예제 #1
 class Header(Record):
     # lie here: the discriminator is actually 'A' but we handle
     # that manually above
     record_type = Discriminator('_')
     spaces = Skip(29)
     file_spec = Skip(10)
     version = Field(8)
     created = Field(17, ddmmyy_hhmmss)
     spaces2 = Skip(3)
     version_sequence = Field(2)
예제 #2
 class TIPLOCInsert(Record):
     prefix = Discriminator('TI')
     tiploc = Field(7)
     capitals = Field(2, int)
     nalco = Field(6, int)
     nlc_check = Field(1)
     tps_description = Field(26)
     stanox = Field(5, int)
     po_mcp_code = Field(4, int)
     crs = Field(3)
     capri_description = Field(16)
예제 #3
 class Header(Record):
     prefix = Discriminator('HD')
     mainframe_id = Field(20)
     date_of_extract = Field(6, ddmmyy)
     time_of_extract = Field(4, hhmm)
     current_file_ref = Field(7)
     last_file_ref = Field(7)
     update_indicator = Field(1, one_of(
         Constant('U', 'update'),
         Constant('F', 'full')
     version = Field(1)
     start_date = Field(6, ddmmyy)
     end_date = Field(6, ddmmyy)
예제 #4
 class BasicSchedule(Record):
     prefix = Discriminator('BS')
     type = NewDeleteRevises()
     train_uid = Field(6)
     date_from = Field(6, yymmdd)
     date_to = Field(6, yymmdd)
     days = Field(7, days)
     bank_holiday_running = BHX()
     status = STATUS()
     category = CATEGORY()
     identity = Field(4)
     headcode = Field(4)
     course_indicator = Skip(1)
     train_service_code = Field(8)
     portion_id = Field(1) # AKA BUSSEC
     power_type = POWER_TYPE()
     timing_load = Field(4) # Not decoded as requires power_type field
     speed = Field(3, safe_int)
     train_class = CLASS()
     sleepers = Field(1, one_of(
         none = Constant(' ', 'No sleepers'),
         both = Constant('B', 'First & Standard Class'),
         first = Constant('F', 'First Class only.'),
         standard = Constant('S', 'Standard Class only.'),
     reservations = Field(1, one_of(
         compulsory = Constant('A', 'Seat Reservations Compulsory'),
         bicycle = Constant('E', 'Reservations for Bicycles Essential'),
         recommended = Constant('R', 'Seat Reservations Recommended'),
         possible = Constant('S', 'Seat Reservations possible from any station'),
         empty = Constant(' ', 'empty (not in spec)')
     connection_indicator = Field(1) # not used
     catering_code = CATERING()
     service_branding = Skip(4) # appears to be always empty
     spare = Skip(1)
     stp = STPIndicator()
예제 #5
 class Association(Record):
     prefix = Discriminator('AA')
     type = NewDeleteRevises()
     main_uid = Field(6, str)
     associated_uid = Field(6, str)
     start_date = Field(6, yymmdd)
     end_date = Field(6, yymmdd)
     days = Field(7, days)
     category = Field(2, one_of(
         Constant('JJ', 'join'),
         Constant('VV', 'divide'),
         Constant('NP', 'next'),
         empty = Constant('  ', 'empty (not in spec)')
     date_indication = Field(1, one_of(
         same_day = Constant('S', 'standard (same day)'),
         next_day = Constant('N', 'over next midnight'),
         prev_day = Constant('P', 'over previous midnight'),
         empty = Constant(' ', 'empty (not in spec)')
     tiploc = Field(7)
     base_loc_suffix = Field(1)
     assoc_loc_suffix = Field(1)
     diagram_type = Field(1)
     association_type = Field(1, one_of(
         passenger = Constant('P', 'passenger use'),
         operating = Constant('O', 'operating use only'),
         empty = Constant(' ', 'empty (not in spec)')
     spare = Skip(31)
     stp = STPIndicator()
예제 #6
 class ZipCodeRecord(Record):
     type = Discriminator('')
     zip_code = Field(5)
     state_code = Field(2)
     city_name = Field(28)
     zip_type = Field(1)
     county_code = Field(5)
     latitude = Field(7, convertor=float)
     longitude = Field(8, convertor=float)
     area_code = Field(3)
     finance_code = Skip(6)
     city_official = Field(1)
     facility = Skip(1)
     msa_code = Field(4)
     pmsa_code = Field(4)
     filler = Skip(3)
예제 #7
 class RoutingGroup(Record):
     record_type = Discriminator('V')
     spaces = Skip(4)
     group_name = Field(30, strip)
     space = Skip(1)
     stations = Field(40, string_set)
예제 #8
 class StationAlias(Record):
     record_type = Discriminator('L')
     spaces = Skip(4)
     station_name = Field(30, strip)
     space = Skip(1)
     alias_name = Field(30, strip)
예제 #9
 class StationDetails(Record):
     record_type = Discriminator('A')
     spaces = Skip(4)
     station_name = Field(30, strip)
     cate_type = Field(
             none=Constant('0', 'Not an interchange Point'),
             small=Constant('1', 'Small Interchange Point'),
             medium=Constant('2', 'Medium Interchange Point'),
             large=Constant('3', 'Large Interchange Point'),
             subsidiary=Constant('9', 'A subsidiary TIPLOC'),
     tiploc = Field(7)
     subsidiary_code = Field(3)
     spaces2 = Skip(3)
     principal_code = Field(3)
     easting = Field(5, int)
     coordinate_type = Field(
         1, one_of(
             Constant('E', 'Estimated'),
             Constant(' ', 'Actual'),
     northing = Field(5, int)
     change_time = Field(2, int)
     footnote = Field(2)
     spaces3 = Skip(11)
     region = Field(3)