예제 #1
파일: recruiter.py 프로젝트: nhoening/fjd
 def fire(self, local_only=False):
     if len(self.hosts) == 0:
         print("[fjd-recruiter] No configured workers that I could search for!")
     for host in self.hosts:
         if host['name'] == 'localhost':
             fired = 0
             for s in [s for s in list_screens()\
                       if s.name.startswith(self.project)]:
                 fired += 1
             if fired > 0:
                 for f in os.listdir('{}/workerqueue'.format(self.wdir)):
                     os.remove('{}/workerqueue/{}'.format(self.wdir, f))
                 print('[fjd-recruiter] Fired {} worker(s) in project "{}".'\
                         .format(fired, self.project))
             elif debug:
                 print('[fjd-recruiter] No workers busy (yet) in project "{}".'\
         elif not local_only:
             # for remote hosts, call the recruiter over there
             ssh_client = mk_ssh_client(host['name'], getuser())
             print("[fjd-recruiter] Host {}: {}".format(host['name'],
                     ssh(ssh_client, 'fjd-recruiter --local-only --project {} fire'\
                               .format(self.project)).strip().replace('\n', '\n        ....')))
예제 #2
파일: recruiter.py 프로젝트: nhoening/fjd
    def hire(self):
        def signal_handler(signal, frame):
            ''' gently exiting, e.g. when CTRL-C was pressed.  '''
            sys.stdout.write('\n[fjd-recruiter] Received Exit signal while '\
                             'hiring. Firing workers in project {}...\n'\
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

        if len(self.hosts) == 0:
            print("[fjd-recruiter] Not sufficiently intialised to hire!")

        curdir = True and self.curdir or os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
        for host in self.hosts:
            if host['name'] == 'localhost':
                for worker in range(host['workers']):
                    sid = "{}-{}-{}".format(self.project, gethostname(), worker + 1)
                    # We create screens manually (not with screenutils), as
                    # we get more precision this way (making an .rc file)
                    rcfile = '{}/screenrcs/{}.rc'.format(self.wdir, sid)
                    logfile = '{}/screenlogs/{}.log'.format(self.wdir, sid)
                    rcf = open(rcfile, 'w')
                    rcf.write('''deflog on
logfile {}
logfile flush 2'''.format(logfile)) # last line flushes to logfile every 2 seconds
                    subprocess.call('bgscreen {} {} "cd {}; fjd-worker --project {}"'\
                            .format(sid, rcfile, curdir, self.project), shell=True)
                print('[fjd-recruiter] Hired {} workers in project "{}".'\
                       .format(host['workers'], self.project))
                # for remote hosts, call the recruiter over there
                ssh_client = mk_ssh_client(host['name'], getuser())
                print("[fjd-recruiter] Host {}: {}".format(host['name'],
                    ssh(ssh_client, 'fjd-recruiter --project {} --local-only --curdir {} hire {}'\
                          .format(self.project, curdir, host['workers']))\
                        .strip().replace('\n', '\n        ....')))