def initialize(self, pc): # Make a new DM. # Hook up a (new) coarsen routine on that DM. # Make a new PC, of type MG. # Assign the DM to that PC. odm = pc.getDM() ctx = get_appctx(odm) test, trial = ctx.J.arguments() if test.function_space() != trial.function_space(): raise NotImplementedError("test and trial spaces must be the same") # Construct a list with the elements we'll be using V = test.function_space() ele = V.ufl_element() elements = [ele] while True: try: ele_ = self.coarsen_element(ele) assert ele_.value_shape() == ele.value_shape() ele = ele_ except ValueError: break elements.append(ele) pdm = PETSc.DMShell().create(comm=pc.comm) sf = odm.getPointSF() section = odm.getDefaultSection() attach_hooks(pdm, level=len(elements) - 1, sf=sf, section=section) # Now overwrite some routines on the DM pdm.setRefine(None) pdm.setCoarsen(self.coarsen) pdm.setCreateInterpolation(self.create_interpolation) pdm.setOptionsPrefix(pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "pmg_") set_function_space(pdm, get_function_space(odm)) parent = get_parent(odm) assert parent is not None add_hook(parent, setup=partial(push_parent, pdm, parent), teardown=partial(pop_parent, pdm, parent), call_setup=True) add_hook(parent, setup=partial(push_appctx, pdm, ctx), teardown=partial(pop_appctx, pdm, ctx), call_setup=True) ppc = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm) ppc.setOptionsPrefix(pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "pmg_") ppc.setType("mg") ppc.setOperators(*pc.getOperators()) ppc.setDM(pdm) ppc.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) # PETSc unfortunately requires us to make an ugly hack. # We would like to use GMG for the coarse solve, at least # sometimes. But PETSc will use this p-DM's getRefineLevels() # instead of the getRefineLevels() of the MeshHierarchy to # decide how many levels it should use for PCMG applied to # the p-MG's coarse problem. So we need to set an option # for the user, if they haven't already; I don't know any # other way to get PETSc to know this at the right time. opts = PETSc.Options(pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "pmg_") if "mg_coarse_pc_mg_levels" not in opts: opts["mg_coarse_pc_mg_levels"] = odm.getRefineLevel() + 1 ppc.setFromOptions() ppc.setUp() self.ppc = ppc
def initialize(self, pc): test, trial = self.J.arguments() if test.function_space() != trial.function_space(): raise NotImplementedError("test and trial spaces must be the same") Pk = test.function_space() element = Pk.ufl_element() shape = element.value_shape() mesh = Pk.ufl_domain() if len(shape) == 0: P1 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) elif len(shape) == 2: P1 = firedrake.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1, dim=shape[0]) else: P1 = firedrake.TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1, shape=shape, symmetry=element.symmetry()) # TODO: A smarter low-order operator would also interpolate # any coefficients to the coarse space. mapper = ArgumentReplacer({test: firedrake.TestFunction(P1), trial: firedrake.TrialFunction(P1)}) self.lo_J = map_integrands.map_integrand_dags(mapper, self.J) lo_bcs = [] for bc in self.bcs: # Don't actually need the value, since it's only used for # killing parts of the restriction matrix. lo_bcs.append(firedrake.DirichletBC(P1,, bc.sub_domain, method=bc.method)) self.lo_bcs = tuple(lo_bcs) mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "lo_mat_type", firedrake.parameters["default_matrix_type"]) self.lo_op = firedrake.assemble(self.lo_J, bcs=self.lo_bcs, mat_type=mat_type) self.lo_op.force_evaluation() A, P = pc.getOperators() nearnullsp = P.getNearNullSpace() if nearnullsp.handle != 0: # Actually have a near nullspace tmp = firedrake.Function(Pk) low = firedrake.Function(P1) vecs = [] for vec in nearnullsp.getVecs(): with tmp.dat.vec as v: vec.copy(v) low.interpolate(tmp) with low.dat.vec_ro as v: vecs.append(v.copy()) nullsp = PETSc.NullSpace().create(vectors=vecs, comm=pc.comm) self.lo_op.petscmat.setNearNullSpace(nullsp) lo = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm) lo.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) lo.setOperators(self.lo_op.petscmat, self.lo_op.petscmat) lo.setOptionsPrefix(pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "lo_") lo.setFromOptions() self.lo = lo self.restriction = restriction_matrix(Pk, P1, self.bcs, self.lo_bcs) = self.lo_op.petscmat.createVecs() if len(self.bcs) > 0: bc_nodes = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate([bc.nodes for bc in self.bcs])) bc_nodes = bc_nodes[bc_nodes < Pk.dof_dset.size] bc_iset = PETSc.IS().createBlock(, bc_nodes, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) self.bc_indices = bc_iset.getIndices() bc_iset.destroy() else: self.bc_indices = numpy.empty(0, dtype=numpy.int32)
def initialize(self, pc): from firedrake.assemble import allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable _, P = pc.getOperators() if pc.getType() != "python": raise ValueError("Expecting PC type python") opc = pc appctx = self.get_appctx(pc) fcp = appctx.get("form_compiler_parameters") V = get_function_space(pc.getDM()) if len(V) == 1: V = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), V.ufl_element()) else: V = MixedFunctionSpace([V_ for V_ in V]) test = TestFunction(V) trial = TrialFunction(V) if P.type == "python": context = P.getPythonContext() # It only makes sense to preconditioner/invert a diagonal # block in general. That's all we're going to allow. if not context.on_diag: raise ValueError("Only makes sense to invert diagonal block") prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() options_prefix = prefix + self._prefix mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(options_prefix + "mat_type", "aij") (a, bcs) = self.form(pc, test, trial) self.P = allocate_matrix(a, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=options_prefix) self._assemble_P = create_assembly_callable(a, tensor=self.P, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=mat_type) self._assemble_P() # Transfer nullspace over Pmat = self.P.petscmat Pmat.setNullSpace(P.getNullSpace()) tnullsp = P.getTransposeNullSpace() if tnullsp.handle != 0: Pmat.setTransposeNullSpace(tnullsp) Pmat.setNearNullSpace(P.getNearNullSpace()) # Internally, we just set up a PC object that the user can configure # however from the PETSc command line. Since PC allows the user to specify # a KSP, we can do iterative by -assembled_pc_type ksp. pc = PETSc.PC().create(comm=opc.comm) pc.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=opc) # We set a DM and an appropriate SNESContext on the constructed PC so one # can do e.g. multigrid or patch solves. from firedrake.variational_solver import NonlinearVariationalProblem from firedrake.solving_utils import _SNESContext dm = opc.getDM() octx = get_appctx(dm) oproblem = octx._problem nproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(oproblem.F, oproblem.u, bcs, J=a, form_compiler_parameters=fcp) self._ctx_ref = _SNESContext(nproblem, mat_type, mat_type, octx.appctx, options_prefix=options_prefix) pc.setDM(dm) pc.setOptionsPrefix(options_prefix) pc.setOperators(Pmat, Pmat) self.pc = pc with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref, save=False): pc.setFromOptions()
def initialize(self, pc): from firedrake import TestFunction, parameters from firedrake.assemble import allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable from firedrake.interpolation import Interpolator from firedrake.solving_utils import _SNESContext from firedrake.matrix_free.operators import ImplicitMatrixContext _, P = pc.getOperators() appctx = self.get_appctx(pc) fcp = appctx.get("form_compiler_parameters") if pc.getType() != "python": raise ValueError("Expecting PC type python") ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(pc.getDM()) if ctx is None: raise ValueError("No context found.") if not isinstance(ctx, _SNESContext): raise ValueError("Don't know how to get form from %r", ctx) prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() options_prefix = prefix + self._prefix opts = PETSc.Options() # Handle the fine operator if type is python if P.getType() == "python": ictx = P.getPythonContext() if ictx is None: raise ValueError("No context found on matrix") if not isinstance(ictx, ImplicitMatrixContext): raise ValueError("Don't know how to get form from %r", ictx) fine_operator = ictx.a fine_bcs = ictx.row_bcs if fine_bcs != ictx.col_bcs: raise NotImplementedError("Row and column bcs must match") fine_mat_type = opts.getString(options_prefix + "mat_type", parameters["default_matrix_type"]) self.fine_op = allocate_matrix(fine_operator, bcs=fine_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=fine_mat_type, options_prefix=options_prefix) self._assemble_fine_op = create_assembly_callable( fine_operator, tensor=self.fine_op, bcs=fine_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=fine_mat_type) self._assemble_fine_op() fine_petscmat = self.fine_op.petscmat else: fine_petscmat = P # Transfer fine operator null space fine_petscmat.setNullSpace(P.getNullSpace()) fine_transpose_nullspace = P.getTransposeNullSpace() if fine_transpose_nullspace.handle != 0: fine_petscmat.setTransposeNullSpace(fine_transpose_nullspace) # Handle the coarse operator coarse_options_prefix = options_prefix + "mg_coarse" coarse_mat_type = opts.getString(coarse_options_prefix + "mat_type", parameters["default_matrix_type"]) get_coarse_space = appctx.get("get_coarse_space", None) if not get_coarse_space: raise ValueError( "Need to provide a callback which provides the coarse space.") coarse_space = get_coarse_space() get_coarse_operator = appctx.get("get_coarse_operator", None) if not get_coarse_operator: raise ValueError( "Need to provide a callback which provides the coarse operator." ) coarse_operator = get_coarse_operator() coarse_space_bcs = appctx.get("coarse_space_bcs", None) # These should be callbacks which return the relevant nullspaces get_coarse_nullspace = appctx.get("get_coarse_op_nullspace", None) get_coarse_transpose_nullspace = appctx.get( "get_coarse_op_transpose_nullspace", None) self.coarse_op = allocate_matrix(coarse_operator, bcs=coarse_space_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=coarse_mat_type, options_prefix=coarse_options_prefix) self._assemble_coarse_op = create_assembly_callable( coarse_operator, tensor=self.coarse_op, bcs=coarse_space_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp) self._assemble_coarse_op() coarse_opmat = self.coarse_op.petscmat # Set nullspace if provided if get_coarse_nullspace: nsp = get_coarse_nullspace() coarse_opmat.setNullSpace(nsp.nullspace(comm=pc.comm)) if get_coarse_transpose_nullspace: tnsp = get_coarse_transpose_nullspace() coarse_opmat.setTransposeNullSpace(tnsp.nullspace(comm=pc.comm)) interp_petscmat = appctx.get("interpolation_matrix", None) if interp_petscmat is None: # Create interpolation matrix from coarse space to fine space fine_space = ctx.J.arguments()[0].function_space() interpolator = Interpolator(TestFunction(coarse_space), fine_space) interpolation_matrix = interpolator.callable() interp_petscmat = interpolation_matrix.handle # We set up a PCMG object that uses the constructed interpolation # matrix to generate the restriction/prolongation operators. # This is a two-level multigrid preconditioner. pcmg = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm) pcmg.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) pcmg.setType(pc.Type.MG) pcmg.setOptionsPrefix(options_prefix) pcmg.setMGLevels(2) pcmg.setMGCycleType(pc.MGCycleType.V) pcmg.setMGInterpolation(1, interp_petscmat) pcmg.setOperators(A=fine_petscmat, P=fine_petscmat) coarse_solver = pcmg.getMGCoarseSolve() coarse_solver.setOperators(A=coarse_opmat, P=coarse_opmat) # coarse space dm coarse_dm = coarse_solver.setDM(coarse_dm) coarse_solver.setDMActive(False) pcmg.setDM(pc.getDM()) pcmg.setFromOptions() self.pc = pcmg self._dm = coarse_dm prefix = coarse_solver.getOptionsPrefix() # Create new appctx self._ctx_ref = self.new_snes_ctx(pc, coarse_operator, coarse_space_bcs, coarse_mat_type, fcp, options_prefix=prefix) with dmhooks.add_hooks(coarse_dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref, save=False): coarse_solver.setFromOptions()
def initialize(self, pc): A, P = pc.getOperators() if P.getType() == "python": from firedrake.matrix_free.operators import ImplicitMatrixContext ctx = P.getPythonContext() if ctx is None: raise ValueError("No context found on matrix") if not isinstance(ctx, ImplicitMatrixContext): raise ValueError("Don't know how to get form from %r", ctx) J = ctx.a bcs = ctx.row_bcs if bcs != ctx.col_bcs: raise NotImplementedError("Row and column bcs must match") else: from firedrake.dmhooks import get_appctx from firedrake.solving_utils import _SNESContext ctx = get_appctx(pc.getDM()) if ctx is None: raise ValueError("No context found on form") if not isinstance(ctx, _SNESContext): raise ValueError("Don't know how to get form from %r", ctx) J = ctx.Jp or ctx.J bcs = ctx._problem.bcs mesh = J.ufl_domain() if mesh.cell_set._extruded: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented on extruded meshes") patch = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm) patch.setOptionsPrefix(pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "patch_") patch.setOperators(A, P) patch.setType("patch") funptr, kinfo = matrix_funptr(J) V, _ = map(operator.methodcaller("function_space"), J.arguments()) mesh = V.ufl_domain() if len(bcs) > 0: ghost_bc_nodes = numpy.unique( numpy.concatenate([bcdofs(bc, ghost=True) for bc in bcs])) global_bc_nodes = numpy.unique( numpy.concatenate([bcdofs(bc, ghost=False) for bc in bcs])) else: ghost_bc_nodes = numpy.empty(0, dtype=PETSc.IntType) global_bc_nodes = numpy.empty(0, dtype=PETSc.IntType) op_coeffs = [mesh.coordinates] for n in kinfo.coefficient_map: op_coeffs.append(J.coefficients()[n]) op_args = [] for c in op_coeffs: for c_ in c.split(): op_args.append( c_map = c_.cell_node_map() if c_map is not None: op_args.append( def op(pc, point, mat, cellIS, cell_dofmap): cells = cellIS.indices ncell = len(cells) dofs = funptr(0, ncell,, mat.handle, dofs, dofs, *op_args) mat.assemble() patch.setDM(mesh._plex) patch.setPatchCellNumbering(mesh._cell_numbering) offsets = numpy.append([0], numpy.cumsum([W.dof_count for W in V ])).astype(PETSc.IntType) patch.setPatchDiscretisationInfo([ for W in V], numpy.array([W.value_size for W in V], dtype=PETSc.IntType), [W.cell_node_list for W in V], offsets, ghost_bc_nodes, global_bc_nodes) patch.setPatchComputeOperator(op) patch.setPatchConstructType(patch.PatchConstructType.PYTHON, operator=self.user_construction_op) patch.setAttr("ctx", ctx) patch.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) patch.setFromOptions() patch.setUp() self.patch = patch
def initialize(self, pc): from firedrake.assemble import allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable _, P = pc.getOperators() if pc.getType() != "python": raise ValueError("Expecting PC type python") opc = pc appctx = self.get_appctx(pc) fcp = appctx.get("form_compiler_parameters") V = get_function_space(pc.getDM()) if len(V) == 1: V = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), V.ufl_element()) else: V = MixedFunctionSpace([V_ for V_ in V]) test = TestFunction(V) trial = TrialFunction(V) if P.type == "python": context = P.getPythonContext() # It only makes sense to preconditioner/invert a diagonal # block in general. That's all we're going to allow. if not context.on_diag: raise ValueError("Only makes sense to invert diagonal block") prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() options_prefix = prefix + self._prefix mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(options_prefix + "mat_type", "aij") (a, bcs) = self.form(pc, test, trial) self.P = allocate_matrix(a, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=options_prefix) self._assemble_P = create_assembly_callable(a, tensor=self.P, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=mat_type) self._assemble_P() self.P.force_evaluation() # Transfer nullspace over Pmat = self.P.petscmat Pmat.setNullSpace(P.getNullSpace()) tnullsp = P.getTransposeNullSpace() if tnullsp.handle != 0: Pmat.setTransposeNullSpace(tnullsp) # Internally, we just set up a PC object that the user can configure # however from the PETSc command line. Since PC allows the user to specify # a KSP, we can do iterative by -assembled_pc_type ksp. pc = PETSc.PC().create(comm=opc.comm) pc.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=opc) pc.setOptionsPrefix(options_prefix) pc.setOperators(Pmat, Pmat) pc.setFromOptions() pc.setUp() self.pc = pc