예제 #1
def BenchmarkVtableDeduplication(count):
    BenchmarkVtableDeduplication measures the speed of vtable deduplication
    by creating `prePop` vtables, then populating `count` objects with a
    different single vtable.

    When count is large (as in long benchmarks), memory usage may be high.

    prePop = 10
    builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)

    # pre-populate some vtables:
    for i in compat_range(prePop):
        for j in compat_range(i):
            builder.PrependInt16Slot(j, j, 0)

    # benchmark deduplication of a new vtable:
    def f():
        for j in compat_range(prePop):
            builder.PrependInt16Slot(j, j, 0)

    duration = timeit.timeit(stmt=f, number=count)
    rate = float(count) / duration
    print(('vtable deduplication rate: %.2f/sec' % rate))
예제 #2
def BenchmarkVtableDeduplication(count):
    BenchmarkVtableDeduplication measures the speed of vtable deduplication
    by creating `prePop` vtables, then populating `count` objects with a
    different single vtable.

    When count is large (as in long benchmarks), memory usage may be high.

    prePop = 10
    builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)

    # pre-populate some vtables:
    for i in compat_range(prePop):
        for j in compat_range(i):
            builder.PrependInt16Slot(j, j, 0)

    # benchmark deduplication of a new vtable:
    def f():
        for j in compat_range(prePop):
            builder.PrependInt16Slot(j, j, 0)

    duration = timeit.timeit(stmt=f, number=count)
    rate = float(count) / duration
    print(('vtable deduplication rate: %.2f/sec' % rate))
예제 #3
def CheckReadBuffer(buf, offset):
    ''' CheckReadBuffer checks that the given buffer is evaluated correctly
        as the example Monster. '''

    def asserter(stmt):
        ''' An assertion helper that is separated from TestCase classes. '''
        if not stmt:
            raise AssertionError('CheckReadBuffer case failed')

    monster = MyGame.Example.Monster.Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf, offset)

    asserter(monster.Hp() == 80)
    asserter(monster.Mana() == 150)
    asserter(monster.Name() == b'MyMonster')

    # initialize a Vec3 from Pos()
    vec = monster.Pos()
    asserter(vec is not None)

    # verify the properties of the Vec3
    asserter(vec.X() == 1.0)
    asserter(vec.Y() == 2.0)
    asserter(vec.Z() == 3.0)
    asserter(vec.Test1() == 3.0)
    asserter(vec.Test2() == 2)

    # initialize a Test from Test3(...)
    t = MyGame.Example.Test.Test()
    t = vec.Test3(t)
    asserter(t is not None)

    # verify the properties of the Test
    asserter(t.A() == 5)
    asserter(t.B() == 6)

    # verify that the enum code matches the enum declaration:
    union_type = MyGame.Example.Any.Any
    asserter(monster.TestType() == union_type.Monster)

    # initialize a Table from a union field Test(...)
    table2 = monster.Test()
    asserter(type(table2) is flatbuffers.table.Table)

    # initialize a Monster from the Table from the union
    monster2 = MyGame.Example.Monster.Monster()
    monster2.Init(table2.Bytes, table2.Pos)

    asserter(monster2.Name() == b"Fred")

    # iterate through the first monster's inventory:
    asserter(monster.InventoryLength() == 5)

    invsum = 0
    for i in compat_range(monster.InventoryLength()):
        v = monster.Inventory(i)
        invsum += int(v)
    asserter(invsum == 10)

    asserter(monster.Test4Length() == 2)

    # create a 'Test' object and populate it:
    test0 = monster.Test4(0)
    asserter(type(test0) is MyGame.Example.Test.Test)

    test1 = monster.Test4(1)
    asserter(type(test1) is MyGame.Example.Test.Test)

    # the position of test0 and test1 are swapped in monsterdata_java_wire
    # and monsterdata_test_wire, so ignore ordering
    v0 = test0.A()
    v1 = test0.B()
    v2 = test1.A()
    v3 = test1.B()
    sumtest12 = int(v0) + int(v1) + int(v2) + int(v3)

    asserter(sumtest12 == 100)

    asserter(monster.TestarrayofstringLength() == 2)
    asserter(monster.Testarrayofstring(0) == b"test1")
    asserter(monster.Testarrayofstring(1) == b"test2")

    asserter(monster.Enemy() is None)

    asserter(monster.TestarrayoftablesLength() == 0)
    asserter(monster.TestnestedflatbufferLength() == 0)
    asserter(monster.Testempty() is None)
예제 #4
    def check_once(self, fuzzFields, fuzzObjects):
        testValuesMax = 11 # hardcoded to the number of scalar types

        builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
        l = LCG()

        objects = [0 for _ in compat_range(fuzzObjects)]

        # Generate fuzzObjects random objects each consisting of
        # fuzzFields fields, each of a random type.
        for i in compat_range(fuzzObjects):

            for j in compat_range(fuzzFields):
                choice = int(l.Next()) % testValuesMax
                if choice == 0:
                    builder.PrependBoolSlot(int(j), self.boolVal, False)
                elif choice == 1:
                    builder.PrependInt8Slot(int(j), self.int8Val, 0)
                elif choice == 2:
                    builder.PrependUint8Slot(int(j), self.uint8Val, 0)
                elif choice == 3:
                    builder.PrependInt16Slot(int(j), self.int16Val, 0)
                elif choice == 4:
                    builder.PrependUint16Slot(int(j), self.uint16Val, 0)
                elif choice == 5:
                    builder.PrependInt32Slot(int(j), self.int32Val, 0)
                elif choice == 6:
                    builder.PrependUint32Slot(int(j), self.uint32Val, 0)
                elif choice == 7:
                    builder.PrependInt64Slot(int(j), self.int64Val, 0)
                elif choice == 8:
                    builder.PrependUint64Slot(int(j), self.uint64Val, 0)
                elif choice == 9:
                    builder.PrependFloat32Slot(int(j), self.float32Val, 0)
                elif choice == 10:
                    builder.PrependFloat64Slot(int(j), self.float64Val, 0)
                    raise RuntimeError('unreachable')

            off = builder.EndObject()

            # store the offset from the end of the builder buffer,
            # since it will keep growing:
            objects[i] = off

        # Do some bookkeeping to generate stats on fuzzes:
        stats = defaultdict(int)
        def check(table, desc, want, got):
            stats[desc] += 1
            self.assertEqual(want, got, "%s != %s, %s" % (want, got, desc))

        l = LCG()  # Reset.

        # Test that all objects we generated are readable and return the
        # expected values. We generate random objects in the same order
        # so this is deterministic.
        for i in compat_range(fuzzObjects):

            table = flatbuffers.table.Table(builder.Bytes,
                                            len(builder.Bytes) - objects[i])

            for j in compat_range(fuzzFields):
                field_count = flatbuffers.builder.VtableMetadataFields + j
                f = N.VOffsetTFlags.py_type(field_count *
                choice = int(l.Next()) % testValuesMax

                if choice == 0:
                    check(table, "bool", self.boolVal,
                          table.GetSlot(f, False, N.BoolFlags))
                elif choice == 1:
                    check(table, "int8", self.int8Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int8Flags))
                elif choice == 2:
                    check(table, "uint8", self.uint8Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint8Flags))
                elif choice == 3:
                    check(table, "int16", self.int16Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int16Flags))
                elif choice == 4:
                    check(table, "uint16", self.uint16Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint16Flags))
                elif choice == 5:
                    check(table, "int32", self.int32Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int32Flags))
                elif choice == 6:
                    check(table, "uint32", self.uint32Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint32Flags))
                elif choice == 7:
                    check(table, "int64", self.int64Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int64Flags))
                elif choice == 8:
                    check(table, "uint64", self.uint64Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint64Flags))
                elif choice == 9:
                    check(table, "float32", self.float32Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Float32Flags))
                elif choice == 10:
                    check(table, "float64", self.float64Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Float64Flags))
                    raise RuntimeError('unreachable')

        # If enough checks were made, verify that all scalar types were used:
        self.assertEqual(testValuesMax, len(stats),
                "fuzzing failed to test all scalar types: %s" % stats)
예제 #5
 def f():
     for j in compat_range(prePop):
         builder.PrependInt16Slot(j, j, 0)
예제 #6
def CheckReadBuffer(buf, offset):
    ''' CheckReadBuffer checks that the given buffer is evaluated correctly
        as the example Monster. '''
    def asserter(stmt):
        ''' An assertion helper that is separated from TestCase classes. '''
        if not stmt:
            raise AssertionError('CheckReadBuffer case failed')

    monster = MyGame.Example.Monster.Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf, offset)

    asserter(monster.Hp() == 80)
    asserter(monster.Mana() == 150)
    asserter(monster.Name() == b'MyMonster')

    # initialize a Vec3 from Pos()
    vec = monster.Pos()
    asserter(vec is not None)

    # verify the properties of the Vec3
    asserter(vec.X() == 1.0)
    asserter(vec.Y() == 2.0)
    asserter(vec.Z() == 3.0)
    asserter(vec.Test1() == 3.0)
    asserter(vec.Test2() == 2)

    # initialize a Test from Test3(...)
    t = MyGame.Example.Test.Test()
    t = vec.Test3(t)
    asserter(t is not None)

    # verify the properties of the Test
    asserter(t.A() == 5)
    asserter(t.B() == 6)

    # verify that the enum code matches the enum declaration:
    union_type = MyGame.Example.Any.Any
    asserter(monster.TestType() == union_type.Monster)

    # initialize a Table from a union field Test(...)
    table2 = monster.Test()
    asserter(type(table2) is flatbuffers.table.Table)

    # initialize a Monster from the Table from the union
    monster2 = MyGame.Example.Monster.Monster()
    monster2.Init(table2.Bytes, table2.Pos)

    asserter(monster2.Name() == b"Fred")

    # iterate through the first monster's inventory:
    asserter(monster.InventoryLength() == 5)

    invsum = 0
    for i in compat_range(monster.InventoryLength()):
        v = monster.Inventory(i)
        invsum += int(v)
    asserter(invsum == 10)

    asserter(monster.Test4Length() == 2)

    # create a 'Test' object and populate it:
    test0 = monster.Test4(0)
    asserter(type(test0) is MyGame.Example.Test.Test)

    test1 = monster.Test4(1)
    asserter(type(test1) is MyGame.Example.Test.Test)

    # the position of test0 and test1 are swapped in monsterdata_java_wire
    # and monsterdata_test_wire, so ignore ordering
    v0 = test0.A()
    v1 = test0.B()
    v2 = test1.A()
    v3 = test1.B()
    sumtest12 = int(v0) + int(v1) + int(v2) + int(v3)

    asserter(sumtest12 == 100)

    asserter(monster.TestarrayofstringLength() == 2)
    asserter(monster.Testarrayofstring(0) == b"test1")
    asserter(monster.Testarrayofstring(1) == b"test2")

    asserter(monster.Enemy() is None)

    asserter(monster.TestarrayoftablesLength() == 0)
    asserter(monster.TestnestedflatbufferLength() == 0)
    asserter(monster.Testempty() is None)
예제 #7
    def check_once(self, fuzzFields, fuzzObjects):
        testValuesMax = 11  # hardcoded to the number of scalar types

        builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
        l = LCG()

        objects = [0 for _ in compat_range(fuzzObjects)]

        # Generate fuzzObjects random objects each consisting of
        # fuzzFields fields, each of a random type.
        for i in compat_range(fuzzObjects):

            for j in compat_range(fuzzFields):
                choice = int(l.Next()) % testValuesMax
                if choice == 0:
                    builder.PrependBoolSlot(int(j), self.boolVal, False)
                elif choice == 1:
                    builder.PrependInt8Slot(int(j), self.int8Val, 0)
                elif choice == 2:
                    builder.PrependUint8Slot(int(j), self.uint8Val, 0)
                elif choice == 3:
                    builder.PrependInt16Slot(int(j), self.int16Val, 0)
                elif choice == 4:
                    builder.PrependUint16Slot(int(j), self.uint16Val, 0)
                elif choice == 5:
                    builder.PrependInt32Slot(int(j), self.int32Val, 0)
                elif choice == 6:
                    builder.PrependUint32Slot(int(j), self.uint32Val, 0)
                elif choice == 7:
                    builder.PrependInt64Slot(int(j), self.int64Val, 0)
                elif choice == 8:
                    builder.PrependUint64Slot(int(j), self.uint64Val, 0)
                elif choice == 9:
                    builder.PrependFloat32Slot(int(j), self.float32Val, 0)
                elif choice == 10:
                    builder.PrependFloat64Slot(int(j), self.float64Val, 0)
                    raise RuntimeError('unreachable')

            off = builder.EndObject()

            # store the offset from the end of the builder buffer,
            # since it will keep growing:
            objects[i] = off

        # Do some bookkeeping to generate stats on fuzzes:
        stats = defaultdict(int)

        def check(table, desc, want, got):
            stats[desc] += 1
            self.assertEqual(want, got, "%s != %s, %s" % (want, got, desc))

        l = LCG()  # Reset.

        # Test that all objects we generated are readable and return the
        # expected values. We generate random objects in the same order
        # so this is deterministic.
        for i in compat_range(fuzzObjects):

            table = flatbuffers.table.Table(builder.Bytes,
                                            len(builder.Bytes) - objects[i])

            for j in compat_range(fuzzFields):
                field_count = flatbuffers.builder.VtableMetadataFields + j
                f = N.VOffsetTFlags.py_type(field_count *
                choice = int(l.Next()) % testValuesMax

                if choice == 0:
                    check(table, "bool", self.boolVal,
                          table.GetSlot(f, False, N.BoolFlags))
                elif choice == 1:
                    check(table, "int8", self.int8Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int8Flags))
                elif choice == 2:
                    check(table, "uint8", self.uint8Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint8Flags))
                elif choice == 3:
                    check(table, "int16", self.int16Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int16Flags))
                elif choice == 4:
                    check(table, "uint16", self.uint16Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint16Flags))
                elif choice == 5:
                    check(table, "int32", self.int32Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int32Flags))
                elif choice == 6:
                    check(table, "uint32", self.uint32Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint32Flags))
                elif choice == 7:
                    check(table, "int64", self.int64Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Int64Flags))
                elif choice == 8:
                    check(table, "uint64", self.uint64Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Uint64Flags))
                elif choice == 9:
                    check(table, "float32", self.float32Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Float32Flags))
                elif choice == 10:
                    check(table, "float64", self.float64Val,
                          table.GetSlot(f, 0, N.Float64Flags))
                    raise RuntimeError('unreachable')

        # If enough checks were made, verify that all scalar types were used:
        self.assertEqual(testValuesMax, len(stats),
                         "fuzzing failed to test all scalar types: %s" % stats)
예제 #8
 def f():
     for j in compat_range(prePop):
         builder.PrependInt16Slot(j, j, 0)