예제 #1
파일: models.py 프로젝트: elma16/SeaIceSim
    def __init__(self, mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params):
        super().__init__(mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params)

        self.u0 = Function(self.V)
        self.u1 = Function(self.V)

        self.sigma0 = Function(self.S)
        self.sigma1 = Function(self.S)

        theta = conditions.theta
        uh = (1-theta) * self.u0 + theta * self.u1

        a = Function(self.U)
        h = Function(self.U)
        p = TestFunction(self.V)
        q = TestFunction(self.S)

        self.initial_condition((self.u0, conditions.ic['u']), (a, conditions.ic['a']), (h, conditions.ic['h']))
        ep_dot = self.strain(grad(uh))
        zeta = self.zeta(h, a, self.delta(uh))
        eta = zeta * params.e ** (-2)
        rheology = 2 * eta * ep_dot + (zeta - eta) * tr(ep_dot) * Identity(2) - 0.5 * self.Ice_Strength(h, a) * Identity(2)

        self.initial_condition((self.sigma0, rheology),(self.sigma1, self.sigma0))

        def sigma_next(timestep, zeta, ep_dot, sigma, P):
            A = 1 + 0.25 * (timestep * params.e ** 2) / params.T
            B = timestep * 0.125 * (1 - params.e ** 2) / params.T
            rhs = (1 - (timestep * params.e ** 2) / (4 * params.T)) * sigma - timestep / params.T * (
                    0.125 * (1 - params.e ** 2) * tr(sigma) * Identity(2) - 0.25 * P * Identity(2) + zeta * ep_dot)
            C = (rhs[0, 0] - rhs[1, 1]) / A
            D = (rhs[0, 0] + rhs[1, 1]) / (A + 2 * B)
            sigma00 = 0.5 * (C + D)
            sigma11 = 0.5 * (D - C)
            sigma01 = rhs[0, 1]
            sigma = as_matrix([[sigma00, sigma01], [sigma01, sigma11]])

            return sigma

        s = sigma_next(self.timestep, zeta, ep_dot, self.sigma0, self.Ice_Strength(h, a))

        sh = (1-theta) * s + theta * self.sigma0

        eqn = self.momentum_equation(h, self.u1, self.u0, p, sh, params.rho, uh, conditions.ocean_curr,
                                params.rho_a, params.C_a, params.rho_w, params.C_w, conditions.geo_wind, params.cor, self.timestep, ind=self.ind)

        tensor_eqn = inner(self.sigma1-s, q) * dx

        if conditions.stabilised['state']:
            alpha = conditions.stabilised['alpha']
            eqn += stabilisation_term(alpha=alpha, zeta=avg(zeta), mesh=mesh, v=uh, test=p)

        bcs = DirichletBC(self.V, conditions.bc['u'], "on_boundary")

        uprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, self.u1, bcs)
        self.usolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(uprob, solver_parameters=solver_params.bt_params)
        sprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(tensor_eqn, self.sigma1)
        self.ssolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(sprob, solver_parameters=solver_params.bt_params)
예제 #2
파일: models.py 프로젝트: elma16/SeaIceSim
    def __init__(self, mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params):
        super().__init__(mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params)
        self.u0 = Function(self.V)
        self.u1 = Function(self.V)
        self.h = Function(self.U)
        self.a = Function(self.U)
        self.p = TestFunction(self.V)

        theta = conditions.theta
        self.uh = (1-theta) * self.u0 + theta * self.u1

        ep_dot = self.strain(grad(self.uh))
        self.initial_condition((self.u0, conditions.ic['u']),(self.u1, self.u0),
                               (self.a, conditions.ic['a']),(self.h, conditions.ic['h']))

        zeta = self.zeta(self.h, self.a, self.delta(self.uh))
        eta = zeta * params.e ** -2
        sigma = 2 * eta * ep_dot + (zeta - eta) * tr(ep_dot) * Identity(2) - 0.5 * self.Ice_Strength(self.h,self.a) * Identity(2)

        self.eqn = self.momentum_equation(self.h, self.u1, self.u0, self.p, sigma, params.rho, self.uh,
                                          conditions.ocean_curr, params.rho_a, params.C_a, params.rho_w,
                                          params.C_w, conditions.geo_wind, params.cor, self.timestep)

        if conditions.stabilised['state']:
            alpha = conditions.stabilised['alpha']
            self.eqn += self.stabilisation_term(alpha=alpha, zeta=avg(zeta), mesh=mesh, v=self.uh, test=self.p)
        self.bcs = DirichletBC(self.V, conditions.bc['u'], "on_boundary")
예제 #3
def M(ε, A):
    r"""Calculate the membrane stress for a given strain rate and
    I = Identity(2)
    tr_ε = trace(ε)
    ε_e = sqrt((inner(ε, ε) + tr_ε**2) / 2)
    μ = 0.5 * A**(-1 / n) * ε_e**(1 / n - 1)
    return 2 * μ * (ε + tr_ε * I)
예제 #4
def stresses(ε_x, ε_z, A):
    r"""Calculate the membrane and vertical shear stresses for the given
    horizontal and shear strain rates and fluidity"""
    I = Identity(2)
    tr = trace(ε_x)
    ε_e = sqrt((inner(ε_x, ε_x) + inner(ε_z, ε_z) + tr**2) / 2)
    μ = 0.5 * A**(-1 / n) * ε_e**(1 / n - 1)
    return 2 * μ * (ε_x + tr * I), 2 * μ * ε_z
예제 #5
파일: models.py 프로젝트: elma16/SeaIceSim
        def sigma_next(timestep, zeta, ep_dot, sigma, P):
            A = 1 + 0.25 * (timestep * params.e ** 2) / params.T
            B = timestep * 0.125 * (1 - params.e ** 2) / params.T
            rhs = (1 - (timestep * params.e ** 2) / (4 * params.T)) * sigma - timestep / params.T * (
                    0.125 * (1 - params.e ** 2) * tr(sigma) * Identity(2) - 0.25 * P * Identity(2) + zeta * ep_dot)
            C = (rhs[0, 0] - rhs[1, 1]) / A
            D = (rhs[0, 0] + rhs[1, 1]) / (A + 2 * B)
            sigma00 = 0.5 * (C + D)
            sigma11 = 0.5 * (D - C)
            sigma01 = rhs[0, 1]
            sigma = as_matrix([[sigma00, sigma01], [sigma01, sigma11]])

            return sigma
예제 #6
파일: models.py 프로젝트: elma16/SeaIceSim
    def __init__(self, mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params):
        super().__init__(mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params)

        self.w0 = Function(self.W3)
        self.w1 = Function(self.W3)

        u0, s0, h0, a0 = self.w0.split()

        p, q, r, m = TestFunctions(self.W3)

        self.initial_condition((u0, conditions.ic['u']), (s0, conditions.ic['s']),
                               (a0, conditions.ic['a']), (h0, conditions.ic['h']))


        u1, s1, h1, a1 = split(self.w1)
        u0, s0, h0, a0 = split(self.w0)

        theta = conditions.theta
        uh = (1-theta) * u0 + theta * u1
        sh = (1-theta) * s0 + theta * s1
        hh = (1-theta) * h0 + theta * h1
        ah = (1-theta) * a0 + theta * a1

        ep_dot = self.strain(grad(uh))
        zeta = self.zeta(hh, ah, self.delta(uh))

        rheology = params.e ** 2 * sh + Identity(2) * 0.5 * ((1 - params.e ** 2) * tr(sh) + self.Ice_Strength(hh, ah))
        eqn = self.momentum_equation(hh, u1, u0, p, sh, params.rho, uh, conditions.ocean_curr, params.rho_a,
                                params.C_a, params.rho_w, params.C_w, conditions.geo_wind, params.cor, self.timestep, ind=self.ind)
        eqn += self.transport_equation(uh, hh, ah, h1, h0, a1, a0, r, m, self.n, self.timestep)
        eqn += inner(self.ind * (s1 - s0) + 0.5 * self.timestep * rheology / params.T, q) * dx
        eqn -= inner(q * zeta * self.timestep / params.T, ep_dot) * dx

        if conditions.stabilised['state']:
            alpha = conditions.stabilised['alpha']
            eqn += self.stabilisation_term(alpha=alpha, zeta=avg(zeta), mesh=mesh, v=uh, test=p)

        bcs = DirichletBC(self.W3.sub(0), conditions.bc['u'], "on_boundary")

        uprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, self.w1, bcs)
        self.usolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(uprob, solver_parameters=solver_params.bt_params)

        self.u1, self.s0, self.h1, self.a1 = self.w1.split()
예제 #7
파일: models.py 프로젝트: elma16/SeaIceSim
    def __init__(self, mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params):
        super().__init__(mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params)

        self.w0 = Function(self.W2)
        self.w1 = Function(self.W2)

        u0, h0, a0 = self.w0.split()

        p, q, r = TestFunctions(self.W2)

        self.initial_condition((u0, conditions.ic['u']), (h0, conditions.ic['h']),
                               (a0, conditions.ic['a']))

        u1, h1, a1 = split(self.w1)
        u0, h0, a0 = split(self.w0)

        theta = conditions.theta
        uh = (1-theta) * u0 + theta * u1
        ah = (1-theta) * a0 + theta * a1
        hh = (1-theta) * h0 + theta * h1

        ep_dot = self.strain(grad(uh))
        zeta = self.zeta(hh, ah, self.delta(uh))
        eta = zeta * params.e ** (-2)
        sigma = 2 * eta * ep_dot + (zeta - eta) * tr(ep_dot) * Identity(2) - self.Ice_Strength(hh, ah) * 0.5 * Identity(

        eqn = self.momentum_equation(hh, u1, u0, p, sigma, params.rho, uh, conditions.ocean_curr, params.rho_a,
                                params.C_a, params.rho_w, params.C_w, conditions.geo_wind, params.cor, self.timestep)
        eqn += self.transport_equation(uh, hh, ah, h1, h0, a1, a0, q, r, self.n, self.timestep)

        if conditions.stabilised['state']:
            alpha = conditions.stabilised['alpha']
            eqn += self.stabilisation_term(alpha=alpha, zeta=avg(zeta), mesh=mesh, v=uh, test=p)

        bcs = DirichletBC(self.W2.sub(0), conditions.bc['u'], "on_boundary")

        uprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, self.w1, bcs)
        self.usolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(uprob, solver_parameters=solver_params.bt_params)

        self.u1, self.h1, self.a1 = self.w1.split()
예제 #8
def hyperelasticity(mesh, degree):
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'Q', degree)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    du = TrialFunction(V)  # Incremental displacement
    u = Function(V)  # Displacement from previous iteration
    B = Function(V)  # Body force per unit mass
    # Kinematics
    I = Identity(mesh.topological_dimension())
    F = I + grad(u)  # Deformation gradient
    C = F.T * F  # Right Cauchy-Green tensor
    E = (C - I) / 2  # Euler-Lagrange strain tensor
    E = variable(E)
    # Material constants
    mu = Constant(1.0)  # Lame's constants
    lmbda = Constant(0.001)
    # Strain energy function (material model)
    psi = lmbda / 2 * (tr(E)**2) + mu * tr(E * E)
    S = diff(psi, E)  # Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
    PK = F * S  # First Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor
    # Variational problem
    return derivative((inner(PK, grad(v)) - inner(B, v)) * dx, u, du)
예제 #9
파일: models.py 프로젝트: elma16/SeaIceSim
    def __init__(self, mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params):
        super().__init__(mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params)

        self.w0 = Function(self.W1)
        self.w1 = Function(self.W1)
        self.a = Function(self.U)
        self.h = Function(self.U)

        self.u0, self.s0 = self.w0.split()
        self.p, self.q = TestFunctions(self.W1)

        self.initial_condition((self.u0, conditions.ic['u']), (self.s0, conditions.ic['s']),
                               (self.a, conditions.ic['a']), (self.h, conditions.ic['h']))

        u1, s1 = split(self.w1)
        u0, s0 = split(self.w0)

        theta = conditions.theta
        uh = (1-theta) * u0 + theta * u1
        sh = (1-theta) * s0 + theta * s1

        self.ep_dot = self.strain(grad(uh))
        zeta = self.zeta(self.h, self.a, self.delta(uh))
        self.rheology = params.e ** 2 * sh + Identity(2) * 0.5 * ((1 - params.e ** 2) * tr(sh) + self.Ice_Strength(self.h, self.a))
        self.eqn = self.momentum_equation(self.h, u1, u0, self.p, sh, params.rho, uh, conditions.ocean_curr, params.rho_a,
                                          params.C_a, params.rho_w, params.C_w, conditions.geo_wind, params.cor, self.timestep, ind=self.ind)
        self.eqn += inner(self.ind * (s1 - s0) + 0.5 * self.timestep * self.rheology / params.T, self.q) * dx
        self.eqn -= inner(self.q * zeta * self.timestep / params.T, self.ep_dot) * dx

        if conditions.stabilised['state']:
            alpha = conditions.stabilised['alpha']
            self.eqn += self.stabilisation_term(alpha=alpha, zeta=avg(zeta), mesh=mesh, v=uh, test=self.p)
        self.bcs = DirichletBC(self.W1.sub(0), conditions.bc['u'], "on_boundary")
예제 #10
 def M(ε, B):
     I = Identity(2)
     tr_ε = trace(ε)
     ε_e = sqrt((inner(ε, ε) + tr_ε**2) / 2)
     μ = 0.5 * B * ε_e**(1 / n - 1)
     return 2 * μ * (ε + tr_ε * I)
예제 #11
파일: compliance.py 프로젝트: LLNL/pyMMAopt
 def sigma(v):
     return 2.0 * mu * epsilon(v) + lmbda * tr(epsilon(v)) * Identity(2)
예제 #12
    def residual(self, test, trial, trial_lagged, fields, bcs):

        if 'background_viscosity' in fields:
            assert('grid_resolution' in fields)
            mu_background = fields['background_viscosity']
            grid_dx = fields['grid_resolution'][0]
            grid_dz = fields['grid_resolution'][1]
            mu_h = 0.5*abs(trial[0]) * grid_dx + mu_background
            mu_v = 0.5*abs(trial[1]) * grid_dz + mu_background
            print("use redx viscosity")
            diff_tensor = as_tensor([[mu_h, 0], [0, mu_v]])

            mu = fields['viscosity']
            if len(mu.ufl_shape) == 2:
                diff_tensor = mu
                diff_tensor = mu * Identity(self.dim)
        phi = test
        n = self.n
        u = trial
        u_lagged = trial_lagged

        grad_test = nabla_grad(phi)
        stress = dot(diff_tensor, nabla_grad(u))
        if self.symmetric_stress:
            stress += dot(diff_tensor, grad(u))

        F = 0
        F += inner(grad_test, stress)*self.dx

        # Interior Penalty method
        # see https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260085826 for details
        # on the choice of sigma

        degree = self.trial_space.ufl_element().degree()
        if not isinstance(degree, int):
            degree = max(degree[0], degree[1])
        # safety factor: 1.0 is theoretical minimum
        alpha = fields.get('interior_penalty', 2.0)
        if degree == 0:
            # probably only works for orthog. quads and hexes
            sigma = 1.0
            nf = self.mesh.ufl_cell().num_facets()
            family = self.trial_space.ufl_element().family()
            if family in ['DQ', 'TensorProductElement', 'EnrichedElement']:
                degree_gradient = degree
                degree_gradient = degree - 1
            sigma = alpha * cell_edge_integral_ratio(self.mesh, degree_gradient) * nf
        # we use (3.23) + (3.20) from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260085826
        # instead of maximum over two adjacent cells + and -, we just sum (which is 2*avg())
        # and the for internal facets we have an extra 0.5:
        # WEIRDNESS: avg(1/CellVolume(mesh)) crashes TSFC - whereas it works in scalar diffusion! - instead just writing out explicitly
        sigma *= FacetArea(self.mesh)*(1/CellVolume(self.mesh)('-') + 1/CellVolume(self.mesh)('+'))/2

        if not is_continuous(self.trial_space):
            u_tensor_jump = tensor_jump(n, u)
            if self.symmetric_stress:
                u_tensor_jump += transpose(u_tensor_jump)
            F += sigma*inner(tensor_jump(n, phi), dot(avg(diff_tensor), u_tensor_jump))*self.dS
            F += -inner(avg(dot(diff_tensor, nabla_grad(phi))), u_tensor_jump)*self.dS
            F += -inner(tensor_jump(n, phi), avg(stress))*self.dS

        for id, bc in bcs.items():
            if 'u' in bc or 'un' in bc:
                if 'u' in bc:
                    u_tensor_jump = outer(n, u-bc['u'])
                    u_tensor_jump = outer(n, n)*(dot(n, u)-bc['un'])
                if self.symmetric_stress:
                    u_tensor_jump += transpose(u_tensor_jump)
                # this corresponds to the same 3 terms as the dS integrals for DG above:
                F += 2*sigma*inner(outer(n, phi), dot(diff_tensor, u_tensor_jump))*self.ds(id)
                F += -inner(dot(diff_tensor, nabla_grad(phi)), u_tensor_jump)*self.ds(id)
                if 'u' in bc:
                    F += -inner(outer(n, phi), stress) * self.ds(id)
                elif 'un' in bc:
                    # we only keep, the normal part of stress, the tangential
                    # part is assumed to be zero stress (i.e. free slip), or prescribed via 'stress'
                    F += -dot(n, phi)*dot(n, dot(stress, n)) * self.ds(id)
            if 'stress' in bc:  # a momentum flux, a.k.a. "force"
                # here we need only the third term, because we assume jump_u=0 (u_ext=u)
                # the provided stress = n.(mu.stress_tensor)
                F += dot(-phi, bc['stress']) * self.ds(id)
            if 'drag' in bc:  # (bottom) drag of the form tau = -C_D u |u|
                C_D = bc['drag']
                if 'coriolis_frequency' in fields and self.dim == 2:
                    assert 'u_velocity' in fields
                    u_vel_component = fields['u_velocity']
                    unorm = pow(dot(u_lagged, u_lagged) + pow(u_vel_component, 2) + 1e-6, 0.5)
                    unorm = pow(dot(u_lagged, u_lagged) + 1e-6, 0.5)

                F += dot(-phi, -C_D*unorm*u) * self.ds(id)

            # NOTE 1: unspecified boundaries are equivalent to free stress (i.e. free in all directions)
            # NOTE 2: 'un' can be combined with 'stress' provided the stress force is tangential (e.g. no-normal flow with wind)

            if 'u' in bc and 'stress' in bc:
                raise ValueError("Cannot apply both 'u' and 'stress' bc on same boundary")
            if 'u' in bc and 'drag' in bc:
                raise ValueError("Cannot apply both 'u' and 'drag' bc on same boundary")
            if 'u' in bc and 'un' in bc:
                raise ValueError("Cannot apply both 'u' and 'un' bc on same boundary")

        return -F