@flaskbb.command() @click.option("--welcome", "-w", default=True, is_flag=True, help="Disable the welcome forum.") @click.option("--force", "-f", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Doesn't ask for confirmation.") @click.option("--username", "-u", help="The username of the user.") @click.option("--email", "-e", type=EmailType(), help="The email address of the user.") @click.option("--password", "-p", help="The password of the user.") @with_appcontext def install(welcome, force, username, email, password): """Installs flaskbb. If no arguments are used, an interactive setup will be run. """ click.secho("[+] Installing FlaskBB...", fg="cyan") if database_exists(db.engine.url): if force or click.confirm( click.style( "Existing database found. Do you want to delete the old one and " "create a new one?", fg="magenta")): db.drop_all()
help="Specify the config to use in dotted module notation " "e.g. flaskbb.configs.default.DefaultConfig") @click.option("--version", expose_value=False, callback=get_version, is_flag=True, is_eager=True, help="Show the FlaskBB version.") def flaskbb(): """This is the commandline interface for flaskbb.""" pass @flaskbb.command() @click.option("--welcome", "-w", default=True, is_flag=True, help="Disable the welcome forum.") @click.option("--force", "-f", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Doesn't ask for confirmation.") @click.option("--username", "-u", help="The username of the user.") @click.option("--email", "-e", type=EmailType(), help="The email address of the user.") @click.option("--password", "-p", help="The password of the user.") @click.option("--group", "-g", help="The group of the user.", type=click.Choice(["admin", "super_mod", "mod", "member"])) def install(welcome, force, username, email, password, group): """Installs flaskbb. If no arguments are used, an interactive setup will be run. """ click.secho("[+] Installing FlaskBB...", fg="cyan") if database_exists(db.engine.url): if force or click.confirm(click.style( "Existing database found. Do you want to delete the old one and " "create a new one?", fg="magenta") ): drop_database(db.engine.url)