예제 #1
 def test_get_all_types(self):
     fm = ModelFlame(self.testfile)
     etypes = {
         'quadrupole', 'bpm', 'drift', 'source', 'rfcavity', 'sbend',
         'orbtrim', 'solenoid', 'stripper'
     self.assertEqual(set(fm.get_all_types()), etypes)
예제 #2
 def test_set_machine(self):
     fm_none = ModelFlame()
     with open(self.testfile, 'rb') as f:
         m = Machine(f)
     fm_none.machine = m
     self.assertEqual(fm_none.machine, m)
예제 #3
 def test_get_index_by_type(self):
     fm = ModelFlame(self.testfile)
     m = fm.machine
     all_types = fm.get_all_types()
     for n in range(2, len(all_types)):
         etyps = [random.choice(all_types) for _ in range(n)]
         e = fm.get_index_by_type(type=etyps)
         e0 = {t: m.find(type=t) for t in etyps}
         self.assertEqual(e, e0)
예제 #4
 def test_set_bmstate(self):
     fm_none = ModelFlame()
     with open(self.testfile, 'rb') as f:
         m = Machine(f)
     s = m.allocState({})
     m.propagate(s, 0, 1)
     fm_none.bmstate = s
     compare_mstates(self, fm_none.bmstate, s)
예제 #5
 def test_configure_source1(self):
     """Update source, as well as Ion_Z (and others)
     latfile = self.testfile
     fm = ModelFlame(lat_file=latfile)
     s = generate_source(fm.bmstate)
     s['properties']['IonChargeStates'] = np.asarray([0.1, ])
     self.assertEqual(fm.bmstate.IonZ, np.asarray([0.1, ]))
예제 #6
 def test_get_index_by_name(self):
     fm = ModelFlame(self.testfile)
     m = fm.machine
     all_names = fm.get_all_names()
     for n in range(2, 20):
         enames = [random.choice(all_names) for _ in range(n)]
         e = fm.get_index_by_name(name=enames)
         e0 = {n: m.find(name=n) for n in enames}
         self.assertEqual(e, e0)
예제 #7
    def test_insert_in_modelflame(self):
        latfile = self.testfile
        fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
        r0,s0 = fm.run(to_element=6)
        econf_before_insertion = fm.get_element(index=5)[0]
        total_before_insertion = len(fm.machine)

        new_econf = {'index':5, 'properties':{'name':'test_drift', 'type':'drift', 'L':0.05588}}
        total_after_insertion = len(fm._mach_ins)
        test_econf = fm.get_element(index=5)[0]
        self.assertEqual(test_econf['index'], new_econf['index'])
        self.assertEqual(test_econf['properties']['name'], new_econf['properties']['name'])
        self.assertEqual(test_econf['properties']['type'], new_econf['properties']['type'])
        self.assertEqual(test_econf['properties']['L'], new_econf['properties']['L'])
        self.assertEqual(total_before_insertion+1, total_after_insertion)

        test_econf2 = fm.get_element(index=6)[0]
        self.assertEqual(test_econf2['index'], 6)
        self.assertEqual(test_econf2['properties']['name'], econf_before_insertion['properties']['name'])
        self.assertEqual(test_econf2['properties']['type'], econf_before_insertion['properties']['type'])

        r1,s1 = fm.run(to_element=6)

        compare_mstates(self, s0, s1)
예제 #8
 def test_find(self):
     fm = ModelFlame(self.testfile)
     m = fm.machine
     all_types = fm.get_all_types()
     for i in range(2, 20):
         e = fm.find(m.conf(i)['name'])[0]
         self.assertEqual(i, e)
     for ntype in all_types:
         e0 = m.find(type=ntype)
         e  = fm.find(type=ntype)
         self.assertEqual(e, e0)
예제 #9
 def test_run_3(self):
     """ test run_3: test initial states
     latfile = self.testfile
     with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
         m0 = Machine(f)
     s0 = m0.allocState({})
     m0.propagate(s0, 0, 1)
     fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
     r, s = fm.run(from_element=0, to_element=0)
     compare_mstates(self, s0, s)
예제 #10
 def test_run_1(self):
     """ test_run_1: propagate from the first to last, monitor None
     latfile = self.testfile
     with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
         m0 = Machine(f)
     s0 = m0.allocState({})
     m0.propagate(s0, 0, len(m0))
     fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
     r,s = fm.run()
     self.assertEqual(r, [])
     compare_mstates(self, s, s0)
예제 #11
def plot_orbit(*args, **kwargs):
    """Plot orbit (x,y) from FLAME lattice file or model instance,
    first passing interested data columns as tuples, see the following

    Keyword Arguments
    latfile : str
        Name of FLAME lattice file.

    flame_model :
        ModelFlame object.

    r : dict
        Orignal data.

    >>> fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
    >>> # plot two curves: s v.s. x,y
    >>> plot_orbit(('pos', 'xcen'), ('pos', 'ycen'), flame_model=fm)
    See Also
    latfile = kwargs.get('latfile', None)
    flame_model = kwargs.get('flame_model', None)
    if latfile is not None:
        fm = ModelFlame(lat_file=latfile)
    elif flame_model is not None:
        fm = flame_model
        print("Please define 'latfile' or 'flame_model'.")
        return None

    ks = flatten(args)
    monitors = range(len(fm.machine))
    r, s = fm.run(monitor=monitors)
    data = fm.collect_data(r, **dict(zip(ks, [True]*len(ks))))
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    for xlbl, ylbl in args:
        ax.plot(data[xlbl], data[ylbl], label='${}$'.format(ylbl.upper()))
    return data
예제 #12
 def test_run_6(self):
     """ test_run_6: optional monitor setting 'all'
     latfile = self.testfile
     with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
         m0 = Machine(f)
     s0 = m0.allocState({})
     fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
     r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 0, len(m0), observe=range(len(m0)))
     r,s = fm.run(monitor='all')
     rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
     rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
     for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
         compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
     compare_mstates(self, s, s0)
예제 #13
 def test_run_2(self):
     """ test_run_2: propagate from the first to last, monitor all BPMs
     latfile = self.testfile
     with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
         m0 = Machine(f)
     s0 = m0.allocState({})
     fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
     obs = fm.get_index_by_type(type='bpm')['bpm']
     r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 0, len(m0), observe=obs)
     r,s = fm.run(monitor=obs)
     rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
     rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
     for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
         compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
     compare_mstates(self, s, s0)
예제 #14
 def test_run_8(self):
     """ test_run_8: include_initial_state
     latfile = self.testfile
     with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
         m0 = Machine(f)
     s0 = m0.allocState({})
     fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
     m0.propagate(s0, 0, 1)
     r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 1, len(m0), observe=range(len(m0)))
     r,s = fm.run(monitor='all', include_initial_state=False)
     rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
     rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
     for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
         compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
     compare_mstates(self, s, s0)
예제 #15
 def test_run_7(self):
     """ test_run_7: optional monitor setting 'type'
     latfile = self.testfile
     with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
         m0 = Machine(f)
     s0 = m0.allocState({})
     fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
     obs = fm.get_index_by_type(type='bpm')['bpm']
     r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 0, len(m0), observe=obs)
     r,s = fm.run(monitor='bpm')
     rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
     rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
     for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
         compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
     compare_mstates(self, s, s0)
예제 #16
    def test_collect_data(self):
        """ test_collect_data: get pos, x0, IonEk
        latfile = self.testfile
        with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
            m0 = Machine(f)
        s0 = m0.allocState({})
        r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 0, 100, observe=range(100))

        data0 = collect_data(r0, pos=True, x0=True, IonEk=True)

        fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
        r, s = fm.run(from_element=1, to_element=99, monitor=range(100))
        data = fm.collect_data(r, pos=True, x0=True, IonEk=True)

        self.assertEqual(data0['pos'][1:].tolist(), data['pos'].tolist())
        self.assertEqual(data0['x0'][1:].tolist(), data['x0'].tolist())
        self.assertEqual(data0['IonEk'][1:].tolist(), data['IonEk'].tolist())
예제 #17
    def test_reconfigure(self):
        latfile = self.testfile
        with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
            m0 = Machine(f)
        s0 = m0.allocState({})
        e_cor_idx = 10
        e_name = m0.conf(e_cor_idx)['name']
        m0.reconfigure(10, {'theta_x': 0.005})
        r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 0, len(m0), range(len(m0)))

        fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
        fm.reconfigure(e_name, {'theta_x': 0.005})
        r, s = fm.run(monitor=range(len(m0)))

        rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
        rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
        for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
            compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
예제 #18
    def test_run_4(self):
        """ test_run_4: run and monitor from element index of 10 to 20
        latfile = self.testfile
        with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
            m0 = Machine(f)
        s0 = m0.allocState({})
        m0.propagate(s0, 0, 10)
        r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 10, 11, observe=range(10, 21))

        fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
        r, s = fm.run(from_element=10, to_element=20, monitor=range(10,21))
        compare_mstates(self, s0, s)

        rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
        rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
        for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
            compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
예제 #19
 def test_transfer_matrix(self):
     """Calculate transfer matrix from A to B.
     cs = 0
     latfile = self.testfile
     fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
     r, s = fm.run(from_element=1, to_element=3, monitor=[1,2,3])
     s1 = r[0][-1]
     s2 = r[1][-1]
     s3 = r[2][-1]
     m21 = fm.get_transfer_matrix(from_element=1, to_element=2,
     m31 = fm.get_transfer_matrix(from_element=1, to_element=3,
                      s2.transfer_matrix[:, :, cs].tolist())
                         s3.transfer_matrix[:, :, cs],
                         s2.transfer_matrix[:, :, cs]).tolist())
     for i in range(7):
         self.assertAlmostEqual(np.dot(m31, s1.moment0[:,0])[i],
예제 #20
    def test_generate_source(self):
        latfile = self.testfile
        fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
        ms = fm.bmstate
        sconf = generate_source(ms)
        sconf0 = fm.get_element(type='source')[0]
        compare_source_element(self, sconf, sconf0)

        r0, s0 = fm.run(monitor=range(len(fm.machine)))
        r, s = fm.run(monitor=range(len(fm.machine)))
        compare_mstates(self, s, s0)

        rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
        rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
        for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
            compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
예제 #21
    def test_configure(self):
        latfile = self.testfile
        with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
            m0 = Machine(f)
        s0 = m0.allocState({})
        e_cor_idx = 10
        m0.reconfigure(10, {'theta_x': 0.005})
        r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 0, len(m0), range(len(m0)))

        fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
        e = fm.get_element(index=10)[0]
        e['properties']['theta_x'] = 0.005
        r, s = fm.run(monitor=range(len(m0)))

        rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
        rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
        for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
            compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
예제 #22
    def test_run_5(self):
        """ test_run_5: using BeamState object
        latfile = self.testfile
        with open(latfile, 'rb') as f:
            m0 = Machine(f)
        ms = BeamState(machine=m0)

        fm = ModelFlame()
        fm.bmstate = ms
        fm.machine = m0
        obs = fm.get_index_by_type(type='bpm')['bpm']
        r,s = fm.run(monitor=obs)

        s0 = m0.allocState({})
        m0.propagate(s0, 0, 1)
        r0 = m0.propagate(s0, 1, len(m0), observe=obs)
        rs0 = [ts for (ti,ts) in r0]
        rs = [ts for (ti,ts) in r]
        for (is1, is2) in zip(rs0, rs):
            compare_mstates(self, is1, is2)
        compare_mstates(self, s, s0)
예제 #23
 def setUp(self):
     testfile = os.path.join(curdir, 'lattice/test_0.lat')
     self.testfile = make_latfile(testfile)
     self.fm = ModelFlame(self.testfile)
예제 #24
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt

from flame import Machine

from flame_utils import generate_latfile
from flame_utils import BeamState
from flame_utils import ModelFlame

import logging
logging.getLogger('flame.machine').disabled = True

import ray

latfile = 'fitSolscan_20180430.lat'
fm = ModelFlame(latfile)
sols = fm.get_element(type='solenoid')
r, s = fm.run(monitor=-1)
refbg = s.bg[0]
    s.moment0_rms[0], s.moment0_rms[2],
    s.moment1[0, 2, 0] / s.moment0_rms[0] / s.moment0_rms[2]

def get_m1_mat(emitx, betax, alphax, emity, betay, alphay, cxy, cxyp, cyxp,
    emitx = emitx / 1e6
    emity = emity / 1e6
    m1_mat = np.eye(4)
예제 #25
 def test_set_latfile(self):
     fm_none = ModelFlame()
     fm_none.latfile = self.testfile
     self.assertEqual(fm_none.latfile, self.testfile)
예제 #26
 def test_init_machine(self):
     fm_none = ModelFlame()
     m, s = fm_none.init_machine(self.testfile)
     fm_none.machine, fm_none.bmstate = m, s
     self.assertEqual(fm_none.machine, m)
     compare_mstates(self, fm_none.bmstate, s)