def __init__(self, saveobject): self.__getDataTTNC = TTNCData(saveobject) self.__getDataAttitude = AttitudeData(saveobject) self.__getDataDeployData = DeployData(saveobject) self.__tasks = [ ] # Empty list will be populated with all background tasks self.safeMode = self.saveobject = saveobject
def __init__(self, saveobject): self.deployVoltage = 3 #Threshold voltage to deploy self.maximumWaitTime = 30 #Maximum time to wait for deployment before going to SAFE self.timeWaited = 0 #Time already waited - zero self.__getDataTTNC = getDriverData.TTNCData(saveobject) self.__getDataAttitude = getDriverData.AttitudeData(saveobject) self.__tasks = [ ] #List will be populated with background tasks to cancel them self.__safeMode = self.__antennaDeployer = BackupAntennaDeployer() self.__antennaDoor = AntennaDoor()
def __init__(self, saveobject): self.thresholdVoltage = 3.5 #Threshold voltage to deploy AeroBoom. self.criticalVoltage = 3.1 #Critical voltage, below this go to SAFE self.darkVoltage = 1 #Average voltage from sunsors that, if below this, indicates GASPACS is in darkness self.darkMinutes = 1 #How many minutes GASPACS must be on the dark side for before moving forward self.lightMinimumMinutes = 1 #Minimum amount of time GASPACS must be on light side of orbit before deploying self.lightMaximumMinutes = 60 #Maximum amount of time GASPACS may be on light side of orbit before deploying, must be less than 90 by a fair margin since less than half of orbit can be sun self.batteryStatusOk = False self.maximumWaitTime = 240 #Max time GASPACS can wait, charging batteries, before SAFEing self.timeWaited = 0 self.sunlightData = [] self.__getDataTTNC = TTNCData(saveobject) self.__getDataAttitude = AttitudeData(saveobject) self.__tasks = [] #Will be populated with tasks self.saveobject = saveobject self.safeMode =
def __init__(self, saveobject): self.postBoomTimeFile = open("postBoomTime.txt", "w+") self.__getDataTTNC = TTNCData(saveobject) self.__getDataAttitude = AttitudeData(saveobject) self.__tasks = [] # List will be populated with all background tasks self.__safeMode = self.__timeToNextWindow = -1 self.___nextWindowTime = -1 self.__duration = -1 self.__datatype = -1 self.__pictureNumber = -1 self.__startFromBeginning = -1 fileChecker.checkFile("../TXISR/data/transmissionFlag.txt") fileChecker.checkFile("../TXSIR/data/txWindows.txt") self.__transmissionFlagFile = open( "../TXISR/data/transmissionFlag.txt") self.__txWindowsPath = ("../TXISR/data/txWindows.txt")
async def executeFlightLogic(): # Open the file save object, start TXISR, and start Boot Mode data collection # Variable setup delay = 1*60 # 35 minute delay boot = True save = # startTXISR(save) ttncData = getDriverData.TTNCData(save) attitudeData = getDriverData.AttitudeData(save) safeMode = #interruptObject = INTERRUPT() print('Starting data collection') #Setting up Background tasks for BOOT mode tasks=[] tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(pythonInterrupt.interrupt())) tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(ttncData.collectTTNCData(0))) #Boot Mode is classified as 0 tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(attitudeData.collectAttitudeData())) tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(safeMode.thresholdCheck())) tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(safeMode.heartBeat())) # Initialize all mission mode objects # NOTE: the comms-tx is the only exception to this rule as it is to be handled differently than other mission modes # NOTE: Boot Mode is defined and executed in this document, instead of a separate mission mode antennaDeploy = antennaMode(save) preBoomDeploy = preBoomMode(save) postBoomDeploy = postBoomMode(save) boomDeploy = boomMode(save) if(readData() == (None, None, None)): print('Files are empty') bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode = 0,False,0 else: bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode = readData() # Read in data from files bootCount += 1 # Increment boot count recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode) if lastMode not in range(0,7): #Mission Mode invalid lastMode = 0 antennaDeployed = False # This is the implementation of the BOOT mode logic. if not antennaDeployed: # First, sleep for 35 minutes print('Antenna is undeployed, waiting 35 minutes') await asyncio.sleep(delay) # Sleep for 35 minutes try: # Cancels attitude collection tasks for t in tasks: t.cancel() print('Successfully cancelled BOOT mode background tasks') except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError: print("Exception thrown cancelling task - This is normal") # how do we check if the antenna doors are open? # TODO, check of antenna doors are open print('Moving on to check antenna door status') status = antennaDoor().readDoorStatus() # this checks the bytes returned by the antennaDoor if any are 0 then doorOpen gets set to false if antennaDeployed == True: pass elif status == (1,1,1,1): #This will need to be changed to reflect the real antenna antennaDeployed = True else: antennaDeployed = False recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode) if not antennaDeployed: print('Running Antenna Deployment Mode') await asyncio.gather( antennaDeployed = True print(antennaDeployed) recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode) # Save into files elif lastMode == 4: print('Running Post Boom Deploy') lastMode = 4 await asyncio.gather( else: print('Running preBoom Deploy') lastMode = 2 await asyncio.gather( while True: # This loop executes the rest of the flight logic # pre boom deploy if antennaDeployed == True and lastMode not in (3,4): print('Running pre-Boom deploy') lastMode = 2 recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode) await asyncio.gather( # Execute pre-boom deploy, then move to post-boom deploy lastMode = 3 recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode) elif antennaDeployed == True and lastMode == 3: print('Running Boom Deploy') await asyncio.gather( # Execute boom deployment, start post-boom deploy lastMode = 4 recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode) else: # Post-Boom Deploy print('Running post-Boom Deploy') await asyncio.gather( def recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode): fileCheck.checkFile("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/bootRecords.txt") # write to the boot file, "w" option in write overwrites the file new = open("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/bootRecords.txt", "w+") new.write(str(bootCount) + '\n') if antennaDeployed: new.write(str(1)+'\n') else: new.write(str(0)+'\n') new.write(str(lastMode) + '\n') new.close() # write to the the back up file fileCheck.checkFile("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/backupBootRecords.txt") new = open("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/backupBootRecords.txt", "w+") new.write(str(bootCount) + '\n') if antennaDeployed: new.write(str(1)+'\n') else: new.write(str(0)+'\n') new.write(str(lastMode) + '\n') new.close() def readData(): # This function reads in data from the files, it was previously in the main function but is better as its own function # bootRecords file format # Line 1 = boot count # Line 2 = antenna deployed? # Line 2 = last mission mode bootCount,antennaDeployed,lastMode = None, None, None fileCheck.checkFile("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/bootRecords.txt") try: bootFile = open("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/bootRecords.txt", "r") bootCount = int(bootFile.readline().rstrip()) antennaDeployed = bool(int(bootFile.readline().rstrip())) lastMode = int(bootFile.readline().rstrip()) bootFile.close() except: try: print('File exception') fileCheck.checkFile("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/backupBootRecords.txt") bootFile = open("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/backupBootRecords.txt", "r") bootCount = int(bootFile.readline().rstrip()) antennaDeployed = bool(int(bootFile.readline().rstrip())) lastMode = int(bootFile.readline().rstrip()) bootFile.close() # In this except statement, the files are corrupted, so we rewrite both of them except: print('Double File exception - are both files non-existant?') fileCheck.checkFile("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/bootRecords.txt") bootFile = open("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/bootRecords.txt", "w") fileCheck.checkFile("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/backupBootRecords.txt") backupBootFile = open("/home/pi/testingStartup/flightLogicData/backupBootRecords.txt", "w") bootFile.write('0\n0\n0\n') backupBootFile.write('0\n0\n0\n') recordData(bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode) return bootCount, antennaDeployed, lastMode # def startTXISR(saveobject): # Setup for TXISR # This sets up the interupt on the uart pin that triggers when we get commincation over uart # thread.start(interrupt.watchReceptions(saveobject)) <-- TODO fix that import