예제 #1
파일: api.py 프로젝트: Yunfeng01/SmartRoom
def firebase_add_user(userid,name,password,email):
    url = URL_ROOT + "/users/%s" %(userid)
    dict_user = {}
    dict_user["name"] = name
    dict_user["password"] = password
    dict_user["email"] = email

    print "add_user with userid:%s,username:%s, password:%s, email:%s" %(userid,name,password,email)
예제 #2
def firebase_add_user(userid, name, password, email):
    url = URL_ROOT + "/users/%s" % (userid)
    dict_user = {}
    dict_user["name"] = name
    dict_user["password"] = password
    dict_user["email"] = email

    firebase.patch(url, dict_user)
    print "add_user with userid:%s,username:%s, password:%s, email:%s" % (
        userid, name, password, email)
예제 #3
def syncScreens():
	global CONNECTIONS, prevResp, landscape
	_screens = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME + "/screens")
	resp = firebase.get(_screens)
	if resp is not None:
		CONNECTIONS = len(resp) - 1
		if len(resp) != len(prevResp):
			print "Number of connections: ", CONNECTIONS
			print resp
			if CONNECTIONS >= 1:
				if "innerWidth" in resp[-1].keys():
					landscape = resp[-1]["innerWidth"] > resp[-1]["innerHeight"]
			prevResp = resp
	for idx, screen in enumerate(screens):
		if idx > 0:
			s = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME + "/screens/" + str(idx))
			center, dims, rotation = screen
			firebase.patch(s, {u'center': {u'x':int(center[0]), u'y':int(center[1])}, u'dims': {u'h':int(dims[1]), u'w':int(dims[0])}, u'rotation': int(rotation)})
예제 #4
def firebase_add_device(userid, devicename):
    url = URL_ROOT + "/devices/%s" % (userid)
    dict_device = {}
    dict_device[devicename] = 0
    firebase.patch(url, dict_device)
    print "add_device with userid:%s,devicename:%s" % (userid, devicename)
예제 #5
				return -1, -1
	return None, None

def drawScreens(frame):
	#print screens
	for idx, screen in enumerate(screens):
		if idx > 0:
			rect = (tuple(screen[0]), tuple(screen[1]), screen[2])
			box = np.int0(boxPoints(rect))
			fillConvexPoly(frame, box, colors[idx % len(colors)])

if __name__ == "__main__":
	root = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME)
	firebase.patch(root, {u'FRAME_WIDTH': FRAME_WIDTH , u'FRAME_HEIGHT': FRAME_HEIGHT, u'RELOAD': -1, u'valid': "no"})
	_screens = firebase.firebaseURL(APP_NAME + "/screens")
	firebase.put(_screens, {u'0': 'none'})

	capture = VideoCapture();
	#set height and width of capture frame
	#start an infinite loop where webcam feed is copied to cameraFeed matrix
	#all of our operations will be performed within this loop
	firstFrame = None
	while True:
		if COUNTER == 0:
			thread.start_new_thread(syncScreens, ())	
		#store image to matrix
예제 #6
def run(source=0, source2=0, source3=0):
    # ---- Initializing DNN  -----
    from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
    # cap=cv2.VideoCapture('../../vd1.mp4')
   #net = caffe.Net('../../segnet_inference.prototxt','../../segnet_iter_10000.caffemodel',caffe.TEST)
    #net = caffe.Net('../../enet_deploy_final.prototxt','../../segnet_iter_32000.caffemodel',caffe.TEST)
    net = caffe.Net('../../enet_deploy_final.prototxt','../../segnet_iter_55000.caffemodel',caffe.TEST)
    transformer = caffe.io.Transformer({'data': net.blobs['data'].data.shape})

    background = [255,0,0]
    car = [0,255,0]
    numberplate = [0,0,255]
    label_colours = np.array([background, car, numberplate])
    label_colour = np.array([2, 1, 0])
    # ---- End of Initializing DNN  -----
    # ---- Initializing Tracker  -----
    # initializing yolo
    options = {"model": "cfg/tiny-yolo-voc.cfg", "load": "tiny-yolo-voc.weights", "threshold": 0.5}  # , "gpu":1.0
    tfnet = TFNet(options)

    #----violation detection intial data starts----
    temp_count = 0
    URL = "fypandroid-gpu"
    slot1_violation = "no"
    slot2_violation = "no"
    slot1_occupancy = "free"
    slot2_occupancy = "free"
    slot1_violation_new = "no"
    slot2_violation_new = "no"
    slot1_occupancy_new = "free"
    slot2_occupancy_new = "free"
    update_na = 0
    slot1_num = "n/a"
    slot2_num = "n/a"
    updateonce = 0
    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_vehicle_number': "n/a"})
    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_vehicle_number': "n/a"})

    imgavgback = cv2.imread(avgbackgrndpath, 1)
    imgavgbackori = imgavgback.copy()
    imgavgbackorigray = cv2.cvtColor(imgavgback,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    imgavgback = imgavgback[80:400, 200:595]
    imgrayavgback = cv2.cvtColor(imgavgback,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    imgavgback -= 20

    #emptyavg1 = np.mean(imgavgbackorigray[100:180,400:470])
    #emptyavg2 = np.mean(imgavgbackorigray[205:300,400:470])

    MidPoints = []
    MidPoints.append([250,55]) #x,y slot 1
    MidPoints.append([255,170]) #x,y slot 2

    xyminmax = []
    xyminmax.append([135,390,5,120]) #xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax slot 1
    xyminmax.append([135,390,115,235]) #xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax slot 2
    #cap = cv2.VideoCapture('cam1.mp4')

    #----violation detection intial data ends----
    # Create the VideoCapture object
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(source)
    cam2 = cv2.VideoCapture(source2)
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(source3)
    # If Camera Device is not opened, exit the program
    if not cam.isOpened():
        print "Video device 1 or file 1 couldn't be opened"
    if not cam2.isOpened():
        print "Video device 2 or file 2 couldn't be opened"
    if not cap.isOpened():
        print "Video device 3 or file 3 couldn't be opened"
    retval, img = cam.read()
    retval2, img2 = cam2.read()
    ret,frame = cap.read()
    if not retval:
        print "Cannot capture frame device 1"
    if not retval2:
        print "Cannot capture frame device 2"
    if not ret:
        print "Cannot capture frame device 3"
    cv2.namedWindow("Image", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.namedWindow("Image2", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.namedWindow("frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.imshow("Image", img)
    cv2.imshow("Image2", img2)
    cv2.imshow("frame", frame)

    # values for tracking
    threshld = 10
    height = 480 -threshld
    width = 640 -threshld
    limit = height - 20
    tryframes = 8 

    points = []
    points2 = []

    # Create the tracker object
    tracker = [dlib.correlation_tracker() for _ in xrange(0)]
    tracker2 = [dlib.correlation_tracker() for _ in xrange(0)]
    # Provide the tracker the initial position of the object
    # [tracker[i].start_track(img, dlib.rectangle(*rect)) for i, rect in enumerate(points)]
    for k, rect in enumerate(points):
        tracker[k].start_track(img, dlib.rectangle(*rect))
    for k2, rect in enumerate(points2):
        tracker[k2].start_track(img2, dlib.rectangle(*rect))

    temp_tracker = list(tracker) #to remove the deleted trackers from tracker without affecting for loop 
    temp_tracker2 = list(tracker2)
    trigerYolo = 0
    justdetected = 100
    licenseplates = []
    licenseplates2 = []
    predetect = False
    # time.sleep(5)
    # ---- End Initializing Tracker  -----
    # count = 0  # facilitate to set the flag to start tracking (temporary) ****************
    # refimg=cv2.imread("111.jpg",0)
    # retref, refthresh = cv2.threshold(refimg, -1, 255,0)
    # refimg, refcontours, refhierarchy = cv2.findContours(refthresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    # refcnt = refcontours[0]
    while True:
        # count += 1   # facilitate to set the flag to start tracking (temporary) ****************
        # print count
        # print "----- "+str(justdetected)+" --"
    # ---- DNN starts -----
        # time.sleep(.5)
        # Read frame from device or file
        retval, img = cam.read()
        retval2, img2 = cam2.read()
        img = cv2.resize(img, (640,480))
        img2 = cv2.resize(img2, (640,480))
        img2ori = img2.copy()
        if not retval:
            print "Cannot capture frame device 1 | CODE TERMINATION....."
        if not retval2:
            print "Cannot capture frame device 2 | CODE TERMINATION....."
        if not ret:
            print "Cannot capture frame device 3 | CODE TERMINATION....."

        justdetected += 1
        if justdetected >100 :
            justdetected =100 
        start_violation = 0
        start_tracking = False
        if justdetected > 4:
            #frame = cv2.imread("myimage.png",1)
            transformer.set_transpose('data', (2,0,1))
            transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0)) # if using RGB instead of BGR
            transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255.0)
            net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformer.preprocess('data', s)

            output = net.forward()
            # print("---%s in sec"%(time.time()-start))
            predicted = net.blobs['prob'].data
            output = np.squeeze(predicted[0,:,:,:])
            ind = np.argmax(output, axis=0)
            p = ind.copy()
            d = ind.copy()
            r = ind.copy()
            g = ind.copy()
            b = ind.copy()
            for l in range(0,3):
                p[ind==l] = label_colour[l]
            cv2.imwrite("ind.png", p)
            ind = cv2.imread("ind.png",0)
            ctimage, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(ind,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
            # Vimgc = cv2.drawContours(s, contours, -1, (0,0,255), 3)
            #label_colours = np.array([Sky, Building, Pole])
            for l in range(0,3):
                r[ind==l] = label_colours[l,0]
                g[ind==l] = label_colours[l,1]
                b[ind==l] = label_colours[l,2]
            # cv2.imshow('framex',d)
            rgb = np.zeros((ind.shape[0], ind.shape[1], 3))
            rgb[:,:,0] = r/255.0
            rgb[:,:,1] = g/255.0
            rgb[:,:,2] = b/255.0
            #plt.imshow(rgb,vmin=0, vmax=1)
             # im = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1])
             # im_gray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) / 255.

            #f = numpy.load(sys.argv[2])
            #param_vals = [f[n] for n in sorted(f.files, key=lambda s: int(s[4:]))]

             # letter_probs = detect(im_gray, param_vals)

            #code = letter_probs_to_code(letter_probs)
             # print("Number Plate ->",code)
            detectnow = False
            NoAllVContours = len(hierarchy[0])
            # print NoAllVContours 
                for i in range(NoAllVContours):
                    M = cv2.moments(contours[i])
                    # print M['m00']
                    # print "#############################################################################################################################"
                    # print cv2.matchShapes(refcnt,contours[i],1,0.0)
                    if (5000>M['m00']>3000):
                        if (int(M['m01']/M['m00'])>170):
                            # if ( cv2.matchShapes(refcnt,contours[i],1,0.0) < 0.7):
                            cropped = s[y:y+h, x:x+w]
                            im_gray = cv2.cvtColor(resizeimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) / 255.
                            f = np.load("weights.npz")
                            param_vals = [f[n] for n in sorted(f.files, key=lambda s: int(s[4:]))]
                            letter_probs = detect(im_gray, param_vals)
                            code = letter_probs_to_code(letter_probs)
                            print("---%s in sec"%(time.time()-start))
                            #tempcode = code
                            if code[0] == "Z":
                                code = code[1:]
                            print("Number Plate ->",code)
                            detectnow = True
                            if (detectnow & predetect) : #((pre_plate == code) & (temp_count == 1)):
                                temp_count = 0
                                start_tracking = True
                                justdetected = 0
                                with open('GUI/VehicleNumber.csv','w') as f:
                                if (pre_plate!=code):
                                    temp_count = 1
                            # elif(cv2.matchShapes(refcnt,contours[i],1,0.0)==0.0):   
                                # cv2.imshow('framex',rgb)     
                                # cv2.imwrite("sd.png", rgb)
                        # print pre_plate
            predetect = detectnow 
            # print licenseplates
            #print cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
            #print frame.shape
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff== ord('q'):
            # DNN sets the flag to start tracking
            # if count == 36:  # facilitate to set the flag to start tracking (temporary) ****************
            #     start_tracking = True
            #     print licenseplates
        # ---- DNN stops -----
        # ---- Tracker starts -----
        # print temp_tracker
        tracker = list(temp_tracker) 
        tracker2 = list(temp_tracker2) 
        new_points = []
        if trigerYolo > 0:  # if detection was not happened for the last frame
            yoloresult = tfnet.return_predict(img)
            for detectObj in yoloresult:
                if (inRegion(detectObj)):
                    vehicleloc = (detectObj['topleft']['x'],detectObj['topleft']['y']+20,detectObj['bottomright']['x'],detectObj['bottomright']['y']+10)
                    print ("Tracking started for the request")
                    trigerYolo = 0
            print("Vehicle detection fails for the request for the next frame as well.")   
            trigerYolo -= 1
            cv2.imwrite('track/im_'+str(trigerYolo)+'.png', img)

        if(start_tracking):  #new vehicle trying to add if "p" pressed
            cv2.imwrite('track/im_'+str(trigerYolo)+'.png', img) # to save photos at tracking
            # yolo detection
            yoloresult = tfnet.return_predict(img) 
            for detectObj in yoloresult:
                if (inRegion(detectObj)):
                    vehicleloc = (detectObj['topleft']['x'],detectObj['topleft']['y']+20,detectObj['bottomright']['x'],detectObj['bottomright']['y']+10)
                    # print licenseplates
                    print ("Tracking started for the request")
                    break # only one vehicle will be added per one request *************** optimize this to reduce issues with multi vehicles trying to enter at the same time
            if (len(new_points)<1):
                print "no vehicle found in frame 1: trying few other frames triggered"
                trigerYolo = tryframes   # trying few frames to capture a vehicle if not detected from first few frames

        if len(new_points) > 0: # if there is a new detected vehicled
            # Create the tracker object
            new_tracker = [dlib.correlation_tracker() for _ in xrange(len(new_points))]
            # Provide the tracker the new positions of the object
            for j, rect2 in enumerate(new_points):
                new_tracker[j].start_track(img, dlib.rectangle(*rect2))
            # [tracker[j].start_track(img, dlib.rectangle(*rect)) for j, rect in enumerate(points)]
            print "Success: Tracking started for the newly entered vehicle."

        temp_tracker = list(tracker)
        # Update the tracker  
        for i in xrange(len(tracker)): #for number of objects to track
            confdnc = tracker[i].update(img)
            print confdnc
            # Get the position of th object, draw a 
            # bounding box around it and display it.
            rect = tracker[i].get_position()
            pt1 = (int(rect.left()), int(rect.top()))
            pt2 = (int(rect.right()), int(rect.bottom()))

            if (pt1[0]< threshld or pt1[1]< threshld or pt2[0]>=width):
                del licenseplates[i]
                del temp_tracker[i]
                print "Object removed: out of the frame/ unexpected behavior"
            if (pt2[1]>= limit):
                del licenseplates[i]
                del temp_tracker[i]
                print "Object removed: vehicle enters next view"
                new_points2 = [(10, 150, 120, 260)]
                # new_tracker2 = dlib.correlation_tracker()
                # # Provide the tracker the new positions of the object
                # new_tracker2.start_track(img2, dlib.rectangle(*new_points2[0]))
                # # [tracker[j].start_track(img, dlib.rectangle(*rect)) for j, rect in enumerate(points)]
                # tracker2.append(new_tracker2)

                new_tracker2 = [dlib.correlation_tracker() for _ in xrange(len(new_points2))]
                # Provide the tracker the new positions of the object
                for j2, rect2_2 in enumerate(new_points2):
                    new_tracker2[j2].start_track(img2, dlib.rectangle(*rect2_2))
                # [tracker[j].start_track(img, dlib.rectangle(*rect)) for j, rect in enumerate(points)]

                print "Success: Tracking started from view 2."
            # if (confdnc < 3.5):
            #     print "Low Confidence"
            #     # continue

            cv2.rectangle(img, pt1, pt2, (255, 255, 255), 3)
            # print "Object {} tracked at [{}, {}] \r".format(i, pt1, pt2),

            # show location of box if mentionedd
            loc = (int(rect.left()), int(rect.top()-20))
            txt = "Vehicle : [{}]".format(licenseplates[i])
            cv2.putText(img, txt, loc , cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, (255,255,255), 1)
        temp_tracker2 = list(tracker2)
        for i2 in xrange(len(tracker2)): #for number of objects to track
            confdnc2 = tracker2[i2].update(img2)
            rect_2 = tracker2[i2].get_position()
            pt1_2 = (int(rect_2.left()), int(rect_2.top()))
            pt2_2 = (int(rect_2.right()), int(rect_2.bottom()))

            cv2.rectangle(img2, pt1_2, pt2_2, (255, 255, 255), 3)
            loc = (int(rect_2.left()), int(rect_2.top()-20))
            txt = "Vehicle : [{}]".format(licenseplates2[i2])
            cv2.putText(img2, txt, loc , cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, (255,255,255), 1)
            if rect_2.right() >200:
                dist1 = ((MidPoints[0][0]- ((pt1_2[0]+pt2_2[0])/2))**2+(MidPoints[0][1]-((pt1_2[1]+pt2_2[1])/2))**2)
                dist2 = ((MidPoints[1][0]- ((pt1_2[0]+pt2_2[0])/2))**2+(MidPoints[1][1]-((pt1_2[1]+pt2_2[1])/2))**2)
                if dist1<dist2:
                    if slot1_num != txt:
                        firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_vehicle_number': licenseplates2[i2]})
                        slot1_num = txt
                        if len(tracker2) == 1:
                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_vehicle_number': "n/a"})
                    if slot2_num != txt:
                        firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_vehicle_number': licenseplates2[i2]})
                        slot2_num = txt
                        if len(tracker2) == 1:
                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_vehicle_number': "n/a"})
                start_violation = 1
                update_na = 1
                start_violation = 0
                if update_na == 1:
                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_vehicle_number': "n/a"})
                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_vehicle_number': "n/a"})
                    update_na = 0

        cv2.namedWindow("Image", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)        # ***** commented *******
        # cv2.namedWindow("Image2", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.imshow("Image", img)
        cv2.imshow("Image2", img2)
    # ---- end of tracker -----
    # ---- Violation detection starts ----
        #print "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq" + str(start_violation)
        if start_violation == 1:
            #retpark, carpark = cam2.read()
            carpark = img2ori
            # carpark = cv2.resize(carpark, (640,480))   # Width,Height
            #carparkori = carpark.copy()
            #carparkgrayori = cv2.cvtColor(carpark,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            #vehavg1 = np.mean(carparkgrayori[100:180,400:470])
            #vehavg2 = np.mean(carparkgrayori[205:300,400:470])
            updateonce = 0
            carpark = carpark[80:400, 200:595]
            carparkgray = cv2.cvtColor(carpark,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            #if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

            vehicles = cv2.subtract(carpark, imgavgback)
            #vehicles = carpark - imgavgback
            #vehiclesgray = imgavgbackgray - imgrayavgback
            vehiclesgray = cv2.cvtColor(vehicles,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            #retv,vehiclesgray = cv2.threshold(imgrayavgback,50,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

            blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(vehiclesgray,(5,5),0)
            ret3,vehiclesgray = cv2.threshold(blur,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
            ret1,vehiclesgray = cv2.threshold(blur,ret3-25,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

            #ret2,vehiclesgray = cv2.threshold(vehiclesgray,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

            #vehiclesgray = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(vehiclesgray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2)
            #vehiclesgray = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(vehiclesgray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY,11,2)

            vcontimage, vehicontours, vehihierarchy = cv2.findContours(vehiclesgray,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

            NoAllContours = len(vehihierarchy[0])


            #Getting the parent Vcontour numbers
            VehicleNo = []

            #Mid points of vehicles
            VehicleMid = []

            for i in range(NoAllContours):
                #if (hierarchy[0,i,3]==-1):     
                    M = cv2.moments(vehicontours[i])
                    if ((M['m00']>3000)):
                            cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00'])
                            cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00'])

            #Number of all child countours
            NumOfVehicles = len(VehicleNo)

            #for i in range(NumOfVehicles):
                #Vimgc = cv2.drawContours(Pimg, contours, VehicleNo[i] , (0,0,255), 3)

            if (NumOfVehicles==0):
                    imgavgbackori[100:180,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                    imgavgbackori[205:300,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                    if slot1_occupancy != slot1_occupancy_new:
                        firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_occupancy_status': 'free'})
                        slot1_occupancy = slot1_occupancy_new
                    if slot2_occupancy != slot2_occupancy_new:
                        firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_occupancy_status': 'free'})
                        slot2_occupancy = slot2_occupancy_new
                    if slot1_violation != slot1_violation_new:
                        firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_violations': 'no'})
                        slot1_violation = slot1_violation_new
                    if slot2_violation != slot2_violation_new:
                        firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_violations': 'no'})
                        slot2_violation = slot2_violation_new
                    #if ((abs(vehavg1-emptyavg1))>30):
                        #img[100:180,400:470] = (0, 0, 255)
                        #img[100:180,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                    #if ((abs(vehavg2-emptyavg2))>30):
                        #img[205:300,400:470] = (0, 0, 255)
                        #img[205:300,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                #if (NumOfVehicles>0):
                    counter = 0
                    #error = 0

                    for i in VehicleNo:
                        NoIndices = len(vehicontours[i])
                        vehix = []  
                        vehiy = []
                        for j in range(NoIndices):

                        #Vehicle Contour min max coordinate values
                        xmin = min(vehix)
                        xmax = max(vehix)
                        ymin = min(vehiy)
                        ymax = max(vehiy)

                        distance = []

                        for k in range(2):
                                vehid = ((MidPoints[k][0]-VehicleMid[counter][0])**2+(MidPoints[k][1]-VehicleMid[counter][1])**2)

                        parkingslot = distance.index(min(distance))

                        drawcon = 0
                        if (xmin < xyminmax[parkingslot][0]):
                                #error += 1
                                drawcon = 1
                        elif (xmax > xyminmax[parkingslot][1]):
                                #error += 1
                                drawcon = 1
                        elif (ymin < xyminmax[parkingslot][2]):
                                #error += 1
                                drawcon = 1
                        elif (ymax > xyminmax[parkingslot][3]):
                                #error += 1
                                drawcon = 1

                        if ((parkingslot == 0)&(drawcon == 1)):
                                veimgc = cv2.drawContours(carpark, vehicontours, i, (0,0,255), 3)
                                imgavgbackori[100:180,400:470] = (255, 0, 0)
                                slot1_violation_new = "yes"
                                slot1_occupancy_new = "occupied"
                                if slot1_occupancy != slot1_occupancy_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_occupancy_status': 'occupied'})
                                    slot1_occupancy = slot1_occupancy_new
                                if slot1_violation != slot1_violation_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_violations': 'yes'})
                                    slot1_violation = slot1_violation_new
                                if (NumOfVehicles == 1):
                                        imgavgbackori[205:300,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                                        slot2_violation_new = "no"
                                        slot2_occupancy_new = "free"
                                        if slot2_occupancy != slot2_occupancy_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_occupancy_status': 'free'})
                                            slot2_occupancy = slot2_occupancy_new
                                        if slot2_violation != slot2_violation_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_violations': 'no'})
                                            slot2_violation = slot2_violation_new
                        elif((parkingslot == 0)&(drawcon == 0)):
                                veimgc = cv2.drawContours(carpark, vehicontours, i, (0,255,0), 3)
                                imgavgbackori[100:180,400:470] = (0, 0, 255)
                                slot1_violation_new = "no"
                                slot1_occupancy_new = "occupied"
                                if slot1_occupancy != slot1_occupancy_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_occupancy_status': 'occupied'})
                                    slot1_occupancy = slot1_occupancy_new
                                if slot1_violation != slot1_violation_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_violations': 'no'})
                                    slot1_violation = slot1_violation_new
                                if (NumOfVehicles == 1):
                                        imgavgbackori[205:300,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                                        slot2_violation_new = "no"
                                        slot2_occupancy_new = "free"
                                        if slot2_occupancy != slot2_occupancy_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_occupancy_status': 'free'})
                                            slot2_occupancy = slot2_occupancy_new
                                        if slot2_violation != slot2_violation_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_violations': 'no'})
                                            slot2_violation = slot2_violation_new
                        elif ((parkingslot == 1)&(drawcon == 1)):
                                veimgc = cv2.drawContours(carpark, vehicontours, i, (0,0,255), 3)
                                imgavgbackori[205:300,400:470] = (255, 0, 0)
                                slot2_violation_new = "yes"
                                slot2_occupancy_new = "occupied"
                                if slot2_occupancy != slot2_occupancy_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_occupancy_status': 'occupied'})
                                    slot2_occupancy = slot2_occupancy_new
                                if slot2_violation != slot2_violation_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_violations': 'yes'})
                                    slot2_violation = slot2_violation_new
                                if (NumOfVehicles == 1):
                                        imgavgbackori[100:180,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                                        slot1_violation_new = "no"
                                        slot1_occupancy_new = "free"
                                        if slot1_occupancy != slot1_occupancy_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_occupancy_status': 'free'})
                                            slot1_occupancy = slot1_occupancy_new
                                        if slot1_violation != slot1_violation_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_violations': 'no'})
                                            slot1_violation = slot1_violation_new
                        elif((parkingslot == 1)&(drawcon == 0)):
                                veimgc = cv2.drawContours(carpark, vehicontours, i, (0,255,0), 3)
                                imgavgbackori[205:300,400:470] = (0, 0, 255)
                                slot2_violation_new = "no"
                                slot2_occupancy_new = "occupied"
                                if slot2_occupancy != slot2_occupancy_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_occupancy_status': 'occupied'})
                                    slot2_occupancy = slot2_occupancy_new
                                if slot2_violation != slot2_violation_new:
                                    firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_violations': 'no'})
                                    slot2_violation = slot2_violation_new
                                if (NumOfVehicles == 1):
                                        imgavgbackori[100:180,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
                                        slot1_violation_new = "no"
                                        slot1_occupancy_new = "free"
                                        if slot1_occupancy != slot1_occupancy_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_occupancy_status': 'free'})
                                            slot1_occupancy = slot1_occupancy_new
                                        if slot1_violation != slot1_violation_new:
                                            firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_violations': 'no'})
                                            slot1_violation = slot1_violation_new

                        counter += 1
            imgavgbackori[100:180,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
            imgavgbackori[205:300,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)
            if updateonce == 0:
            	firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_occupancy_status': 'free'})
            	firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_occupancy_status': 'free'})
            	firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_violations': 'no'})
            	firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_violations': 'no'})
            	slot1_violation_new = 'no'
            	slot2_violation_new = 'no'
            	slot1_occupancy_new = 'free'
            	slot2_occupancy_new = 'free'
            	slot1_occupancy = slot1_occupancy_new
            	slot2_occupancy = slot2_occupancy_new
            	slot1_violation = slot1_violation_new
            	slot2_violation = slot2_violation_new
            	updateonce = 1

            # if slot1_occupancy != slot1_occupancy_new:
            #     firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_occupancy_status': 'free'})
            #     slot1_occupancy = slot1_occupancy_new
            # if slot2_occupancy != slot2_occupancy_new:
            #     firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_occupancy_status': 'free'})
            #     slot2_occupancy = slot2_occupancy_new
            # if slot1_violation != slot1_violation_new:
            #     firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_01_violations': 'no'})
            #     slot1_violation = slot1_violation_new
            # if slot2_violation != slot2_violation_new:
            #     firebase.patch(URL, {'Slot_02_violations': 'no'})

    # ---- Violation detection ends ----

    # ---- Empty parking space detection starts ----
        #ret, carpark = cam2.read()
        #carparkgray = cv2.cvtColor(carpark, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        #if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
        #vehavg = np.mean(carparkgray[250:300,400:470])

        #if abs(vehavg-emptyavg)>30:
            #imgavgback[250:300,400:470] = (0, 0, 255)
            #imgavgback[250:300,400:470] = (0, 255, 0)


    # ---- Empty parking space detection ends ----

    # Relase the VideoCapture object
예제 #7
파일: emulator.py 프로젝트: chopeace/emul
def firebase_add_device(userid, devicename):
    url = URL_ROOT + "/devices/%s" %(userid)
    dict_device = {}
    dict_device[devicename] = 0
    print "add_device with userid:%s,devicename:%s" %(userid,devicename)