예제 #1
파일: base.py 프로젝트: rljacobson/Guru-NB
def live_history():
    W = g.notebook.create_new_worksheet_from_history(gettext('Log'), g.username, 100)
    from flask_server.worksheet import url_for_worksheet
    return redirect(url_for_worksheet(W))
예제 #2
                    if linked_sws:
                        # just grab 1st URL; perhaps later add interface for
                        # downloading multiple linked .sws
                            filename = my_urlretrieve(linked_sws[0]['url'], backlinks=backlinks)[0]
                            print 'Importing {0}, linked to from {1}'.format(linked_sws[0]['url'], url)
                        except RetrieveError as err:
                            return current_app.message(str(err))
                W = g.notebook.import_worksheet(filename, g.username)
        except Exception, msg:
            print 'error uploading worksheet', msg
            s = _('There was an error uploading the worksheet.  It could be an old unsupported format or worse.  If you desperately need its contents contact the <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support">sage-support group</a> and post a link to your worksheet.  Alternatively, an sws file is just a bzip2 tarball; take a look inside!\n%(backlinks)s', backlinks=backlinks)
            return current_app.message(s, url_for('home', username=g.username))
            # Clean up the temporarily uploaded filename.
            # if a temp directory was created, we delete it now.
            if dir:
                import shutil

    except ValueError, msg:
        s = _("Error uploading worksheet '%(msg)s'.%(backlinks)s", msg=msg, backlinks=backlinks)
        return current_app.message(s, url_for('home', username=g.username))

    if new_name:

    from flask_server.worksheet import url_for_worksheet
    return redirect(url_for_worksheet(W))