def edit_article(id): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('SELECT * from article where id = %s', [id]) article = cursor.fetchone() form = ArticleForm(request.form) = article['title'] = article['body'] if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): title = request.form['title'] body = request.form['body'] connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute( 'update article set title = %s,body=%s where id = %s', (title, body, id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() flash('Article Updated', 'success') return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) return render_template('edit_article.html', form=form)
def authors(): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('select * from users') authors = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return render_template('authors.html', authors=authors)
def add_article(): form = ArticleForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): title = body = username = session['username'] if request.files['file']: file = request.files['file'] filename = secure_filename(file.filename), app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) else: filename = None connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute(' SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = %s', (username)) id = cursor.fetchone() result = cursor.execute( 'insert into article(title,body,author,photo) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)', (title, body, id['id'], filename)) cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM article") property_count = cursor.fetchone() session['count'] = property_count['COUNT(*)'] connection.commit() cursor.close() flash('Article Created', 'success') return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) return render_template('add_article.html', form=form)
def dashboard(): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() username = session['username'] result = cursor.execute('select id from users where username = %s', username) id = cursor.fetchone() if session['role'] == 'admin': result = cursor.execute('select * from article') article = cursor.fetchall() else: result = cursor.execute('select * from article where author = %s', id['id']) article = cursor.fetchall() if result > 0: return render_template('dashboard.html', article=article, username=username, result=result) else: msg = 'No Articles Found' return render_template('dashboard.html', msg=msg, result=result) cursor.close() return render_template('/dashboard.html')
def article(id): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('select * from article where id = %s', [id]) article = cursor.fetchone() result = cursor.execute('select username from users where id = %s', article['author']) name = cursor.fetchone() result = cursor.execute( 'select id from article where id > %s order by id ASC', id) last = cursor.fetchone() if last: last = last['id'] if (id != last and last != None): last = last else: last = id result = cursor.execute( 'select id from article where id < %s order by id desc', id) first = cursor.fetchone() if first: first = first['id'] if (id != first and first != None): first = first else: first = id cursor.close() return render_template('article.html', id=id, article=article, name=name['username'], first=first, last=last, UPLOAD_FOLDER=UPLOAD_FOLDER)
def articles(): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('select * from article') article = cursor.fetchall() connection = mysql.connect() if result > 0: return render_template('articles.html', article=article, title='Articles') else: msg = 'No Articles Found' return render_template('articles.html', msg=msg, title='Articles') cursor.close()
def assign_user(id): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('update users set role = "user" where id = %s', id) connection.commit() cursor.close() #flash('User Assigned amdmin', 'success') return redirect(url_for('users'))
def users(): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('select * from users where id != %s ', (session['id'])) user = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return render_template('users.html', user=user)
def delete_user(id): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('delete from users where id = %s', [id]) connection.commit() cursor.close() flash('User Deleted', 'success') return redirect(url_for('users'))
def settings(): form = UpdateForm(request.form) connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() username = session['username'] result = cursor.execute('SELECT * from users where username = %s', username) article = cursor.fetchone() id = article['id'] form = UpdateForm(request.form) = article['name'] = article['username'] = article['email'] = article['password'] = article['password'] if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): name = request.form['name'] email = request.form['email'] username = request.form['username'] password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(str(request.form['password'])) session['username'] = username connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute( 'update users set name = %s,email=%s,username=%s,password=%s where id = %s', (name, email, username, password, id)) connection.commit() cursor.close() flash('User Updated', 'success') return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) return render_template('setting.html', form=form)
def login(): if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password_candidate = request.form['password'] cursor = mysql.connect().cursor() result = cursor.execute('select * from users where username = %s', (username)) if result > 0: data = cursor.fetchone() password = data['password'] if sha256_crypt.verify(password_candidate, password): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM article") property_count = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("SELECT role FROM users where id = %s", data['id']) role = cursor.fetchone() session['count'] = property_count['COUNT(*)'] session['role'] = role['role'] session['logged_in'] = True session['username'] = username session['id'] = data['id'] flash('You are noew logged in', 'success') return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) else: error = 'invalid username or password' return render_template('login.html', error=error) cursor.close() else: error = 'invalid username or password' return render_template('login.html', error=error) return render_template('login.html')
def author(name): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('select id from users where username = %s ', name) if result > 0: id = cursor.fetchone() result = cursor.execute('select * from article where author = %s ', id['id']) article = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return render_template('author.html', article=article, name=name) else: msg = 'author not found' cursor.close() return render_template('author.html', msg=msg)
def delete_article(id): connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() result = cursor.execute('select photo from article where id = %s', [id]) photo = cursor.fetchone() print(photo) if photo['photo']: print photo photo = photo['photo'] os.remove(os.path.join(dir, UPLOAD_FOLDER, photo)) result = cursor.execute('delete from article where id = %s', [id]) cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM article") property_count = cursor.fetchone() session['count'] = property_count['COUNT(*)'] connection.commit() cursor.close() flash('Article Deleted', 'success') return redirect(url_for('dashboard'))
def signUp(): # read the posted values from the UI _name = request.form['inputName'] _email = request.form['inputEmail'] _password = request.form['inputPassword'] mysql.init_app(app) conn = mysql.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.callproc('sp_createUser', (_name, _email, _password)) # validate the received values if _name and _email and _password: return json.dumps({'html': '<span>All fields good !!</span>'}) else: return json.dumps({'html': '<span>Enter the required fields</span>'}) if len(data) is 0: conn.commit() return json.dumps({'message': 'User created successfully !'}) else: return json.dumps({'error': str(data[0])})
def regsiter(): form = RegisterForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): name = email = username = password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(str( connection = mysql.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() check = cursor.execute( 'select * from users where username = %s and email = %s', (username, email)) cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO users (name,email,username,password) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)', (name, email, username, password)) connection.commit() cursor.close() flash('You are now registered and can login', 'success') return redirect(url_for('login')) return render_template('regsiter.html', form=form)