예제 #1
    def get_tracker_data(self, fw_id):
        data = []
        for l in self.launches.find({'fw_id': fw_id}, {'trackers': 1, 'launch_id': 1}):
            if 'trackers' in l:  # backwards compatibility
                trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(t) for t in l['trackers']]
                data.append({'launch_id': l['launch_id'], 'trackers': trackers})

        return data
예제 #2
파일: launchpad.py 프로젝트: flxb/fireworks
    def get_tracker_data(self, fw_id):
        data = []
        for l in self.launches.find({'fw_id': fw_id}, {'trackers': 1, 'launch_id': 1}):
            if 'trackers' in l:  # backwards compatibility
                trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(t) for t in l['trackers']]
                data.append({'launch_id': l['launch_id'], 'trackers': trackers})

        return data
예제 #3
    def checkout_fw(self, fworker, launch_dir, fw_id=None, host=None, ip=None):
        (internal method) Finds a FireWork that's ready to be run, marks it as running,
        and returns it to the caller. The caller is responsible for running the FireWork.

        :param fworker: A FWorker instance
        :param host: the host making the request (for creating a Launch object)
        :param ip: the ip making the request (for creating a Launch object)
        :param launch_dir: the dir the FW will be run in (for creating a Launch object)
        :return: a FireWork, launch_id tuple

        # TODO: this method is confusing, says AJ of Xmas past. Clean it up, remove duplication, etc.

        m_fw = self._get_a_fw_to_run(fworker.query, fw_id)
        if not m_fw:
            return None, None

        # was this Launch previously reserved? If so, overwrite that reservation with this Launch
        # note that adding a new Launch is problematic from a duplicate run standpoint
        prev_reservations = [l for l in m_fw.launches if l.state == 'RESERVED']
        reserved_launch = None if len(prev_reservations) == 0 else prev_reservations[0]

        state_history = reserved_launch.state_history if reserved_launch else None
        l_id = reserved_launch.launch_id if reserved_launch else self.get_new_launch_id()
        trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(f) for f in m_fw.spec['_trackers']] if '_trackers' in m_fw.spec else None
        m_launch = Launch('RUNNING', launch_dir, fworker, host, ip, trackers=trackers, state_history=state_history,

        self.launches.find_and_modify({'launch_id': m_launch.launch_id}, m_launch.to_db_dict(), upsert=True)

        self.m_logger.debug('Created/updated Launch with launch_id: {}'.format(l_id))

        if not reserved_launch:
            # we're appending a new FireWork
            # we're updating an existing launch
            m_fw.launches = [m_launch if l.launch_id == m_launch.launch_id else l for l in

        m_fw.state = 'RUNNING'

        # update any duplicated runs
        for fw in self.fireworks.find(
                {'launches': l_id, 'state': {'$in': ['WAITING', 'READY', 'RESERVED', 'FIZZLED']}},
                {'fw_id': 1}):
            fw_id = fw['fw_id']
            fw = self.get_fw_by_id(fw_id)
            fw.state = 'RUNNING'

        self.m_logger.debug('Checked out FW with id: {}'.format(m_fw.fw_id))

        # use dict as return type, just to be compatible with multiprocessing
        return m_fw, l_id
예제 #4
파일: launchpad.py 프로젝트: flxb/fireworks
    def checkout_fw(self, fworker, launch_dir, fw_id=None, host=None, ip=None):
        (internal method) Finds a FireWork that's ready to be run, marks it as running,
        and returns it to the caller. The caller is responsible for running the FireWork.

        :param fworker: A FWorker instance
        :param host: the host making the request (for creating a Launch object)
        :param ip: the ip making the request (for creating a Launch object)
        :param launch_dir: the dir the FW will be run in (for creating a Launch object)
        :return: a FireWork, launch_id tuple

        # TODO: this method is confusing, says AJ of Xmas past. Clean it up, remove duplication, etc.

        m_fw = self._get_a_fw_to_run(fworker.query, fw_id)
        if not m_fw:
            return None, None

        # was this Launch previously reserved? If so, overwrite that reservation with this Launch
        # note that adding a new Launch is problematic from a duplicate run standpoint
        prev_reservations = [l for l in m_fw.launches if l.state == 'RESERVED']
        reserved_launch = None if len(prev_reservations) == 0 else prev_reservations[0]

        state_history = reserved_launch.state_history if reserved_launch else None
        l_id = reserved_launch.launch_id if reserved_launch else self.get_new_launch_id()
        trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(f) for f in m_fw.spec['_trackers']] if '_trackers' in m_fw.spec else None
        m_launch = Launch('RUNNING', launch_dir, fworker, host, ip, trackers=trackers, state_history=state_history,

        self.launches.find_and_modify({'launch_id': m_launch.launch_id}, m_launch.to_db_dict(), upsert=True)

        self.m_logger.debug('Created/updated Launch with launch_id: {}'.format(l_id))

        if not reserved_launch:
            # we're appending a new FireWork
            # we're updating an existing launch
            m_fw.launches = [m_launch if l.launch_id == m_launch.launch_id else l for l in

        m_fw.state = 'RUNNING'

        # update any duplicated runs
        for fw in self.fireworks.find(
                {'launches': l_id, 'state': {'$in': ['WAITING', 'READY', 'RESERVED', 'FIZZLED']}},
                {'fw_id': 1}):
            fw_id = fw['fw_id']
            fw = self.get_fw_by_id(fw_id)
            fw.state = 'RUNNING'

        self.m_logger.debug('Checked out FW with id: {}'.format(m_fw.fw_id))

        return m_fw, l_id
예제 #5
    def reserve_fw(self, fworker, launch_dir, host=None, ip=None):
        m_fw = self._get_a_fw_to_run(fworker.query)
        if not m_fw:
            return None, None
            # create a launch
        # TODO: this code is duplicated with checkout_fw with minimal mods, should refactor this!!
        launch_id = self.get_new_launch_id()
        trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(f) for f in m_fw.spec['_trackers']] if '_trackers' in m_fw.spec else None
        m_launch = Launch('RESERVED', launch_dir, fworker, host, ip, trackers=trackers, launch_id=launch_id,
        self.launches.find_and_modify({'launch_id': m_launch.launch_id}, m_launch.to_db_dict(), upsert=True)

        # add launch to FW
        m_fw.state = 'RESERVED'
        self.m_logger.debug('Reserved FW with id: {}'.format(m_fw.fw_id))

        return m_fw, launch_id
예제 #6
파일: launchpad.py 프로젝트: flxb/fireworks
    def _reserve_fw(self, fworker, launch_dir, host=None, ip=None):
        m_fw = self._get_a_fw_to_run(fworker.query)
        if not m_fw:
            return None, None
            # create a launch
        # TODO: this code is duplicated with checkout_fw with minimal mods, should refactor this!!
        launch_id = self.get_new_launch_id()
        trackers = [Tracker.from_dict(f) for f in m_fw.spec['_trackers']] if '_trackers' in m_fw.spec else None
        m_launch = Launch('RESERVED', launch_dir, fworker, host, ip, trackers=trackers, launch_id=launch_id,
        self.launches.find_and_modify({'launch_id': m_launch.launch_id}, m_launch.to_db_dict(), upsert=True)

        # add launch to FW
        m_fw.state = 'RESERVED'
        self.m_logger.debug('Reserved FW with id: {}'.format(m_fw.fw_id))

        return m_fw, launch_id