예제 #1
파일: ext.py 프로젝트: Capitains/Hook
    def f_format_log(string):
        """ Format log string output from HookTest

        :param string: Log
        :return: Formatted log
        if not string:
            return ""
            if string.startswith(">>> "):
                string = Markup("<u>{0}</u>".format(string.strip(">>> ")))
            elif string.startswith(">>>> "):
                string = Markup("<b>{0}</b>".format(string.strip(">>>> ")))
            elif string.startswith(">>>>> "):
                string = Markup("<i>{0}</i>".format(string.strip(">>>>> ")))
            elif HookUI.VERBOSE.findall(string):
                string = Markup("</li><li>".join(["<span class='verbose'>{0}</span>".format(found.strip(">>>>>> ")) for found in HookUI.VERBOSE.findall(string)]))
            elif string.startswith("[success]"):
                string = Markup("<span class='success'>{0}</span>".format(string.strip("[success]")))
            elif string.startswith("[failure]"):
                string = Markup("<span class='failure'>{0}</span>".format(string.strip("[failure]")))
            return string
예제 #2
파일: files.py 프로젝트: kultus/foofind-web
def choose_filename(f,text=False):
    Elige el archivo correcto
    text=slugify(text) if text else text
    srcs = f['file']['src']
    fns = f['file']['fn']
    chosen = None
    max_count = -1
    has_text = 0
        for hexuri,src in srcs.items():
            if 'bl' in src and src['bl']!=0:

            for crc,srcfn in src['fn'].items():
                #si no tiene nombre no se tiene en cuenta
                m = srcfn['m'] if len(fns[crc]['n'])>0 else 0
                if 'c' in fns[crc]:

                if text:
                    slugified_fn = slugify(fns[crc]['n']).strip()
                    if len(slugified_fn)>0:
                        #TODO hace lo mismo que para poner el nombre en negrita y sacar el mejor texto aunque no tenga tildes o no venga unido por espacios
                        if slugified_fn.upper().find(text.upper())!=-1:
                            this_has_text = 2000
                            matches = 0
                            for word in [re.escape(w) for w in text.split(" ")]:
                                matches += len(re.findall(r"/((?:\b|_)%s(?:\b|_))/i"%word, slugified_fn))

                            if matches>0:
                                this_has_text = 1000 + matches

                f['file']['fn'][crc]['tht'] = this_has_text
                better = fns[crc]['c']>max_count
                if this_has_text > has_text or (better and this_has_text==has_text):
                    has_text = this_has_text
                    chosen = crc
                    max_count = fns[crc]['c']

    except KeyError as e: #para los sources que tienen nombre pero no estan en el archivo

    f['view']['url'] = mid2url(hex2mid(f['file']['_id']))
    if chosen:
        filename = fns[chosen]['n']
        ext = fns[chosen]['x']
    else: #uses filename from src
        srcurl = ""
        for hexuri,src in srcs.items():
            if src['url'].find("/")!=-1:
                srcurl = src['url']

        if srcurl=="":

        srcurl = srcurl[srcurl.rfind("/")+1:]
        ext = srcurl[srcurl.rfind(".")+1:]
        filename = srcurl[0:srcurl.rfind(".")]

    filename = Markup(filename).striptags()[:512]
    if not ext in EXTENSIONS:
        filename += ext
        nfilename = filename
        #clean filename
        end = filename.upper().rfind("."+ext.upper())
        if end == -1:
            nfilename = filename
            nfilename = filename.strip()[0:end]

    f['view']['fn'] = filename #TODO para los tipo archive buscar el tipo real en el nombre (mp3,avi...)
    f['view']['fnx'] = ext
    f['view']['efn'] = filename.replace(" ", "%20")

    #poner bonito nombre del archivo
    if nfilename.find(" ")==-1:
        nfilename = nfilename.replace(".", " ")

    f['view']['nfn'] = nfilename.replace("_", " ")

    #nombre del archivo escapado para generar las url de descarga
    f['view']['qfn'] = u(filename).encode("UTF-8")

    #nombre del archivo con las palabras que coinciden con la busqueda resaltadas
    if not text:# or not has_text:
        f['view']['fnh'] = f['view']['fnhs'] = filename
        f['view']['fnh'], f['view']['fnhs'] = highlight(text,filename,True)

    return has_text>0