def create_blueprint() -> Blueprint:
    Blueprint init method.
    :return: the Blueprint instance
    blueprint = Blueprint(__name__.split('.')[-2],

    def root():
        Returns the index view and redirects to the
        return redirect('index.html')

    def index():
        The index page.
        :return: the index page.
        return blueprint.send_static_file('index.html')

    def error(code):
        The index page.
        :return: the index page.
        return blueprint.send_static_file(f'{code}.html'), code

    def css(path):
        The /css views
        :param path: the sub path of /css
        :return: the css file in /css
        return send_from_directory(blueprint.static_folder, 'css/' + path)

    def javascript(path):
        The /js views
        :param path: the sub path of /js
        :return: the javascript files in /js
        return send_from_directory(blueprint.static_folder, 'js/' + path)

    blueprint.error = error
    return blueprint