예제 #1
def test_overwritten_get():
    app = Flask("overwritten")
    bouncer = Bouncer(app)

    # Which classy views do you want to lock down, you can pass multiple

    def define_authorization(user, abilities):

        if user.is_admin:
            # self.can_manage(ALL)
            abilities.append(MANAGE, ALL)
            abilities.append([READ, CREATE], Article)
            abilities.append(EDIT, Article, author_id=user.id)

    client = app.test_client()

    jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=True)
    nancy = User(name='nancy', admin=False)

    # admins should be able to view
    with user_set(app, jonathan):
        resp = client.get("/overwritten/1234")
        eq_(b"Get 1234", resp.data)

    # Non admins not be able to do this
    with user_set(app, nancy):
        resp = client.get("/overwritten/1234")
        eq_(resp.status_code, 401)
예제 #2
def test_overwritten_get():
    app = Flask("overwritten")
    bouncer = Bouncer(app)

    # Which classy views do you want to lock down, you can pass multiple

    def define_authorization(user, abilities):

        if user.is_admin:
            # self.can_manage(ALL)
            abilities.append(MANAGE, ALL)
            abilities.append([READ, CREATE], Article)
            abilities.append(EDIT, Article, author_id=user.id)

    client = app.test_client()

    jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=True)
    nancy = User(name='nancy', admin=False)

    # admins should be able to view
    with user_set(app, jonathan):
        resp = client.get("/overwritten/1234")
        eq_(b"Get 1234", resp.data)

    # Non admins not be able to do this
    with user_set(app, nancy):
        resp = client.get("/overwritten/1234")
        eq_(resp.status_code, 401)
예제 #3
def test_lock_it_down_raise_exception():

    app = Flask("test_lock_it_down_raise_exception")
    app.debug = True
    bouncer = Bouncer(app, ensure_authorization=True)

    def define_authorization(user, they):
        they.can('browse', Article)

    # Non decorated route -- should raise an Unauthorized
    def articles_index():
        return "A bunch of articles"

    client = app.test_client()

    jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=False)
    with user_set(app, jonathan):
        resp = client.get('/articles')
예제 #4
def test_non_standard_names():

    app = Flask("advanced")
    app.debug = True
    bouncer = Bouncer(app)

    def define_authorization(user, they):
        they.can('browse', Article)

    @requires('browse', Article)
    def articles_index():
        return "A bunch of articles"

    client = app.test_client()

    jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=False)
    with user_set(app, jonathan):
        resp = client.get('/articles')
        eq_(b"A bunch of articles", resp.data)
예제 #5
def test_ensure_and_requires_while_locked_down():

    app = Flask("test_ensure_and_requires_while_locked_down")
    app.debug = True
    bouncer = Bouncer(app, ensure_authorization=True)

    def define_authorization(user, they):
        they.can(READ, Article)
        they.can(EDIT, Article, author_id=user.id)

    @requires(READ, Article)
    def articles_index():
        return "A bunch of articles"

    @app.route("/article/<int:post_id>", methods=['POST'])
    def edit_post(post_id):

        # Find an article form a db -- faking for testing
        jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=False, id=1)
        article = Article(author_id=jonathan.id)

        # bounce them out if they do not have access
        ensure(EDIT, article)
        # edit the post
        return "successfully edited post"

    client = app.test_client()

    jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=False, id=1)
    with user_set(app, jonathan):
        resp = client.get('/articles')
        eq_(b"A bunch of articles", resp.data)

        resp = client.post('/article/1')
        eq_(b"successfully edited post", resp.data)
예제 #6
def test_blueprints():
    app = Flask("blueprints")
    app.debug = True
    bouncer = Bouncer(app)

    def define_authorization(user, they):
        they.can('browse', Article)

    bp = Blueprint('bptest', 'bptest')

    @requires('browse', Article)
    def articles_index():
        return "A bunch of articles"


    client = app.test_client()

    jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=False)
    with user_set(app, jonathan):
        resp = client.get('/articles')
        eq_(b"A bunch of articles", resp.data)
예제 #7
from celery import Celery
from flask_mail import Mail
import string
import random

from flask_login import LoginManager, user_logged_in
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

from .configuration import config
from .impersonation import Impersonation

# initialize database
db = SQLAlchemy(session_options={'expire_on_commit': False})

# initialize Flask-Bouncer
bouncer = Bouncer()

# initialize Flask-Login
login_manager = LoginManager()

# initialize impersonation
impersonation = Impersonation()

# initialize celery
celery = Celery(
    result_expires=(30 * 60),  # 30 minutes

# initialize Flask-Mail
예제 #8
def test_base_registration():

    app = Flask(__name__)
    bouncer = Bouncer(app)

    eq_(bouncer.get_app(), app)
예제 #9
def test_delayed_init():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    bouncer = Bouncer()

    eq_(bouncer.get_app(), app)
예제 #10
from flask import Flask , render_template , request, redirect, url_for
from flask_bouncer import requires, ensure, Bouncer

import csv

# from repos.api import get_user
# from repos.exceptions import GitHubApiException

app = Flask(__name__)
bouncer = Bouncer(app)

selected_users = ['aaman123']

def define_authorization(user, they):
    if user.is_admin:
        they.can(MANAGE, ALL)
        they.can(login, ('Article', 'BlogPost'))

@app.route("/" , methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
    return render_template("register.html")

@app.route("/login" , methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    return render_template("login.html")

예제 #11
from flask import Flask, url_for
from flask_bouncer import Bouncer, bounce
from test_flask_bouncer.models import Article, User
from test_flask_bouncer.helpers import user_set
from bouncer.constants import *
from .view_classes import ArticleView, OverwrittenView

from nose.tools import *

app = Flask("classy")
bouncer = Bouncer(app)

# Which classy views do you want to lock down, you can pass multiple

def define_authorization(user, abilities):

    if user.is_admin:
        # self.can_manage(ALL)
        abilities.append(MANAGE, ALL)
        abilities.append([READ, CREATE], Article)
        abilities.append(EDIT, Article, author_id=user.id)

client = app.test_client()

jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=True)
nancy = User(name='nancy', admin=False)
예제 #12
from flask import Flask, url_for
from flask_bouncer import Bouncer, bounce
from test_flask_bouncer.models import Article, User
from test_flask_bouncer.helpers import user_set
from bouncer.constants import *
from .view_classes import ArticleView, OverwrittenView

from nose.tools import *

app = Flask("classy")
bouncer = Bouncer(app)

# Which classy views do you want to lock down, you can pass multiple

def define_authorization(user, abilities):

    if user.is_admin:
        # self.can_manage(ALL)
        abilities.append(MANAGE, ALL)
        abilities.append([READ, CREATE], Article)
        abilities.append(EDIT, Article, author_id=user.id)

client = app.test_client()

jonathan = User(name='jonathan', admin=True)