예제 #1
    lines = raw_temperature(device)

    # Keep retrying till we get a YES from the thermometer
    # 1. Make sure that the response is not blank
    # 2. Make sure the response has at least 2 lines
    # 3. Make sure the first line has a "YES" at the end
    while not lines and len(lines) < 2 and lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
        # If we haven't got a valid response, wait for the WAIT_INTERVAL
        # (seconds) and try again.
        lines = raw_temperature()

    # Split out the raw temperature number
    temperature = lines[1].split('t=')[1]

    # Check that the temperature is not invalid
    if temperature != -1:
        temperature_celsius = round(float(temperature) / 1000.0, 1)
        temperature_fahrenheit = round((temperature_celsius * 1.8) + 32.0, 1)

    response = {
        'celsius': temperature_celsius,
        'fahrenheit': temperature_fahrenheit
    return response

if _name_ == "_main_":