def __init__(self, fname_path): assert os.path.exists(fname_path), f'file {fname_path} does not exists' self.fname_path = fname_path self.datetime = self.extract_datetime(fname_path) self.fie = flir_image_extractor.FlirImageExtractor( image_suffix="v.jpg", thermal_suffix="t.png") self.fie.process_image(fname_path) self.visual_np = self.fie.get_rgb_np() self.thermal_np = self.fie.get_thermal_np() self.marks_list = qr_read.QrMarkList(self.visual_np) # self.meters = [Meter(mark,self.thermal_np) for mark in self.marks_list.marks] # init meters: self.vis_therm_ratio = (self.visual_np.shape[0] / self.thermal_np.shape[0], self.visual_np.shape[1] / self.thermal_np.shape[1])
def getCsvData(self, jpgfile, csvfile, plot=False): start = time.time() fie = flir_image_extractor.FlirImageExtractor() fie.process_image(jpgfile) fie.export_thermal_to_csv(csvfile) end = time.time() print("Thermal data in picture " + jpgfile + " written to " + csvfile + " in " + str(end - start) + " s.") if (plot): fie.plot()
def main(): fir = flir_image_extractor.FlirImageExtractor(image_suffix="v.jpg", thermal_suffix="t.png") for dir in next(os.walk(input_folder))[1]: dir_start_time = time.perf_counter() dir_file_counter = 0 dir_path = os.path.join(input_folder, dir) log = get_all_logs(dir_path) print(f"folder:{dir_path} len(log)={len(log)}") for jpg_file in glob.glob(dir_path + '/' + '*.jpg'): fname_timestamp = flirfname_2_dt(jpg_file) log_entry = get_log_entry(log, fname_timestamp) if log_entry is not None: new_fname = get_new_fname(log_entry, fname_timestamp) new_folder = get_new_folder(log_entry, result_folder) new_fname_path = os.path.join(new_folder, new_fname) shutil.copyfile(jpg_file, new_fname_path) print(f"{jpg_file} ---> {new_folder}/{new_fname})") if need_fir: fir.process_image(new_fname_path) fir.save_images() else: # log entry isn't found folder = os.path.join(result_folder, not_logged_folder) os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) os.rename(jpg_file, os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(jpg_file))) print( f"{jpg_file} moved to {folder} since related log entry is not found" ) dir_file_counter += 1 copy_to_archive(dir_path) shutil.rmtree(dir_path, ignore_errors=True) os.rmdir(dir_path) dt = time.perf_counter() - dir_start_time print( f"{dir_path}: processed {dir_file_counter} files in {dt/60.:.0f} minutes", f" avg speed = {dt/dir_file_counter:.0f} sec/file")
def __init__(self, fname_path, skip_thermal=False): assert os.path.exists(fname_path), f'file {fname_path} does not exists' self.fname_path = fname_path self.datetime = self.extract_datetime() self.fie = flir_image_extractor.FlirImageExtractor( image_suffix="v.jpg", thermal_suffix="t.png") cached_thermal = ImageFiles.get_cached_thermal( fname_path) if Cfg.cache_thermal_allowed else None self.fie.process_image(fname_path, cached_thermal, skip_thermal) self.flir_img = self.get_flir_image(fname_path) self.visual_img = self.fie.get_rgb_np() self.thermal_np = self.fie.get_thermal_np() thermal_normalized = (self.thermal_np - np.amin(self.thermal_np)) \ / (np.amax(self.thermal_np) - np.amin(self.thermal_np)) self.thermal_img = np.array( np.uint8(cm.inferno(thermal_normalized) * 255)) # inferno,gray self.thermal_img = cv.cvtColor(self.thermal_img, cv.COLOR_RGBA2BGR) self.vis_therm_ratio = (self.visual_img.shape[0] / self.thermal_np.shape[0], self.visual_img.shape[1] / self.thermal_np.shape[1]) if self.flir_img.shape[0] > self.flir_img.shape[1]: # vertical # transpose # self.flir_img = cv.transpose(self.flir_img) # self.visual_img = cv.transpose(self.visual_img) # self.thermal_np = cv.transpose(self.thermal_np) # self.thermal_img = cv.transpose(self.thermal_img) # rotate self.flir_img = np.rot90(self.flir_img) self.visual_img = np.rot90(self.visual_img) self.thermal_np = np.rot90(self.thermal_np) self.thermal_img = np.rot90(self.thermal_img) self.image_id =, self.flir_img, self.visual_img, self.thermal_np) self.skip_thermal = skip_thermal
# 구글 API 설정 os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = r'ServiceAccountToken.json' client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() facenet = cv2.dnn.readNet( '../training custom dataset/face_detector/deploy.prototxt', '../training custom dataset/face_detector/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel' ) # FaceDetector 모델 > OpenCv의 DNN model = load_model('../training custom dataset/mask_detector.model') # MaskDetector 모델 > Keras 모델 # cv2.VideoWriter(outputFile, fourcc, frame, size) : fourcc는 코덱 정보, frame은 초당 저장될 프레임, size는 저장될 사이즈를 뜻합니다 cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('D','I','V','X') 이런식으로 사용 # 현재 테스트 동영상의 프레임은 25 thermal_camera = Lepton() fir = flir_image_extractor.FlirImageExtractor() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 동영상 로드 ret, img = # ret이 True이면 영상이 있다는 뜻 fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('m', 'p', '4', 'v') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.mp4', fourcc, 1, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) # cv2.VideoWriter(outputFile, fourcc, frame, size) : fourcc는 코덱 정보, frame은 초당 저장될 프레임, size는 저장될 사이즈를 뜻합니다 cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('D','I','V','X') 이런식으로 사용 # 현재 테스트 동영상의 프레임은 25 number = 0 # 마스크 안 쓴 사람 사진 저장할 때 사용 def get_max_temperature(thermal_np, x1, y1, x2, y2): # 온도 데이터에서 얼굴 영역만 잘라서 검사함 crop = thermal_np[y1:y2, x1:x2]