def share_dir(self, context, dir_to_share, api_args): utils.reload_settings() if not utils.can_auth(): success = yield self.create_or_link_account, context, G.DEFAULT_HOST, False if not success: return utils.reload_settings() dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share) if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) msg.debug('', workspace_name, dir_to_share) if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: msg.error("The directory", dir_to_share, "doesn't exist and I can't create it.") return info = utils.read_floo_file(dir_to_share) def prejoin(workspace_url): try: return self.prejoin_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, api_args) except ValueError: pass workspace_url = info.get('url') if workspace_url: parsed_url = prejoin(workspace_url) if parsed_url: self.remote_connect(context, parsed_url['host'], parsed_url['owner'], parsed_url['workspace'], dir_to_share) return parsed_url = utils.get_workspace_by_path(dir_to_share, prejoin) if parsed_url: self.remote_connect(context, parsed_url['host'], parsed_url['owner'], parsed_url['workspace'], dir_to_share) return host = yield self._get_host, context if not host: return try: r = api.get_orgs_can_admin(host) except IOError as e: editor.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % str_e(e)) return choices = [G.AUTH[host]['username']] if r.code >= 400: editor.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % r.body) elif r.body: choices += [org['name'] for org in r.body] if len(choices) == 1: owner = choices[0] else: little = ['Create workspace owned by %s' % s for s in choices] ( owner, index ) = yield self.user_select, context, 'Create workspace owned by', choices, little if not owner: return self.create_workspace(context, host, owner, workspace_name, api_args, dir_to_share)
def on_input(self, dir_to_share): file_to_share = None dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share)) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) workspace_url = None print(G.COLAB_DIR, G.USERNAME, workspace_name) def find_workspace(workspace_url): try: api.get_workspace_by_url(workspace_url) except HTTPError: try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) d = utils.get_persistent_data() del d['workspaces'][result['owner']][result['name']] utils.update_persistent_data(d) except Exception as e: msg.debug(unicode(e)) return False on_room_info_waterfall.add(on_room_info_msg) on_room_info_waterfall.add(ignore.create_flooignore, dir_to_share) on_room_info_waterfall.add(Listener.create_buf, dir_to_share) return True if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): file_to_share = dir_to_share dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) else: try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: return sublime.error_message('The directory %s doesn\'t exist and I can\'t make it.' % dir_to_share) floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8') info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: print('Couldn\'t read the floo_info file: %s' % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) except Exception: workspace_url = None if workspace_url and find_workspace(workspace_url): add_workspace_to_persistent_json(result['owner'], result['workspace'], workspace_url, dir_to_share) return self.window.run_command('floobits_join_workspace', { 'workspace_url': workspace_url, 'agent_conn_kwargs': {'get_bufs': False}}) for owner, workspaces in utils.get_persistent_data()['workspaces'].items(): for name, workspace in workspaces.items(): if workspace['path'] == dir_to_share: workspace_url = workspace['url'] if find_workspace(workspace_url): return self.window.run_command('floobits_join_workspace', { 'workspace_url': workspace_url, 'agent_conn_kwargs': {'get_bufs': False}}) # make & join workspace on_room_info_waterfall.add(ignore.create_flooignore, dir_to_share) on_room_info_waterfall.add(Listener.create_buf, file_to_share or dir_to_share) def on_done(owner): self.window.run_command('floobits_create_workspace', { 'workspace_name': workspace_name, 'dir_to_share': dir_to_share, 'api_args': self.api_args, 'owner': owner[0], }) orgs = api.get_orgs_can_admin() orgs = json.loads('utf-8')) if len(orgs) == 0: return on_done([G.USERNAME]) orgs = [[org['name'], 'Create workspace under %s' % org['name']] for org in orgs] orgs.insert(0, [G.USERNAME, 'Create workspace under %s' % G.USERNAME]) self.window.show_quick_panel(orgs, lambda index: index < 0 or on_done(orgs[index]))
def share_dir(self, context, dir_to_share, api_args): utils.reload_settings() if not utils.can_auth(): success = yield self.create_or_link_account, context, G.DEFAULT_HOST, False if not success: return utils.reload_settings() dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share) if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) msg.debug('', workspace_name, dir_to_share) if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: msg.error("The directory", dir_to_share, "doesn't exist and I can't create it.") return info = utils.read_floo_file(dir_to_share) def prejoin(workspace_url): try: return self.prejoin_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, api_args) except ValueError: pass workspace_url = info.get('url') if workspace_url: parsed_url = prejoin(workspace_url) if parsed_url: self.remote_connect(context, parsed_url['host'], parsed_url['owner'], parsed_url['workspace'], dir_to_share) return parsed_url = utils.get_workspace_by_path(dir_to_share, prejoin) if parsed_url: self.remote_connect(context, parsed_url['host'], parsed_url['owner'], parsed_url['workspace'], dir_to_share) return host = yield self._get_host, context if not host: return try: r = api.get_orgs_can_admin(host) except IOError as e: editor.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % str_e(e)) return choices = [G.AUTH[host]['username']] if r.code >= 400: editor.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % r.body) elif r.body: choices += [org['name'] for org in r.body] if len(choices) == 1: owner = choices[0] else: little = ['Create workspace owned by %s' % s for s in choices] (owner, index) = yield self.user_select, context, 'Create workspace owned by', choices, little if not owner: return self.create_workspace(context, host, owner, workspace_name, api_args, dir_to_share)
def on_input(self, dir_to_share): file_to_share = None dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share)) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) workspace_url = None print(G.COLAB_DIR, G.USERNAME, workspace_name) def find_workspace(workspace_url): r = api.get_workspace_by_url(workspace_url) if r.code < 400: on_room_info_waterfall.add(ignore.create_flooignore, dir_to_share) on_room_info_waterfall.add(lambda: G.AGENT.upload(dir_to_share, on_room_info_msg)) return r try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) d = utils.get_persistent_data() del d['workspaces'][result['owner']][result['name']] utils.update_persistent_data(d) except Exception as e: msg.debug(unicode(e)) return def join_workspace(workspace_url): try: w = find_workspace(workspace_url) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('Error: %s' % str(e)) return False if not w: return False msg.debug('workspace: %s', json.dumps(w.body)) # if self.api_args: anon_perms = w.body.get('perms', {}).get('AnonymousUser', []) new_anon_perms = self.api_args.get('perms').get('AnonymousUser', []) if set(anon_perms) != set(new_anon_perms): msg.debug(str(anon_perms), str(new_anon_perms)) w.body['perms']['AnonymousUser'] = new_anon_perms response = api.update_workspace(w.body['owner'], w.body['name'], w.body) msg.debug(str(response.body)) utils.add_workspace_to_persistent_json(w.body['owner'], w.body['name'], workspace_url, dir_to_share) self.window.run_command('floobits_join_workspace', { 'workspace_url': workspace_url, 'agent_conn_kwargs': {'get_bufs': False}}) return True if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): file_to_share = dir_to_share dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: return sublime.error_message('The directory %s doesn\'t exist and I can\'t make it.' % dir_to_share) floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'r').read() info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: msg.error('Couldn\'t read the floo_info file: %s' % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') try: utils.parse_url(workspace_url) except Exception: workspace_url = None if workspace_url and join_workspace(workspace_url): return for owner, workspaces in utils.get_persistent_data()['workspaces'].items(): for name, workspace in workspaces.items(): if workspace['path'] == dir_to_share: workspace_url = workspace['url'] if join_workspace(workspace_url): return # make & join workspace on_room_info_waterfall.add(ignore.create_flooignore, dir_to_share) on_room_info_waterfall.add(lambda: G.AGENT.upload(file_to_share or dir_to_share, on_room_info_msg)) def on_done(owner): self.window.run_command('floobits_create_workspace', { 'workspace_name': workspace_name, 'dir_to_share': dir_to_share, 'api_args': self.api_args, 'owner': owner[0], }) try: r = api.get_orgs_can_admin() except IOError as e: return sublime.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % str(e)) if r.code >= 400 or len(r.body) == 0: return on_done([G.USERNAME]) orgs = [[org['name'], 'Create workspace under %s' % org['name']] for org in r.body] orgs.insert(0, [G.USERNAME, 'Create workspace under %s' % G.USERNAME]) self.window.show_quick_panel(orgs, lambda index: index < 0 or on_done(orgs[index]))
def floobits_share_dir(dir_to_share, perms): utils.reload_settings() workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) G.PROJECT_PATH = os.path.realpath(dir_to_share) msg.debug('%s %s %s' % (G.USERNAME, workspace_name, G.PROJECT_PATH)) file_to_share = None dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.abspath(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(dir_to_share) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): file_to_share = dir_to_share dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: return msg.error("The directory %s doesn't exist and I can't create it." % dir_to_share) if not os.path.isdir(dir_to_share): return msg.error('The directory %s doesn\'t appear to exist' % dir_to_share) floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') # look for the .floo file for hints about previous behavior info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8') info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: msg.warn('couldn\'t read the floo_info file: %s' % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') if workspace_url: parsed_url = api.prejoin_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, {'perms': perms}) if parsed_url: return floobits_join_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) filter_func = lambda workspace_url: api.prejoin_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, {'perms': perms}) parsed_url = utils.get_workspace_by_path(dir_to_share, filter_func) if parsed_url: return floobits_join_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) try: r = api.get_orgs_can_admin() except IOError as e: return editor.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % str(e)) if r.code >= 400 or len(r.body) == 0: workspace_name = vim_input('Workspace name:', workspace_name, "file") return create_workspace(workspace_name, dir_to_share, G.USERNAME, perms, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) orgs = r.body if len(orgs) == 0: return create_workspace(workspace_name, dir_to_share, G.USERNAME, perms, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) choices = [] choices.append(G.USERNAME) for o in orgs: choices.append(o['name']) owner = vim_choice('Create workspace for:', G.USERNAME, choices) if owner: return create_workspace(workspace_name, dir_to_share, owner, perms, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share)
def on_input(self, dir_to_share): file_to_share = None dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share)) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) workspace_url = None # TODO: use prejoin_workspace instead def find_workspace(workspace_url): r = api.get_workspace_by_url(workspace_url) if r.code < 400: return r try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) d = utils.get_persistent_data() del d['workspaces'][result['owner']][result['name']] utils.update_persistent_data(d) except Exception as e: msg.debug(str_e(e)) def join_workspace(workspace_url): try: w = find_workspace(workspace_url) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('Error: %s' % str_e(e)) return False if not w: return False msg.debug('workspace: %s', json.dumps(w.body)) # if self.api_args: anon_perms = w.body.get('perms', {}).get('AnonymousUser', []) new_anon_perms = self.api_args.get('perms').get('AnonymousUser', []) # TODO: warn user about making a private workspace public if set(anon_perms) != set(new_anon_perms): msg.debug(str(anon_perms), str(new_anon_perms)) w.body['perms']['AnonymousUser'] = new_anon_perms response = api.update_workspace(workspace_url, w.body) msg.debug(str(response.body)) utils.add_workspace_to_persistent_json(w.body['owner'], w.body['name'], workspace_url, dir_to_share) self.window.run_command('floobits_join_workspace', {'workspace_url': workspace_url}) return True if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): file_to_share = dir_to_share dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: sublime.error_message('The directory %s doesn\'t exist and I can\'t create it.' % dir_to_share) return floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'r').read() info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: msg.error('Couldn\'t read the floo_info file: %s' % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') try: utils.parse_url(workspace_url) except Exception: workspace_url = None if workspace_url and join_workspace(workspace_url): return for owner, workspaces in utils.get_persistent_data()['workspaces'].items(): for name, workspace in workspaces.items(): if workspace['path'] == dir_to_share: workspace_url = workspace['url'] if join_workspace(workspace_url): return auth = yield editor.select_auth, self.window, G.AUTH if not auth: return username = auth.get('username') host = auth['host'] def on_done(owner): msg.log('Colab dir: %s, Username: %s, Workspace: %s/%s' % (G.COLAB_DIR, username, owner[0], workspace_name)) self.window.run_command('floobits_create_workspace', { 'workspace_name': workspace_name, 'dir_to_share': dir_to_share, 'upload': file_to_share or dir_to_share, 'api_args': self.api_args, 'owner': owner[0], 'host': host, }) try: r = api.get_orgs_can_admin(host) except IOError as e: sublime.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % str_e(e)) return if r.code >= 400 or len(r.body) == 0: on_done([username]) return orgs = [[org['name'], 'Create workspace owned by %s' % org['name']] for org in r.body] orgs.insert(0, [username, 'Create workspace owned by %s' % username]) self.window.show_quick_panel(orgs, lambda index: index < 0 or on_done(orgs[index]))
def on_input(self, dir_to_share): file_to_share = None dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share)) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) workspace_url = None print(G.COLAB_DIR, G.USERNAME, workspace_name) def find_workspace(workspace_url): try: api.get_workspace_by_url(workspace_url) except HTTPError: try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) d = utils.get_persistent_data() del d['workspaces'][result['owner']][result['name']] utils.update_persistent_data(d) except Exception as e: msg.debug(unicode(e)) return False on_room_info_waterfall.add(on_room_info_msg) on_room_info_waterfall.add(ignore.create_flooignore, dir_to_share) on_room_info_waterfall.add(Listener.create_buf, dir_to_share) return True if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): file_to_share = dir_to_share dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) else: try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: return sublime.error_message( 'The directory %s doesn\'t exist and I can\'t make it.' % dir_to_share) floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8') info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: print('Couldn\'t read the floo_info file: %s' % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) except Exception: workspace_url = None if workspace_url and find_workspace(workspace_url): add_workspace_to_persistent_json(result['owner'], result['workspace'], workspace_url, dir_to_share) return self.window.run_command( 'floobits_join_workspace', { 'workspace_url': workspace_url, 'agent_conn_kwargs': { 'get_bufs': False } }) for owner, workspaces in utils.get_persistent_data( )['workspaces'].items(): for name, workspace in workspaces.items(): if workspace['path'] == dir_to_share: workspace_url = workspace['url'] if find_workspace(workspace_url): return self.window.run_command( 'floobits_join_workspace', { 'workspace_url': workspace_url, 'agent_conn_kwargs': { 'get_bufs': False } }) # make & join workspace on_room_info_waterfall.add(ignore.create_flooignore, dir_to_share) on_room_info_waterfall.add(Listener.create_buf, file_to_share or dir_to_share) def on_done(owner): self.window.run_command( 'floobits_create_workspace', { 'workspace_name': workspace_name, 'dir_to_share': dir_to_share, 'api_args': self.api_args, 'owner': owner[0], }) orgs = api.get_orgs_can_admin() orgs = json.loads('utf-8')) if len(orgs) == 0: return on_done([G.USERNAME]) orgs = [[org['name'], 'Create workspace under %s' % org['name']] for org in orgs] orgs.insert(0, [G.USERNAME, 'Create workspace under %s' % G.USERNAME]) self.window.show_quick_panel( orgs, lambda index: index < 0 or on_done(orgs[index]))
def share_dir(self, dir_to_share, perms=None): dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) G.PROJECT_PATH = os.path.realpath(dir_to_share) msg.debug('%s %s %s' % (G.USERNAME, workspace_name, G.PROJECT_PATH)) if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): return msg.error('%s is a file. Give me a directory please.' % dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: return msg.error("The directory %s doesn't exist and I can't make it." % dir_to_share) floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8') info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: msg.debug("Couldn't read the floo_info file: %s" % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') if workspace_url: try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) except Exception as e: msg.error(str(e)) else: workspace_name = result['workspace'] try: # TODO: blocking. beachballs sublime 2 if API is super slow api.get_workspace_by_url(workspace_url) except HTTPError: workspace_url = None workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) else: utils.add_workspace_to_persistent_json(result['owner'], result['workspace'], workspace_url, dir_to_share) workspace_url = utils.get_workspace_by_path(dir_to_share) or workspace_url if workspace_url: try: api.get_workspace_by_url(workspace_url) except HTTPError: pass else: return self.remote_connect(workspace_url, lambda this: this.protocol.create_buf(dir_to_share)) def on_done(data, choices=None): self.create_workspace({}, workspace_name, dir_to_share, owner=data.get('response'), perms=perms) orgs = api.get_orgs_can_admin() orgs = json.loads('utf-8')) if len(orgs) == 0: return on_done({'response': G.USERNAME}) i = 0 choices = [] choices.append([G.USERNAME, i]) for o in orgs: i += 1 choices.append([o['name'], i]) self.get_input('Create workspace for [press tab for completion]: ', '', on_done, choices=choices)
def on_input(self, dir_to_share): file_to_share = None dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share)) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) workspace_url = None # TODO: use prejoin_workspace instead def find_workspace(workspace_url): r = api.get_workspace_by_url(workspace_url) if r.code < 400: return r try: result = utils.parse_url(workspace_url) d = utils.get_persistent_data() del d['workspaces'][result['owner']][result['name']] utils.update_persistent_data(d) except Exception as e: msg.debug(str_e(e)) def join_workspace(workspace_url): try: w = find_workspace(workspace_url) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message('Error: %s' % str_e(e)) return False if not w: return False msg.debug('workspace: %s', json.dumps(w.body)) # if self.api_args: anon_perms = w.body.get('perms', {}).get('AnonymousUser', []) new_anon_perms = self.api_args.get('perms').get( 'AnonymousUser', []) # TODO: warn user about making a private workspace public if set(anon_perms) != set(new_anon_perms): msg.debug(str(anon_perms), str(new_anon_perms)) w.body['perms']['AnonymousUser'] = new_anon_perms response = api.update_workspace(workspace_url, w.body) msg.debug(str(response.body)) utils.add_workspace_to_persistent_json(w.body['owner'], w.body['name'], workspace_url, dir_to_share) self.window.run_command('floobits_join_workspace', {'workspace_url': workspace_url}) return True if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): file_to_share = dir_to_share dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: sublime.error_message( 'The directory %s doesn\'t exist and I can\'t create it.' % dir_to_share) return floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'r').read() info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: msg.error('Couldn\'t read the floo_info file: %s' % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') try: utils.parse_url(workspace_url) except Exception: workspace_url = None if workspace_url and join_workspace(workspace_url): return for owner, workspaces in utils.get_persistent_data( )['workspaces'].items(): for name, workspace in workspaces.items(): if workspace['path'] == dir_to_share: workspace_url = workspace['url'] if join_workspace(workspace_url): return auth = yield editor.select_auth, self.window, G.AUTH if not auth: return username = auth.get('username') host = auth['host'] def on_done(owner): msg.log('Colab dir: %s, Username: %s, Workspace: %s/%s' % (G.COLAB_DIR, username, owner[0], workspace_name)) self.window.run_command( 'floobits_create_workspace', { 'workspace_name': workspace_name, 'dir_to_share': dir_to_share, 'upload': file_to_share or dir_to_share, 'api_args': self.api_args, 'owner': owner[0], 'host': host, }) try: r = api.get_orgs_can_admin(host) except IOError as e: sublime.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % str_e(e)) return if r.code >= 400 or len(r.body) == 0: on_done([username]) return orgs = [[org['name'], 'Create workspace owned by %s' % org['name']] for org in r.body] orgs.insert(0, [username, 'Create workspace owned by %s' % username]) self.window.show_quick_panel( orgs, lambda index: index < 0 or on_done(orgs[index]))
def floobits_share_dir(dir_to_share, perms): utils.reload_settings() workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) G.PROJECT_PATH = os.path.realpath(dir_to_share) msg.debug('%s %s %s' % (G.USERNAME, workspace_name, G.PROJECT_PATH)) file_to_share = None dir_to_share = os.path.expanduser(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = utils.unfuck_path(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.abspath(dir_to_share) dir_to_share = os.path.realpath(dir_to_share) workspace_name = os.path.basename(dir_to_share) if os.path.isfile(dir_to_share): file_to_share = dir_to_share dir_to_share = os.path.dirname(dir_to_share) try: utils.mkdir(dir_to_share) except Exception: return msg.error( "The directory %s doesn't exist and I can't create it." % dir_to_share) if not os.path.isdir(dir_to_share): return msg.error('The directory %s doesn\'t appear to exist' % dir_to_share) floo_file = os.path.join(dir_to_share, '.floo') # look for the .floo file for hints about previous behavior info = {} try: floo_info = open(floo_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8') info = json.loads(floo_info) except (IOError, OSError): pass except Exception: msg.warn('couldn\'t read the floo_info file: %s' % floo_file) workspace_url = info.get('url') if workspace_url: parsed_url = api.prejoin_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, {'perms': perms}) if parsed_url: return floobits_join_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) filter_func = lambda workspace_url: api.prejoin_workspace( workspace_url, dir_to_share, {'perms': perms}) parsed_url = utils.get_workspace_by_path(dir_to_share, filter_func) if parsed_url: return floobits_join_workspace(workspace_url, dir_to_share, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) try: r = api.get_orgs_can_admin() except IOError as e: return editor.error_message('Error getting org list: %s' % str(e)) if r.code >= 400 or len(r.body) == 0: workspace_name = vim_input('Workspace name:', workspace_name, "file") return create_workspace(workspace_name, dir_to_share, G.USERNAME, perms, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) orgs = r.body if len(orgs) == 0: return create_workspace(workspace_name, dir_to_share, G.USERNAME, perms, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share) choices = [] choices.append(G.USERNAME) for o in orgs: choices.append(o['name']) owner = vim_choice('Create workspace for:', G.USERNAME, choices) if owner: return create_workspace(workspace_name, dir_to_share, owner, perms, upload_path=file_to_share or dir_to_share)