예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: shahab3/photog
def register():
    Register a new user with Stormpath.
    form = RegistrationForm()

    # If we received a POST request with valid information, we'll continue
    # processing.
    if form.validate_on_submit():

        data = {}
        # Attempt to create the user's account on Stormpath.
            # email and password
            data['email'] = form.email.data
            data['password'] = form.password.data

            # given_name and surname are required fields
            data['given_name'] = 'Anonymous'
            data['surname'] = 'Anonymous'

            # create a tenant ID
            tenant_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            data['custom_data'] = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'site_admin': True}

            # Create the user account on Stormpath.  If this fails, an
            # exception will be raised.
            account = User.create(**data)

            # create a new stormpath group
            directory = stormpath_manager.application.default_account_store_mapping.account_store
            tenant_group = directory.groups.create({
                'name': tenant_id,
                'description': data['email']

            # assign new user to the newly created group

            # If we're able to successfully create the user's account,
            # we'll log the user in (creating a secure session using
            # Flask-Login), then redirect the user to the
            # STORMPATH_REDIRECT_URL setting.
            login_user(account, remember=True)

            # redirect to dashboard
            redirect_url = current_app.config['STORMPATH_REDIRECT_URL']
            return redirect(redirect_url)

        except StormpathError as err:

    return render_template(
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: caseydm/photog
def register():
    Register a new user with Stormpath.
    form = RegistrationForm()

    # If we received a POST request with valid information, we'll continue
    # processing.
    if form.validate_on_submit():

        data = {}
        # Attempt to create the user's account on Stormpath.
            # email and password
            data["email"] = form.email.data
            data["password"] = form.password.data

            # given_name and surname are required fields
            data["given_name"] = "Anonymous"
            data["surname"] = "Anonymous"

            # create a tenant ID
            tenant_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            data["custom_data"] = {"tenant_id": tenant_id, "site_admin": True}

            # Create the user account on Stormpath.  If this fails, an
            # exception will be raised.
            account = User.create(**data)

            # create a new stormpath group
            directory = stormpath_manager.application.default_account_store_mapping.account_store
            tenant_group = directory.groups.create({"name": tenant_id, "description": data["email"]})

            # assign new user to the newly created group

            # If we're able to successfully create the user's account,
            # we'll log the user in (creating a secure session using
            # Flask-Login), then redirect the user to the
            # STORMPATH_REDIRECT_URL setting.
            login_user(account, remember=True)

            # redirect to dashboard
            redirect_url = current_app.config["STORMPATH_REDIRECT_URL"]
            return redirect(redirect_url)

        except StormpathError as err:

    return render_template("account/register.html", form=form)
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: shahab3/photog
def add_user_confirm(token):
    Decode invite token and create new user account
    form = RegistrationForm()
    decoded = None
        ts = URLSafeTimedSerializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
        decoded = ts.loads(token, max_age=86400)
        email = decoded[0]

    if form.validate_on_submit():
            tenant_id = decoded[1]

            data = {}
            data['email'] = email
            data['password'] = request.form['password']

            # given_name and surname are required fields
            data['given_name'] = 'Anonymous'
            data['surname'] = 'Anonymous'

            # set tenant id and site_admin status
            data['custom_data'] = {
                'tenant_id': tenant_id,
                'site_admin': 'False'

            # create account
            account = User.create(**data)

            # add user to tenant group

            # login user
            login_user(account, remember=True)

            # success redirect
            return render_template('account/add_user_complete.html')
        except StormpathError as err:

    return render_template('account/add_user_setpassword.html',
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: caseydm/photog
def add_user_confirm(token):
    Decode invite token and create new user account
    form = RegistrationForm()
    decoded = None
        ts = URLSafeTimedSerializer(current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"])
        decoded = ts.loads(token, max_age=86400)
        email = decoded[0]

    if form.validate_on_submit():
            tenant_id = decoded[1]

            data = {}
            data["email"] = email
            data["password"] = request.form["password"]

            # given_name and surname are required fields
            data["given_name"] = "Anonymous"
            data["surname"] = "Anonymous"

            # set tenant id and site_admin status
            data["custom_data"] = {"tenant_id": tenant_id, "site_admin": "False"}

            # create account
            account = User.create(**data)

            # add user to tenant group

            # login user
            login_user(account, remember=True)

            # success redirect
            return render_template("account/add_user_complete.html")
        except StormpathError as err:

    return render_template("account/add_user_setpassword.html", form=form, email=email)
    def setUp(self):
        """Provision a single user account and some groups for testing."""
        # Call the parent setUp method first -- this will bootstrap our tests.
        super(TestGroupsRequired, self).setUp()

        with self.app.app_context():

            # Create our Stormpath user.
            self.user = User.create(
                given_name = 'Randall',
                surname = 'Degges',
                email = '*****@*****.**',
                password = '******',

            # Create two groups.
            self.admins = self.application.groups.create({
                'name': 'admins',
            self.developers = self.application.groups.create({
                'name': 'developers',
예제 #6
    def test_create(self):
        with self.app.app_context():

            # Ensure all defaults fields are properly set.
            user = User.create(
                email = '*****@*****.**',
                password = '******',
                given_name = 'Cookie',
                surname = 'Monster',
            self.assertEqual(user.email, '*****@*****.**')
            self.assertEqual(user.given_name, 'Cookie')
            self.assertEqual(user.surname, 'Monster')
            self.assertEqual(user.username, '*****@*****.**')
            self.assertEqual(user.middle_name, None)
            self.assertEqual(dict(user.custom_data), {})

            # Ensure we can the middle name and username fields to custom
            # entities.
            user = User.create(
                username = '******',
                email = '*****@*****.**',
                password = '******',
                given_name = 'Austin',
                surname = 'Powers',
                middle_name = 'Danger',
            self.assertEqual(user.username, 'powerful')
            self.assertEqual(user.middle_name, 'Danger')

            # Ensure we can set custom data when we create a user.
            user = User.create(
                email = '*****@*****.**',
                password = '******',
                given_name = 'Snoop',
                surname = 'Dogg',
                custom_data = {
                    'favorite_state': 'California',
                    'favorite_genre': 'reggae',
                    'bank_details': {
                        'name': 'Bank of America',
                        'amount': 9999999.99,
                        'branch': {
                            'name': 'Bank of Venice',
                            'address': '111 9th Street',
                            'city': 'Venice',
                            'state': 'CA',
            self.assertEqual(dict(user.custom_data), {
                'favorite_state': 'California',
                'favorite_genre': 'reggae',
                'bank_details': {
                    'name': 'Bank of America',
                    'amount': 9999999.99,
                    'branch': {
                        'name': 'Bank of Venice',
                        'address': '111 9th Street',
                        'city': 'Venice',
                        'state': 'CA',