def _solve_(self, L, x, b): diag = L.takeDiagonal() maxdiag = max(numerix.absolute(diag)) L = L * (1 / maxdiag) b = b * (1 / maxdiag) LU = splu(L.matrix.asformat("csc"), diag_pivot_thresh=1., drop_tol=0., relax=1, panel_size=10, permc_spec=3) error0 = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum((L * x - b)**2)) for iteration in range(min(self.iterations, 10)): errorVector = L * x - b if (numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2)) / error0) <= self.tolerance: break xError = LU.solve(errorVector) x[:] = x - xError if 'FIPY_VERBOSE_SOLVER' in os.environ: from import PRINT PRINT('iterations: %d / %d' % (iteration + 1, self.iterations)) PRINT('residual:', numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2))) return x
def _solve_(self, L, x, b): diag = L.takeDiagonal() maxdiag = max(numerix.absolute(diag)) L = L * (1 / maxdiag) b = b * (1 / maxdiag) LU = superlu.factorize(L.matrix.to_csr()) if DEBUG: import sys print >> sys.stderr, L.matrix error0 = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum((L * x - b)**2)) for iteration in range(self.iterations): errorVector = L * x - b if (numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2)) / error0) <= self.tolerance: break xError = numerix.zeros(len(b),'d') LU.solve(errorVector, xError) x[:] = x - xError if 'FIPY_VERBOSE_SOLVER' in os.environ: from import PRINT PRINT('iterations: %d / %d' % (iteration+1, self.iterations)) PRINT('residual:', numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2)))
def _plot(self): self.g('set cbrange [' + self._getLimit(('datamin', 'zmin')) + ':' + self._getLimit(('datamax', 'zmax')) + ']') self.g('set view map') self.g('set style data pm3d') self.g('set pm3d at st solid') mesh = self.vars[0].mesh if self.vars[0]._variableClass is FaceVariable: x, y = mesh.faceCenters if isinstance(mesh, Grid2D.__class__): nx, ny = mesh.shape else: N = int(numerix.sqrt(mesh.numberOfCells)) nx, ny = N, N else: x, y = mesh.cellCenters N = int(numerix.sqrt(mesh.numberOfFaces)) nx, ny = N, N self.g('set dgrid3d %i, %i, 2' % (ny, nx)) import Gnuplot data = Gnuplot.Data(numerix.array(x), numerix.array(y), self.vars[0].value) self.g.splot(data)
def _buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryCondtions=(), dt=None, equation=None): oldArray = var.getOld() mesh = var.getMesh() NCells = mesh.getNumberOfCells() NCellFaces = mesh._getMaxFacesPerCell() cellValues = numerix.repeat(oldArray[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0) cellIDs = numerix.repeat(numerix.arange(NCells)[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0) cellToCellIDs = mesh._getCellToCellIDs() if NCells > 0: cellToCellIDs = MA.where(MA.getmask(cellToCellIDs), cellIDs, cellToCellIDs) adjacentValues = numerix.take(oldArray, cellToCellIDs) differences = self._getDifferences(adjacentValues, cellValues, oldArray, cellToCellIDs, mesh) differences = MA.filled(differences, 0) minsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.minimum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells)))**2, axis=0)) maxsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.maximum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells)))**2, axis=0)) coeff = numerix.array(self._getGeomCoeff(mesh)) coeffXdiffereneces = coeff * ((coeff > 0.) * minsq + (coeff < 0.) * maxsq) else: coeffXdiffereneces = 0. return (SparseMatrix(mesh=var.getMesh()), -coeffXdiffereneces * mesh.getCellVolumes())
def _solve_(self, L, x, b): diag = L.takeDiagonal() maxdiag = max(numerix.absolute(diag)) L = L * (1 / maxdiag) b = b * (1 / maxdiag) LU = superlu.factorize(L.matrix.to_csr()) if DEBUG: import sys print(L.matrix, file=sys.stderr) error0 = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum((L * x - b)**2)) for iteration in range(self.iterations): errorVector = L * x - b if (numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2)) / error0) <= self.tolerance: break xError = numerix.zeros(len(b), 'd') LU.solve(errorVector, xError) x[:] = x - xError if 'FIPY_VERBOSE_SOLVER' in os.environ: from import PRINT PRINT('iterations: %d / %d' % (iteration+1, self.iterations)) PRINT('residual:', numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2)))
def _buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, equation=None, transientGeomCoeff=None, diffusionGeomCoeff=None): oldArray = var.old mesh = var.mesh NCells = mesh.numberOfCells NCellFaces = mesh._maxFacesPerCell cellValues = numerix.repeat(oldArray[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0) cellIDs = numerix.repeat(numerix.arange(NCells)[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0) cellToCellIDs = mesh._cellToCellIDs if NCells > 0: cellToCellIDs = MA.where(MA.getmask(cellToCellIDs), cellIDs, cellToCellIDs) adjacentValues = numerix.take(oldArray, cellToCellIDs) differences = self._getDifferences(adjacentValues, cellValues, oldArray, cellToCellIDs, mesh) differences = MA.filled(differences, 0) minsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.minimum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0)) maxsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.maximum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0)) coeff = numerix.array(self._getGeomCoeff(var)) coeffXdiffereneces = coeff * ((coeff > 0.) * minsq + (coeff < 0.) * maxsq) else: coeffXdiffereneces = 0. return (var, SparseMatrix(mesh=var.mesh), -coeffXdiffereneces * mesh.cellVolumes)
def _buildMatrix(self, var, SparseMatrix, boundaryConditions=(), dt=None, equation=None, transientGeomCoeff=None, diffusionGeomCoeff=None): oldArray = var.old mesh = var.mesh NCells = mesh.numberOfCells NCellFaces = mesh._maxFacesPerCell cellValues = numerix.repeat(oldArray[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0) cellIDs = numerix.repeat(numerix.arange(NCells)[numerix.newaxis, ...], NCellFaces, axis = 0) cellToCellIDs = mesh._cellToCellIDs if NCells > 0: cellToCellIDs = MA.where(MA.getmask(cellToCellIDs), cellIDs, cellToCellIDs) adjacentValues = numerix.take(oldArray, cellToCellIDs) differences = self._getDifferences(adjacentValues, cellValues, oldArray, cellToCellIDs, mesh) differences = MA.filled(differences, 0) minsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.minimum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0)) maxsq = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(numerix.maximum(differences, numerix.zeros((NCellFaces, NCells), 'l'))**2, axis=0)) coeff = numerix.array(self._getGeomCoeff(var)) coeffXdifferences = coeff * ((coeff > 0.) * minsq + (coeff < 0.) * maxsq) else: coeffXdifferences = 0. return (var, SparseMatrix(mesh=var.mesh), -coeffXdifferences * mesh.cellVolumes)
def _solve_(self, L, x, b): diag = L.takeDiagonal() maxdiag = max(numerix.absolute(diag)) L = L * (1 / maxdiag) b = b * (1 / maxdiag) LU = splu(L.matrix.asformat("csc"), diag_pivot_thresh=1., relax=1, panel_size=10, permc_spec=3) error0 = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum((L * x - b)**2)) for iteration in range(min(self.iterations, 10)): errorVector = L * x - b if (numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2)) / error0) <= self.tolerance: break xError = LU.solve(errorVector) x[:] = x - xError if 'FIPY_VERBOSE_SOLVER' in os.environ: from import PRINT PRINT('iterations: %d / %d' % (iteration+1, self.iterations)) PRINT('residual:', numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2))) return x
def _plot(self): var = self.vars[0] mesh = var.mesh U, V = var.numericValue U = numerix.take(U, self.indices) V = numerix.take(V, self.indices) ang = numerix.arctan2(V, U) mag = numerix.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) datamin, datamax = self._autoscale(vars=(mag,), datamin=self._getLimit('datamin'), datamax=self._getLimit('datamax')) mag = numerix.where(mag > datamax, datamax, mag) mag =, mag < datamin) if self.log: mag = numerix.log10(mag) mag =, numerix.isnan(mag)) U = mag * numerix.cos(ang) V = mag * numerix.sin(ang) self._quiver.set_UVC(U, V) self.axes.set_xlim(xmin=self._getLimit('xmin'), xmax=self._getLimit('xmax')) self.axes.set_ylim(ymin=self._getLimit('ymin'), ymax=self._getLimit('ymax'))
def _getRotationTensor(self, mesh): if not hasattr(self, 'rotationTensor'): from fipy.variables.faceVariable import FaceVariable rotationTensor = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, rank=2) rotationTensor[:, 0] = self._getNormals(mesh) if mesh.getDim() == 2: rotationTensor[:,1] = rotationTensor[:,0].dot((((0, 1), (-1, 0)))) elif mesh.getDim() ==3: epsilon = 1e-20 div = numerix.sqrt(1 - rotationTensor[2,0]**2) flag = numerix.resize(div > epsilon, (mesh.getDim(), mesh._getNumberOfFaces())) rotationTensor[0, 1] = 1 rotationTensor[:, 1] = numerix.where(flag, rotationTensor[:,0].dot((((0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)))) / div, rotationTensor[:, 1]) rotationTensor[1, 2] = 1 rotationTensor[:, 2] = numerix.where(flag, rotationTensor[:,0] * rotationTensor[2,0] / div, rotationTensor[:, 2]) rotationTensor[2, 2] = -div self.rotationTensor = rotationTensor return self.rotationTensor
def __getRotationTensor(self, mesh): if not hasattr(self, 'rotationTensor'): rotationTensor = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, rank=2) rotationTensor[:, 0] = self._getNormals(mesh) if mesh.dim == 2: rotationTensor[:, 1] = rotationTensor[:, 0].dot( (((0, 1), (-1, 0)))) elif mesh.dim == 3: epsilon = 1e-20 div = numerix.sqrt(1 - rotationTensor[2, 0]**2) flag = numerix.resize(div > epsilon, (mesh.dim, mesh.numberOfFaces)) rotationTensor[0, 1] = 1 rotationTensor[:, 1] = numerix.where( flag, rotationTensor[:, 0].dot( (((0, 1, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)))) / div, rotationTensor[:, 1]) rotationTensor[1, 2] = 1 rotationTensor[:, 2] = numerix.where( flag, rotationTensor[:, 0] * rotationTensor[2, 0] / div, rotationTensor[:, 2]) rotationTensor[2, 2] = -div self.rotationTensor = rotationTensor return self.rotationTensor
def _plot(self): var = self.vars[0] mesh = var.mesh U, V = var.numericValue U = numerix.take(U, self.indices) V = numerix.take(V, self.indices) ang = numerix.arctan2(V, U) mag = numerix.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) datamin, datamax = self._autoscale(vars=(mag, ), datamin=self._getLimit('datamin'), datamax=self._getLimit('datamax')) mag = numerix.where(mag > datamax, datamax, mag) mag =, mag < datamin) if self.log: mag = numerix.log10(mag) mag =, numerix.isnan(mag)) U = mag * numerix.cos(ang) V = mag * numerix.sin(ang) self._quiver.set_UVC(U, V) self.axes.set_xlim(xmin=self._getLimit('xmin'), xmax=self._getLimit('xmax')) self.axes.set_ylim(ymin=self._getLimit('ymin'), ymax=self._getLimit('ymax'))
def _calcFaceNormals(self): faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, self.faceVertexIDs, axis=1) t1 = faceVertexCoords[:, 1,:] - faceVertexCoords[:, 0,:] faceNormals = t1.copy() mag = numerix.sqrt(t1[1]**2 + t1[0]**2) faceNormals[0] = -t1[1] / mag faceNormals[1] = t1[0] / mag orientation = 1 - 2 * (, self.cellDistanceVectors) < 0) return faceNormals * orientation
def _calcFaceNormals(self): faceVertexCoords = numerix.take(self.vertexCoords, self.faceVertexIDs, axis=1) t1 = faceVertexCoords[:,1,:] - faceVertexCoords[:,0,:] faceNormals = t1.copy() mag = numerix.sqrt(t1[1]**2 + t1[0]**2) faceNormals[0] = -t1[1] / mag faceNormals[1] = t1[0] / mag orientation = 1 - 2 * (, self.cellDistanceVectors) < 0) return faceNormals * orientation
def _solve_(self, L, x, b): diag = L.takeDiagonal() maxdiag = max(numerix.absolute(diag)) L = L * (1 / maxdiag) b = b * (1 / maxdiag) LU = superlu.factorize(L._getMatrix().to_csr()) error0 = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum((L * x - b)**2)) for iteration in range(self.iterations): errorVector = L * x - b if (numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(errorVector**2)) / error0) <= self.tolerance: break xError = numerix.zeros(len(b),'d') LU.solve(errorVector, xError) x[:] = x - xError
def getElectrolyteMask(self): x, y = self.getCellCenters() Y = (y - (self.heightBelowTrench + self.trenchDepth / 2)) ## taper taper = numerix.tan(self.angle) * Y ## bow if abs(self.bowWidth) > 1e-12 and (-self.trenchDepth / 2 < Y < self.trenchDepth / 2): param1 = self.trenchDepth**2 / 8 / self.bowWidth param2 = self.bowWidth / 2 bow = -numerix.sqrt((param1 + param2)**2 - Y**2) + param1 - param2 else: bow = 0 ## over hang Y = y - (self.heightBelowTrench + self.trenchDepth - self.overBumpRadius) overBump = 0 if self.overBumpRadius > 1e-12: overBump += numerix.where(Y > -self.overBumpRadius, self.overBumpWidth / 2 * (1 + numerix.cos(Y * numerix.pi / self.overBumpRadius)), 0) tmp = self.overBumpRadius**2 - Y**2 tmp = (tmp > 0) * tmp overBump += numerix.where((Y > -self.overBumpRadius) & (Y > 0), numerix.where(Y > self.overBumpRadius, -self.overBumpRadius, -(self.overBumpRadius - numerix.sqrt(tmp))), 0) return numerix.where(y > self.trenchDepth + self.heightBelowTrench, 1, numerix.where(y < self.heightBelowTrench, 0, numerix.where(x > self.trenchWidth / 2 + taper - bow - overBump, 0, 1)))
def parallelRandom(self): if hasattr(self.variance, 'getGlobalValue'): variance = self.variance.getGlobalValue() else: variance = self.variance if self.getMesh().communicator.procID == 0: return random.normal(self.mean, sqrt(variance), size = [self.getMesh().globalNumberOfCells]) else: return None
def parallelRandom(self): if hasattr(self.variance, 'globalValue'): variance = self.variance.globalValue else: variance = self.variance if self.mesh.communicator.procID == 0: return random.normal(self.mean, sqrt(variance), size = [self.mesh.globalNumberOfCells]) else: return None
def sqrt(self): """ >>> from fipy.meshes.grid1D import Grid1D >>> mesh= Grid1D(nx=3) >>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable >>> var = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=((0., 2., 3.),), rank=1) >>> print ( [ 0. 2. 3.] """ return self._UnaryOperatorVariable(lambda a: numerix.sqrt(a))
def parallelRandom(self): from import parallel if hasattr(self.variance, 'getGlobalValue'): variance = self.variance.getGlobalValue() else: variance = self.variance if parallel.procID == 0: return random.normal(self.mean, sqrt(variance), size = [self.getMesh().globalNumberOfCells]) else: return None
def _calcFaceCellToCellNormals(self): faceCellCentersUp = numerix.take(self._cellCenters, self.faceCellIDs[1], axis=1) faceCellCentersDown = numerix.take(self._cellCenters, self.faceCellIDs[0], axis=1) faceCellCentersUp = numerix.where(MA.getmaskarray(faceCellCentersUp), self._faceCenters, faceCellCentersUp) diff = faceCellCentersDown - faceCellCentersUp mag = numerix.sqrt(numerix.sum(diff**2)) faceCellToCellNormals = diff / numerix.resize(mag, (self.dim, len(mag))) orientation = 1 - 2 * (, faceCellToCellNormals) < 0) return faceCellToCellNormals * orientation
def test_seed_normal(self, unit, loc, scale, coeff, error): create = dict(value=3., unit=unit, hasOld=True) name = 'MyVar' seed = dict(profile='normal', params=dict(loc=loc, scale=scale, coeff=coeff)) v = ModelVariable(name=name, create=create, seed=seed) domain = SedimentDBLDomain() v.domain = domain if error: with pytest.raises(error): v.setup() return else: v.setup() from scipy.stats import norm from import numerix C = 1.0 / numerix.sqrt(2 * numerix.pi) # loc and scale should be in units of the domain mesh if hasattr(loc, 'unit'): loc_ = loc.inUnitsOf(domain.depths.unit).value else: loc_ = loc if hasattr(scale, 'unit'): scale_ = scale.inUnitsOf(domain.depths.unit).value else: scale_ = scale if unit: coeff = PF(coeff, unit) normrv = norm(loc=loc_, scale=C**2 * scale_) val = coeff * normrv.pdf(domain.depths) * C * scale_ # from pprint import pprint # pprint(zip(v.var, val)) print(type(val), type(v.var)) if unit: # array comparison between variable & physicalfield is problematic val = val.numericValue assert numerix.allclose(v.var.numericValue, val)
def _plot(self): self.g('set cbrange [' + self._getLimit(('datamin', 'zmin')) + ':' + self._getLimit(('datamax', 'zmax')) + ']') self.g('set view map') self.g('set style data pm3d') self.g('set pm3d at st solid') mesh = self.vars[0].getMesh() if isinstance(mesh, Grid2D.__class__): nx, ny = mesh.getShape() else: N = int(numerix.sqrt(mesh.getNumberOfCells())) nx, ny = N, N self.g('set dgrid3d %i, %i, 2' % (ny, nx)) x, y = mesh.getCellCenters() import Gnuplot data = Gnuplot.Data(numerix.array(x), numerix.array(y), self.vars[0].getValue()) self.g.splot(data)
import os import sys import re from tempfile import mkstemp from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from textwrap import dedent from import parse from import sqrt from fipy.tests import doctestPlus import examples.phase.anisotropy numberOfElements = parse('--numberOfElements', action='store', type='int', default=10000) N = int(sqrt(numberOfElements)) steps = parse('--numberOfSteps', action='store', type='int', default=20) start = parse('--startingStep', action='store', type='int', default=0) cpu0 = parse('--cpuBaseLine', action='store', type='float', default=0.) args = tuple(sys.argv[1:]) dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) script = doctestPlus._getScript("examples.phase.anisotropy")
def distance(self, vertex): from import numerix return numerix.sqrt((vertex.getX() - self.getX())**2 + (vertex.getY() - self.getY())**2)
type='int', default=-1) from benchmarker import Benchmarker bench = Benchmarker() numberOfSteps = 5 bench.start() import as numerix if numberOfElements != -1: pos = trenchSpacing * cellsBelowTrench / 4 / numberOfElements sqr = trenchSpacing * (trenchDepth + boundaryLayerDepth) \ / (2 * numberOfElements) cellSize = pos + numerix.sqrt(pos**2 + sqr) else: cellSize = 0.1e-7 yCells = cellsBelowTrench \ + int((trenchDepth + boundaryLayerDepth) / cellSize) xCells = int(trenchSpacing / 2 / cellSize) from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D mesh = Grid2D(dx=cellSize, dy=cellSize, nx=xCells, ny=yCells) bench.stop('mesh') bench.start() narrowBandWidth = numberOfCellsInNarrowBand * cellSize
numberOfElements = parse('--numberOfElements', action = 'store', type = 'int', default = -1) from benchmarker import Benchmarker bench = Benchmarker() numberOfSteps = 5 bench.start() import as numerix if numberOfElements != -1: pos = trenchSpacing * cellsBelowTrench / 4 / numberOfElements sqr = trenchSpacing * (trenchDepth + boundaryLayerDepth) \ / (2 * numberOfElements) cellSize = pos + numerix.sqrt(pos**2 + sqr) else: cellSize = 0.1e-7 yCells = cellsBelowTrench \ + int((trenchDepth + boundaryLayerDepth) / cellSize) xCells = int(trenchSpacing / 2 / cellSize) from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D mesh = Grid2D(dx = cellSize, dy = cellSize, nx = xCells, ny = yCells) bench.stop('mesh')
KMView.setName('KM') KMViewer = make(KMView, limits={'datamax': 2., 'datamin': 0.}, title='') TMView = TMVar / TMVar.getCellVolumeAverage() TMView.setName('TM') TMViewer = make(TMView, limits={'datamax': 2., 'datamin': 0.}, title='') for i in range(100): for var, eqn in eqs: var.updateOld() for var, eqn in eqs: eqn.solve(var, dt=1.) x = mesh.getCellCenters()[:, 0] y = mesh.getCellCenters()[:, 1] from import sqrt RVar[:] = L / sqrt((x - L / 2)**2 + (y - 2 * L)**2) for i in range(100): for var, eqn in eqs: var.updateOld() for var, eqn in eqs: eqn.solve(var, dt=1.) PNViewer.plot() KMViewer.plot() TMViewer.plot() raw_input("finished")
initialRadius = L / 4. dx = L / nx timeStepDuration = cfl * dx / velocity steps = int(distanceToTravel / dx / cfl) mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dx, nx = nx, ny = nx) distanceVariable = DistanceVariable( name = 'level set variable', mesh = mesh, value = 1., hasOld = 1 ) cellRadius = numerix.sqrt((mesh.getCellCenters()[:,0] - L / 2.)**2 + (mesh.getCellCenters()[:,1] - L / 2.)**2) distanceVariable.setValue(cellRadius - initialRadius) initialSurfactantValue = 1. surfactantVariable = SurfactantVariable( value = initialSurfactantValue, distanceVar = distanceVariable ) advectionEquation = buildHigherOrderAdvectionEquation( advectionCoeff = velocity) surfactantEquation = SurfactantEquation( distanceVar = distanceVariable)
import re from tempfile import mkstemp from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from textwrap import dedent from import parse from import sqrt from fipy.tests import doctestPlus import examples.phase.anisotropy numberOfElements = parse('--numberOfElements', action='store', type='int', default=10000) N = int(sqrt(numberOfElements)) steps = parse('--numberOfSteps', action='store', type='int', default=20) start = parse('--startingStep', action='store', type='int', default=0) cpu0 = parse('--cpuBaseLine', action='store', type='float', default=0.) args = tuple(sys.argv[1:]) dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) script = doctestPlus._getScript("examples.phase.anisotropy") script = script.replace("__main__", "__DONT_RUN_THIS__")
from fipy import Grid1D, CellVariable, Viewer from import numerix, dump import numpy from scipy.special import wofz # ----------------- Mesh Generation ----------------------- L = 4.0 nx = 100 mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx, Lx=L) x = mesh.cellCenters[0] # Cell position plasma_disp_real = CellVariable(name=r"Re$(X(z))$", mesh=mesh) plasma_disp_imag = CellVariable(name=r"Im$(X(z))$", mesh=mesh) full_plasma_disp = numpy.array(1j*numerix.sqrt(numerix.pi)\ * numerix.exp(-x**2)*wofz(x)) print full_plasma_disp plasma_disp_real.setValue(full_plasma_disp.real) plasma_disp_imag.setValue(full_plasma_disp.imag) initial_viewer = Viewer((plasma_disp_real, plasma_disp_imag),\ xmin=0.0, legend='best') raw_input("Pause for Initial Conditions")
def __init__(self, hours_total=24, day_fraction=0.5, channels=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize an irradiance source in the model domain Args: hours_total (int, float, PhysicalField): Number of hours in a diel period day_fraction (float): Fraction (between 0 and 1) of diel period which is illuminated (default: 0.5) channels: See :meth:`.create_channel` **kwargs: passed to superclass """ self.logger = kwargs.get('logger') or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.debug('Init in {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) kwargs['logger'] = self.logger super(Irradiance, self).__init__(**kwargs) #: the channels in the irradiance entity self.channels = {} #: the number of hours in a diel period self.hours_total = PhysicalField(hours_total, 'h') if not (1 <= self.hours_total.value <= 48): raise ValueError('Hours total {} should be between (1, 48)'.format( self.hours_total)) # TODO: remove (1, 48) hour constraint on hours_total day_fraction = float(day_fraction) if not (0 < day_fraction < 1): raise ValueError("Day fraction should be between 0 and 1") #: fraction of diel period that is illuminated self.day_fraction = day_fraction #: numer of hours in the illuminated fraction self.hours_day = day_fraction * self.hours_total #: the time within the diel period which is the zenith of radiation self.zenith_time = self.hours_day #: the intensity level at the zenith time self.zenith_level = 100.0 C = 1.0 / numerix.sqrt(2 * numerix.pi) # to scale the cosine distribution from 0 to 1 (at zenith) self._profile = cosine(loc=self.zenith_time, scale=C**2 * self.hours_day) # This profile with loc=zenith means that the day starts at "midnight" and zenith occurs # in the center of the daylength #: a :class:`Variable` for the momentary radiance level at the surface self.surface_irrad = Variable(name='irrad_surface', value=0.0, unit=None) if channels: for chinfo in channels: self.create_channel(**chinfo) self.logger.debug('Created Irradiance: {}'.format(self))
from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable L = 1. nx = 50 cfl = 0.1 initialRadius = L / 4. k = 1 dx = L / nx steps = 20 mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dx, nx=nx, ny=nx) distanceVariable = DistanceVariable( name='level set variable', mesh=mesh, value=numerix.sqrt((mesh.getCellCenters()[:, 0] - L / 2.)**2 + (mesh.getCellCenters()[:, 1] - L / 2.)**2) - initialRadius, hasOld=1) initialSurfactantValue = 1. surfactantVariable = SurfactantVariable(value=initialSurfactantValue, distanceVar=distanceVariable) velocity = CellVariable( name='velocity', mesh=mesh, value=1., ) advectionEquation = buildHigherOrderAdvectionEquation(advectionCoeff=velocity)
L = 1. nx = 50 cfl = 0.1 initialRadius = L / 4. k = 1 dx = L / nx steps = 20 from import serialComm mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dx, nx=nx, ny=nx, communicator=serialComm) x, y = mesh.cellCenters distanceVariable = DistanceVariable( name='level set variable', mesh=mesh, value=numerix.sqrt((x - L / 2.)**2 + (y - L / 2.)**2) - initialRadius, hasOld=1) initialSurfactantValue = 1. surfactantVariable = SurfactantVariable(value=initialSurfactantValue, distanceVar=distanceVariable) velocity = CellVariable( name='velocity', mesh=mesh, value=1., ) advectionEquation = TransientTerm() + AdvectionTerm(velocity)
#!/usr/bin/env python ## This script was derived from ## 'examples/phase/anisotropy/' if __name__ == "__main__": from import parse numberOfElements = parse('--numberOfElements', action = 'store', type = 'int', default = 40) from import numerix N = int(numerix.sqrt(numberOfElements)) from benchmarker import Benchmarker bench = Benchmarker() bench.start() Length = N * 2.5 / 100. nx = N ny = N dx = Length / nx dy = Length / ny radius = Length / 4. seedCenter = (Length / 2., Length / 2.) initialTemperature = -0.4 from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D mesh = Grid2D(dx=dx, dy=dy, nx=nx, ny=ny) bench.stop('mesh')
def stdParallel(a): N = self.mesh.globalNumberOfCells mean = self.sum(axis=axis).value / N sq_diff = (self - mean)**2 return numerix.sqrt(sq_diff.sum(axis=axis).value / N)
dx = L / nx timeStepDuration = cfl * dx / velocity steps = int(distanceToTravel / dx / cfl) mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dx, nx = nx, ny = nx) distanceVariable = DistanceVariable( name = 'level set variable', mesh = mesh, value = 1., hasOld = 1 ) x, y = mesh.cellCenters cellRadius = numerix.sqrt((x - L / 2.)**2 + (y - L / 2.)**2) distanceVariable.setValue(cellRadius - initialRadius) initialSurfactantValue = 1. surfactantVariable = SurfactantVariable( value = initialSurfactantValue, distanceVar = distanceVariable ) advectionEquation = TransientTerm() + AdvectionTerm(velocity) from fipy.variables.surfactantConvectionVariable import SurfactantConvectionVariable surfactantEquation = TransientTerm() - \ ExplicitUpwindConvectionTerm(SurfactantConvectionVariable(distanceVariable))
def _calcTangent1(self): norm = self.normal mag = numerix.sqrt(norm[0] ** 2 + norm[1] ** 2) # tan1 = numerix.array((-norm[1],norm[0],0)) tan1 = PhysicalField(value=(-norm[1], norm[0], 0)) return tan1 / mag
D = 1.0 U = 100.0 peclet = (U*L/D) # This is the syntax needed to specify u_x convCoeff= (1.0,) # intial condition width (standard deviation) sigma = 0.05*L #Defining the variable c = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name=r"$c$") # Setting initial conditions x = mesh.cellCenters[0] c.value=0.0 c.setValue(0.05*(1.0/(sigma*numerix.sqrt(2*numerix.pi)))*numerix.exp(-0.5*((x-1.0)/(sigma))**2.0)) # defining the equation # We write three equations: pure convection, pure diffusion and convection-diffusion eq = TransientTerm() + VanLeerConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff) == 0 # eq = TransientTerm() + ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff) == 0 # eq = TransientTerm() - DiffusionTerm(coeff=(1/peclet)) == 0 # eq = TransientTerm() + VanLeerConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff) - DiffusionTerm(coeff=(1.0/peclet)) == 0 # The choice of dt and dx in a convection problem is a bit more complicated dt = 0.0001 # We might not want to see the output from every single timestep, so we define a stride parameter time_stride = 200 timestep = 0
def _calcTangent2(self): norm = self.normal mag = numerix.sqrt(norm[0] ** 2 + norm[1] ** 2) # tan2 = numerix.array(norm[0] * norm[2], norm[1] * norm[2], -mag**2) tan2 = PhysicalField(value=(norm[0] * norm[2], norm[1] * norm[2], -mag ** 2)) return tan2 / mag
D = 1.0 U = 100.0 peclet = (U * L / D) # This is the syntax needed to specify U convCoeff = (1.0, ) # intial condition width (standard deviation) sigma = 0.05 * L #Defining the variable c = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name=r"$c$") # Setting initial conditions x = mesh.cellCenters[0] c.value = 0.0 c.setValue(0.05 * (1.0 / (sigma * numerix.sqrt(2 * numerix.pi))) * numerix.exp(-0.5 * ((x - 1.0) / (sigma))**2.0)) # defining the equation # We write three equations: pure convection, pure diffusion and convection-diffusion # eq = TransientTerm() + VanLeerConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff) == 0 # eq = TransientTerm() - DiffusionTerm(coeff=(1/peclet)) == 0 eq = TransientTerm() + VanLeerConvectionTerm(coeff=convCoeff) - DiffusionTerm( coeff=(1.0 / peclet)) == 0 # The choice of dt and dx in a convection problem is a bit more complicated dt = 0.001 # We might not want to see the output from every single timestep, so we define a stride parameter time_stride = 10 timestep = 0
nx = 256 cfl = 0.1 initialRadius = L / 4. k = 1 dx = L / nx steps = 10 * nx / 8 mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dx, nx = nx, ny = nx) error = CellVariable(mesh=mesh) distanceVariable = DistanceVariable( name = 'level set variable', mesh = mesh, value = numerix.sqrt((mesh.getCellCenters()[:,0] - L / 2.)**2 + (mesh.getCellCenters()[:,1] - L / 2.)**2) - initialRadius, hasOld = 1) initialSurfactantValue = 1. surfactantVariable = SurfactantVariable( value = initialSurfactantValue, distanceVar = distanceVariable ) velocity = 1. surfactantEquation = SurfactantEquation( distanceVar = distanceVariable)
def seed(self, profile, **kwargs): """ Seed the value of the variable based on the profile and parameters Available profiles are: * "normal" * normal distribution of values from :data:`scipy.stats.norm` * `loc` and `scale` in units compatible with domain mesh * `coeff` to multiply the distribution with, in units compatible with that of :attr:`.var` * the normal distribution is created to have unit height for different `loc` and `scale` values * "linear" * uses :func:`~numpy.linspace` to fill the first dimension of :attr:`.var` * `start`: the start value given, else taken from constraint "top" * `stop`: the stop value given, else taken from constraint "bottom" * "lognormal" * lognormal distributuion from :data:`scipy.stats.lognorm` * `loc` and `scale` should be in units compatible with domain mesh * `shape` should be a float > 0 * the distribution is normalized to have max value = 1 Args: profile (str): The type of profile to use **kwargs: Parmeters for the profile Returns: None Raises: ValueError: if incompatible units encountered """ PROFILES = ('linear', 'normal', 'lognormal') if profile not in PROFILES: raise ValueError('Unknown profile {!r} not in {}'.format( profile, PROFILES)) if profile == 'normal': from scipy.stats import norm loc = kwargs['loc'] scale = kwargs['scale'] coeff = kwargs['coeff'] C = 1.0 / numerix.sqrt(2 * numerix.pi) # loc and scale should be in units of the domain mesh if hasattr(loc, 'unit'): loc_ = loc.inUnitsOf(self.domain.depths.unit).value else: loc_ = loc if hasattr(scale, 'unit'): scale_ = scale.inUnitsOf(self.domain.depths.unit).value else: scale_ = scale if hasattr(coeff, 'unit'): # check if compatible with variable unit try: c = coeff.inUnitsOf(self.var.unit) except TypeError: self.logger.error( 'Coeff {!r} not compatible with variable unit {!r}'. format(coeff, raise ValueError('Incompatible unit of coefficient') 'Seeding with profile normal loc: {} scale: {} coeff: {}'. format(loc_, scale_, coeff)) normrv = norm(loc=loc_, scale=scale_) rvpdf = normrv.pdf(self.domain.depths) rvpdf /= rvpdf.max() val = coeff * rvpdf self.var.value = val elif profile == 'lognormal': from scipy.stats import lognorm loc = kwargs['loc'] scale = kwargs['scale'] coeff = kwargs['coeff'] lognorm_shape = kwargs.get('shape', 1.25) # loc and scale should be in units of the domain mesh if hasattr(loc, 'unit'): loc_ = loc.inUnitsOf(self.domain.depths.unit).value else: loc_ = loc if hasattr(scale, 'unit'): scale_ = scale.inUnitsOf(self.domain.depths.unit).value else: scale_ = scale if hasattr(coeff, 'unit'): # check if compatible with variable unit try: c = coeff.inUnitsOf(self.var.unit) except TypeError: self.logger.error( 'Coeff {!r} not compatible with variable unit {!r}'. format(coeff, raise ValueError('Incompatible unit of coefficient') 'Seeding with profile lognormal loc: {} scale: {} shape: {} ' 'coeff: {}'.format(loc_, scale_, lognorm_shape, coeff)) rv = lognorm(lognorm_shape, loc=loc_, scale=scale_) rvpdf = rv.pdf(self.domain.depths) rvpdf = rvpdf / rvpdf.max() val = coeff * rvpdf self.var.value = val elif profile == 'linear': start = kwargs.get('start') stop = kwargs.get('stop') if start is None: start = self.constraints.get('top') if start is None: raise ValueError( 'Seed linear has no "start" or "top" constraint') else: start = PhysicalField(start, self.var.unit)'Linear seed using start as top value: ' '{}'.format(start)) if stop is None: stop = self.constraints.get('bottom') if stop is None: raise ValueError( 'Seed linear has no "stop" or "bottom" constraint') else: stop = PhysicalField(stop, self.var.unit)'Linear seed using stop as bottom value: ' '{}'.format(stop)) N = self.var.shape[0] if hasattr(start, 'unit'): start_ = start.inUnitsOf(self.var.unit).value else: start_ = start if hasattr(stop, 'unit'): stop_ = stop.inUnitsOf(self.var.unit).value else: stop_ = stop 'Seeding with profile linear: start: {} stop: {}'.format( start_, stop_)) val = numerix.linspace(start_, stop_, N) self.var.value = val self.logger.debug('Seeded {!r} with {} profile'.format(self, profile))
from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable L = 1. nx = 50 cfl = 0.1 initialRadius = L / 4. k = 1 dx = L / nx steps = 20 mesh = Grid2D(dx = dx, dy = dx, nx = nx, ny = nx) distanceVariable = DistanceVariable( name = 'level set variable', mesh = mesh, value = numerix.sqrt((mesh.getCellCenters()[:,0] - L / 2.)**2 + (mesh.getCellCenters()[:,1] - L / 2.)**2) - initialRadius, hasOld = 1) initialSurfactantValue = 1. surfactantVariable = SurfactantVariable( value = initialSurfactantValue, distanceVar = distanceVariable ) velocity = CellVariable( name = 'velocity', mesh = mesh, value = 1., )
def _calcTrialValue(self, id, evaluatedFlag, extensionVariable): adjIDs = self.cellToCellIDs[...,id] adjEvaluatedFlag = numerix.take(evaluatedFlag, adjIDs) adjValues = numerix.take(self.value, adjIDs) adjValues = numerix.where(adjEvaluatedFlag, adjValues, 1e+10) try: indices = numerix.argsort(abs(adjValues)) except TypeError: # numpy 1.1 raises a TypeError when using argsort function indices = abs(adjValues).argsort() sign = (self.value[id] > 0) * 2 - 1 d0 = self.cellToCellDistances[indices[0], id] v0 = self.value[..., adjIDs[indices[0]]] e0 = extensionVariable[..., adjIDs[indices[0]]] N = numerix.sum(adjEvaluatedFlag) index0 = indices[0] index1 = indices[1] index2 = indices[self.mesh.getDim()] if N > 1: n0 = self.cellNormals[..., index0, id] n1 = self.cellNormals[..., index1, id] if self.mesh.getDim() == 2: cross = (n0[0] * n1[1] - n0[1] * n1[0]) else: cross = 0.0 if abs(cross) < 0.1: if N == 2: N = 1 elif N == 3: index1 = index2 if N == 0: raise Exception elif N == 1: return v0 + sign * d0, e0 else: d1 = self.cellToCellDistances[index1, id] n0 = self.cellNormals[..., index0, id] n1 = self.cellNormals[..., index1, id] v1 = self.value[..., adjIDs[index1]] crossProd = d0 * d1 * (n0[0] * n1[1] - n0[1] * n1[0]) dotProd = d0 * d1 *, n1) dsq = d0**2 + d1**2 - 2 * dotProd top = -v0 * (dotProd - d1**2) - v1 * (dotProd - d0**2) sqrt = crossProd**2 *(dsq - (v0 - v1)**2) sqrt = numerix.sqrt(max(sqrt, 0)) dis = (top + sign * sqrt) / dsq ## extension variable e1 = extensionVariable[..., adjIDs[index1]] a0 = self.cellAreas[index0, id] a1 = self.cellAreas[index1, id] if self.value[id] > 0: phi = max(dis, 0) else: phi = min(dis, 0) n0grad = a0 * abs(v0 - phi) / d0 n1grad = a1 * abs(v1 - phi) / d1 return dis, (e0 * n0grad + e1 * n1grad) / (n0grad + n1grad)
charge.setValue(-1, where=mesh.physicalCells["Cathode"]) potential = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name=r"$\psi$") potential.constrain(0., where=mesh.physicalFaces["Ground"]) eq = DiffusionTerm(coeff=1.) == -charge res0 = eq.sweep(var=potential) res = eq.justResidualVector(var=potential) res1 = numerix.L2norm(res) res1a = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, value=abs(res)) res = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name="residual", value=abs(res) / mesh.cellVolumes**(1./mesh.dim) / 1e-3) # want cells no bigger than 1 and no smaller than 0.001 maxSize = 1. minSize = 0.001 monitor = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name="monitor", value= 1. / (res + maxSize) + minSize) viewer = Viewer(vars=potential, xmin=3.5, xmax=4.5, ymin=3.5, ymax=4.5) # viewer = Viewer(vars=(potential, charge)) viewer.plot() # resviewer = Viewer(vars=res1a, log=True, datamin=1e-6, datamax=1e-2, cmap=cm.gray) # monviewer = Viewer(vars=monitor, log=True, datamin=1e-3, datamax=1) raw_input("refinement %d, res0: %g, res: %g:%g, N: %d, min: %g, max: %g, avg: %g. Press <return> to proceed..." \ % (refinement, res0, res1, res1a.cellVolumeAverage, mesh.numberOfCells, numerix.sqrt(min(mesh.cellVolumes)), numerix.sqrt(max(mesh.cellVolumes)), numerix.mean(numerix.sqrt(mesh.cellVolumes))))
$ python efficiency_test """ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' if __name__ == "__main__": from import parse from benchmarker import Benchmarker bench = Benchmarker() numberOfElements = parse('--numberOfElements', action='store', type='int', default=100) bench.start() from import numerix nx = int(numerix.sqrt(numberOfElements)) ny = nx dx = 1. dy = 1. from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D mesh = Grid2D(nx=nx, ny=nx, dx=dx, dy=dy) bench.stop('mesh') print
def _plot(self): from scipy.interpolate import griddata var = self.vars[0] mesh = var.mesh xmin, ymin = mesh.extents['min'] xmax, ymax = mesh.extents['max'] N = 100 X = numerix.linspace(xmin, xmax, N) Y = numerix.linspace(ymin, ymax, N) grid_x, grid_y = numerix.mgrid[xmin:xmax:N * 1j, ymin:ymax:N * 1j] if isinstance(var, FaceVariable): C = mesh.faceCenters elif isinstance(var, CellVariable): C = mesh.cellCenters U = griddata(C.value.T, var.value[0], (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic') V = griddata(C.value.T, var.value[1], (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic') lw = self.linewidth if isinstance(lw, (FaceVariable, CellVariable)): lw = griddata(C.value.T, lw.value, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic') color = self.color if isinstance(color, (FaceVariable, CellVariable)): color = griddata(C.value.T, color.value, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic', fill_value=color.min()) U = U.T V = V.T ang = numerix.arctan2(V, U) mag = numerix.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) datamin, datamax = self._autoscale(vars=(mag, ), datamin=self._getLimit('datamin'), datamax=self._getLimit('datamax')) mag = numerix.where(mag > datamax, numerix.nan, mag) mag = numerix.where(mag < datamin, numerix.nan, mag) if self.log: mag = numerix.log10(mag) U = mag * numerix.cos(ang) V = mag * numerix.sin(ang) # if self._stream is not None: # # the following doesn't work, nor does it help to `add_collection` first # # self._stream.arrows.remove() # self._stream.lines.remove() self.axes.cla() self._stream = self.axes.streamplot(X, Y, U, V, linewidth=lw, color=color, **self.kwargs) self.axes.set_xlim(xmin=self._getLimit('xmin'), xmax=self._getLimit('xmax')) self.axes.set_ylim(ymin=self._getLimit('ymin'), ymax=self._getLimit('ymax'))
TMView = TMVar / TMVar.getCellVolumeAverage() TMView.setName('TM') TMViewer = make(TMView, limits = {'datamax' : 2., 'datamin' : 0.}, title = '') for i in range(100): for var, eqn in eqs: var.updateOld() for var, eqn in eqs: eqn.solve(var, dt = 1.) x = mesh.getCellCenters()[:,0] y = mesh.getCellCenters()[:,1] from import sqrt RVar[:] = L / sqrt((x - L / 2)**2 + (y - 2 * L)**2) for i in range(100): for var, eqn in eqs: var.updateOld() for var, eqn in eqs: eqn.solve(var, dt = 1.) PNViewer.plot() KMViewer.plot() TMViewer.plot() raw_input("finished")