def homePage(): if request.method == "GET": if session.get('username') is None: print(" / homePage::homePage.html: User not logged in. Redirect to login.") return redirect(url_for('login')) if session['username']: print(' / homePage::homePage.html: USER %s LOGGED IN.' % session.__getitem__('username') ) return render_template('homePage.html')
def get_session_user() -> str or None: return session.__getitem__('current_user')
def logout(): print(" / logout::logout.html: Log out username: %s." % session.__getitem__('username')) session.clear() print(" / logout::logout.html: Logout done. Session clear. Redirect to login.") return redirect(url_for('login'))
def login(): if request.method == 'GET': if session.get('username') is None: print(" / login::login.html: User not logged in.") return render_template('login.html') if session['username']: print(" / login::login.html: User %s logged in. Redirect to homePage." % session.__getitem__('username')) return redirect(url_for('homePage')) else: session.clear() userLogin = request.form['userLog'] passLogin = request.form['pwdLog'].encode('utf-8') curs = mysql.connection.cursor() curs.execute("SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE Username=%s", ([userLogin])) userInfo = curs.fetchone() curs.close() if len(userLogin) > 0: if userInfo is None: session['authenticated'] = False print(" / login::login.html: Username not found.") return redirect(url_for('login')) if bcrypt.hashpw(passLogin, userInfo['Password'].encode('utf-8')) == userInfo['Password'].encode('utf-8'): session['username'] = userInfo['Username'] session['numePrenume'] = userInfo['Nume'] + " " + userInfo['Prenume'] session['email'] = userInfo['Email'] session['authenticated'] = True print(" / login::login.html: Login success. Username: %s. Redirect to homePage." % session.__getitem__('username')) return redirect(url_for('homePage')) else: session['authenticated'] = False print(" / login::login.html: LOGIN FAILED.") return redirect(url_for('login'))
def register(): if request.method =='GET': if session.get('username') is None: print(" / register::register.html: Session clear. Not logged in. Proceed to register.") return render_template('register.html') if session['username']: print(" / register::register.html: User %s logged in. Redirect to homePage." % session.__getitem__('username')) return redirect(url_for('homePage')) if request.method == 'POST': session['reg'] = "" numeN = request.form['nume'] prenumeN = request.form['prenume'] emailN = request.form['email'] userN = request.form['username'] passwordN = request.form['pwd2'].encode('utf-8') hash_pwd = bcrypt.hashpw(passwordN, bcrypt.gensalt()) curs = mysql.connection.cursor() try: curs.callproc('register',[userN, numeN, prenumeN, emailN, hash_pwd]) curs.close() eroareRegister = "OK" session['reg']='OK' print(" / register::register.html: Register success. Username: %s." % [userN]) session.clear() print(" / register::register.html: CLEARING SESSION. PROCEED TO LOGIN. ") return redirect(url_for('login')) except Exception as e: print(" / register::register.html: Error down.") print(e) if e.args[0] == 1062: eroareRegister = "Username already exist. Try another." print(" / register::register.html: Username already exists in table.") session['reg'] = '1062' return redirect(url_for('register'))
def getGrafice(): if request.method =='GET': if session.get('username') is None: print(" / grafice::grafice.html: Session clear. Not logged in. Proceed to login.") return redirect(url_for('login')) if session['username']: print(" / grafice::grafice.html: User %s logged in. Proceed to grafice.html." % session.__getitem__('username')) curs = mysql.connection.cursor() q2 = "SELECT tblRaioane.Categorie, SUM(Unitati) as 'NumarTotalUnitati' FROM tblMateriale " \ "RIGHT JOIN tblRaioane ON tblMateriale.RaionFK = tblRaioane.idRaion " \ "GROUP BY tblRaioane.Categorie;" curs.execute(q2) categoriiForChart = curs.fetchall() curs.close() return render_template('grafice.html', cat=categoriiForChart)
def adauga(): if request.method == "GET": if session.get('username') is None: print(" / adauga::adauga..html: Not logged in. Redirect to login.") return redirect(url_for('login')) if session['username']: print(" / adauga::.html: User %s logged in. Proceed to adauga.html." % session.__getitem__('username')) curs = mysql.connection.cursor() query0 = 'SELECT idRaion FROM tblRaioane' curs.execute(query0) raioane = curs.fetchall() curs.close() return render_template('adauga.html',raioane=raioane) if request.method == 'POST': print(" / adauga::adauga.html: doPost STARTED") numeAn = request.form['nume'] print(" / adauga::adauga.html: NumeAngajat to be added: "+numeAn) prenumeAn = request.form['prenume'] print(" / adauga::adauga.html: PrenumeAngajat to be added: "+prenumeAn) functieeAn = request.form['functie'] print(" / adauga::adauga.html: FunctieAngajat to be added: "+functieeAn) dataAngajariiAn = request.form['data_angajarii'] print(" / adauga::adauga.html: DataAngajarii to be added: "+dataAngajariiAn) telAn = request.form['telefon'] print(" / adauga::adauga.html: TelefonAngajat to be added: "+telAn) emailAn = request.form['email'] print(" / adauga::adauga.html: EmailAngajat to be added: "+emailAn) salariuAn = request.form['salariu'] print(" / adauga::adauga.html: Salariu to be added: "+salariuAn) try: curs = mysql.connection.cursor() print(" / adauga::adauga.html: ____CONEXIUNE OK DB____") try: curs.callproc('adaugaAngajat',[numeAn, prenumeAn, functieeAn, dataAngajariiAn, telAn, emailAn, salariuAn]) curs.close() print(" / adauga::adauga.html: Angajat added successfully.") curs.close() return redirect(url_for('getAngajati')) except Exception as e: print(" / adauga::adauga.html: ____EROARE ADAUGARE____::", e) # print(traceback.print_exc()) except Exception as e: print(" / adauga::adauga.html: ____EROARE CONEXIUNE DB____") print(" / adauga::adauga.html: ____EROARE CONEXIUNE DB____::",e) print(" / adauga::adauga.html: ____doPost END")
def adaugaMaterial(): if request.method == "GET": if session.get('username') is None: print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html: Not logged in. Redirect to login.") return redirect(url_for('login')) if session['username']: print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html: User %s logged in. Proceed to adaugaMaterial.html" % session.__getitem__('username')) curs = mysql.connection.cursor() query0 = 'SELECT Categorie FROM tblRaioane' curs.execute(query0) varianteCategorie = curs.fetchall() # de trimis ca parametru query1 = 'SELECT Denumire FROM tblProducatori' curs.execute(query1) varianteProducatori = curs.fetchall() # de trimis ca parametru curs.close() print(varianteProducatori) print(varianteCategorie) return render_template('adaugaMaterial.html', categoriiMaterial=varianteCategorie, producatoriMaterial=varianteProducatori) if request.method == 'POST': print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html: doPost STARTED") numeProducator = request.form['numeP'] categorie = request.form['categorieM'] denumire = request.form['denumireM'] unitati = request.form['unitatiM'] pret = request.form['pretM'] garantie = request.form['garantieM'] try: curs = mysql.connection.cursor() try: query1 = 'SELECT idProducator FROM tblProducatori WHERE Denumire = %s' query2 ='SELECT idRaion FROM tblRaioane WHERE Categorie = %s' curs.execute(query1, [numeProducator]) producator = curs.fetchone() idProducator = producator['idProducator'] curs.execute(query2, [categorie]) raion = curs.fetchone() idRaion = raion['idRaion'] curs.callproc('adaugaMaterial', [idProducator, idRaion, denumire, unitati, pret,garantie]) print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html: Material added successfully.") curs.close() return redirect(url_for('getMateriale')) except Exception as e: print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html: ____EROARE ADAUGARE____::", e) # print(traceback.print_exc()) except Exception as e: print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html: ____EROARE CONEXIUNE DB____") print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html: ____EROARE CONEXIUNE DB____::",e) print(" / adaugaMaterial::adaugaMaterial.html.html: ____doPost END")
def adaugaProducator(): if request.method == "GET": if session.get('username') is None: print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: Not logged in. Redirect to login.") return redirect(url_for('login')) if session['username']: print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: User %s logged in. Proceed to adaugaProducator.html." % session.__getitem__('username')) curs = mysql.connection.cursor() curs.close() return render_template('adaugaProducator.html') if request.method == 'POST': denumireP = request.form['denumire'] sediuP = request.form['sediu'] telefonP = request.form['telefon'] emailP = request.form['email'] try: curs = mysql.connection.cursor() print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: ____CONEXIUNE OK DB____") try: curs.callproc('adaugaProducator',[denumireP,sediuP,telefonP,emailP]) curs.close() print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: Producator added successfully.") curs.close() return redirect(url_for('getProducatori')) except Exception as e: print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: ____EROARE ADAUGARE____::", e) # print(traceback.print_exc()) except Exception as e: print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: ____EROARE CONEXIUNE DB____") print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: ____EROARE CONEXIUNE DB____::",e) print(" / adaugaProducator::adaugaProducator.html: ____doPost END")