예제 #1
 def test09_add_management_server(self):
     print "**** Creating management server."
     usr = ""
     pwd = ""
     # find correct BMC passwords from global config
     for creds in fit_common.GLOBAL_CONFIG['credentials']['bmc']:
         if fit_common.remote_shell('ipmitool -I lanplus -H ' + fit_common.ARGS_LIST['bmc']
                                + ' -U ' + creds['username'] + ' -P '
                                + creds['password'] + ' fru')['exitcode'] == 0:
             usr = creds['username']
             pwd = creds['password']
     # create management node using these creds
     payload = {
                 "name":"Management Server",
                 "type": "mgmt",
                 "autoDiscover": "true",
                 "ipmi-obm-service": {
                     "host": fit_common.ARGS_LIST['bmc'],
                     "user": usr,
                     "password": pwd
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes", action='post', payload=payload)
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 201, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expecting 201, got '
                      + str(api_data['status']))
     # run discovery workflow
     payload = {
                 "name": "Graph.MgmtSKU.Discovery",
                 "options":{"defaults": {"nodeId": api_data['json']['id']}}
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + api_data['json']['id'] + "/workflows",
                                     action='post', payload=payload)
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 201, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expecting 201, got '
                      + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #2
 def check_for_active_poller_data(self, max_time):
     Determine if all poller have data.
     :param    Time to wait (in 10 second intervals)
     :return:  True  - Poller have data
               False - Not all poller have data
     poller_list = []
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/pollers')
     if api_data:
         # set up a list of poller ids
         for index in api_data['json']:
         if poller_list != []:
             for _ in range(0, max_time):
                 # move backwards through the list allowing completed poller ids to be popped
                 # off the list
                 for i in reversed(range(len(poller_list))):
                     id = poller_list[i]
                     poll_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/pollers/" + id + "/data/current")
                     # Check if data current returned 200 and data in the poll, if so, remove from list
                     if poll_data['status'] == 200 and len(poll_data['json']) != 0:
                 if poller_list == []:
                     # return when all pollers look good
                     return True
     if poller_list != []:
         log.error("Poller IDs with error or no data: {}".format(json.dumps(poller_list, indent=4)))
     return False
예제 #3
 def test_api_20_templates_library_ID_put_get_delete(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/templates/library/testid?scope=global", action="text-put", payload="null")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 201, "Was expecting code 201. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/templates/library/testid")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['text'], "null", "Data 'null' was not returned.")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/templates/library/testid", action="delete")
 def test_redfish_v1_accountservice_accounts(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts')
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     #iterate through member links
     for item in api_data['json']['Members']:
         link_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(item['@odata.id'])
         self.assertEqual(link_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(link_data['status']))
 def test_04_redfish_v1_chassis_id_thermal(self):
     errorlist = []
     # Get list of Chassis from the stack
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/Chassis')
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code')
     for nodeid in api_data['json']['Members']:
         thermalurl = nodeid['@odata.id'] + "/Thermal"
         node = nodeid['@odata.id'].split('/')[-1]
         if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
             print ("Node ID: {} ".format(node))
             print "Thermal url", thermalurl
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(thermalurl)
         if api_data['status'] != 200:
             errorlist.append("Nodeid: {} Bad return code {} for url: {}".format(node, api_data['status'], thermalurl))
             for item in ['@odata.type', '@odata.id', 'Id']:
                 if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                     print ("Checking: {0}".format(item))
                 self.assertIn(item, api_data['json'], item + ' field not present')
                 if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 3:
                     print ("\t {0}".format( api_data['json'][item]))
                 self.assertGreater(len(api_data['json'][item]), 0, item + ' field empty')
     if errorlist:
         print json.dumps(errorlist, indent=4)
     self.assertEqual(errorlist, [], "Errors found".format(errorlist))
 def test_02_redfish_v1_chassis_id_links(self):
     #iterate through list of chassis from redfish
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/Chassis')
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code')
     for nodeid in api_data['json']['Members']:
         if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
             print ("Node ID: {} ".format(nodeid))
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(nodeid['@odata.id'])
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         # check required fields
         # check Name field first because that will be used for other checks
         self.assertIn('Name', api_data['json'], 'Name field not present')
         self.assertGreater(len(api_data['json']['Name']), 0, 'Name field empty')
         chassis_name = api_data['json']['Name']
         if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
             print ("Node ID: {} Name: {} ".format(nodeid, chassis_name))
         for item in ['Links', '@odata.id', '@odata.type']:
             if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                 print ("Checking: {0}".format(item))
             self.assertIn(item, api_data['json'], item + ' field not present')
             # if the chassis name is Unknown, fields will not be populated
             if chassis_name != 'Unknown':
                 if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                     print ("Chassis_name : {0}".format(chassis_name))
                     print ("Checking: {0}".format(item))
                 self.assertGreater(len(api_data['json'][item]), 0, item + ' field empty')
    def test_7_poller_error_counter(self):
        msg = "Description: Check for Poller Errors"
        if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            print "\t{0}".format(msg)

        errorlist = []
        for node in NODELIST:
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                nodetype = get_rackhd_nodetype(node)
                print "\nNode: {} Type: {}".format(node, nodetype)
            mondata = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + node + "/pollers")
            self.assertIn(mondata['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code, expecting 200, received {}".format(mondata['status']))
            for item in mondata['json']:
                # check required fields
                if item['pollInterval'] == 0:
                    errorlist.append("Node: {} pollInterval field error: {}".format(node, item['pollInterval']))
                for subitem in ['node', 'config', 'createdAt', 'id', 'name', 'config', 'updatedAt']:
                    if subitem not in item:
                        errorlist.append("Node: {} field error: {}".format(node, subitem))
            poller_dict = test_api_utils.get_supported_pollers(node)
            for poller in poller_dict:
                poller_id = poller_dict[poller]["poller_id"]
                poll_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/pollers/" + poller_id)
                poll_fails = poll_data['json'].get('failureCount', 0)
                if poll_fails != 0:
                    errorlist.append("Node: {} Poller: {} {} reported {} failureCount".format(node, poller, poller_id, poll_fails))
        if errorlist != []:
            print "{}".format(fit_common.json.dumps(errorlist, indent=4))
            self.assertEqual(errorlist, [], "Error reported in Pollers counters")
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print "No Poller errors found"
예제 #8
    def check_for_active_workflows(self, max_time):
        Determine if are any active workflows.
        :param    Time to wait (in 10 second intervals)
        :return:  True  - No active workflows
                  False - Workflows are active
        for dummy in range(0, max_time):
            nodes_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes")
            if nodes_data['status'] == 200 and len(nodes_data['json']) > 0:
                # if there are nodes present, determine if discovery has completed on them
                discovery_complete = True
                for node in nodes_data['json']:
                    if node['type'] == 'compute':
                        self.assertIn('id', node, 'node does not contain id')
                        node_id = node['id']
                        # determine if there are any active worlflows. If so, discovery not completed
                        awf_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/1.1/nodes/'
                                                           + node_id
                                                           + '/workflows/active')
                        # 204 indicates "No Content"
                        if awf_data['status'] != 204 or 'sku' not in node:
                            discovery_complete = False

                if discovery_complete:
                    return True
        return False
 def test_redfish_v1_systems_id_logservices(self):
     # iterate through node IDs
     for nodeid in NODECATALOG:
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/Systems/' + nodeid)
         if api_data['status'] == 200:
             api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/Systems/' + nodeid + '/LogServices')
             self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
 def test_verify_poller_error_counter(self):
     msg = "Description: Check for Poller Errors"
     print "\t{0}".format(msg)
     errorlist = []
     for node in NODELIST:
         mon_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + node + "/pollers")
         self.assertIn(mon_data['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code")
         for item in mon_data['json']:
             # check required fields
             self.assertGreater(item['pollInterval'], 0, 'pollInterval field error')
             for subitem in ['node', 'config', 'createdAt', 'id', 'name', 'config', 'updatedAt']:
                 self.assertIn(subitem, item, subitem + ' field error')
         poller_dict = test_api_utils.get_supported_pollers(node)
         for poller in poller_dict:
             poller_id = poller_dict[poller]["poller_id"]
             poll_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/pollers/" + poller_id)
             poll_fails = poll_data['json'].get('failureCount', 0)
             if poll_fails != 0:
                 errorlist.append("Node: {} Poller: {} {} reported {} failureCount".format(node,
     if errorlist != []:
         print "{}".format(fit_common.json.dumps(errorlist, indent=4))
         self.assertEqual(errorlist, [], "Error reported in Pollers")
         if fit_common.VERBOSITY >- 2:
             print ("No Poller errors found")
예제 #11
 def __apply_obmsetting_to_node(self, nodeid):
     usr = None
     # pwd = ''
     response = fit_common.rackhdapi(
         '/api/2.0/nodes/' + nodeid + '/catalogs/bmc')
     bmcip = response['json']['data']['IP Address']
     # Try credential record in config file
     for creds in fit_common.fitcreds()['bmc']:
         if fit_common.remote_shell(
             'ipmitool -I lanplus -H ' + bmcip + ' -U ' + creds['username'] + ' -P ' +
                 creds['password'] + ' fru')['exitcode'] == 0:
             usr = creds['username']
             pwd = creds['password']
     # Put the credential to OBM settings
     if usr is not None:
         payload = {
             "service": "ipmi-obm-service",
             "config": {
                 "host": bmcip,
                 "user": usr,
                 "password": pwd},
             "nodeId": nodeid}
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/obms", action='put', payload=payload)
         if api_data['status'] == 201:
             return True
     return False
    def test_nodes_id_pollers(self):
        msg = "Description: Display the poller updated-at per node."
        print "\t{0}".format(msg)

        node = 0
        errorlist = []
        for node in NODELIST:
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print "Node: {}".format(node)
            mondata = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + node + "/pollers")
            self.assertIn(mondata['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code, expecting 200, received {}".format(mondata['status']))
            for item in mondata['json']:
                # check required fields
                if item['pollInterval'] == 0:
                    errorlist.append("Node: {} pollInterval field error: {}".format(node, item['pollInterval']))
                for subitem in ['node', 'config', 'createdAt', 'id', 'name', 'config', 'updatedAt']:
                    if subitem not in item:
                        errorlist.append("Node: {} field error: {}".format(node, subitem))
            poller_dict = test_api_utils.get_supported_pollers(node)
            for poller in poller_dict:
                poller_id = poller_dict[poller]["poller_id"]
                poll_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/pollers/" + poller_id)
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    print "\nPoller: {}  ID: {} ".format(poller, str(poller_id))
                    print "Created At: {}".format(fit_common.json.dumps(poll_data['json']['createdAt']))
                    print "Updated At: {}".format(fit_common.json.dumps(poll_data['json']['updatedAt']))
        if errorlist != []:
            print "{}".format(fit_common.json.dumps(errorlist, indent=4))
            self.assertEqual(errorlist, [], "Error reporterd.")
 def test_redfish_v1_eventservice_subscriptions_post_get_delete(self):
     payload = {
               "@odata.context": "string",
               "@odata.id": str(fit_common.time.time()),
               "@odata.type": str(fit_common.time.time()),
               "Context": "Test",
               "Description": str(fit_common.time.time()),
               "Destination": str(fit_common.time.time()),
               "EventTypes": [
               "HttpHeaders": [
               "Id": str(fit_common.time.time()),
               "Name": str(fit_common.time.time()),
               "Oem": {},
               "Protocol": "Redfish"
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions', action="post", payload=payload)
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 201, "Was expecting code 201. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/' + api_data['json']['Id'])
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/' + api_data['json']['Id'], action="delete")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #14
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Get the list of nodes
        NODECATALOG = fit_common.node_select()
        assert (len(NODECATALOG) != 0), "There are no nodes currently discovered"

        # Select one node at random
        cls.__NODE = NODECATALOG[random.randint(0, len(NODECATALOG) - 1)]

        # Print node Id, node BMC mac ,node type
        nodeinfo = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/nodes/' + cls.__NODE)['json']
        nodesku = fit_common.rackhdapi(nodeinfo.get('sku'))['json']['name']
        monurl = "/api/2.0/nodes/" + cls.__NODE + "/catalogs/bmc"
        mondata = fit_common.rackhdapi(monurl, action="get")
        catalog = mondata['json']
        bmcresult = mondata['status']
        if bmcresult != 200:
            log.info_1(" Node ID: " + cls.__NODE)
            log.info_1(" Error on catalog/bmc command")
            log.info_1(" Node ID: " + cls.__NODE)
            log.info_1(" Node SKU: " + nodesku)
            log.info_1(" Node BMC Mac: %s", catalog.get('data')['MAC Address'])
            log.info_1(" Node BMC IP Addr: %s", catalog.get('data')['IP Address'])
            log.info_1(" Node BMC IP Addr Src: %s", catalog.get('data')['IP Address Source'])

        # delete active workflows for specified node
        result = fit_common.cancel_active_workflows(cls.__NODE)
        assert (result is True), "There are still some active workflows running against the node"
예제 #15
 def test_api_11_obms_library(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/obms/library")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
     for item in api_data['json']:
         obm_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/obms/library/" + item['service'])
         self.assertEqual(obm_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         self.assertGreater(len(obm_data['json']['service']), 0, 'service field error')
예제 #16
    def test_api_11_pollers_post_delete(self):
        mon_ip_addr = ""
        poller_id = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + MON_NODES[0])['json']['id']
        data_payload = {"name": "test", "type": "ipmi",
                        "ip": str(mon_ip_addr),
                        "user": "******", "password": "******",
                        "node": str(poller_id), "pollInterval": 100,

        # Create a new SDR poller, should return status 200
        api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/1.1/pollers/', action="post",
        self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))

        # Check that the new poller shows up in the GET
        mon_url = "/api/1.1/pollers/" + api_data['json']["id"]
        api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(mon_url)
        self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))

        # Delete the new poller, should return status 204
        api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(mon_url, action="delete")
        self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 204, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 204, got:' + str(api_data['status']))

        # Check that the poller can no longer be retrieved (404 Not Found)
        api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(mon_url)
        self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 404, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 404, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
    def test_2_pollers_by_id(self):
        msg = "Description: Display the poller data per node."
        if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            print "\t{0}".format(msg)

        errorlist = []
        poller_list = ['driveHealth', 'sel', 'chassis', 'selInformation', 'sdr']
        for node in NODELIST:
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                nodetype = get_rackhd_nodetype(node)
                print "Node: {}  Type: {}".format(node, nodetype)
            mondata = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + node + "/pollers")
            self.assertIn(mondata['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code, expecting 200, received {}".format(mondata['status']))

            # check required fields
            for item in mondata['json']:
                if item['pollInterval'] == 0:
                    errorlist.append("Node: {} pollInterval field error: {}".format(node, item['pollInterval']))
                for subitem in ['node', 'config', 'createdAt', 'id', 'name', 'config']:
                    if subitem not in item:
                        errorlist.append("Node: {} field error: {}".format(node, subitem))

            # display poller data for the node
            poller_dict = test_api_utils.get_supported_pollers(node)
            for poller in poller_dict:
                poller_id = poller_dict[poller]["poller_id"]
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    print "Poller: {}  ID: {} ".format(poller, str(poller_id))
                poll_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/pollers/" + poller_id)
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 3:
                    print fit_common.json.dumps(poll_data.get('json', ""), indent=4)

        if errorlist != []:
            print "{}".format(fit_common.json.dumps(errorlist, indent=4))
            self.assertEqual(errorlist, [], "Error reported.")
    def test_check_poller_interval(self):
        msg = "Description: Display the poller interval."
        print "\t{0}".format(msg)

        for node in NODELIST:
            print "\nNode: ", node
            mon_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + node + "/pollers")
            self.assertIn(mon_data['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got {}".format(mon_data['status']))

            poller_list = []
            print "mon_data "
            print fit_common.json.dumps(mon_data['json'], indent=4)
            for item in mon_data['json']:
            print "Poller list", poller_list

            for poller_id in poller_list:
                poller = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/pollers/" + poller_id )
                self.assertIn(poller['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code")
                pollerdata = poller['json']

                # check required fields
                self.assertGreater(pollerdata['pollInterval'], 0, 'pollInterval field error')
                poller_interval = pollerdata['pollInterval']
                print "pollerInterval", poller_interval
                pollertime = poller_interval / 1000

                print pollerdata['config'].get('metric', "")
                print pollerdata.get('nextScheduled', "")
                print pollertime

                pollcurrent = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/pollers/" + poller_id + "/data/current" )
                self.assertIn(pollcurrent['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code")
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    print fit_common.json.dumps(pollcurrent, indent=4)
예제 #19
 def test_sel_alert(self):
     # The SEL log poller test will inject a CPU IERR event in the node BMC and moniter the AMQP message queue
     node_collection = test_api_utils.get_node_list_by_type("compute")
     nodeid = ""
     # Check is skupack is installed. If no skupack installed, we won't get any SEL alert
     if self.check_skupack() is False:
         self.fail("No skupack is intalled in the RackHD. The SEL alert test will fail.")
     for dummy in node_collection:
         nodeid = node_collection[random.randint(0, len(node_collection) - 1)]
         if fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/nodes/' + nodeid)['json']['name'] != "Management Server":
     logs.debug_2('Checking OBM setting...')
     node_obm = fit_common.rackhdapi(
         '/api/2.0/nodes/' + nodeid)['json']['obms']
     if node_obm == []:
         self.assertTrue(self._apply_obmsetting_to_node(nodeid), "Fail to apply obm setting!")
     # Clear sel to avoid the sel log full
     test_api_utils.run_ipmi_command_to_node(nodeid, "sel clear")
     # Find the SEL poller id. This id will be used to validate AMQP message body.
     pollerid = self._get_ipmi_poller_by_node(nodeid, "selEntries")
     logs.debug('launch AMQP thread for sel alert')
     sel_worker = AmqpWorker(
         exchange_name="on.events", topic_routing_key="polleralert.sel.#." + nodeid,
         external_callback=self.amqp_callback, timeout=200)
     # Send out sel iERR injection.
     command = "raw 0x0a 0x44 0x01 0x00 0x02 0xab 0xcd 0xef 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x07 0x02 0xef 0x00 0x00 0x00"
     test_api_utils.run_ipmi_command_to_node(nodeid, command)
     workflow_amqp = amqp_queue.get()
     self._process_message("sel.updated", pollerid, nodeid, "polleralert", "critical", workflow_amqp)
예제 #20
def get_compute_node_username(node_id):
    Get the username credential from node id
    :param node_id: The id given by OnRack
        dict_credential = {"user": user_name, "password": password}
        1 on network error
        2 on parsing error
        3 on unable to obtain password from username
        4 Get compute node credentials failure
    monorail_url = "/api/2.0/nodes/" + node_id
    rest_res = {'json': "", 'text': "", 'status': "", 'headers': ""}
    rest_res = fit_common.rackhdapi(url_cmd=monorail_url)

    if rest_res['status'] != 200:
        if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            print "Error in getting response with url\n\t" + monorail_url
        return 1

    node_info = rest_res['json']

        obm_list = node_info['obms']
        obm_url = obm_list[0]['ref']
        obm_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(obm_url, action="get")
        if obm_data['status'] != 200:
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print "Error in getting response with obm data\n\t" + obm_url
            return 1

        username = obm_data['json']['config'].get('user')
        if username:
            user = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', username).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print "Unable to obtain the user name from node id given"
            return 2

        if user:
            password = guess_the_password(user)
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print "Unable to obtain the user name from test host and node id"
            return 2

        if password is None:
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print "Unable to obtain the password from test host and node id"
            return 3

        ret_dict_cred = {"user": user, "password": password}
        return ret_dict_cred

        if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            print "ERROR: Get compute node credentials failed"
        return 4
예제 #21
 def test_api_20_obms_definitions(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/obms/definitions")
         api_data["status"], 200, "Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:" + str(api_data["status"])
     # check links
     for item in api_data["json"]:
         self.assertEqual(fit_common.rackhdapi(item)["status"], 200, "Bad link: " + item)
예제 #22
 def test_api_11_schemas(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/schemas")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
     for item in api_data['json']:
          if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                 print "Checking:", item['id']
          self.assertEqual(fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/schemas/" + item['id'])
                          ['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #23
 def test_api_20_nodes_ID_ssh(self):
     # iterate through nodes
     for nodeid in NODECATALOG:
         payload = {"service": "ssh-ibm-service", "config": {"host": "", "user": "******", "password": "******"}}
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + nodeid + "/ssh", action="post", payload=payload)
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 201, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 201, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + nodeid + "/ssh")
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #24
 def test_api_11_nodes_ID_catalogs_source(self):
     # iterate through sources
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/1.1/catalogs')
     for sourceid in api_data['json']:
         # iterate through nodes
         for nodeid in MON_NODES:
             api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + nodeid + "/catalogs/" + sourceid['source'])
             self.assertIn(api_data['status'], [200, 404], 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
    def test_poller_bandwidth_util(self):
        msg = "Description: Display snmp-interface-bandwidth-utilization."
        print "\t{0}".format(msg)

        for node in NODELIST:
            print "\nNode: ", node
            item_polls = {}
            mon_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + node + "/pollers")
            self.assertIn(mon_data['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got {}".format(mon_data['status']))

            poller_list = []
            poller_test = "snmp-interface-bandwidth-utilization"
            for item in mon_data['json']:
                if item['config']['metric'] == poller_test:

            print "Poller list", poller_list
            self.assertNotEquals(poller_list, [], "Poller {0} not in list of pollers".format(poller_test))

            pollertime = i = 0
            while i < POLLS:
                if POLLS > 1 and pollertime:
                    print "sleeping " + str(pollertime) + " seconds"

                # for the list of poller ids, get the poller data and check the fields exist
                for poller_id in poller_list:
                    poller = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/pollers/"+ poller_id)
                    self.assertIn(poller['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got {}".format(poller['status']))
                    pollerdata = poller['json']
                    item_polls = {'node': node, 'poller': pollerdata['config']['metric'], "next_poll": pollerdata['nextScheduled']}

                    # check required fields and grab the poller times
                    self.assertGreater(pollerdata['pollInterval'], 0, 'pollInterval field error')
                    poller_interval = pollerdata['pollInterval']
                    print "pollerInterval", poller_interval
                    pollertime = poller_interval / 1000

                    # metric is the name of the poller
                    print "PollerData metric: ", pollerdata['config']['metric']
                    print "NextScheduled poll: ", pollerdata['nextScheduled']
                    print "PollerTime: ", pollertime

                    # get the current readings from the switch for this poller
                    pollcurrent = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/pollers/"+ poller_id + "/data/current")
                    self.assertIn(pollcurrent['status'], [200], "Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got {}".format(pollcurrent['status']))

                    # dump the world
                    if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 3:
                        print json.dumps(pollcurrent['json'], indent=4)

                    # display the interfaces that are UP
                    if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                        result = pollcurrent['json'][0]['result']
                        for key, value in result.items():
                            if value.get("inputUtilization") != None:
                                print "IF: {} Utilization: {}".format(key, value)
                i += 1
예제 #26
 def test03_upload_sku_packs(self):
     # upload SKU packs to RackHD
     for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk('on-skupack/tarballs'):
         for skupacks in files:
             print "\n**** Loading SKU Pack for " + skupacks
             fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/skus/pack", action="binary-post",
                                  payload=file(fit_common.TEST_PATH + "on-skupack/tarballs/" + skupacks).read())
     print "\n"
 def setUp(self):
     # create test file
     TESTFILE = open(fit_common.TEST_PATH + "testfile", "w+")
     # delete any instance of testfile on host
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/files")
     for item in api_data["json"]:
         if item["filename"] == "testfile":
             fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/files/" + item["uuid"], action="delete")
예제 #28
 def test_api_11_nodes_ID_tags(self):
     # iterate through nodes
     for nodeid in MON_NODES:
         #add tag
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + nodeid + "/tags", action="patch", payload={"tags":["test_tag_" + nodeid]})
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         #check tag
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + nodeid + "/tags")
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         self.assertIn("test_tag_" + nodeid, fit_common.json.dumps(api_data['json']), "Tag not set:" + fit_common.json.dumps(api_data['json']))
 def test_api_11_templates_library_ID_put_get_delete(self):
     # this test creates a dummy template called 'testid', checks it, then deletes it
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/templates/library/testid?scope=global", action="text-put", payload="null")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/templates/library/testid")
     self.assertIn(api_data['json']['contents'], "null", "Data 'null' was not returned.")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     # template 'delete' not supported in API 1.1, using 2.0
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/templates/library/testid", action="delete")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #30
 def setUp(self):
     # create test file
     TESTFILE = open(fit_common.TEST_PATH + 'testfile','w+')
     # delete any instance of testfile on host
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/files')
     for item in api_data['json']:
         if item['filename'] == 'testfile':
             fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/files/' + item['uuid'], action="delete")
예제 #31
 def test_api_20_nodes_ID_workflows(self):
     # iterate through nodes
     for nodeid in NODECATALOG:
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + nodeid + "/workflows")
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         for item in api_data['json']:
             # check required fields
             for subitem in ['createdAt', 'context', 'definition']:
                 if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                     print "Checking:", item['name'], subitem
                 self.assertIn(subitem, item, subitem + ' field error')
예제 #32
 def test07_discover_pdu_node(self):
     log.info_5("**** Creating PDU node.")
     payload = {"type": "pdu",
                "name": "PDU",
                "autoDiscover": "true",
                "obms": [{"service": "snmp",
                          "config": {"host": fit_common.fitcfg()['pdu'],
                                     "community": fit_common.fitcreds()['snmp'][0]['community']}}]}
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/", action='post', payload=payload)
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 201, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expecting 201, got ' +
예제 #33
 def test_api_20_nodes_ID_obmsettings(self):
     # create fake node
     data_payload = {"name": "fakenode", "type": "compute"}
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes", action="post",
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 201, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 201, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
     obm_id = api_data['json']['id']
     # assign OBM
     data_payload = {'obmSettings': [
         {'service': 'ipmi-obm-service',
          'config': {'user': '******', 'password': '******',
                     'host': ''}}]}
     mon_url = "/api/2.0/nodes/" + obm_id
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(mon_url, action="patch", payload=data_payload)
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
     # delete node
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(mon_url, action="delete")
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 204, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 204, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(mon_url)
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 404, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 404, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #34
    def test_redfish_v1_systems_id_logservices_sel_entries_id(self):
        # iterate through node IDs
        for nodeid in NODECATALOG:
            api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/redfish/v1/Systems/" + nodeid + "/LogServices/SEL/Entries")
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print ("nodeid: {0}".format(nodeid))
            self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))

            for member in api_data['json']['Members']:
                self.assertIn('@odata.id', member, '@odata.id field not present')
                self.assertGreater(len(member['@odata.id']), 0, '@odata.id field empty')
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    print ("\nEntry {0}".format(member['@odata.id']))

                #get the selid off the list
                selid = str(member['Id'])
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 3:
                    print ("SEL Entry: {0}".format(selid))

                #retrieve the data for the specific SEL entry and iterate through individual fields
                seldata = fit_common.rackhdapi("/redfish/v1/Systems/" + nodeid + "/LogServices/SEL/Entries/" + selid)
                self.assertEqual(seldata['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(seldata['status']))

                for item in [ 'Id', 'Created', 'EntryCode', 'EntryType', 'SensorType', 'Name', 'Message' ]:
                    if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                        print ("Checking: {0}".format(item))
                    if item == 'Created' and item not in seldata['json']:
                        log.info_5("Created field does not exist for SEL Sensor Type:" + seldata['json']['SensorType'] +
                                   " SensorNumber:" + str(seldata['json']['SensorNumber']))
                        self.assertIn(item, seldata['json'], item + ' field not present')
                        if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 3:
                            print("\t {0}".format(seldata['json'][item]))
                        if len(seldata['json'][item]) == 0 and item == 'Message':
                            log.info_5("Message field empty for SEL SensorType:" + seldata['json']['SensorType'] +
                                       " SensorNumber:" + str(seldata['json']['SensorNumber']))
                        elif len(seldata['json'][item]) == 0 and item == 'Created':
                            log.info_5("Created field empty for SEL SensorType:" + seldata['json']['SensorType'] +
                                       " SensorNumber:" + str(seldata['json']['SensorNumber']))
                            self.assertGreater(len(seldata['json'][item]), 0, item + ' field empty')
예제 #35
 def test_sel_alert(self):
     # The SEL log poller test will inject a CPU IERR event in the node BMC and moniter the AMQP message queue
     node_collection = test_api_utils.get_node_list_by_type("compute")
     nodeid = ""
     # Check is skupack is installed. If no skupack installed, we won't get any SEL alert
     if self.check_skupack() is False:
             "No skupack is intalled in the RackHD. The SEL alert test will fail."
     for dummy in node_collection:
         nodeid = node_collection[random.randint(0,
                                                 len(node_collection) - 1)]
         if fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/nodes/' + nodeid
                                 )['json']['name'] != "Management Server":
     logs.debug_2('Checking OBM setting...')
     node_obm = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/nodes/' +
     if node_obm == []:
                         "Fail to apply obm setting!")
     # Clear sel to avoid the sel log full
     test_api_utils.run_ipmi_command_to_node(nodeid, "sel clear")
     # Find the SEL poller id. This id will be used to validate AMQP message body.
     pollerid = self._get_ipmi_poller_by_node(nodeid, "selEntries")
     logs.debug('launch AMQP thread for sel alert')
     sel_worker = AmqpWorker(exchange_name="on.events",
                             topic_routing_key="polleralert.sel.#." +
     # Send out sel iERR injection.
     command = "raw 0x0a 0x44 0x01 0x00 0x02 0xab 0xcd 0xef 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x07 0x02 0xef 0x00 0x00 0x00"
     test_api_utils.run_ipmi_command_to_node(nodeid, command)
     workflow_amqp = amqp_queue.get()
     self._process_message("sel.updated", pollerid, nodeid, "polleralert",
                           "critical", workflow_amqp)
예제 #36
 def test_api_11_config_httpendpoints(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/1.1/config')
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     self.assertIn('httpEndpoints', api_data['json'], 'httpEndpoints field list error')
     # verify both northbound and southbound endpoints are configured (as a minimum)
     for endpoint in api_data['json']['httpEndpoints']:
         self.assertIn('address', endpoint, 'missing httpEndpoints address field')
         self.assertIn('authEnabled', endpoint, 'missing httpEndpoints authEnabled field')
         self.assertIn('httpsEnabled', endpoint, 'missing httpEndpoints httpsEnabled field')
         self.assertIn('proxiesEnabled', endpoint, 'missing httpEndpoints proxiesEnabled field')
         self.assertIn('routers', endpoint, 'missing httpEndpoints routers field')
         self.assertIn(endpoint['routers'], ['northbound-api-router', 'southbound-api-router'], 'unexpected httpEndpoints routers field')
 def test_redfish_v1_managers_rackhd_ethernetinterfaces(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(
         api_data['status'], 200,
         "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     #iterate through member links
     for item in api_data['json']['Members']:
         manager_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(item['@odata.id'])
             manager_data['status'], 200,
             "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(manager_data['status']))
         # if configured, test IP addresses of each port
         if 'IPv4Addresses' in manager_data[
                 'json'] and 'Address' in manager_data['json'][
             for item in manager_data['json']['IPv4Addresses']:
                     fit_common.remote_shell('ping -c 1 ' +
                     0, "Manager IP address not found.")
예제 #38
def get_node_list_by_type(node_type):
    Get node list according to type (like PDU, compute)
    :param type:
    :return: node id list for given type
    node_info = fit_common.rackhdapi(url_cmd="/api/2.0/nodes?type=" + node_type)
    node_list = []
    if node_info["status"] in [200, 201, 202, 204]:
        for node in node_info["json"]:
    return node_list
예제 #39
def get_rackhd_nodetype(nodeid):
    nodetype = "unknown"
    sku = ""
    # get node info
    mondata = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/nodes/" + nodeid)
    if mondata['status'] == 200:
        # get the sku id contained in the node
        sku = mondata['json'].get("sku")
        if sku:
            skudata = fit_common.rackhdapi(sku)
            if skudata['status'] == 200:
                nodetype = skudata['json'].get("name")
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    errmsg = "Error: SKU API failed {}, return code {} ".format(sku, skudata['status'])
                    print errmsg
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                errmsg = "Error: nodeid {} did not return a valid sku in get_rackhd_nodetype {}".format(nodeid, sku)
                print errmsg
    return nodetype
 def test_api_11_templates_library_ID_put_get_delete(self):
     # this test creates a dummy template called 'testid', checks it, then deletes it
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(
         api_data['status'], 200,
         "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/templates/library/testid")
     self.assertIn(api_data['json']['contents'], "null",
                   "Data 'null' was not returned.")
         api_data['status'], 200,
         "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     # template 'delete' not supported in API 1.1, using 2.0
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/templates/library/testid",
         api_data['status'], 200,
         "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #41
 def test_api_11_nodes_ID_pollers(self):
     # iterate through nodes
     for nodeid in NODECATALOG:
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + nodeid + "/pollers")
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         for item in api_data['json']:
             # check required fields
             self.assertGreater(item['pollInterval'], 0, 'pollInterval field error')
             for subitem in ['node', 'config', 'createdAt', 'id', 'name']:
                 if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                     print "Checking:", item['name'], subitem
                 self.assertIn(subitem, item, subitem + ' field error')
예제 #42
def delete_nodes_by_type(node_type):
    Delete all nodes for a given node_type
    :param node_type:
    node_list = []
    node_list = get_node_list_by_type(node_type)
    if node_list == []:
        return 0
    for node_id in node_list:
        active_wf = get_active_workflow(node_id)
        if active_wf != 0:
        fit_common.rackhdapi(url_cmd="/api/1.1/nodes/" + node_id,
    node_list = get_node_list_by_type(node_type)
    if node_list == []:
        return 0
        return -1
예제 #43
 def test02_preload_default_sku(self):
     # Load default SKU for unsupported compute nodes
     print '**** Installing default SKU'
     payload = {
         "name": "Unsupported-Compute",
         "rules": [{
             "path": "bmc.IP Address"
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/skus",
예제 #44
 def test_api_20_pollers_duplicates(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/pollers/library')
     for item in api_data['json']:
         poll_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/pollers/library/' +
             poll_data['status'], 200,
             'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' +
         self.assertGreater(len(item['name']), 0, 'name field error')
         self.assertGreater(len(item['config']), 0, 'config field error')
     # duplicate check
     nodelist = api_data['json']
     for nodenum in range(1, len(api_data['json'])):
         # poller library name
         for nodecheck in range(0, len(api_data['json'])):
             if nodenum != nodecheck:
                     nodelist[nodenum]['name'], nodelist[nodecheck]['name'],
                     "Duplicate poller lib name " +
예제 #45
 def test_api_20_config(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/config')
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     # check required fields
     self.assertIn('PATH', api_data['json'], 'PATH field error')
     self.assertIn('amqp', api_data['json'], 'amqp field error')
     self.assertIn('apiServerAddress', api_data['json'], 'apiServerAddress field error')
     self.assertIn('apiServerPort', api_data['json'], 'apiServerPort field error')
     self.assertIn('broadcastaddr', api_data['json'], 'broadcastaddr field error')
     self.assertIn('CIDRNet', api_data['json'], 'CIDRNet field error')
     self.assertIn('subnetmask', api_data['json'], 'subnetmask field error')
     self.assertIn('mongo', api_data['json'], 'mongo field error')
예제 #46
def get_rackhd_nodetype(nodeid):
    nodetype = ""
    # get the node info
    mondata = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + nodeid)
    if mondata['status'] != 200:
        if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
            print "Incorrect HTTP return code on nodeid, expected 200, received: {}".format(mondata['status'])
        # get the sku id contained in the node
        sku = mondata['json'].get("sku")
        if sku:
            skudata = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/skus/" + sku)
            if skudata['status'] != 200:
                if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                    print "Incorrect HTTP return code on sku, expected 200, received: {}".format(skudata['status'])
                nodetype = skudata['json'].get("name")
            if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                print "Error: nodeid {} did not return a valid sku in get_rackhd_nodetype{}".format(nodeid, sku)
    return nodetype
 def test_api_20_pollers_catalog(self):
     # Get poller catalog
     mon_pollers = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/pollers")['json']
     # iterate through poller IDs
     for poller_id in mon_pollers:
         # check for up to 120 seconds before giving up (pollers go every 60 seconds)
         max_cycles = 60
         sleep_delay = 2
         for dummy in range(0, max_cycles):
             api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/pollers/" + poller_id['id'] +
             if api_data['status'] == 200:
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Poller timeout on ID ' + poller_id['id'])
         # check for data in each poller type
         for item in api_data['json']:
             if 'sel' in item:
                 self.assertGreater(len(item['sel']), 0, 'sel' + ' poller data empty')
             if 'sdr' in item:
                 self.assertGreater(len(item['sdr']), 0, 'sdr' + ' poller data empty')
 def test_api_20_templates_metadata(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/templates/metadata")
         api_data['status'], 200,
         "Was expecting code 200. Got " + str(api_data['status']))
     for item in api_data['json']:
         # check required fields
         for subitem in ['hash', 'id', 'name', 'scope']:
             if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                 print "Checking:", item['name'], subitem
             self.assertGreater(len(item[subitem]), 0,
                                subitem + ' field error')
예제 #49
    def _node_reboot(self, nodeid):
        # Reboot the node to begin rediscover.
        logs.debug_3('Running rediscover, resetting system node...')
        logs.debug('launch AMQP thread')
        reset_worker = AmqpWorker(exchange_name="on.events",
                                  topic_routing_key="graph.#." + nodeid,

        # Reboot the node, wait reboot workflow start message.
        response = fit_common.rackhdapi('/redfish/v1/Systems/' + nodeid +
                                        payload={"reset_type": "ForceRestart"})
            response['status'] < 209,
            'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected<209, got:' +
        graphid = response['json']["@odata.id"].split(

        # wait for workflow started message.
        workflow_amqp = amqp_queue.get()
        if workflow_amqp[0][0:14] == "started":
            self._process_message("started", graphid, nodeid, "graph",
            self._process_message("progress.updated", graphid, nodeid, "graph",

        # wait for progress update finish message.
        workflow_amqp = amqp_queue.get()
        self._process_message("progress.updated", graphid, nodeid, "graph",

        # wait for progress finish message.
        retry_count = 0
        while retry_count < 10:
            workflow_amqp = amqp_queue.get()
            if workflow_amqp[0][0:14] == "graph.finished":
                self._process_message("finished", graphid, nodeid, "graph",
            retry_count = retry_count + 1
        self.assertNotEquals(retry_count, 10,
                             "No AMQP workflow finished message received")
예제 #50
 def test_api_11_workflows_tasks_library(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/workflows/tasks/library")
         api_data['status'], 200,
         'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' +
     for item in api_data['json']:
         if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
             print "Checking:", item["friendlyName"]
         self.assertGreater(len(item['injectableName']), 0,
                            'injectableName field error')
         self.assertGreater(len(item['friendlyName']), 0,
                            'friendlyName field error')
예제 #51
 def test_api_20_obms(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/obms")
         api_data['status'], 200,
         'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' +
     for item in api_data['json']:
         # check fields
         for block in item:
             if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                 print "Checking:", block
             self.assertGreater(len(str(item[block])), 0,
                                'Field error: ' + block)
예제 #52
 def test_redfish_v1_systems_id_logservices_sel(self):
     # iterate through node IDs
     for nodeid in NODECATALOG:
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/redfish/v1/Systems/" + nodeid + "/LogServices/sel")
         if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
             print ("nodeid: {0}".format(nodeid))
         self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
         for item in ['MaxNumberOfRecords', 'OverWritePolicy', 'DateTimeLocalOffset', 'Actions']:
             if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                 print ("Checking: {0}".format(item))
                 print ("\t {0}".format(api_data['json'][item]))
             self.assertIn(item, api_data['json'], item + ' field not present')
             self.assertGreater(len(str(api_data['json'][item])), 0, item + ' field empty')
예제 #53
 def check_for_active_pollers(self, max_time):
     Determine if all poller are active.
     :param    Time to wait (in 10 second intervals)
     :return:  True  - Poller active
               False - Pollers not active
     for _ in range(0, max_time):
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/pollers')
         if len(api_data['json']) > 0:
             return True
     return False
예제 #54
 def test06_startup(self):
     print "**** Start services."
         fit_common.remote_shell("/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart")
         ['exitcode'], 0, "dhcp startup failure.")
             "cd ~/;pm2 start rackhd-pm2-config.yml > /dev/null 2>&1")
         ['exitcode'], 0, "RackHD startup failure.")
     print "**** Check installation."
     for dummy in range(0, 10):
         fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/2.0/config")['status'], 200,
         "Unable to contact RackHD.")
 def test_api_11_workflows_put_ipmi(self):
     data_payload = \
             "friendlyName": "TestIPMI",
             "injectableName": 'Graph.Obm.Ipmi.CreateSettings.Test',
             "options": {
                     "user": "******",
                     "password": "******"
             "tasks": [
                     "label": "obm-ipmi-task",
                     "taskName": "Task.Obm.Ipmi.CreateSettings"
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/workflows", action="put", payload=data_payload)
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/workflows/library/" + 'Graph.Obm.Ipmi.CreateSettings.Test')
     self.assertEqual(api_data['status'], 200, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' + str(api_data['status']))
예제 #56
 def test11_check_node_inventory(self):
     # this test will verify node inventory by BMC MAC if specified in STACK_CONFIG
     errorlist = []
     #check OBM MAC addresses
     if "nodes" in fit_common.STACK_CONFIG[fit_common.ARGS_LIST['stack']]:
         nodecheck = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/obms')['text']
         for entry in fit_common.STACK_CONFIG[
             if entry['bmcmac'] not in str(nodecheck):
                 print '**** Missing node:' + entry[
                     'sku'] + "  BMC:" + entry['bmcmac']
         self.assertEqual(errorlist, [], "Missing nodes in catalog.")
예제 #57
 def test_api_11_workflows(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/workflows")
         api_data['status'], 200,
         'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' +
     for item in api_data['json']:
         # check required fields
         for subitem in ['id', 'name', 'updatedAt', 'createdAt']:
             if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                 print "Checking:", item['name'], subitem
             self.assertGreater(len(item[subitem]), 0,
                                subitem + ' field error')
예제 #58
 def test_api_11_nodes_ID_tags(self):
     # iterate through nodes
     for nodeid in MON_NODES:
         #add tag
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi(
             "/api/1.1/nodes/" + nodeid + "/tags",
             payload={"tags": ["test_tag_" + nodeid]})
             api_data['status'], 200,
             'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' +
         #check tag
         api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi("/api/1.1/nodes/" + nodeid +
             api_data['status'], 200,
             'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' +
             "test_tag_" + nodeid, fit_common.json.dumps(api_data['json']),
             "Tag not set:" + fit_common.json.dumps(api_data['json']))
 def test_api_20_catalogs(self):
     api_data = fit_common.rackhdapi('/api/2.0/catalogs')
         api_data['status'], 200,
         'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected 200, got:' +
     self.assertNotEqual(len(api_data['json']), 0, "Error, no catalog")
     for item in api_data['json']:
         # check required fields
         for subitem in ['node', 'id', 'source', 'data']:
             if fit_common.VERBOSITY >= 2:
                 print "Checking:", item['id'], subitem
             self.assertIn(subitem, item, subitem + ' field error')
예제 #60
 def test_rediscover_reboot_kickoff(self):
     nodeid = self.__get_run_context('start_nodeid')
     # first setup the web-hook to monitor (see test_rediscover_rackd_discover_hook) for
     # rackhd hook messages.
     # now give the node a kick
     response = fit_common.rackhdapi(
         '/redfish/v1/Systems/' + nodeid + '/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset', action='post',
         payload={"reset_type": "ForceRestart"})
         response['status'] < 209, 'Incorrect HTTP return code, expected<209, got:' + str(response['status']))
     graphid = response['json']["@odata.id"].split('/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/')[1]
     self.__set_run_context('reboot_graphid', graphid)