1] = Hids[-1, ..., 0]

            Vids = numerix.zeros((self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns, 2),
            indices = numerix.indices((self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns))
            Vids[..., 1] = indices[1] + indices[0] * self.nx
            Vids[..., 0] = Vids[..., 1] - 1

            if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
                Vids[..., 0, 0] = Vids[..., 0, 1]
                Vids[..., 0, 1] = Vids[..., 0, 0]
                Vids[..., -1, 1] = Vids[..., -1, 0]

            faceCellIDs = numerix.concatenate(
                (numerix.reshape(Hids, (self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, 2)),
                     (self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, 2))))

            return (faceCellIDs[:, 0], faceCellIDs[:, 1])
예제 #2
    def extendVariable(self, extensionVariable, order=2):
        Calculates the extension of `extensionVariable` from the zero
        level set.

          - `extensionVariable`: The variable to extend from the zero
            level set.

        dx, shape = self.getLSMshape()
        extensionValue = numerix.reshape(extensionVariable, shape)
        phi = numerix.reshape(self._value, shape)

        if LSM_SOLVER == 'lsmlib':
            from pylsmlib import computeExtensionFields as extension_velocities
        elif LSM_SOLVER == 'skfmm':
            from skfmm import extension_velocities
            raise Exception, "Neither `lsmlib` nor `skfmm` can be found on the $PATH"

        tmp, extensionValue = extension_velocities(phi, extensionValue, ext_mask=phi < 0., dx=dx, order=order)
        extensionVariable[:] = extensionValue.flatten()
예제 #3
        def _adjacentCellIDs(self):
            Hids = numerix.zeros((self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx, 2), 'l')
            indices = numerix.indices((self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx))

            Hids[..., 1] = indices[1] + indices[0] * self.nx
            Hids[..., 0] = Hids[..., 1] - self.nx

            if self.numberOfHorizontalRows > 0:
                Hids[0, ..., 0] = Hids[0, ..., 1]
                Hids[0, ..., 1] = Hids[0, ..., 0]
                Hids[-1, ..., 1] = Hids[-1, ..., 0]

            Vids = numerix.zeros((self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns, 2), 'l')
            indices = numerix.indices((self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns))
            Vids[..., 1] = indices[1] + indices[0] * self.nx
            Vids[..., 0] = Vids[..., 1] - 1

            if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
                Vids[..., 0, 0] = Vids[..., 0, 1]
                Vids[..., 0, 1] = Vids[..., 0, 0]
                Vids[..., -1, 1] = Vids[..., -1, 0]

            faceCellIDs =  numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(Hids, (self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, 2)),
                                                numerix.reshape(Vids, (self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, 2))))

            return (faceCellIDs[:, 0], faceCellIDs[:, 1])
예제 #4
    def extendVariable(self, extensionVariable, order=2):
        Calculates the extension of `extensionVariable` from the zero
        level set.

          - `extensionVariable`: The variable to extend from the zero
            level set.


        dx, shape = self.getLSMshape()
        extensionValue = numerix.reshape(extensionVariable, shape)
        phi = numerix.reshape(self._value, shape)

        if LSM_SOLVER == 'lsmlib':
            from pylsmlib import computeExtensionFields as extension_velocities
        elif LSM_SOLVER == 'skfmm':
            from skfmm import extension_velocities
            raise Exception, "Neither `lsmlib` nor `skfmm` can be found on the $PATH"

        tmp, extensionValue = extension_velocities(phi,
                                                   ext_mask=phi < 0.,
        extensionVariable[:] = extensionValue.flatten()
예제 #5
    def _faceCenters(self):

        XYcen = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1))
        XYcen[0] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
        XYcen[1] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
        XYcen[2] = indices[2] * self.dz

        XZcen = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz))
        XZcen[0] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
        XZcen[1] = indices[1] * self.dy
        XZcen[2] = (indices[2] + 0.5) * self.dz

        YZcen = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz))
        YZcen[0] = indices[0] * self.dx
        YZcen[1] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
        YZcen[2] = (indices[2] + 0.5) * self.dz

        return numerix.concatenate(
            (numerix.reshape(XYcen.swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXYFaces)),
             numerix.reshape(XZcen.swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXZFaces)),
             numerix.reshape(YZcen.swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfYZFaces))),
            axis=1) + self.origin
예제 #6
    def _faceTangents2(self):
        XYtan = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1), 'l')
        XYtan[1, ...] =  1

        XZtan = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz), 'l')
        XZtan[0, ...] =  1

        YZtan = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz), 'l')
        YZtan[0, ...] =  1

        return numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(XYtan[::-1].swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXYFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(XZtan[::-1].swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXZFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(YZtan[::-1].swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfYZFaces))), axis=1)
예제 #7
    def _faceTangents2(self):
        XYtan = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1), 'l')
        XYtan[1, ...] =  1

        XZtan = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz), 'l')
        XZtan[0, ...] =  1

        YZtan = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz), 'l')
        YZtan[0, ...] =  1

        return numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(XYtan[::-1].swapaxes(1,3), (3, self.numberOfXYFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(XZtan[::-1].swapaxes(1,3), (3, self.numberOfXZFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(YZtan[::-1].swapaxes(1,3), (3, self.numberOfYZFaces))), axis=1)
예제 #8
    def _cellDistances(self):
        Hdis = numerix.repeat((self.dy,), self.numberOfHorizontalFaces)
        Hdis = numerix.reshape(Hdis, (self.nx, self.numberOfHorizontalRows))
        if self.numberOfHorizontalRows > 0:
            Hdis[..., 0] = self.dy / 2.
            Hdis[..., -1] = self.dy / 2.

        Vdis = numerix.repeat((self.dx,), self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces)
        Vdis = numerix.reshape(Vdis, (self.numberOfVerticalColumns, self.ny))
        if self.numberOfVerticalColumns > 0:
            Vdis[0, ...] = self.dx / 2.
            Vdis[-1, ...] = self.dx / 2.

        return numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(numerix.swapaxes(Hdis, 0, 1), (self.numberOfHorizontalFaces,)),
                                    numerix.reshape(numerix.swapaxes(Vdis, 0, 1), (self.numberOfFaces - self.numberOfHorizontalFaces,))))
예제 #9
    def _globalMatrixAndVectors(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'globalVectors'):
            globalMatrix = self.matrix.asTrilinosMeshMatrix()

            mesh = self.var.mesh
            localNonOverlappingCellIDs = mesh._localNonOverlappingCellIDs
            ## The following conditional is required because empty indexing is not altogether functional.
            ## This numpy.empty((0,))[[]] and this numpy.empty((0,))[...,[]] both work, but this
            ## numpy.empty((3, 0))[...,[]] is broken.
            if self.var.shape[-1] != 0:
                s = (Ellipsis, localNonOverlappingCellIDs)
                s = (localNonOverlappingCellIDs,)
            nonOverlappingVector = Epetra.Vector(globalMatrix.domainMap,
            from fipy.variables.coupledCellVariable import _CoupledCellVariable

            if isinstance(self.RHSvector, _CoupledCellVariable):
                RHSvector = self.RHSvector[localNonOverlappingCellIDs]
                RHSvector = numerix.reshape(numerix.array(self.RHSvector), self.var.shape)[s].ravel()
            nonOverlappingRHSvector = Epetra.Vector(globalMatrix.rangeMap,

            del RHSvector

            overlappingVector = Epetra.Vector(globalMatrix.colMap, self.var)

            self.globalVectors = (globalMatrix, nonOverlappingVector, nonOverlappingRHSvector, overlappingVector)

        return self.globalVectors
예제 #10
    def _globalMatrixAndVectors(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'globalVectors'):
            globalMatrix = self.matrix.asTrilinosMeshMatrix()

            mesh = self.var.mesh
            localNonOverlappingCellIDs = mesh._localNonOverlappingCellIDs

            ## The following conditional is required because empty indexing is not altogether functional.
            ## This numpy.empty((0,))[[]] and this numpy.empty((0,))[...,[]] both work, but this
            ## numpy.empty((3, 0))[...,[]] is broken.
            if self.var.shape[-1] != 0:
                s = (Ellipsis, localNonOverlappingCellIDs)
                s = (localNonOverlappingCellIDs,)

            nonOverlappingVector = Epetra.Vector(globalMatrix.domainMap,
            from fipy.variables.coupledCellVariable import _CoupledCellVariable

            if isinstance(self.RHSvector, _CoupledCellVariable):
                RHSvector = self.RHSvector[localNonOverlappingCellIDs]
                RHSvector = numerix.reshape(numerix.array(self.RHSvector), self.var.shape)[s].ravel()

            nonOverlappingRHSvector = Epetra.Vector(globalMatrix.rangeMap,

            del RHSvector

            overlappingVector = Epetra.Vector(globalMatrix.colMap, self.var)

            self.globalVectors = (globalMatrix, nonOverlappingVector, nonOverlappingRHSvector, overlappingVector)

        return self.globalVectors
예제 #11
    def faceNormals(self):
        XYnor = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1), 'l')
        XYnor[0,     ...] =  1
        XYnor[0,  ..., 0] = -1

        XZnor = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz), 'l')
        XZnor[1,     ...] =  1
        XZnor[1, :, 0, :] = -1

        YZnor = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz), 'l')
        YZnor[2,     ...] =  1
        YZnor[2, 0,  ...] = -1

        return numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(XYnor[::-1].swapaxes(1,3), (3, self.numberOfXYFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(XZnor[::-1].swapaxes(1,3), (3, self.numberOfXZFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(YZnor[::-1].swapaxes(1,3), (3, self.numberOfYZFaces))), axis=1)
예제 #12
    def _buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, transientGeomCoeff=None, diffusionGeomCoeff=None):

        var, L, b = FaceTerm._buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryConditions=boundaryConditions, dt=dt, transientGeomCoeff=transientGeomCoeff, diffusionGeomCoeff=diffusionGeomCoeff)

##        if var.rank != 1:

        mesh = var.mesh

        if (not hasattr(self, 'constraintL')) or (not hasattr(self, 'constraintB')):

            constraintMask = var.faceGrad.constraintMask | var.arithmeticFaceValue.constraintMask

            weight = self._getWeight(var, transientGeomCoeff, diffusionGeomCoeff)

            if 'implicit' in weight:
                alpha = weight['implicit']['cell 1 diag']
                alpha = 0.0

            exteriorCoeff =  self.coeff * mesh.exteriorFaces

            self.constraintL = (alpha * constraintMask * exteriorCoeff).divergence * mesh.cellVolumes
            self.constraintB =  -((1 - alpha) * var.arithmeticFaceValue * constraintMask * exteriorCoeff).divergence * mesh.cellVolumes

        ids = self._reshapeIDs(var, numerix.arange(mesh.numberOfCells))
        L.addAt(numerix.array(self.constraintL).ravel(), ids.ravel(), ids.swapaxes(0, 1).ravel())
        b += numerix.reshape(self.constraintB.value, ids.shape).sum(0).ravel()

        return (var, L, b)
예제 #13
    def _getGhostedValues(self, var):
        """Obtain current ghost values from across processes

            Ghosted values
        mesh = var.mesh
        localNonOverlappingCellIDs = mesh._localNonOverlappingCellIDs

        ## The following conditional is required because empty indexing is
        ## not altogether functional.  This numpy.empty((0,))[[]] and this
        ## numpy.empty((0,))[...,[]] both work, but this numpy.empty((3,
        ## 0))[...,[]] is broken.
        if var.shape[-1] != 0:
            s = (Ellipsis, localNonOverlappingCellIDs)
            s = (localNonOverlappingCellIDs, )

        nonOverlappingVector = Epetra.Vector(self.domainMap, var[s].ravel())

        overlappingVector = Epetra.Vector(self.colMap)
                                 Epetra.Import(self.colMap, self.domainMap),

        return numerix.reshape(numerix.asarray(overlappingVector), var.shape)
예제 #14
    def faceNormals(self):
        XYnor = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1), 'l')
        XYnor[0,     ...] =  1
        XYnor[0,  ..., 0] = -1

        XZnor = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz), 'l')
        XZnor[1,     ...] =  1
        XZnor[1,:, 0,:] = -1

        YZnor = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz), 'l')
        YZnor[2,     ...] =  1
        YZnor[2, 0,  ...] = -1

        return numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(XYnor[::-1].swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXYFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(XZnor[::-1].swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXZFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(YZnor[::-1].swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfYZFaces))), axis=1)
예제 #15
    def _cellValueOverFaces(self):

        Returns the cells values at the faces.

           >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
           >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
           >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = .5, dy = .5, nx = 2, ny = 2)
           >>> distanceVariable = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
           ...                                     value = (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5))
           >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh,
           ...                       value=((-.5, .5, .5, 1.5),
           ...                              (-.5, .5, .5, 1.5),
           ...                              (-.5, .5, .5, 1.5),
           ...                              (-.5, .5, .5, 1.5)))
           >>> print numerix.allclose(distanceVariable._cellValueOverFaces, answer)


        M = self.mesh._maxFacesPerCell
        N = self.mesh.numberOfCells
        return numerix.reshape(
            numerix.repeat(numerix.array(self._value)[numerix.newaxis, ...],
                           axis=0), (M, N))
예제 #16
 def _cellCenters(self):
     centers = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), 'd')
     indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
     centers[0] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
     centers[1] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
     centers[2] = (indices[2] + 0.5) * self.dz
     ccs = numerix.reshape(centers.swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfCells)) + self.origin
     return ccs
예제 #17
 def _cellCenters(self):
     centers = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), 'd')
     indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
     centers[0] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
     centers[1] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
     centers[2] = (indices[2] + 0.5) * self.dz
     ccs = numerix.reshape(centers.swapaxes(1,3), (3, self.numberOfCells)) + self.origin
     return ccs
예제 #18
    def _solve(self):
        if self.var.mesh.communicator.Nproc > 1:
            raise Exception(
                "SciPy solvers cannot be used with multiple processors")

        self.var[:] = numerix.reshape(
            self._solve_(self.matrix, self.var.ravel(),
                         numerix.array(self.RHSvector)), self.var.shape)
예제 #19
 def _getCellVertexIDs(self):
     ids = numerix.zeros((4, self.nx, self.ny))
     indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny))
     ids[1] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + 1) * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
     ids[0] = ids[1] + 1
     ids[3] = indices[0] + indices[1] * self.numberOfVerticalColumns
     ids[2] = ids[3] + 1
     return numerix.reshape(ids, (4, self.numberOfCells))
예제 #20
    def _buildMatrix(self,

        var, L, b = FaceTerm._buildMatrix(

        ##        if var.rank != 1:

        mesh = var.mesh

        if (not hasattr(self, 'constraintL')) or (not hasattr(
                self, 'constraintB')):

            weight = self._getWeight(var, transientGeomCoeff,

            if 'implicit' in weight:
                alpha = weight['implicit']['cell 1 diag']
                alpha = 0.0

            alpha_constraint = numerix.where(var.faceGrad.constraintMask, 1.0,

            def divergence(face_value):
                return (
                    face_value * \
                    (var.faceGrad.constraintMask | var.arithmeticFaceValue.constraintMask) * \
                    self.coeff * mesh.exteriorFaces
                ).divergence * mesh.cellVolumes

            self.constraintL = divergence(alpha_constraint)
            dvar = (var.faceGrad * mesh._cellDistances *
            self.constraintB = divergence(
                (alpha_constraint - 1) * var.arithmeticFaceValue +
                (alpha - 1) * dvar * var.faceGrad.constraintMask)

        ids = self._reshapeIDs(var, numerix.arange(mesh.numberOfCells))
            numerix.array(self.constraintL).ravel(), ids.ravel(),
            ids.swapaxes(0, 1).ravel())
        b += numerix.reshape(self.constraintB.value, ids.shape).sum(0).ravel()

        return (var, L, b)
예제 #21
    def _calcBaseFaceVertexIDs(self):
        cellVertexIDs = self.cellVertexIDs
    ## compute the face vertex IDs.
        ### this assumes triangular grid
        #cellFaceVertexIDs = numerix.ones((self.dimensions, self.dimensions + 1, self.numCells))
        cellFaceVertexIDs = numerix.ones((self.dimensions,len(cellVertexIDs), self.numCells))
        cellFaceVertexIDs = -1 * cellFaceVertexIDs

        if (self.dimensions == 3):
            cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 0, :] = cellVertexIDs[:3]
            cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 1, :] = numerix.concatenate((cellVertexIDs[:2], cellVertexIDs[3:]), axis = 0)
            cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 2, :] = numerix.concatenate((cellVertexIDs[:1], cellVertexIDs[2:]), axis = 0)
            cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 3, :] = cellVertexIDs[1:]
        elif (self.dimensions == 2):#define face with vertex pairs
            ###This isn't very general.
            ###Would be nice to allow cells with different number of faces. 
            if len(cellVertexIDs)==3:
                cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 0, :] = cellVertexIDs[:2]
                cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 1, :] = numerix.concatenate((cellVertexIDs[2:], cellVertexIDs[:1]), axis = 0)
                cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 2, :] = cellVertexIDs[1:]
            elif len(cellVertexIDs)==4:
                cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 0, :] = cellVertexIDs[0:2]
                cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 1, :] = cellVertexIDs[1:3]
                cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 2, :] = cellVertexIDs[2:4]
                cellFaceVertexIDs[:, 3, :] = numerix.concatenate((cellVertexIDs[3:], cellVertexIDs[:1]), axis = 0)

        cellFaceVertexIDs = cellFaceVertexIDs[::-1]#reverses order of vertex pair

        #self.unsortedBaseIDs = numerix.reshape(cellFaceVertexIDs.swapaxes(1,2), 
        #                                       (self.dimensions, 
        #                                        self.numCells * (self.dimensions + 1)))
        self.unsortedBaseIDs = numerix.reshape(cellFaceVertexIDs.swapaxes(1,2), 
                                                self.numCells * (len(cellVertexIDs))))
        cellFaceVertexIDs = numerix.sort(cellFaceVertexIDs, axis=0)
        baseFaceVertexIDs = numerix.reshape(cellFaceVertexIDs.swapaxes(1,2), 
                                             self.numCells * (len(cellVertexIDs))))

        self.baseFaceVertexIDs = baseFaceVertexIDs       
        self.cellFaceVertexIDs = cellFaceVertexIDs
예제 #22
    def _interiorFaces(self):
        Return only the faces that have two neighboring cells.
        Hids = numerix.arange(0, self.numberOfHorizontalFaces)
        Hids = numerix.reshape(Hids, (self.numberOfHorizontalRows, self.nx))
        Hids = Hids[1:-1, ...]

        Vids = numerix.arange(self.numberOfHorizontalFaces, self.numberOfFaces)
        Vids = numerix.reshape(Vids, (self.ny, self.numberOfVerticalColumns))
        Vids = Vids[..., 1:-1]

        interiorIDs = numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(Hids, (self.nx * (self.ny - 1),)),
                                           numerix.reshape(Vids, ((self.nx - 1) * self.ny,))))

        from fipy.variables.faceVariable import FaceVariable
        interiorFaces = FaceVariable(mesh=self, value=False)
        interiorFaces[interiorIDs] = True
        return interiorFaces
예제 #23
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: calbaker/FiPy-2.1.3
    def _calcCellToFaceOrientations(self):
	cells = self.getCells()
	N = len(cells)
	M = self._getMaxFacesPerCell()
	self.cellToFaceOrientations = numerix.zeros((N,M,1))
	for i in range(N):
	    orientations = cells[i].getFaceOrientations()
	    orientations = numerix.reshape(orientations,(len(cells[i].getFaces()),))
	    for j in range(len(orientations)):
		self.cellToFaceOrientations[i,j,0] = orientations[j]
예제 #24
파일: petscMatrix.py 프로젝트: ztrautt/fipy
    def _petsc2fipyGhost(self, vec):
        """Convert a PETSc `GhostVec` to a FiPy Variable (form)
        Moves the ghosts from the end, as necessary. 
        The return Variable may be coupled/vector and so moving the ghosts
        is a bit subtle.
        Given an 8-element `GhostVec` `vj`
        v0 v1 v2 v3 (v4) (v6)   [4, 6]  processor 0
        v4 v5 v6 v7 (v1) (v3)   [1, 3]  processor 1
        where j is the global index and the `[a, b]` are the global ghost
        indices. Elements in () are ghosted

        We end up with the (2x4) FiPy Variable
        v0  v1 (v4)        processor 0
        v2  v3 (v6)
           (v1) v4 v4      processor 1
           (v3) v6 v7
        N = len(self.mesh._globalOverlappingCellIDs)
        M = self.numberOfEquations
        var = numerix.empty((M, N))
        bodies = numerix.array(vec)
        if M > 1:
            bodies = numerix.reshape(bodies, (M, -1))
        var[..., self._bodies] = bodies
        with vec.localForm() as lf:
            if len(self._ghosts) > 0:
                ids = numerix.arange(-len(self._ghosts), 0)
                ghosts = numerix.reshape(numerix.array(lf)[ids], (M, -1))
                var[..., ~self._bodies] = ghosts

        return var.flatten()
예제 #25
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: calbaker/FiPy-2.1.3
    def _calcCellFaceIDs(self):
	cells = self.getCells()
	for cell in cells:
	self.cellFaceIDs = ()
	self.cellFaceIDIndices = ()
	for i in range(len(cells)):
	    cell = cells[i]
	    ids = cell.getFaceIDs()
	    self.cellFaceIDs += ids
	self.cellFaceIDs = numerix.array(self.cellFaceIDs)
	self.cellFaceIDs = numerix.reshape(self.cellFaceIDs, (len(cells), self._getMaxFacesPerCell()))
예제 #26
파일: mesh2D.py 프로젝트: ztrautt/fipy
    def _calcOrderedCellVertexIDs(self):
        from fipy.tools.numerix import take
        NFac = self._maxFacesPerCell

        # numpy 1.1's MA.take doesn't like FlatIter. Call ravel() instead.
        cellVertexIDs0 = take(self.faceVertexIDs[0], self.cellFaceIDs.ravel())
        cellVertexIDs1 = take(self.faceVertexIDs[1], self.cellFaceIDs.ravel())
        cellVertexIDs = MA.where(self._cellToFaceOrientations.ravel() > 0,
                             cellVertexIDs0, cellVertexIDs1)

        cellVertexIDs = numerix.reshape(cellVertexIDs, (NFac, -1))
        return cellVertexIDs
예제 #27
파일: mesh2D.py 프로젝트: LWhitson2/fipy
    def _calcOrderedCellVertexIDs(self):
        from fipy.tools.numerix import take
        NFac = self._maxFacesPerCell

        # numpy 1.1's MA.take doesn't like FlatIter. Call ravel() instead.
        cellVertexIDs0 = take(self.faceVertexIDs[0], self.cellFaceIDs.ravel())
        cellVertexIDs1 = take(self.faceVertexIDs[1], self.cellFaceIDs.ravel())
        cellVertexIDs = MA.where(self._cellToFaceOrientations.ravel() > 0,
                             cellVertexIDs0, cellVertexIDs1)

        cellVertexIDs = numerix.reshape(cellVertexIDs, (NFac, -1))
        return cellVertexIDs
예제 #28
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: regmi/fipy
 def _calcFaceAreas(self):
     faceVertexIDs = MA.filled(self.faceVertexIDs, -1)
     substitute = numerix.repeat(faceVertexIDs[numerix.newaxis, 0], 
                                 faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceVertexIDs = numerix.where(MA.getmaskarray(self.faceVertexIDs), substitute, faceVertexIDs)
     faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, faceVertexIDs, axis=1)
     faceOrigins = numerix.repeat(faceVertexCoords[:,0], faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceOrigins = numerix.reshape(faceOrigins, MA.shape(faceVertexCoords))
     faceVertexCoords = faceVertexCoords - faceOrigins
     left = range(faceVertexIDs.shape[0])
     right = left[1:] + [left[0]]
     cross = numerix.sum(numerix.cross(faceVertexCoords, numerix.take(faceVertexCoords, right, 1), axis=0), 1)
     self.faceAreas = numerix.sqrtDot(cross, cross) / 2.
예제 #29
    def _calcOrderedCellVertexIDs(self):
        """Correct ordering for VTK_VOXEL"""
        ids = numerix.zeros((8, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), 'l')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        ids[1] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + (indices[2] + 1) * (self.ny + 1) + 1) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[0] = ids[1] + 1
        ids[3] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + (indices[2] + 1) * (self.ny + 1)) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[2] = ids[3] + 1
        ids[5] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + indices[2] * (self.ny + 1) + 1) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[4] = ids[5] + 1
        ids[7] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + indices[2] * (self.ny + 1)) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[6] = ids[7] + 1

        return numerix.reshape(ids.swapaxes(1,3), (8, self.numberOfCells))
예제 #30
    def _calcOrderedCellVertexIDs(self):
        """Correct ordering for VTK_VOXEL"""
        ids = numerix.zeros((8, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), 'l')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        ids[1] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + (indices[2] + 1) * (self.ny + 1) + 1) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[0] = ids[1] + 1
        ids[3] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + (indices[2] + 1) * (self.ny + 1)) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[2] = ids[3] + 1
        ids[5] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + indices[2] * (self.ny + 1) + 1) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[4] = ids[5] + 1
        ids[7] = indices[0] + (indices[1] + indices[2] * (self.ny + 1)) * (self.nx + 1)
        ids[6] = ids[7] + 1

        return numerix.reshape(ids.swapaxes(1, 3), (8, self.numberOfCells))
예제 #31
    def _faceCenters(self):

        XYcen = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz + 1))
        XYcen[0] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
        XYcen[1] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
        XYcen[2] = indices[2] * self.dz

        XZcen = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx, self.ny + 1, self.nz))
        XZcen[0] = (indices[0] + 0.5) * self.dx
        XZcen[1] = indices[1] * self.dy
        XZcen[2] = (indices[2] + 0.5) * self.dz

        YZcen = numerix.zeros((3, self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz), 'd')
        indices = numerix.indices((self.nx + 1, self.ny, self.nz))
        YZcen[0] = indices[0] * self.dx
        YZcen[1] = (indices[1] + 0.5) * self.dy
        YZcen[2] = (indices[2] + 0.5) * self.dz

        return numerix.concatenate((numerix.reshape(XYcen.swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXYFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(XZcen.swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfXZFaces)),
                                    numerix.reshape(YZcen.swapaxes(1, 3), (3, self.numberOfYZFaces))), axis=1) + self.origin
예제 #32
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: xinxinboss/fipy
 def _calcFaceAreas(self):
     faceVertexIDs = MA.filled(self.faceVertexIDs, -1)
     substitute = numerix.repeat(faceVertexIDs[numerix.newaxis, 0], 
                                 faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceVertexIDs = numerix.where(MA.getmaskarray(self.faceVertexIDs), 
                                   substitute, faceVertexIDs)
     faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, faceVertexIDs, axis=1)
     faceOrigins = numerix.repeat(faceVertexCoords[:,0], faceVertexIDs.shape[0], axis=0)
     faceOrigins = numerix.reshape(faceOrigins, MA.shape(faceVertexCoords))
     faceVertexCoords = faceVertexCoords - faceOrigins
     left = range(faceVertexIDs.shape[0])
     right = left[1:] + [left[0]]
     cross = numerix.sum(numerix.cross(faceVertexCoords, 
                                       numerix.take(faceVertexCoords, right, 1), 
     return numerix.sqrtDot(cross, cross) / 2.
예제 #33
    def _cellToCellDistances(self):
        distances = numerix.zeros((6, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), 'd')
        distances[0] = self.dx
        distances[1] = self.dx
        distances[2] = self.dy
        distances[3] = self.dy
        distances[4] = self.dz
        distances[5] = self.dz

        distances[0,  0, ...   ] = self.dx / 2.
        distances[1, -1, ...   ] = self.dx / 2.
        distances[2,:,  0,:] = self.dy / 2.
        distances[3,:, -1,:] = self.dy / 2.
        distances[4, ...,     0] = self.dz / 2.
        distances[5, ...,    -1] = self.dz / 2.

        return numerix.reshape(distances.swapaxes(1, 3), (6, self.numberOfCells))
예제 #34
    def _cellToCellDistances(self):
        distances = numerix.zeros((6, self.nx, self.ny, self.nz), 'd')
        distances[0] = self.dx
        distances[1] = self.dx
        distances[2] = self.dy
        distances[3] = self.dy
        distances[4] = self.dz
        distances[5] = self.dz

        distances[0,  0,...   ] = self.dx / 2.
        distances[1, -1,...   ] = self.dx / 2.
        distances[2,  :,  0, :] = self.dy / 2.
        distances[3,  :, -1, :] = self.dy / 2.
        distances[4,...,     0] = self.dz / 2.
        distances[5,...,    -1] = self.dz / 2.

        return numerix.reshape(distances.swapaxes(1,3), (6, self.numberOfCells))
예제 #35
파일: viewer.py 프로젝트: shockingpants/GIT
	def _initialize(self):
		Initializes after signaling species have been added
		##------ Signaling Species Specific
		self.img={} #Dictionary referencing the plot
		for ind,spec in enumerate(self.solspace.species.itervalues()):
			data=fnumerix.reshape(fnumerix.array(spec), spec.mesh.shape[::-1])[::-1]
			datamin = kwargs['datamin'] if 'datamin' in kwargs else 0
			datamax = kwargs['datamax'] if 'datamax' in kwargs else 1
			color = kwargs['color'] if 'color' in kwargs else "#0000FF"
			self.gui.add_switch(spec.name) # Add switch to GUI
예제 #36
파일: viewer.py 프로젝트: shockingpants/GIT
	def _plot_sol(self):
		Plots the solution layer
		plots based on GUI ticks		
		for spec in self.solspace.species.itervalues():
			if self.gui.form[spec.name].value: #Checks the checkbox/gui/switch status
				data=fnumerix.reshape(fnumerix.array(spec), spec.mesh.shape[::-1])[::-1]
		renderer = self.canvas.get_renderer()
		raw_data = renderer.tostring_rgb()
		surf = pg.image.fromstring(raw_data, self.size, "RGB")
		self.screen.blit(surf, (0,0))
예제 #37
파일: petscSolver.py 프로젝트: ztrautt/fipy
    def _globalMatrixAndVectors(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'globalVectors'):
            globalMatrix = self.matrix

            overlappingVector = self.matrix._fipy2petscGhost(var=self.var)

            from fipy.variables.coupledCellVariable import _CoupledCellVariable
            if isinstance(self.RHSvector, _CoupledCellVariable):
                RHSvector = self.RHSvector
                RHSvector = numerix.reshape(numerix.asarray(self.RHSvector),

            overlappingRHSvector = self.matrix._fipy2petscGhost(var=RHSvector)

            self.globalVectors = (globalMatrix, overlappingVector,

        return self.globalVectors
예제 #38
파일: petscSolver.py 프로젝트: ztrautt/fipy
    def _solve(self):
        from fipy.terms import SolutionVariableNumberError

        globalMatrix, overlappingVector, overlappingRHSvector = self._globalMatrixAndVectors

        if ((self.matrix == 0) or
            (self.matrix.matrix.sizes[0][1] != self.matrix.matrix.sizes[1][1])
                or (self.matrix.matrix.sizes[0][1] != overlappingVector.size)):

            raise SolutionVariableNumberError

        self._solve_(globalMatrix.matrix, overlappingVector,

        value = self.matrix._petsc2fipyGhost(vec=overlappingVector)
        self.var.value = numerix.reshape(value, self.var.shape)

        del self.var
        del self.RHSvector
예제 #39
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: xinxinboss/fipy
    def _cellVertexIDs(self):
        ## Get all the vertices from all the faces for each cell
        cellFaceVertices = numerix.take(self.faceVertexIDs, self.cellFaceIDs, axis=1)

        ## get a sorted list of vertices for each cell 
        cellVertexIDs = numerix.reshape(cellFaceVertices, (-1, self.numberOfCells))
        cellVertexIDs = MA.sort(cellVertexIDs, axis=0, fill_value=-1)

        cellVertexIDs = MA.sort(MA.concatenate((cellVertexIDs[-1, numerix.newaxis], 
                                                                == cellVertexIDs[1:], 
                                axis=0, fill_value=-1)
        ## resize the array to remove extra masked values
        if cellVertexIDs.shape[-1] == 0:
            length = 0
            length = min(numerix.sum(MA.getmaskarray(cellVertexIDs), axis=0))
        return cellVertexIDs[length:][::-1]
예제 #40
    def calcDistanceFunction(self, order=2):
        Calculates the `distanceVariable` as a distance function.

        order : {`1`, `2`}
            The order of accuracy for the distance function calculation

        dx, shape = self.getLSMshape()

        if LSM_SOLVER == 'lsmlib':
            from pylsmlib import distance
        elif LSM_SOLVER == 'skfmm':
            from skfmm import distance
            raise Exception("Neither `lsmlib` nor `skfmm` can be found on the $PATH")

        self._value = distance(numerix.reshape(self._value, shape), dx=dx, order=order).flatten()
예제 #41
    def calcDistanceFunction(self, order=2):
        Calculates the `distanceVariable` as a distance function.

          - `order`: The order of accuracy for the distance funtion
            calculation, either 1 or 2.


        dx, shape = self.getLSMshape()

        if LSM_SOLVER == 'lsmlib':
            from pylsmlib import distance
        elif LSM_SOLVER == 'skfmm':
            from skfmm import distance
            raise Exception, "Neither `lsmlib` nor `skfmm` can be found on the $PATH"

        self._value = distance(numerix.reshape(self._value, shape), dx=dx, order=order).flatten()
예제 #42
파일: cell.py 프로젝트: calbaker/FiPy-2.1.3
    def __init__(self, faces, faceOrientations, id):
	"""`Cell` is initialized by `Mesh` 
	  - `faces`: `list` or `tuple` of bounding faces that define the cell
	  - `faceOrientations`: `list`, `tuple`, or `numerix.array` of
	    orientations (+/-1) to indicate whether a face points into this
	    face or out of it.  Can be calculated, but the mesh typically
	    knows this information already.
	  - `id`: unique identifier
        self.faces = faces
	self.faceOrientations = numerix.array(faceOrientations)
	self.faceOrientations = numerix.reshape(faceOrientations,(len(faces),1))
        self.id = id
	self.center = self._calcCenter()
	self.volume = self._calcVolume()
	for i in range(len(self.faces)):
예제 #43
    def _cellValueOverFaces(self):

        Returns the cells values at the faces.

           >>> from fipy.meshes import Grid2D
           >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
           >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx = .5, dy = .5, nx = 2, ny = 2)
           >>> distanceVariable = DistanceVariable(mesh = mesh, 
           ...                                     value = (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5))
           >>> answer = CellVariable(mesh=mesh,
           ...                       value=((-.5, .5, .5, 1.5),
           ...                              (-.5, .5, .5, 1.5),
           ...                              (-.5, .5, .5, 1.5),
           ...                              (-.5, .5, .5, 1.5)))
           >>> print numerix.allclose(distanceVariable._cellValueOverFaces, answer)

        M = self.mesh._maxFacesPerCell
        N = self.mesh.numberOfCells
        return numerix.reshape(numerix.repeat(numerix.array(self._value)[numerix.newaxis, ...], M, axis=0), (M, N))
예제 #44
    def _solve(self):
        from fipy.terms import SolutionVariableNumberError
        globalMatrix, nonOverlappingVector, nonOverlappingRHSvector, overlappingVector = self._globalMatrixAndVectors

        if not (globalMatrix.rangeMap.SameAs(globalMatrix.domainMap)
                and globalMatrix.rangeMap.SameAs(nonOverlappingVector.Map())):

            raise SolutionVariableNumberError

        self.var.value = numerix.reshape(numerix.array(overlappingVector), self.var.shape)

        del self.var
        del self.RHSvector
예제 #45
    def _solve(self):
        from fipy.terms import SolutionVariableNumberError

        globalMatrix, nonOverlappingVector, nonOverlappingRHSvector, overlappingVector = self._globalMatrixAndVectors

        if not (globalMatrix.rangeMap.SameAs(globalMatrix.domainMap)
                and globalMatrix.rangeMap.SameAs(nonOverlappingVector.Map())):

            raise SolutionVariableNumberError



        self.var.value = numerix.reshape(numerix.array(overlappingVector), self.var.shape)

        del self.var
        del self.RHSvector
예제 #46
파일: mesh2D.py 프로젝트: LWhitson2/fipy
    def _extrude(self, mesh, extrudeFunc, layers):
        ## should extrude cnahe self rather than creating a new mesh?

        ## the following allows the 2D mesh to be in 3D space, this can be the case for a
        ## Gmsh2DIn3DSpace which would then be extruded.
        oldVertices = mesh.vertexCoords
        if oldVertices.shape[0] == 2:
            oldVertices = numerix.resize(oldVertices, (3, len(oldVertices[0])))
            oldVertices[2] = 0

        NCells = mesh.numberOfCells
        NFac = mesh.numberOfFaces
        NFacPerCell =  mesh._maxFacesPerCell

        ## set up the initial data arrays
        new_shape = (max(NFacPerCell, 4), (1 + layers)*NCells + layers*NFac)
        faces = numerix.MA.masked_values(-numerix.ones(new_shape, 'l'), value = -1)
        orderedVertices = mesh._orderedCellVertexIDs
        faces[:NFacPerCell, :NCells] = orderedVertices
        vertices = oldVertices
        vert0 = mesh.faceVertexIDs
        faceCount = NCells
        for layer in range(layers):

            ## need this later
            initialFaceCount = faceCount

            ## build the vertices
            newVertices = extrudeFunc(oldVertices)
            vertices = numerix.concatenate((vertices, newVertices), axis=1)

            ## build the faces along the layers
            faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells] = orderedVertices + len(oldVertices[0]) * (layer + 1)
                # numpy 1.1 doesn't copy right side before assigning slice
                # See: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09843.html
                faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells] = faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells][::-1,:].copy()
                faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells] = faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells][::-1,:]

            faceCount = faceCount + NCells

            vert1 = (vert0 + len(oldVertices[0]))[::-1,:]

            ## build the faces between the layers
            faces[:4, faceCount: faceCount + NFac] = numerix.concatenate((vert0, vert1), axis = 0)[::-1,:]

            vert0 = vert0 + len(oldVertices[0])

            NCells = mesh.numberOfCells

            ## build the cells, the first layer has slightly different ordering
            if layer == 0:
                c0 =  numerix.reshape(numerix.arange(NCells), (1, NCells))
                cells = numerix.concatenate((c0, c0 + NCells, mesh.cellFaceIDs + 2 * NCells), axis = 0)
                newCells = numerix.concatenate((c0, c0 + initialFaceCount, mesh.cellFaceIDs + faceCount), axis=0)
                newCells[0] = cells[1,-NCells:]
                cells = numerix.concatenate((cells, newCells), axis=1)

            ## keep a count of things for the next layer
            faceCount = faceCount + NFac
            oldVertices = newVertices

        ## return a new mesh, extrude could just as easily act on self
        return Mesh(vertices, faces, cells, communicator=mesh.communicator)
예제 #47
파일: variable.py 프로젝트: regmi/fipy
    def _execInline(self, comment=None):
        Gets the stack from _getCstring() which calls _getRepresentation()
            >>> (Variable((1,2,3,4)) * Variable((5,6,7,8)))._getCstring()
            '(var0[i] * var1[i])'
            >>> (Variable(((1,2),(3,4))) * Variable(((5,6),(7,8))))._getCstring()
            '(var0[i + j * ni] * var1[i + j * ni])'
            >>> (Variable((1,2)) * Variable((5,6)) * Variable((7,8)))._getCstring()
            '((var00[i] * var01[i]) * var1[i])'

        The following test was implemented due to a problem with
        contiguous arrays.  The `mesh.getCellCenters()[1]` command
        introduces a non-contiguous array into the `Variable` and this
        causes the inline routine to return senseless results.
            >>> from fipy import Grid2D, CellVariable
            >>> mesh = Grid2D(dx=1., dy=1., nx=2, ny=2)
            >>> var = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=0.)
            >>> Y =  mesh.getCellCenters()[1]
            >>> var.setValue(Y + 1.0)
            >>> print var - Y
            [ 1.  1.  1.  1.]
        from fipy.tools import inline
        argDict = {}
        string = self._getCstring(argDict=argDict, freshen=True) + ';'
            shape = self.opShape
        except AttributeError:
            shape = self.shape

        dimensions = len(shape)
        if dimensions == 0:
            string = 'result[0] = ' + string
            dim = ()
            string = 'result' + self._getCIndexString(shape) + ' = ' + string
            ni = self.opShape[-1]
            argDict['ni'] = ni
            if dimensions == 1:
                dim = (ni)
                nj = self.opShape[-2]
                argDict['nj'] = nj
                if dimensions == 2:
                    dim =(nj,ni)
                elif dimensions == 3:
                    nk = self.opShape[-3]
                    dim = (nk,nj,ni)
                    argDict['nk'] = nk
                    raise DimensionError, 'Impossible Dimensions'

        ## Following section makes sure that the result array has a
        ## valid typecode. If self.value is None then a typecode is
        ## assigned to the Variable by running the calculation without
        ## inlining. The non-inlined result is thus used the first
        ## time through.

        if self.value is None and not hasattr(self, 'typecode'):
            self.canInline = False
            argDict['result'] = self.getValue()
            self.canInline = True
            self.typecode = numerix.obj2sctype(argDict['result'])
            if self.value is None:
                if self.getsctype() == numerix.bool_:
                    argDict['result'] = numerix.empty(dim, numerix.int8)
                    argDict['result'] = numerix.empty(dim, self.getsctype())
                argDict['result'] = self.value

            resultShape = argDict['result'].shape

            if resultShape == ():
                argDict['result'] = numerix.reshape(argDict['result'], (1,))

            inline._runInline(string, converters=None, comment=comment, **argDict)

            if resultShape == ():
                argDict['result'] = numerix.reshape(argDict['result'], resultShape)

        return argDict['result']
예제 #48
 def _data(self):
     from fipy.tools.numerix import array, reshape
     return reshape(array(self.vars[0]),
예제 #49
    def _buildMatrix(self,
        Test to ensure that a changing coefficient influences the boundary conditions.

        >>> from fipy import *
        >>> m = Grid2D(nx=2, ny=2)
        >>> v = CellVariable(mesh=m)
        >>> c0 = Variable(1.)
        >>> v.constrain(c0, where=m.facesLeft)

        Diffusion will only be in the y-direction
        >>> coeff = Variable([[0. , 0.], [0. , 1.]])
        >>> eq = DiffusionTerm(coeff)
        >>> eq.solve(v, solver=DummySolver())
        >>> print v
        [ 0.  0.  0.  0.]
        Change the coefficient.

        >>> coeff[0, 0] = 1.
        >>> eq.solve(v)
        >>> print v
        [ 1.  1.  1.  1.]

        Change the constraints.

        >>> c0.setValue(2.)
        >>> v.constrain(3., where=m.facesRight)
        >>> print v.faceValue.constraintMask
        [False False False False False False  True False  True  True False  True]
        >>> eq.solve(v)
        >>> print v
        [ 2.25  2.75  2.25  2.75]

        var, L, b = self.__higherOrderbuildMatrix(
        mesh = var.mesh

        if self.order == 2:

            if (not hasattr(self, 'constraintL')) or (not hasattr(
                    self, 'constraintB')):

                normals = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh,

                if len(var.shape) == 1 and len(self.nthCoeff.shape) > 1:
                    nthCoeffFaceGrad = var.faceGrad.dot(self.nthCoeff)
                    normalsNthCoeff = normals.dot(self.nthCoeff)

                    if self.nthCoeff.shape != () and not isinstance(
                            self.nthCoeff, FaceVariable):
                        coeff = self.nthCoeff[..., numerix.newaxis]
                        coeff = self.nthCoeff

                    nthCoeffFaceGrad = coeff[
                        numerix.newaxis] * var.faceGrad[:, numerix.newaxis]
                    s = (slice(0, None, None), ) + (numerix.newaxis, ) * (
                        len(coeff.shape) - 1) + (slice(0, None, None), )
                    normalsNthCoeff = coeff[numerix.newaxis] * normals[s]

                self.constraintB = -(
                    var.faceGrad.constraintMask *
                    nthCoeffFaceGrad).divergence * mesh.cellVolumes

                constrainedNormalsDotCoeffOverdAP = var.arithmeticFaceValue.constraintMask * \
                                                    normalsNthCoeff / mesh._cellDistances

                self.constraintB -= (
                    constrainedNormalsDotCoeffOverdAP *
                    var.arithmeticFaceValue).divergence * mesh.cellVolumes

                ids = self._reshapeIDs(var, numerix.arange(mesh.numberOfCells))

                self.constraintL = -constrainedNormalsDotCoeffOverdAP.divergence * mesh.cellVolumes

            ids = self._reshapeIDs(var, numerix.arange(mesh.numberOfCells))
            L.addAt(self.constraintL.ravel(), ids.ravel(),
                    ids.swapaxes(0, 1).ravel())
            b += numerix.reshape(self.constraintB.ravel(),

        return (var, L, b)
예제 #50
 def _data(self):
     from fipy.tools.numerix import array, reshape
     return reshape(array(self.vars[0]), self.vars[0].mesh.shape[::-1])[::-1]
예제 #51
 def getNumpyArray(self):
     shape = self._getShape()
     indices = numerix.indices(shape)
     numMatrix = self.take(indices[0].ravel(), indices[1].ravel())
     return numerix.reshape(numMatrix, shape)
예제 #52
 def numpyArray(self):
     shape = self._shape
     indices = numerix.indices(shape)
     numMatrix = self.take(indices[0].ravel(), indices[1].ravel())
     return numerix.reshape(numMatrix, shape)
예제 #53
파일: mesh2D.py 프로젝트: ztrautt/fipy
    def _extrude(self, mesh, extrudeFunc, layers):
        ## should extrude self rather than creating a new mesh?

        ## the following allows the 2D mesh to be in 3D space, this can be the case for a
        ## Gmsh2DIn3DSpace which would then be extruded.
        oldVertices = mesh.vertexCoords
        if oldVertices.shape[0] == 2:
            oldVertices = numerix.resize(oldVertices, (3, len(oldVertices[0])))
            oldVertices[2] = 0

        NCells = mesh.numberOfCells
        NFac = mesh.numberOfFaces
        NFacPerCell =  mesh._maxFacesPerCell

        ## set up the initial data arrays
        new_shape = (max(NFacPerCell, 4), (1 + layers)*NCells + layers*NFac)
        faces = numerix.MA.masked_values(-numerix.ones(new_shape, 'l'), value = -1)
        orderedVertices = mesh._orderedCellVertexIDs
        faces[:NFacPerCell, :NCells] = orderedVertices
        vertices = oldVertices
        vert0 = mesh.faceVertexIDs
        faceCount = NCells

        for layer in range(layers):

            ## need this later
            initialFaceCount = faceCount

            ## build the vertices
            newVertices = extrudeFunc(oldVertices)
            vertices = numerix.concatenate((vertices, newVertices), axis=1)

            ## build the faces along the layers
            faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells] = orderedVertices + len(oldVertices[0]) * (layer + 1)
                # numpy 1.1 doesn't copy right side before assigning slice
                # See: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09843.html
                faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells] = faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells][::-1,:].copy()
                faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells] = faces[:NFacPerCell, faceCount: faceCount + NCells][::-1,:]

            faceCount = faceCount + NCells

            vert1 = (vert0 + len(oldVertices[0]))[::-1,:]

            ## build the faces between the layers
            faces[:4, faceCount: faceCount + NFac] = numerix.concatenate((vert0, vert1), axis = 0)[::-1,:]

            vert0 = vert0 + len(oldVertices[0])

            NCells = mesh.numberOfCells

            ## build the cells, the first layer has slightly different ordering
            if layer == 0:
                c0 =  numerix.reshape(numerix.arange(NCells), (1, NCells))
                cells = numerix.concatenate((c0, c0 + NCells, mesh.cellFaceIDs + 2 * NCells), axis = 0)
                newCells = numerix.concatenate((c0, c0 + initialFaceCount, mesh.cellFaceIDs + faceCount), axis=0)
                newCells[0] = cells[1, -NCells:]
                cells = numerix.concatenate((cells, newCells), axis=1)

            ## keep a count of things for the next layer
            faceCount = faceCount + NFac
            oldVertices = newVertices

        ## return a new mesh, extrude could just as easily act on self
        return Mesh(vertices, faces, cells, communicator=mesh.communicator)
예제 #54
 def _getData(self):
     from fipy.tools.numerix import array, reshape
     return reshape(array(self.vars[0]), self.vars[0].getMesh().getShape()[::-1])[::-1]
    phi_value = phi_value + delta  # phi is increased by delta at end of each loop

print('Total number of cells covered = ' + str(total_size))

######## Converted the spherical polar coordinates back to cartesian coordinate #####################
m_x = (m_cell_sph[0, :] * numerix.sin(m_cell_sph[2, :]) *
       numerix.cos(m_cell_sph[1, :]))
m_y = (m_cell_sph[0, :] * numerix.sin(m_cell_sph[2, :]) *
       numerix.sin(m_cell_sph[1, :]))
m_z = m_cell_sph[0, :] * numerix.cos(m_cell_sph[2, :])

m_cellcenters_cart_modified = numerix.array([[m_x], [m_y], [m_z]])

m_cellcenters_cart_modified = numerix.reshape(m_cellcenters_cart_modified,
                                              (3, total_size))


mcell_new = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=m_cellcenters_cart_modified)

print('Calculation starts')

interpolated_rho = rho(mcell_new.globalValue, order=1)

pickle.dump(interpolated_rho, open("interpolated rho.p", "wb"))