def fromFeaturesToPropositional(self, features, action, *args, **kwargs): res = set() if action == 4: # res.add(self.get) cur_action = "get" elif action == 5: # res.add(self.use) cur_action = "use" else: cur_action = "" l = features[0] if l < len(self.locations): location_sym = self.locations[l] # res.add(location_sym) s = Symbol(cur_action + "_" + location_sym) if s in self.alphabet.symbols: res.add(s) for entity, used in features[1].items(): if used == 0: continue if entity in RESOURCES: s = Symbol("get" + "_" + entity) elif entity in TOOLS: s = Symbol("use" + "_" + entity) else: raise Exception if s in self.alphabet.symbols: res.add(s) return res
def __init__(self, input_space, bricks_cols=3, bricks_rows=3, lines_num=3, gamma=0.99, on_the_fly=False): assert lines_num == bricks_cols or lines_num == bricks_rows self.line_symbols = [Symbol("l%s" % i) for i in range(lines_num)] lines = self.line_symbols parser = LDLfParser() string_formula = get_breakout_lines_formula(lines) print(string_formula) f = parser(string_formula) reward = 10000 super().__init__(BreakoutGoalFeatureExtractor(input_space, bricks_cols=bricks_cols, bricks_rows=bricks_rows), set(lines), f, reward, gamma=gamma, on_the_fly=on_the_fly)
def p_propositional(self, p): """propositional : propositional EQUIVALENCE propositional | propositional IMPLIES propositional | propositional OR propositional | propositional AND propositional | NOT propositional | FALSE | TRUE | ATOM""" if len(p) == 4: if p[2] == Symbols.EQUIVALENCE.value: p[0] = PLEquivalence([p[1], p[3]]) elif p[2] == Symbols.IMPLIES.value: p[0] = PLImplies([p[1], p[3]]) elif p[2] == Symbols.OR.value: p[0] = PLOr([p[1], p[3]]) elif p[2] == Symbols.AND.value: p[0] = PLAnd([p[1], p[3]]) else: raise ValueError # else: # p[0] = p[2] elif len(p) == 3: p[0] = PLNot(p[2]) elif len(p) == 2: if p[1] == Symbols.TRUE.value: p[0] = PLTrue() elif p[1] == Symbols.FALSE.value: p[0] = PLFalse() else: p[0] = PLAtomic(Symbol(p[1])) else: raise ValueError
def p_formula_atom(self, p): """formula : ATOM | TRUE | FALSE""" if p[1] == Symbols.TRUE.value: p[0] = PLTrue() elif p[1] == Symbols.FALSE.value: p[0] = PLFalse() else: p[0] = PLAtomic(Symbol(p[1]))
def __init__(self, input_space, gamma=0.99, on_the_fly=False): # the formula self.location_syms = [Symbol(l[0]) for l in LOCATIONS] ngnu = "(<(get | use) -> (%s) >tt | [true]ff)" % " | ".join( map(str, self.location_syms)) formula_string = "[true*]" + ngnu super().__init__(input_space, formula_string, gamma=gamma, on_the_fly=on_the_fly)
def p_formula(self, p): """formula : formula EQUIVALENCE formula | formula IMPLIES formula | formula OR formula | formula AND formula | formula UNTIL formula | formula RELEASE formula | EVENTUALLY formula | ALWAYS formula | NEXT formula | WEAK_NEXT formula | NOT formula | TRUE | FALSE | ATOM""" if len(p) == 2: if p[1] == Symbols.TRUE.value: p[0] = LTLfTrue() elif p[1] == Symbols.FALSE.value: p[0] = LTLfFalse() else: p[0] = LTLfAtomic(Symbol(p[1])) elif len(p) == 3: if p[1] == Symbols.NEXT.value: p[0] = LTLfNext(p[2]) elif p[1] == Symbols.WEAK_NEXT.value: p[0] = LTLfWeakNext(p[2]) elif p[1] == Symbols.EVENTUALLY.value: p[0] = LTLfEventually(p[2]) elif p[1] == Symbols.ALWAYS.value: p[0] = LTLfAlways(p[2]) elif p[1] == Symbols.NOT.value: p[0] = LTLfNot(p[2]) elif len(p) == 4: l, o, r = p[1:] if o == Symbols.EQUIVALENCE.value: p[0] = LTLfEquivalence([l, r]) elif o == Symbols.IMPLIES.value: p[0] = LTLfImplies([l, r]) elif o == Symbols.OR.value: p[0] = LTLfOr([l, r]) elif o == Symbols.AND.value: p[0] = LTLfAnd([l, r]) elif o == Symbols.UNTIL.value: p[0] = LTLfUntil([l, r]) elif o == Symbols.RELEASE.value: p[0] = LTLfRelease([l, r]) else: raise ValueError else: raise ValueError
def __init__(self, input_space, gamma=0.99, on_the_fly=False, relaxed=True): self.color_syms = [Symbol(c) for c in COLORS] + [Symbol("no_color")] self.bip = Symbol("bip") parser = LDLfParser() if not relaxed: # the formula sb = str(self.bip) not_bip = ";(!%s)*;" % sb and_bip = lambda x: str(x) + " & " + sb # every color-bip in sequence, no bip between colors. formula_string = "<(!%s)*;" % sb + not_bip.join( map(and_bip, self.color_syms[:-1])) + ">tt" else: sb = str(self.bip) not_bip = ";true*;" and_bip = lambda x: str(x) + " & " + sb # every color-bip in sequence, no bip between colors. formula_string = "<true*;" + not_bip.join( map(and_bip, self.color_syms[:-1])) + ">tt" print(formula_string) f = parser(formula_string) reward = 1 super().__init__(SapientinoTEFeatureExtractor(input_space), set(self.color_syms).union({self.bip}), f, reward, gamma=gamma, on_the_fly=on_the_fly)
def __init__(self, on_the_fly=False): self.row_symbols = [Symbol(r) for r in ["r0", "r1", "r2"]] rows = self.row_symbols parser = LDLfParser() f = parser( "<(!r0 & !r1 & !r2)*;(r0 & !r1 & !r2)*;(r0 & r1 & !r2)*; r0 & r1 & r2>tt" ) reward = 10000 super().__init__(BreakoutRowBottomUpGoalFeatureExtractor(), set(rows), f, reward, on_the_fly=on_the_fly)
def __init__(self, input_space, bricks_cols=3, bricks_rows=3, lines_num=3, gamma=0.99, on_the_fly=False): self.line_symbols = [Symbol("l%s" % i) for i in range(lines_num)] lines = self.line_symbols parser = LDLfParser() f = parser( "<(!l0 & !l1 & !l2)*;(l0 & !l1 & !l2);(l0 & !l1 & !l2)*;(l0 & l1 & !l2); (l0 & l1 & !l2)*; l0 & l1 & l2>tt" ) reward = 10000 super().__init__(BreakoutGoalFeatureExtractor(input_space, bricks_cols=bricks_cols, bricks_rows=bricks_rows), set(lines), f, reward, gamma=gamma, on_the_fly=on_the_fly)
def fromStrings(cls, symbol_strings: Set[str]): f_symbols = frozenset(Symbol(s) for s in symbol_strings) return
def __init__(self): super().__init__(Symbol(Symbols.LAST.value))
def __init__(self): super().__init__(Symbol(Symbols.END.value))
def __init__(self): super().__init__(Symbol(Symbols.LOGICAL_FALSE.value))
def __init__(self): PLAtomic.__init__(self, Symbol(Symbols.FALSE.value))
def __init__(self): LTLfAtomic.__init__(self, Symbol("End"))
def __init__(self): super().__init__(Symbol(Symbols.FALSE.value)) self.a = PLFalse()
def __init__(self): super().__init__(Symbol(Symbols.TRUE.value)) self.a = PLTrue()
def fromStringSets(l:List[Set[str]]): return FiniteTrace([PLInterpretation(frozenset({Symbol(string) for string in s})) for s in l])
def fromStrings(self, strings: List[str]): return self(set(Symbol(s) for s in strings))
def to_automaton_(f, labels:Set[Symbol]=None): """ DEPRECATED From a LDLfFormula, build the automaton. :param f: a LDLfFormula; :param labels: a set of Symbol, the fluents of our domain. If None, retrieve them from the formula; :param determinize: True if you need to determinize the NFA, obtaining a DFA; :param minimize: True if you need to minimize the DFA (if determinize is False this flag has no effect.) :return: a NFA or a DFA which accepts the same traces that makes the formula True. """ nnf = f.to_nnf() if labels is None: # if the labels of the formula are not specified in input, # retrieve them from the formula labels = nnf.find_labels() # the alphabet is the powerset of the set of fluents alphabet = powerset(labels) initial_state = MacroState({nnf}) final_states = {MacroState()} delta = set() d =, epsilon=True) if d.truth(d): final_states.add(initial_state) states = {MacroState(), initial_state} states_changed, delta_changed = True, True while states_changed or delta_changed: states_changed, delta_changed = False, False for actions_set in alphabet: states_list = list(states) for q in states_list: # delta function applied to every formula in the macro state Q delta_formulas = [ for f in q] # find the list of atoms, which are "true" atoms (i.e. propositional atoms) or LDLf formulas atomics = [s for subf in delta_formulas for s in find_atomics(subf)] # "freeze" the found atoms as symbols and build a mapping from symbols to formulas symbol2formula = {Symbol(str(f)): f for f in atomics if f != PLTrue() and f != PLFalse()} # build a map from formula to a "freezed" propositional Atomic Formula formula2atomic_formulas = { f: PLAtomic(Symbol(str(f))) if f != PLTrue() and f != PLFalse()# and not isinstance(f, PLAtomic) else f for f in atomics } # the final list of Propositional Atomic Formulas, one for each formula in the original macro state Q transformed_delta_formulas = [_transform_delta(f, formula2atomic_formulas) for f in delta_formulas] # the empty conjunction stands for true if len(transformed_delta_formulas) == 0: conjunctions = PLTrue() elif len(transformed_delta_formulas) == 1: conjunctions = transformed_delta_formulas[0] else: conjunctions = PLAnd(transformed_delta_formulas) # the model in this case is the smallest set of symbols s.t. the conjunction of "freezed" atomic formula # is true. models = frozenset(conjunctions.minimal_models(Alphabet(symbol2formula))) if len(models) == 0: continue for min_model in models: q_prime = MacroState( {symbol2formula[s] for s in min_model.true_propositions}) len_before = len(states) states.add(q_prime) if len(states) == len_before + 1: states_list.append(q_prime) states_changed = True len_before = len(delta) delta.add((q, actions_set, q_prime)) if len(delta) == len_before + 1: delta_changed = True # check if q_prime should be added as final state if len(q_prime) == 0: final_states.add(q_prime) else: subf_deltas = [, epsilon=True) for subf in q_prime] if len(subf_deltas)==1: q_prime_delta_conjunction = subf_deltas[0] else: q_prime_delta_conjunction = PLAnd(subf_deltas) if q_prime_delta_conjunction.truth(PLFalseInterpretation()): final_states.add(q_prime) alphabet = PythomataAlphabet({PLInterpretation(set(sym)) for sym in alphabet}) delta = frozenset((i, PLInterpretation(set(a)), o) for i, a, o in delta) nfa = NFA.fromTransitions( alphabet=alphabet, states=frozenset(states), initial_state=initial_state, accepting_states=frozenset(final_states), transitions=delta ) return nfa