예제 #1
def authorized(  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        identifier: str, jwt: JwtManager, action: List[str]) -> bool:
    """Assert that the user is authorized to create filings against the business identifier."""
    # if they are registry staff, they are always authorized
    if not action or not identifier or not jwt:
        return False

    if jwt.validate_roles([STAFF_ROLE]) \
            or jwt.validate_roles([SYSTEM_ROLE]) \
            or jwt.validate_roles([COLIN_SVC_ROLE]):
        return True

    if jwt.has_one_of_roles([BASIC_USER, PUBLIC_USER]):

        # if the action is create_comment or courtOrder/registrarsNotation/registrarsOrder filings
        # disallow - only staff are allowed
        staff_only_actions = [
            'add_comment', 'court_order', 'registrars_notation',
        if any(elem in action for elem in staff_only_actions):
            return False

        template_url = current_app.config.get('AUTH_SVC_URL')
        auth_url = template_url.format(**vars())

        token = jwt.get_token_auth_header()
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}
            http = Session()
            retries = Retry(total=5,
                            status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504])
            http.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
            rv = http.get(url=auth_url, headers=headers)

            if rv.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK \
                    or not rv.json().get('roles'):
                return False

            if all(elem.lower() in rv.json().get('roles') for elem in action):
                return True

        except (
                exceptions.ConnectionError,  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                Exception) as err:
                f'template_url {template_url}, svc:{auth_url}')
                f'Authorization connection failure for {identifier}, using svc:{auth_url}',
            return False

    return False
예제 #2
파일: authz.py 프로젝트: kialj876/ppr
def authorized(identifier: str, jwt: JwtManager) -> bool:  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
    """Verify the user is authorized to submit the request by inspecting the web token.

    The gateway has already verified the JWT with the OIDC service.
    if not jwt:
        return False

    # Could call the auth api here to check the token roles (/api/v1/orgs/{account_id}/authorizations),
    # but JWTManager.validate_roles does the same thing.

    # All users including staff must have the PPR role.
    if not jwt.validate_roles([PPR_ROLE]):
        return False

    # Account ID (idenfifier) is required if not staff.
    if identifier and identifier.strip() != '':
        return True

    # Remove when all staff changes made.
    if jwt.validate_roles([STAFF_ROLE]):
        return True

#        template_url = current_app.config.get('AUTH_SVC_URL')
#        auth_url = template_url.format(**vars())

#        token = jwt.get_token_auth_header()
#        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}
#        try:
#            http = Session()
#            retries = Retry(total=5,
#                            backoff_factor=0.1,
#                            status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504])
#            http.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
#            rv = http.get(url=auth_url, headers=headers)

#           if rv.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK \
#                    or not rv.json().get('roles'):
#                return False

#            if all(elem.lower() in rv.json().get('roles') for elem in action):
#                return True

#        except (exceptions.ConnectionError,  # pylint: disable=broad-except
#                exceptions.Timeout,
#                ValueError,
#                Exception) as err:
#            current_app.logger.error(f'template_url {template_url}, svc:{auth_url}')
#            current_app.logger.error(f'Authorization connection failure for {identifier}, using svc:{auth_url}', err)
#            return False

    return False
예제 #3
파일: authz.py 프로젝트: bcgov/fwben
def authorized(identifier: str, jwt: JwtManager) -> bool:
    """Assert that the user is authorized to create filings against the business identifier."""
    # if they are registry staff, they are always authorized
    if jwt.validate_roles([STAFF_ROLE]):
        return True

    if jwt.validate_roles([COLIN_SVC_ROLE]):
        return True

    token = g.jwt_oidc_token_info
    username = token.get('username', None)

    if username and jwt.validate_roles(
        [BASIC_USER]) and identifier.upper() == username.upper():
        return True

    return False
예제 #4
파일: authz.py 프로젝트: kialj876/ppr
def is_staff(jwt: JwtManager) -> bool:  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
    """Return True if the user has the BC Registries staff role."""
    if not jwt:
        return False
    if jwt.validate_roles([STAFF_ROLE]):
        return True

    return False
예제 #5
def has_roles(jwt: JwtManager, roles: List[str]) -> bool:
    """Assert the users JWT has the required role(s).

    Assumes the JWT is already validated.
    if jwt.validate_roles(roles):
        return True
    return False
예제 #6
    def _create_invoice(business: Business,
                        filing: Filing,
                        filing_types: list,
                        user_jwt: JwtManager) \
            -> Tuple[int, dict, int]:
        """Create the invoice for the filing submission.

        Returns: {
            int: the paymentToken (id), or None
            dict: a dict of errors, or None
            int: the HTTPStatus error code, or None
        payment_svc_url = current_app.config.get('PAYMENT_SVC_URL')
        mailing_address = business.mailing_address.one_or_none()

        payload = {
            'paymentInfo': {'methodOfPayment': 'CC'},
            'businessInfo': {
                'businessIdentifier': f'{business.identifier}',
                'corpType': f'{business.identifier[:-7]}',
                'businessName': f'{business.legal_name}',
                'contactInfo': {'city': mailing_address.city,
                                'postalCode': mailing_address.postal_code,
                                'province': mailing_address.region,
                                'addressLine1': mailing_address.street,
                                'country': mailing_address.country}
            'filingInfo': {
                'filingTypes': filing_types

        if user_jwt.validate_roles([STAFF_ROLE]):
            routing_slip_number = get_str(filing.filing_json, 'filing/header/routingSlipNumber')
            if routing_slip_number:
                payload['accountInfo'] = {'routingSlip': routing_slip_number}
            token = user_jwt.get_token_auth_header()
            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}
            rv = requests.post(url=payment_svc_url,
        except (exceptions.ConnectionError, exceptions.Timeout) as err:
            current_app.logger.error(f'Payment connection failure for {business.identifier}: filing:{filing.id}', err)
            return {'message': 'unable to create invoice for payment.'}, HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED

        if rv.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK or rv.status_code == HTTPStatus.CREATED:
            pid = rv.json().get('id')
            filing.payment_token = pid
            return None, None
        return {'message': 'unable to create invoice for payment.'}, HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED
예제 #7
파일: authz.py 프로젝트: pwei1018/ppr
def authorized_token(  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        identifier: str, jwt: JwtManager, action: List[str]) -> bool:
    """Assert that the user is authorized to submit API requests for a particular action."""
    if not action or not identifier or not jwt:
        return False

    # All users including staff must have the PPR role.
    if not jwt.validate_roles([PPR_ROLE]):
        return False

    if jwt.has_one_of_roles([BASIC_USER, PRO_DATA_USER]):

        template_url = current_app.config.get('AUTH_SVC_URL')
        auth_url = template_url.format(**vars())

        token = jwt.get_token_auth_header()
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}
            http = Session()
            retries = Retry(total=5,
                            status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504])
            http.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
            rv = http.get(url=auth_url, headers=headers)

            if rv.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK \
                    or not rv.json().get('roles'):
                return False

            if all(elem.lower() in rv.json().get('roles') for elem in action):
                return True

        except (
                exceptions.ConnectionError,  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                Exception) as err:
                f'template_url {template_url}, svc:{auth_url}')
                f'Authorization connection failure for {identifier}, using svc:{auth_url}',
            return False

    return False
예제 #8
    def _create_invoice(business: Business,  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
                        filing: Filing,
                        filing_types: list,
                        user_jwt: JwtManager,
                        payment_account_id: str = None) \
            -> Tuple[int, dict, int]:
        """Create the invoice for the filing submission.

        Returns: {
            int: the paymentToken (id), or None
            dict: a dict of errors, or None
            int: the HTTPStatus error code, or None
        payment_svc_url = current_app.config.get('PAYMENT_SVC_URL')

        if filing.filing_type == Filing.FILINGS[
            mailing_address = Address.create_address(
            corp_type = filing.json['filing']['business'].get(
                'legalType', Business.LegalTypes.BCOMP.value)

                business.legal_name = filing.json['filing'][
            except KeyError:
                business.legal_name = business.identifier

            mailing_address = business.mailing_address.one_or_none()
            corp_type = business.legal_type if business.legal_type else \

        payload = {
            'businessInfo': {
                'businessIdentifier': f'{business.identifier}',
                'corpType': f'{corp_type}',
                'businessName': f'{business.legal_name}',
                'contactInfo': {
                    'city': mailing_address.city,
                    'postalCode': mailing_address.postal_code,
                    'province': mailing_address.region,
                    'addressLine1': mailing_address.street,
                    'country': mailing_address.country
            'filingInfo': {
                'filingTypes': filing_types

        folio_number = filing.json['filing']['header'].get('folioNumber', None)
        if folio_number:
            payload['filingInfo']['folioNumber'] = folio_number

        if user_jwt.validate_roles([STAFF_ROLE]) or \
            account_info = {}
            routing_slip_number = get_str(filing.filing_json,
            if routing_slip_number:
                account_info['routingSlip'] = routing_slip_number
            bcol_account_number = get_str(filing.filing_json,
            if bcol_account_number:
                account_info['bcolAccountNumber'] = bcol_account_number
            dat_number = get_str(filing.filing_json, 'filing/header/datNumber')
            if dat_number:
                account_info['datNumber'] = dat_number

            if account_info:
                payload['accountInfo'] = account_info
            token = user_jwt.get_token_auth_header()
            headers = {
                'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            rv = requests.post(url=payment_svc_url,
        except (exceptions.ConnectionError, exceptions.Timeout) as err:
                f'Payment connection failure for {business.identifier}: filing:{filing.id}',
            return {
                'message': 'unable to create invoice for payment.'
            }, HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED

        if rv.status_code in (HTTPStatus.OK, HTTPStatus.CREATED):
            pid = rv.json().get('id')
            filing.payment_token = pid
            filing.payment_status_code = rv.json().get('statusCode', '')
            filing.payment_account = payment_account_id
            return {
                rv.json().get('isPaymentActionRequired', False)
            }, HTTPStatus.CREATED

        if rv.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST:
            # Set payment error type used to retrieve error messages from pay-api
            error_type = rv.json().get('type')
            filing.payment_status_code = error_type

            return {
                'payment_error_type': error_type,
                'message': rv.json().get('detail')
            }, HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED

        return {
            'message': 'unable to create invoice for payment.'